Easy Tycoon

Chapter 387 Devil Mountain

Chapter 387 Devil Mountain

Although the red light was blurred due to the distance, there was no doubt that what Kevin Martin said just now was true.

If the treasure represented by this red light was not left by the ancient Libyans, then there is only the treasure of Mutahim hidden by Somiha Salim.

It is impossible for the sky eye to see wrong!
This red light, which was both expected and unexpected, lifted Yang Jing's spirit.But he didn't show any emotion. If there were only Chris and the others around, Yang Jing might drive in that direction, but now there are Carl Morris and the others by his side. It took time for the eight mercenaries to contact him. It was too short, and Kevin Martin almost died for that treasure, so Yang Jing didn't dare to go to investigate that treasure in front of them.

But Yang Jing still pretended to be curious and asked: "Can there be mountains in the desert?"

Kevin Martin didn't realize the meaning behind Yang Jing's question, nodded and said: "Yes, there are mountains in many deserts. Like the Sahara Desert, there are many mountains, and some mountains are quite high. This Al Hamra mountain range is just a very short mountain range, almost like a hill, and the highest mountain is only about [-] meters. But the scenery there is quite good. In the years when the Paris-Dakar Rally first started, here It’s one of those stages. It’s just that the event was moved to South America nine years ago, so that’s not interesting.”

"The Paris-Dakar Rally was also held here?" Yang Jing was surprised.

"Well, there were years when the Dakar Rally put two sections of the track in Libya, but that was a long time ago."

"Since even the organizing committee of the Paris-Dakar Rally has selected this place as one of the stages, then we have to go and see what we say. Let's go, let's go down, this solar energy is roasting people."

A few people got off the hill and drove back to the road again. On the side of the road, you can see the water pipeline called "Gudamis River".

In Libya's 176 million square kilometers of land, more than 95% are deserts and semi-desert dry plains, and Sab'a in the middle is one of the driest areas in the world.The average annual rainfall in the northern coastal area of ​​Libya is also below 100 millimeters, and there is only a narrow green belt suitable for agricultural production. Most of the towns and population in Libya are gathered here, and it is also the main agricultural production area in Libya.

However, Libya is extremely rich in oil resources, with reserves of more than 300 billion barrels and natural gas reserves of 14000 trillion cubic meters.Libya, suffering from water shortages, once traded oil for water - building desalination plants.In Sirte, Gaddafi's hometown, there is a world-class super-large seawater desalination plant.

I have to say that Gaddafi is really full of controversy. Although this guy is very greedy for money, it is undeniable that during the 40 years he has been in power, Libyans have lived a very happy life.And this guy also dares to invest huge sums of money for people's livelihood.

In the 80s, while exploring for oil in southern Libya, it was discovered that there is actually abundant groundwater under the Sahara Desert.So Gaddafi waved his hand and decided to invest 300 billion US dollars in the construction of the "big artificial river" project.

The project will be implemented in phases, bringing groundwater from the south to the northern coast.This "artificial river" is actually a water pipeline buried underground. The main line is more than 2000 kilometers long. The reinforced concrete composite pipe used is 4 meters in diameter, and a heavy truck can easily drive in it.

The water pipeline exposed to the surface in front of me was pulled out from under the sand due to repairs some time ago, and it has not been backfilled in time, which made Yang Jing completely open his eyes.

Then drive forward along the highway, and after passing the Gudamis Airport, drive for a few more minutes, and then arrive at the area where the Durban Eye Lake is located.

Durban Eye Lake is still about ten kilometers away from the road. There is no road, and there are only gravel and stones.

There is no one around. In fact, people living in the desert area are cats in the house at this time, and no one wants to go out at this time.Here, lunch is usually eaten at three or four in the afternoon, and you don’t go out until five or six.
Since the road from the highway to the Durban Eye Lake is full of stones and gravel, the car drove very slowly, and it took more than half an hour to get there after a [-]-kilometer journey.

Arriving here, the color of the ground has undergone a very significant change. It is no longer the same yellow, and the color of the ground here has become much darker.This change in surface color just proves that there are extremely rich groundwater resources here.

In fact, the circle of green trees around the lake can also prove that there is abundant groundwater here. The lush coconut trees completely surround the Lake of the Eye of Durban, and suddenly there is such a touch of green in the desert full of yellow sand. The color of intoxication will really make people who see this situation for the first time full of shock.

