Easy Tycoon

Chapter 377 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 377 The Uninvited Guest

Fatty is much more mature than before, and he has not exercised for nothing in the United States these past few months.

At night Yang Jing didn't go to sleep in his own room, but directly slept in the fat man's room.In the past two years, both of them slept in the same room. Now whether it is Yang Jing or Fatty, they both want to experience the life of the past.

Anyway, if you stretch out the sofa in the fat man's house, it will be a very comfortable sofa bed, and it's no problem to sleep on it.

At about twelve o'clock in the evening, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the desert, and the whistling wind made Yang Jing and Fatty lose sleepiness, and the two simply lay down on their respective beds and started chatting.

"Fatty, you just said that the natural gas plant was attacked by the Libyans. What happened?" Yang Jing asked.

"What else could be going on? This incident has actually happened for a long time. It seems to have happened in 2013. As a result, the entire Algerian oil and gas industry has suffered a huge blow because of this incident."

"Lao Yang, you may not know the oil and gas production situation in Algeria. That's right, Algeria has a huge amount of oil and gas resources underground, and the oil is the kind of high-quality low-sulfur light crude oil, which is very convenient to mine But why has the cost of oil extraction in Algeria remained high? The fundamental reason is that most of these oil and gas fields are located in the Sahara Desert. The specific location is the desert in central Algeria and the border area between Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. This area is also in the desert. It seems that the Oham oil field we just took over is located in the north of the entire Algerian oil and gas field branch. Therefore, the oil here is easy to extract, but the transportation cost is too high If it is too high, this will directly lead to a substantial increase in the cost of the entire crude oil extraction.”

Yang Jing nodded and said, "It can't be helped. If it weren't for most of the deserts here, the whole of North Africa would have been annexed by developed countries in Europe and America long ago? Tsk tsk, oil, all these damn things are the seeds of original sin!"

The fat man smiled and gestured a thumbs up to Yang Jing.

"The attack you just asked about happened at the beginning of 2013. A group of militias from Libya, um, it's not very accurate to say that they were militias. Those guys were actually a group of terrorists. These guys brought The guy sneaked across the Leah border in the dark and launched a terrorist attack on a large natural gas plant in In Amenas. The attack damaged two of the plant's three processing trains. The total processing capacity of the three treatment series is 30 billion cubic meters per year. The damaged two treatment series did not recover until the end of February 2013 two years later, and one of the three series was restored. Production resumed two months later. At the same time, the attack also caused the death of many workers and militants."

"In Amenas, like Borma where we are located, is a city very close to the border. But we are fine here, because our east is Tunisia, but In Amenas is different. Their east Libya is a few kilometers away. And not only In Amenas, places like Mas al-Dah, Tankena, Zarzaitin, and Domaklenia are all located near the border of Leah, and It used to be an oil and gas field with a huge output, but now because the output of the oil and gas field is declining day by day, and catching up with the terrorist attack, many foreign oil companies have the idea of ​​​​withdrawing from Algeria. It has dealt a huge blow to Algeria's oil and gas industry, Otherwise, the Algerian authorities would not have issued several decrees to regulate and increase efforts to attract foreign investment.”

The fat man shook his head, "But these policies don't seem to be very effective in attracting foreign investment. Many large companies still want to withdraw from Algeria. Especially those countries that participated in the Libyan war, such as France. Oh, yes, they were attacked by terrorists The natural gas plant in the United Kingdom is owned by the British BP."

Yang Jing said: "We took over this oil field under such circumstances."

"Hmm." The fat man nodded, "If it weren't for the oil fields controlled by American oil companies, most of which are far from the border, the primary target of the terrorist attack must have been the oil and gas fields controlled by the Americans. But the British should also be bombed, Who told them to get involved with the U.S. in air raids on Libya? If those fanatical Libyans turn around and don’t retaliate, who will you retaliate against? Although our oil field is far from the Leah border, the French are also afraid I was worried that the Libyans would sneak across the border and blow up the oil field, so I was in a hurry to take action."

"The output of this oil field is not good, is it?" Yang Jing asked lightly.

"It's ok. The average daily output of each oil well can reach 34 tons. If this output is placed in China, it will be a proper middle-production oil field."

"Damn it, don't compare it with the domestic ones. How many years have those domestic oil wells been producing? Why don't you compare them with those [-]-ton wells in Saudi Arabia? Even those old oil wells we got in Beaumont, in the In terms of production, these eleven wells will explode, right?" Yang Jing said angrily.

The fat man fell silent for a moment.

