Easy Tycoon

Chapter 352

Chapter 352
In fact, Jiang Bin is somewhat similar to David Anderson 30 years ago. They are the kind of people who are extremely talented but not good at emotional intelligence.

If it weren't for Jiang Bin's craftsmanship, it would be very easy for him to make a fortune.Even if he hasn't reached the master level yet, he is definitely a master figure in the tone circle, and he is still a top-level master, and he is only a step away from a master.

If Jiang Bin is willing, it will be easy for him to earn 800 million yuan a year, but unfortunately, his emotional intelligence is really a bit problematic, which has led to his current situation of begging for a golden job.

No wonder his three older brothers didn't want to see him, and even his wife divorced him in the end.If his own reasons did not account for the majority of it, no one would believe it.

A character like him is suitable for finding a long-term job. If you ask him to go out and find a job by himself, it is pure nonsense.

Yang Jing thought very clearly that once he took over the Evil Dragon Fund in the future, the raw jade stones in storage alone would be thousands of tons, and Jiang Bin would be able to work for a lifetime just to carve these jadeites.

Of course, if Jiang Bin agrees to join Yang Jing's team, then Yang Jing will definitely not let the jade carving master suffer, and the after-tax income of more than eight figures a year is absolutely guaranteed.

Before coming out of Gingerbread, Yang Jing got the contact information of Jiang Bin's daughter-in-law, Zheng Yating.

After leaving the door, Yang Jing called Wu Zepeng, the general manager of Rongbao Mining Yanjing Branch.

"Mr. Wu, I'm Yang Jing. Is it convenient now? There's something I want to tell you." Yang Jing and Wu Zepeng had dinner once, so they were familiar with each other.And during that meal, Guo Dabao directly told Wu Zepeng that Yang Jing is the company's largest individual shareholder, and that if he needs anything, the branch must help unconditionally.

"Hey, it's Director Yang. If you have anything to say, just say it, as long as it's within the scope of my old Wu's ability, I can't shrug it off." Wu Zepeng still attaches great importance to this young major shareholder, and he is Guo Dabao's absolute confidant , so there are some things about Yang Jing, he, the boss of the Yanjing branch, is still very clear.

"Mr. Wu, do you have time tonight? I want to treat you to dinner."

"Mr. Yang, are you in Yanjing? Well, don't make any arrangements tonight, I will arrange it. If Mr. Guo knows that you have arrived in Yanjing and asks you to treat him, Mr. Guo will definitely beat me, the branch manager. .So, you should let me arrange it, I still want to sit in this seat for two more years."

What Wu Zepeng said directly amused Yang Jing.This old guy is not taboo about speaking, he dares to say anything, but it still makes people listen comfortably.

"Well, you can arrange it in the evening. I'll bring two bottles of good wine. It's just the two of us in the evening."

In the evening, Yang Jing and Wu Zepeng were sitting together in Xiaoyanglou's private restaurant at No. 1 Xiniujiao Hutong, Xicheng.

"It's not easy to order this table meal. If the company doesn't often receive guests here and gets to know the boss well, it's really impossible to make a temporary order. Although it's not as outrageous as Li's cuisine here, you have to order several days in advance if you want to make an order. .”

Yang Jing nodded and said, "This restaurant is good, I've heard of it."

"It's good, the taste is good, and the price is right. Usually, the company entertains guests here. The imperial concubine chicken here is a must in Yanjing. Spicy beef and Yanglou cheese are all delicious dishes. I love these dishes. Order it, you can taste it in a while."

"Angkor, it's just the two of us, don't prepare so many dishes, you can't waste too much."

"Not much, not much, I just ordered six dishes, plus a soup, it doesn't cost much, but the two bottles of 1983 five-star Moutai you brought, one bottle is enough to put a dozen tables."

Yang Jin smiled and waved his hands and said: "The wine is not a problem. It was picked up by a jade carving master after drinking at noon today. The master said it was left by his old man. Come, have a taste. "

These two bottles of wine were indeed brought from Jiang Bin's house.Since Yang Jing decided to solve Zheng Yating's work matters, Jiang Bin knew how to ask Yang Jing to bring two bottles of good wine, no matter how low his EQ was.