When Yang Jing jumped out of the car and saw the two pools of blue eyes-like lakes, even he had to marvel at the miracle of the Creator. How could this piece of water survive in the desert with such a huge evaporation?

Kevin Martin stood beside Yang Jing and said, "Boss, isn't it amazing?"

Yang Jing nodded, "I'm really curious, how can this lake exist here? With such a large amount of evaporation, let alone a lake with such a small area, even if Lake Superior is here, it may not take a few years. Has it been evaporated?"

The Eye of Durban Lake is not very big. It consists of two nearly circular lakes, one large and one small. The radius of the large lake is about 30 meters, and the radius of the small lake is about 15 meters. On the left and right, the two lakes face each other from the south to the north across a land seven or eight meters wide.

This kind of lake is not much bigger than the fish ponds in the Huaxia countryside, but for many years, these two lakes have never dried up.

Kevin Martin said with a smile: "The water of these two lakes is very deep, and no one knows how deep it is. Three divers tried to dive to a depth of more than 30 meters, but they have not seen the bottom of the lake. There are waterways underground leading to the sea, so it will not dry up. Although it is hundreds of kilometers away from the Mediterranean Sea, and the terrain is much higher than sea level, it is theoretically impossible to connect to the sea, but what is impossible in front of the Almighty Creator where?"

As Kevin Martin said, although the clear water of the lake is very clear, the bottom cannot be seen at a glance. No one can guess how deep these two small lakes are.

"Actually, there are several similar lakes around Durban's Eye Lake, such as the 'Hileria's Eye' over there, and several lakes further north, all of which are exposed to the surface, and They are all freshwater lakes that have not dried up for many years. Boss, if you look down from the air, you will definitely find that this area with a radius of about fifteen kilometers is actually a huge lake. Perhaps a long time ago, here was a The huge lake, the dry Tenarut River we saw on the hill just now, finally flows into here. Unfortunately, except for these small lakes, there are no other places in this area. It's all dried up."

Listening to Kevin Martin's introduction, Yang Jing really wanted to give this a thumbs up.It is worthy of being called a "miracle", this place is really amazing!

Even in the scorching sun in the desert, a few people sitting under the shade of trees, with two clear lakes in front of them, this feeling can make people feel a lot cooler.Chris even took a pot of water from the lake with a jug, and when he brought it back to taste, the water had a slightly salty taste, but it was absolutely fine for drinking.

A group of people rested here for half an hour, and it was almost four o'clock, so Yang Jing and the others got into the car and continued to set off.

This time, instead of going to other places, I went to Mount Hamra, about 30 kilometers away to the south.

Since the boss wanted to see the strange scenery of Mount Hamra, they, who were bodyguards, could only go with the boss.

In fact, Mount Hamra is not far from the Lake of the Eye of Durban, a very weathered mountain range just south of the road to Deraj.

In fact, Mount Hamra can no longer be called a mountain range in the strict sense, because this mountain range, which was originally not very high, has been almost weathered in the long-term strong winds of the Sahara Desert.In many places, stone deserts similar to the Gobi Desert have been formed, and the mountain peaks have been weathered into various strange shapes by the strong winds in the desert.

The highest part of Mount Hamra is only [-] meters above sea level, and the overall color of the mountain is a strange dark red, as if this mountain range contains extremely rich hematite.

But in fact, this dilapidated mountain range has no mineral resources at all, and the reason for its strange color is purely due to weathering.

Except for their group, there was no one to be seen here.In fact, if there are no tourists who come here specially, there may not be any locals here within a year.Because of the strange shape formed by the weathering of Mount Hamra, this mountain range is called "Devil Mountain" by the locals.

There is a scorching sun in the sky, dark red mountains with strange shapes on both sides, and a desolate rocky desert under the wheels. It is no exaggeration to say that if a person comes here alone, even in broad daylight, he will Involuntary goosebumps all over his body.

The title "Devil's Mountain" really wasn't random.

The mountains here have been weathered to pieces, and there are obvious dry rivers in the valley. Yang Jing and his convoy are advancing in this dry river.

After walking about ten kilometers, Yang Jing chose a hill that was more than 300 meters high and stopped. After getting out of the car and taking a walk around, he sighed at the uncanny workmanship of nature and ordered to go back. government.

PS: A new week has begun, let's get some recommendation tickets.Well, if there are no accidents, there will be a wave of small explosions starting tomorrow, everyone, let's give Lao Mo some encouragement by recommending tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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