Easy Tycoon

Chapter 369 The Masters Are Confused

Chapter 369 The Masters Are Confused
The Lao Huang that Mr. Liu and the others talk about is actually a master of calligraphy and painting who worked with them.It's just that unlike Xiao Lao who specializes in ancient calligraphy and painting, Huang Lao specializes in modern and modern calligraphy and painting.

Mr. Huang is from Sichuan Province, and he is a fellow villager with Mr. Qu, Mr. Daqian's disciple.This is also the key reason why Huang Lao studied with Huang Lao for more than ten years when he was young.

Thanks to the personal guidance of Mr. Daqian in his early years, Huang Lao's attainments in calligraphy and painting are not inferior to Xiao Lao's.Especially in terms of appraising the works of Mr. Daqian, Mr. Huang can be called No.1 in China.

"I said what did you four do? I just wanted to go to bed early after dinner, but you four made trouble over me again." As soon as he entered the door, Mr. Huang turned to Mr. Liu and the others. complain.

In fact, Mr. Huang attended the ceremony and luncheon in the morning, but he went back in the afternoon.As a result, not long after I went back, I was "summoned" back again, and I don't blame people for complaining.

"Hey, Lao Huang, I didn't ask you to come back this time to torment you!" Old Xiao smiled, "Look at who painted the painting on the table?"

Hearing what Mr. Xiao said, Mr. Huang looked at the painting, but it didn't matter what he saw, he immediately said "Ouch", and immediately jumped on it.Just by looking at this agile effort, no one would have thought that he is already in his 60s and almost [-] years old.

"This, this is the authentic work of my master! It's a painting imitated by Bada!" After watching for a while, Mr. Huang laughed loudly, very excited.Mr. Huang is half of Mr. Qu's disciple. Although the apprenticeship ceremony was not held, it is recognized in the circle, so it is not wrong for him to call Mr. Daqian his master.

In terms of seniority, Mr. Huang's seniority is a generation higher than Mr. Liu's, and his master, Mr. Qu, is of the same generation as Master Qigong.

"I said, Lao Xiao, where did you get this painting? I have never heard that my master once imitated such a painting by Bada. Well, the original "Picture of Birds Coming from Dead Wood" is in Where are the descendants of Mr. Wang?"

Mr. Xiao nodded and said, "That's right, the original work is indeed in the hands of Mr. Wang's descendants. As for this painting, it was received by Xiaojing's grandfather in the 80s. At that time, it was also identified that this painting was a copy. But no one knew that this painting was imitated by the eighth master. Xiao Jing always felt that the imitation of this painting was unusual. I saw the origin of this painting just now, but when it comes to Ba Ye's work, we all think it's safer to call you over."

Mr. Huang patted his thigh and said with a smile: "Yes, this painting is indeed imitated by the master! I dare to use my eyes as a guarantee. Among other things, it is only the master who left in this painting. It is enough to prove that this painting is the master's handwriting."

"Huh? There are still secret marks left in the paintings that Ba Ye imitated?" Elder Xiao asked curiously.

Mr. Huang nodded and said: "That's right, although Master Zu is good at imitating the paintings of other masters, every time he imitates, he will leave a secret mark in the painting. This is what my master told me. Here , look at this place, isn’t the structure between these strokes the same as the word ‘Daqian’?”

When everyone including Yang Jing heard this, they all leaned together and looked at the position where Huang Laozhi was.Not to mention, with Huang Lao's reminder, everyone can see it.

"According to what my master said, in fact, every time the old master and his ancestors imitate other people's paintings, they will leave a mark in the painting to show that it is an imitation. It is a pity that almost everyone does not know this. Grandmaster’s imitations are of a very high level, and many paintings are even higher than the original ones, so that’s why Grandmaster’s replicas are so fake.”

Hearing Mr. Huang's explanation, Mr. Liu sighed: "Eighth Master has really achieved the realm of 'I laugh that others can't see through' as ​​mentioned in Tang Bohu's poem. It's amazing, amazing!"

Mr. Huang looked at Yang Jing, hesitated a little and said, "Little Yang, I wonder if you are willing to give this painting up to me? You can tell me how much it is. You know, this is the painting of my ancestor Mr. Daqian , as the grandson of Mr. Daqian, I have the responsibility and obligation to collect the authentic works of the master and his old man.”

When Yang Jing heard this, he also felt a little embarrassed.

Elder Liu on the side smiled and said: "You old Huang, you really get thicker with age! If Xiaojing personally collects this painting, let alone give it to you, it is not a problem even if it is given to you, but This painting is not Xiaojing's, it was collected by Xiaojing's grandfather back then. At that time, because it was identified as a fake, Xiaojing's grandfather was depressed for a long time. Xiaojing's grandfather used a piece of valuable The ancestral jade pendant exchanged this painting, and according to Mr. Yang, the ancestral jade pendant alone was worth hundreds of thousands in the 80s!"

Xiao Lao also said: "Old Huang, if you bring back Xiaojing's grandfather's ancestral jade pendant, I guarantee that Xiaojing's grandfather will give you this painting in exchange for that jade pendant."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Lao knew that there was nothing to be done, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Yang Jing said sincerely: "Old Huang, please forgive me, I really can't decide to give this painting to you."

