Easy Tycoon

Chapter 389 Blasting

Chapter 389 Blasting
This small hill is not big. It is only 100 meters long from east to west, and 30 meters wide from north to south. It is almost 100 meters higher than the ground.

In fact, the altitude here is not low anymore, just like the canyon where Yang Jing is standing now, the altitude has reached nearly 400 meters.After all, this is a mountain range. Even though it has been flattened by wind and sand, the foundation is here.

The place where the red light emerged was in the west of the mountain, and Yang Jing focused on finding the entrance to the treasure hiding place at this end.

There are clear traces of precipitation scoured on the mountain. These traces are all over the mountain, as clear as the veins of leaves.There is not a single plant on the mountain here, so naturally there is no such thing as water and soil conservation. Once there is rainfall, such traces will inevitably appear.

Although there is very little precipitation in the Sahara Desert, it is not without precipitation, but the precipitation time is very short, often only a few minutes.

But these few minutes of precipitation usually burst out the rain that has been held back for a year or more in a very short period of time. That is to say, desert areas generally do not rain, but once it rains, it is usually that kind of rain. A brief but violent downpour.

In fact, let alone heavy rain, the Sahara Desert is still snowing!
According to recorded records, on February 1979, 2, the Algerian town of Ain Sefra, deep in the Sahara Desert, ushered in a snowfall, and then on December 18, 37 after a lapse of 2016 years. On this day, a lot of snowflakes fell here again, even covering many sand dunes.Then from that year, this small city with the title of "Gate of the Desert" experienced snowfall in winter for three consecutive years.

Especially the snowfall on January 1 this year, it fell for a whole day. In the suburbs of the small town, the snowfall was as high as 7 centimeters!

Who would have thought that snow would fall in the hottest place on earth, where the sun is scorching hot?
But here is the snow.

Now that there is even snowfall, what about the rain?
In fact, the annual rainfall in the Sahara Desert is also possible, with an average rainfall of ten millimeters.It's just that when it rains in many places, people don't know it.

Just like the Haram Mountains where Yang Jing is now, if there is no rain, why are the dry rivers here so clear?Why are there such clear traces of water scoured on these hills?Obviously, there is a lot of rainfall here every year, but when it rains, I'm afraid no one will see it.

This is the Sahara, which is the scariest place in the world except Antarctica. Human beings can only move around the oasis. In places like this that are ten kilometers away from the oasis, not a single person appears in a year.Therefore, there are many things that cannot be seen.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon when Yang Jing traveled here.At this point in the original time and space, I was about to board the plane to Yanjing.

Yang Jing can be sure that there is no human hair within a radius of ten kilometers around here, and no one will come back to such a place if they are idle.If the Sahara Desert is a ghostly place where birds don’t shit and chickens don’t lay eggs, then there are no birds or chickens here.

Therefore, Yang Jing can safely and boldly inquire about the entrance of the treasure hiding place.

After wandering around the foot of the mountain for more than 20 minutes, Yang Jing focused on a rock that was as big as half a house.

The rock was large and had apparently been rolled down the hill by weathering.But after Yang Jing saw this stone for the first time, he felt that there was something wrong with this stone.

It's not that the shape of this stone is special or that it is huge. In fact, there are many stones like this in the Hamra Mountains, and some stones are even bigger than this one.The reason why Yang Jing felt that there was something wrong with this stone was mainly because of the position of this stone.

This small hill is more than 100 meters high, and the hillside is very steep. With the size of this rock, if it were to roll down from the top of the hill, it would roll far away from the foot of the hill under the acceleration of gravity.

In fact, there is no need to think about it at all. Just look at the other stones that are bigger than this one. Those stones obviously rolled down from this small hill, but most of them are 20 meters away from the root of the mountain. Above, only this stone is firmly "rooted" at the foot of the mountain, as if this stone did not roll down from the mountain.

This phenomenon, which is contrary to the laws of physics, is extremely difficult to discover if it is not a caring person.However, Yang Jing had already confirmed that the treasure was buried under this hill, so under his careful observation, this stone immediately turned into a firefly in the dark night, and the bewitching beard, ahhhhhhh Crooked
Anyway, this stone is not right, since it is not right, then think about it carefully!

This stone was huge, weighing at least thirty tons. Yang Jing thought that no matter how powerful he was, he would not be able to push this stone.

