Easy Tycoon

Chapter 360 Give yourself a thumbs up

Chapter 360 Give yourself a thumbs up
After staying in Time and Space in 1986 for a few days, Yang Jing left contentedly.

Pete Wu is doing pretty well in Yunnan and Yunnan. A large sum of money has been invested in building roads and bridges. In addition, Pete Wu has registered in the country before. He is a well-known public welfare person. Patriotic Overseas Chinese" confessed.

In this era, all aspects of Yunnan and Yunnan are far worse than 30 years later. The economy is not good, and the transportation is even worse. However, Yundian is located in a mountainous area and there is no good transportation. Yang Jing worked hard to get it from Myanmar. The rough jadeite can't be shipped out, can't it?
So, don’t talk about anything else, just spend money on roads and bridges. At least the section of National Highway 320 from Ruili to Baoshan must be repaired, right?The section of the national road from Baoshan to Chuncheng is not bad, after all, there are not so many large vehicles at this time, but the road condition of the section from Baoshan to Ruili is far worse.

Yang Jing is not short of money, and the money earned from abroad is invested in his own motherland, Yang Jing, and there is nothing to feel bad about.Didn't say, throw money!
It is precisely because Pete Wu spent tens of millions of dollars to build roads there. When he mentioned to the local parents that he wanted to import jade ore from Myanmar, the parents there agreed very readily, even Within the scope allowed by the policy, he took the initiative to exempt Pete Wu from some import taxes.

As for the customs at the Ruili border, the green light was given directly all the way.

Just kidding, if you offend the God of Wealth, you can repair this road and build this bridge!
Things were going well in Yundian, and Lao Na was able to stand up again here, so Yang Jing had nothing to worry about, and simply returned to the original time and space.

However, Yang Jing didn't stay long in the original time and space. He activated the limited space-time travel skill again and traveled to Yanjing in February 1995.

When Yang Jing traveled to this time, it happened that the Spring Festival had just passed, and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month had not yet come out.

At this time, Yanjing is still in a festive atmosphere. Although it is freezing cold, people's faces are full of smiles.

Compared with the 1994 that just passed, although 1995 has just passed a month, Yanjing City still shows changes with each passing day.

There are more and more high-rise buildings on the street, and there are more and more yellow-faced ones on the street, and some old courtyard houses are getting less and less
The reason why Yang Jing travels to this era is mainly for Xue Ren to send brother Xue.

I am ashamed to say that since the last trip to 1994, with the help of Xue Renfa, I bought a lot of precious manuscripts and materials. Yang Jing never traveled back to see Lao Xue in such a long time.

Although Yang Jing left 3 yuan in cash and two small yellow croakers for Lao Xue before leaving last time, which can add up to about [-] yuan, but Yang Jing is not sure if this money is enough for Lao Xue to live in Yanjing. It's still a bit confusing for the waste collection station to purchase those manuscripts and documents.

Just stayed for a few days from the time and space in 1986, and saw with his own eyes how Lao Na collected wine and spent money like water, Yang Jing was really worried that the little money he had left for Lao Xue was not enough.

Moreover, I have been to the United States and the Cayman Islands several times, and it is time to travel to the time and space of 1995 to take a look at Lao Xue.

After adjusting his appearance a little bit to look like Albert Yang, Yang Jing took a yellow-faced car and headed straight to Warwick West, west of Panjiayuan.

To Yang Jing's surprise, it's only been more than three months since he's been here, yet someone is already drawing a line at Huawei Xili.The driver behind the car was Kanye. He seemed to have noticed Yang Jing's surprised look, so he directly explained to Yang Jing what the underlined ones were for.

It turns out that this area is about to be demolished!
Xue Renfa's home happened to be within the scope of demolition.

Although we don't know when the demolition will happen, it probably won't be delayed anywhere.The past few years have been the period of rapid development of Yanjing. As long as the scope of demolition is delineated, it will be demolished almost as soon as it is said, without ambiguity at all.

These days, there is no such thing as a nail house, and those ordinary people who have lived in courtyard houses can't wait for the government to demolish their houses.In this way, they can not only live in a clean building, but also get a lot of demolition subsidies.

After getting off the car at the alley of Lao Xue's house, paying the bill and sending away the face, Yang Jing walked towards Lao Xue's house. Before entering the door of Lao Xue's house, Yang Jing looked around and found that no one was there. , directly took out two jars of Erguotou old wine and four fresh Tianqu grilled chickens from the storage space, and walked into the gate of Lao Xue's house with them.

Since the door of Lao Xue's house is open, it means there are people in the house.Sure enough, when Yang Jing walked in, Lao Xue's daughter-in-law Liu Dongmei was drying the quilt in the courtyard.

Seeing Yang Jing walking in, Liu Dongmei greeted her very pleasantly, "Oh, Brother Yang, you are here. Hurry up and sit in the room, Lao Xue has gone out to collect the goods, and he won't be back until noon."