Elder Huang waved his hands helplessly and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm the old man who is greedy."

The scene was a bit dull, and Mr. Xiao didn't expect such a situation to happen when Mr. Huang was called.

However, Yang Jing didn't panic. Compared with Mr. Daqian's imitation of the "Picture of Birds Coming from Dead Wood", he still has something more important today. Huajing was shocked!

Yang Jing coughed and said: "Four masters, and Mr. Huang, in fact, Mr. Daqian's painting today is not the highlight. When I went to Jinling some time ago, I received a painting in Jinling. This painting was painted by Zhao Lingrang in the Song Dynasty, and he swore that his family is the descendant of Zhao Lingrang. But I think there is something tricky in this painting, but I dare not look for it myself, so I brought this painting together today. , it happens that Mr. Huang is also here, so you can help me palm my eyes and see what's tricky in this painting, okay?"

Hearing what Yang Jing said, Mr. Xiao smiled and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and take a look. Zhao Lingrang's paintings are rare now."

Yang Jing looked at the room, shook his head and said, "Grand Master, do you have any extra tables here? This table is too short, and the painting I bought is too long, so it won't fit on this table."

Hearing this, the eyes of the old men lit up. Mr. Liu's eldest son Liu Minghan immediately pulled Yang Jing to lift the table before he left.Fortunately, during the renovation, the specifications of the furniture were all customized according to a uniform style, so in a short time, two people carried out five tables.Together, it is more than seven meters long.

Liu Minghan still wanted to move it, but Yang Jing waved his hand and said, "Enough, enough, this length is enough." After speaking, he took out the outrageously thick "Jiangning Dajiang Picture" from another pocket.

Although the painting has not been opened yet, the old men nodded in unison when they saw the appearance of the painting, and Mr. Xiao even said: "Yo, it's still a silk book. Not bad, not bad, although I haven't read it yet. to the painting inside, but this painting should be an old painting. Falsification cannot create such a heavy sense of history.”

Mr. Xiao is the leading connoisseur of ancient paintings and calligraphy in the Palace Museum and even in the whole of China. He usually looks at ancient paintings a lot, and he can judge whether they are imitations or not just by feeling.

This is the experience!
This painting is not a fake in the first place, but the original Eight Classics was written by Zhao Lingrang in the Northern Song Dynasty. How could it be an imitation?Yang Jing is well aware of this.

Putting on white gloves, Yang Jing carefully opened the painting, which was about to be unbearable.

This painting is more than six meters long and more than 30 centimeters long. After opening it, the eyes of the five old men were all attracted to it.Mr. Xiao even put on white gloves and reading glasses. First, he looked at the painting as a whole from a distance, and then he picked up the magnifying glass and moved closer to him to start scrutinizing it carefully.

To be honest, this painting is very ordinary. When Yang Jing received this painting from Zhao Zheng, he already felt it.

At the beginning, he was also puzzled by this matter. Although Zhao Lingzhang’s reputation is not as great as his cousin Song Huizong Zhao Ji or Zhang Zeduan, he is also one of the most famous artists in the Northern Song Dynasty. He is especially good at painting landscape paintings, which is well known. For example, the Taibei Palace Museum still has his "Orange, Yellow, Orange and Green Picture" in its collection, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts also has his "Huzhuang Qingxia Picture", and his volume "Autumn Dawn in Jiangcun" is even collected in the New York University. In the Metropolitan Museum.

However, when Yang Jing saw the tricks in the scroll of "Jiangning Dajiang" with the help of the holy ring, he fully understood why Zhao Lingrang painted such a poor-quality scroll at that time. A volume of "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" is used as a cover-up!
But Yang Jing knows the tricks, others don't.

Therefore, Yang Jing brought this scroll over today, in order to let Zhang Zeduan's original painting "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" hidden in the scroll be discovered in front of five respected masters
Sure enough, after seeing the inscription and seal of this volume of "Jiangning Dajiang Tu", Huang Lao said in surprise: "This scroll painting was painted by Zhao Lingrang? It's unlikely, right? This scroll painting is not at the level of Zhao Lingrang."

Although Mr. Liu and the others are not specialized in calligraphy and painting, they have seen a lot, and they all nodded in agreement with Mr. Huang's question.

However, doubts belong to doubts. Elder Xiao, who is most proficient in ancient calligraphy and painting, has not yet expressed his opinion, and their doubts are just guesses.

After a long time, Mr. Xiao put down the magnifying glass in his hand, took off the reading glasses and said, "That's right, if I'm not mistaken, this volume of "Jiangning Dajiang Map" should be the authentic work of Zhao Lingrang. It's just that I don't want to read it." It's too clear, with Zhao Lingrang's level, he definitely shouldn't have drawn such a low-level painting!"

Hearing what Mr. Xiao said, Mr. Huang asked in disbelief, "Old Xiao, are you really sure that this is the authentic work of Zhao Lingrang?"

"Yes." Xiao Laoting nodded affirmatively, "The batch of graduate students who just brought me a while ago talked about the paintings of the Northern Song Dynasty, and did some special research on Zhao Lingrang, so from the seal and signature handwriting and the most important From the point of view of his brushwork, this is indeed the authentic work of Zhao Lingrang, but I don’t know how he could make such a painting.”

(End of this chapter)

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