Yang Jing asked: "When we buy this oil field, how big is the attached surveyable area and exploitable area?"

"About [-] square kilometers. But this stuff doesn't seem to be useful. The French drilled several survey wells in this area a long time ago, and they have long since been abandoned."

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow after I take a closer look."

The two talked for about an hour, and the strong wind outside disappeared strangely again.

The weather in the desert is like this, very weird.Except for no snow or rain, almost all kinds of extreme weather conditions can be seen here.

It was past one o'clock in the middle of the night, and Yang Jing didn't feel sleepy at all, so he put on his coat and was ready to go out to have a look.

As soon as he opened the door, Karl Morris, who was sleeping on the floor in the hall, woke up.Yang Jing waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you guys continue to sleep, I just went to the door to check."

In the end, it didn't matter if I pushed the door, the door couldn't be pushed open.Fortunately, there was a mercenary on night shift outside, and he opened the door after removing the sand piled up at the door with an engineering shovel.

The gust of wind just now was actually a violent sandstorm, which brought a thickness of [-] centimeters of sand, which directly blocked the gate.

The temperature in the desert in the middle of the night has dropped to about five degrees. After the sandstorm, the air is still filled with a kind of fine sand that makes the nose itchy. No wonder the two mercenaries on duty outside covered themselves as if they were enduring it.

After standing outside for a short while, Yang Jing couldn't bear the cold, and there was nothing to see, so Yang Jing could only go back to sleep resentfully.

"Hey, doesn't it feel good at night here?" Seeing that Yang Jing just went out for a short while and then came back with a sullen face, the fat man lying under the blanket laughed wildly.

Yang Jing shook his head and said nothing, the fat man smiled and said, "I was just like you when I first came here. I also wanted to see the sky full of stars in the big desert without any pollution, but I almost froze like a dog."

"The night in the desert is really not a place for people to stay." Yang Jing complained.

The fat man made up the knife: "What's the night? Even ghosts don't want to stay in this place during the day!"

Yang Jing was dumbfounded, what the fat man said was too classic.In desert areas, especially the Sahara Desert, the temperature may be lower at night, but people will not be frozen to death. After all, the extreme minimum temperature here is only zero degrees, but the temperature during the day is not good.According to records, the highest temperature in the Sahara during the day can reach 58 degrees Celsius, and the surface temperature is as high as nearly [-] degrees Celsius!
At this temperature, not to mention humans, even ghosts really have to kneel!
"Okay, don't worry about it, this is what it looks like here, it has been like this for tens of thousands of years. Go to sleep, there are many things to do tomorrow."

Yang Jing looked at his watch, it was two o'clock, and he was about to go to bed.

As a result, within 2 minutes of lying down, there was a soft knock on the door.

Yang Jing sat up all of a sudden, and the fat man asked in a daze, "What's the matter?" This guy has always been a fast sleeper, almost falling asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Yang Jing put on his coat and opened the door. It was Chris standing outside the door, but Chris showed a nervous look on his face.

"Boss, put on your clothes quickly, there seems to be someone who shouldn't come outside."

"Well, what's going on?" When Yang Jing heard this, the drowsiness that just came up immediately disappeared.

"It may be a Libyan. Just now Martin reported by radio that more than a dozen vehicles came from the east. They acted suspiciously and suspected to be Libyans." The Martin that Chris said was Kevin Martin, and it was Karl. The deputy captain of the Morris mercenary squad, he led the second shift today.

There are two mercenaries on duty at night, one guards around the room where Yang Jing lives, and the other will go to the tallest building in the residential area, a communication tower with a height of more than 40 meters to conduct a wide range of guards.The second shift tonight is Kevin Martin who is on guard duty on the iron tower.

At this time, the fat man also came over with his clothes on. Yang Jing whispered the situation to the fat man, and the fat man was immediately annoyed.

"Damn, no need to judge, it must be the fanatics in Libya! These grandsons, the owner has changed here, and they dare to come!"

"What? The Libyans have been here before?" Yang Jing asked.

"Well, it was the third day after we took over this oil field and the refinery in the south, Libyans crossed the border from Tunisia in the east to threaten us and ask us for money, but that time those guys were killed The factory protection team was scared away. This time they sneaked over at night, obviously with malicious intentions. Lin Zi, you call the number 5588 and notify the factory protection team to get ready!"

The factory protection team that Fatty talked about is the armed defense force specially formed by Huaxia when it established factories in foreign countries. Most of these people are composed of retired domestic soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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