Yang Jing said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, I came in a hurry this time, and I didn't contact you in advance."

Liu Dongmei rubbed her hands together and said, "It's okay, it's okay. After you left last time, my old Xue has been thinking about you. At first, we two thought that you would not come back in a few months. How could we expect you to come back so soon?" Here we come."

"I didn't go back to the UK for the Chinese New Year this year, but spent it with my parents in Shanghai. Isn't it just after the Chinese New Year, so I came to pay New Year's greetings to my sister-in-law, brother Xue?"

"Yo, thank you so much for thinking of us."

The two walked into the room while talking.As soon as the thick cotton curtain was lifted, a gust of hot air rushed in, which was very comfortable.

Yang Jing put the things in his hand on the table and said: "Sister-in-law, this is the Tianqu Braised Chicken I bought from when I passed Tianqu City on the way here. It is very famous. These two jars of wine are Good thing, it was given to me by a friend of mine years ago, it is said to be Erguotou wine brewed in the 50s. I know that Brother Xue likes to drink some, so I brought it to Brother Xue.”

"Hey, Brother Yang, come here as soon as you come, why are you still taking such a valuable thing? Especially this wine, Erguotou, which has been around for more than five years, is so precious. No, you can't keep this wine."

"Sister-in-law, it's okay. I came here in a hurry last time, and I didn't buy anything for you and Brother Xue. This time, I can't come empty-handed, right? Brother Xue has been helping me collect things for the past few months. I have to How about expressing it? Besides, I still have this wine at home, so let's keep these two jars here!"

Seeing Yang Jing's firmness, Liu Dongmei couldn't refuse.

Compared with the last time she came here, Liu Dongmei is much more relaxed now, at least she is not so restrained when chatting with Yang Jing about daily life.

After the two chatted for a while, Liu Dongmei took the initiative to show Yang Jing what Lao Xue had bought in the past few months, and she went into the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

Seeing this room full of manuscripts and documents, Yang Jing suddenly felt that he should give himself a like.

Old Xue used to set up a stall in Panjiayuan, but he actually asked Lao Xue to help him collect things. As a result, Lao Xue has not failed his entrustment in the past three months, and collected so much for himself. Rare manuscript documents.From another perspective, I have vision and know people!
The manuscripts and documents that almost filled the East Wing Room are enough to prove Lao Xue's achievements in the past three months.

Moreover, these manuscripts and documents were well preserved by Lao Xue, who put them into cardboard boxes, and then packed them one by one.Old Xue doesn't understand the preciousness of these manuscripts, nor how to classify and store them, but he has fulfilled his entrustment to Yang Jing very well. He knows that Yang Jing values ​​these manuscripts, so as long as the manuscripts are accepted, All packed in cardboard boxes.

Based on this alone, Yang Jing had to thank Lao Xue well.

Lao Xue has not been busy in the past three months. Not only did he collect a large number of manuscripts and documents, but also the variety of these manuscripts and documents far exceeds the manuscripts and documents that Yang Jing brought back last time.

However, among the manuscripts and documents that Lao Xue collected this time, there are a lot less master-level manuscripts, and most of them are documents from the old era.

Regarding this point, Yang Jing was also helpless.The last time I received so many precious manuscripts at once, they must have come from the same library or archives, so I was lucky.But the manuscripts of those masters seven or eighty years ago are not Chinese cabbages on the street, where can they be easily received?The fault is that some can be received during this period. If it is changed in 80 years, let alone the original manuscripts of the masters, a broken page can cause a sensation.

Yang Jing didn't know what those documents were at the bottom, but judging from the documents at the top, most of them were documents from the Republic of China era, and there were also many documents from the late Qing Dynasty.If you pull it back and sort it out carefully, it will be quite valuable.After all, these documents and materials are all handed down from those libraries and archives. It would be unimaginable if it were left in 20 years.

Yang Jing stayed in the East Wing room until after eleven o'clock, until Lao Xue's familiar shout of "I'm back" sounded outside, and Yang Jing walked out of the East Wing room with a smile.

Old Xue pedaled a tricycle full of cardboard boxes and rode in from outside the gate. Seeing Yang Jing standing in the yard, Old Xue was stunned for a moment, then laughed and jumped off the tricycle, walked up to Yang Jing and said : "Brother Yang, you are finally here. If you don't come, I don't know where to put the things in this house."

Yang Jing shook hands with Lao Xue with a smile, and said, "Brother Xue, am I here? Now you don't have to worry."

As Yang Jing said, he walked up to the tricycle and motioned for Old Xue to ride on it. He pushed the tricycle to the front of the East Wing with a little extra strength.

PS: Bow down and thank you for the 100 rewards of "Frozen Octave" and "Some dreams can't come true".

(End of this chapter)

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