But not being able to push the stone doesn't mean that Yang Jing can't do anything about it. In his storage space, there are several battery-driven percussion drills, and of course, there are a lot of C4 medicines.These first medicines were taken from the weapons warehouse before he left the Oham oil field.

The reason why humans are fundamentally different from other animals is that humans can make and use tools!

If this huge stone were placed in primitive society, no one would be able to do anything to get it.But in modern times, thanks to the emergence of various tools and the magical medicine, this stone is nothing at all.

It took Yang Jing nearly an hour to replace three impact drills in succession to drill more than 20 holes with a depth of [-] centimeters in the bottom of the rock, which almost exhausted Yang Jing to death.Doing this kind of physical work at such a temperature is simply courting death.

Fortunately, Yang Jing has the ability to feed back, so he can persevere.

Then Yang Jing took out C4 from the storage space, stuffed them into these holes respectively, plugged small mine halls outside, and gathered all the fuses of the mine halls together, and finally tied them to a longer fuze. .

Yang Jing actually doesn't know how to use C4, but he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running, and he also asked Chris and the others on the flight back to Yanjing, so although he used to I have never operated C4, but I know how to install and detonate this powerful drug.

As for the dosage, he didn't even know.But Yang Jing knew very well that if he wanted to blow up or fly this huge rock, it would be impossible to use less medicine, so he stuffed a lot of C4 into each hole.

The released fuze is of course also a safety fuze. It takes 1 minute for the length of this safety fuze to burn completely, which is enough for Yang Jing to run 200 meters.

After completing these tasks, Yang Jing looked at the thermometer. At this time, the temperature was still as high as 45 degrees Celsius, so Yang Jing took out the motorcycle from the space without hesitation, and after igniting the fire, he ignited the safety fuze.

After igniting the fuze, Yang Jing stepped onto the motorcycle and galloped towards another mountain more than 300 meters away. With the strong power from the motorcycle engine, Yang Jing reached the peak in less than half a minute. Also the back of that mountain.There are two mountains between this location and that big rock, so safety issues are naturally out of consideration.

One of the main reasons why this huge rock was blown up at this time instead of at night is that the temperature is high at this time, and the distance that sound travels is much shorter than that at night when the temperature is low.Although the nearest Gudamis Airport is 4 kilometers away, and there are many hills around here, Yang Jing can't guarantee that if he puts so many C[-]s, will the sound waves produced by the explosion be Let the people over there at the airport hear it.

And if it is detonated at night, the light effect is not small, even if it cannot be heard, what if someone sees it?
So now that the sun is still hanging in the west and the temperature is high, let's just detonate it!

Yang Jing got out of the car and sat in the middle of the canyon.He didn't dare to go to the foot of the mountain. Who knows if the vibration of the explosion would shake the rocks off the mountain?In case if a piece is shaken, and you happen to be under that stone,
He took out the earplugs from his pocket and stuffed them into his ears in a leisurely manner. Only then did Yang Jing focus on the situation over there.

After a minute and a half passed, Yang Jing suddenly felt a slight vibration under his buttocks, and then, a gust of air flowed along the pavement of the canyon, which should be the shock wave generated by the explosion.It's just that because there is a distance of 400 meters and there are two mountains in the middle, the shock wave has no power when it reaches here.

But the sound that followed made even Yang Jing, who was wearing earplugs, feel a little dizzy.

There is no way, a large number of C4s are detonated in the canyon, and the sound produced by the explosion will be amplified a lot after the reverberation of the canyon, which hurts Yang Jing very much.But this situation is not without benefits, that is, the sound wave will decay quickly after passing through the canyon, and it will not travel that far.

Yang Jing waited for a while, convinced that there was no problem there, and then he rode a motorcycle and returned there cautiously.

Even though more than a minute had passed, the place was still covered with dust. The dust from the explosion just now almost covered the canyon.Fortunately, the depth of this canyon is more than 100 meters, and the dust did not spread out of the top of the canyon.

After waiting for a few more minutes, when the dust gradually subsided, Yang Jing finally saw the stone that was half the size of a house just now.

The stone is still there, but it is more than half smaller in size, and the remaining upper half is several meters away from the original place.

In order to blow up this big rock, Yang Jing placed a full two kilograms of C4.You know, as long as it is placed in the right place, just one kilogram of C4 can easily level a five-story apartment building.Two kilograms of C4 is enough to be worthy of the size of this rock.

(End of this chapter)

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