As a result, when Yang Jing followed Jiang Bin to the basement of his house, his eyes almost popped out.There is a basement as big as a house, and most of the house’s old wines are piled up, such as Moutai, Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, Fenjiu, Xifeng, Gujinggong, Shuanggou, Yanghe. The minimum age is 20 years.

Jiang Bin said that these wines were all left by the old man.Mr. Jiang has never smoked or drank tea all his life, but he can only drink a few sips. The family has saved a lot of good wine.However, although Jiang Bin also likes to drink a few sips, he only likes Yanjing's Niulanshan Erguotou, so half of the house has saved up all the good wine.

Just this half of the room full of old wine, if Jiang Bin is willing to sell it, it will easily be several million!
The two bottles of Moutai with the "five-star" trademark that Yang Jing brought, which are called "local state-run" by the Tibetan community, cost [-] to [-] yuan a bottle!

The dishes were served quickly, and Yang Jing poured Wu Zepeng a glass of wine himself, and then they touched each other and took a sip.

"Tsk tsk, this sauce-flavored wine tastes better the longer it ages, and the strong-flavored wine will get a bit smelly if left for such a long time. But it's a bit extravagant for the two of us to drink it like this. We should use new wine for such an old wine. Just drink it once."

Yang Jing said with a smile: "What is extravagant? The master's house has plenty of this wine. It's not easy to drink it? Just bring two more bottles over then."

Wu Zepeng quickly waved his hands and said, "This is impossible. Anyone who can drink this kind of wine today is already very lucky. Even if you have money, you can't buy this kind of wine."

The two chatted and drank, and when all the dishes were served and half a bottle of wine was down, Wu Zepeng asked, "Director Yang, what's the matter with you calling me here today? To be honest, drink I am not at ease with the 30-year-old Moutai you have brought."

Yang Jing put down his chopsticks, looked at Wu Zepeng and said, "Angkor, last time I heard from Uncle Guo that a deputy general manager of our Yanjing branch had resigned, and Uncle Guo also wanted me to retain some talents in this field. Now I There is a good person here, but I don’t know if there is still a shortage of seats.”

Hearing this, Wu Zepeng obviously relaxed, and said with a smile: "That seat is still vacant. In fact, since Lao Zhao resigned suddenly, I told Mr. Guo that this seat is not good enough for the time being. You, Mr. Yang, I know, such a high-level position in a branch company is better than lacking. After all, some of the responsibilities of the Yanjing branch are dealing with the direct management departments above. We can't recruit people who don't know the basics. "

Yang Jing nodded, thought for a while before saying, "Since this seat is still vacant, please leave it to me. I have someone here who should be very suitable for this seat."

After a pause, Yang Jing pointed to the two bottles of Moutai and said: "Actually, this person is not an outsider, one of my aunts. But my aunt is divorced from my uncle. Alas, the inside is quite verbose. I don't want to explain too much. To be honest, I have never met my aunt. I just know that although the two divorced, they did not divorce because of emotional discord, but purely because of some life philosophy The conflict in the workplace eventually led to a divorce."

Seeing that Wu Zepeng was listening in a cloud, Yang Jing simply didn't explain.This kind of thing can't be explained, it involves the privacy of Jiang Bin and his wife, it's not good to talk about it.

Yang Jing said: "The two bottles of wine we drank today were taken from my uncle. Now my uncle wants to remarry that aunt, but my aunt is more ambitious. I always want to find a decent job with a high salary and then remarry. So the matter between the two of us dragged on. My uncle told me about this while drinking at noon today, and I took care of myself. Thinking of our Yan The Beijing branch is short of a deputy general manager, so I just want my aunt to try it."

"Angkor, although I haven't met my aunt, but she is a high-achieving student who graduated from the Department of Economics and Management of Renmin University in the 90s. Now she is doing business outside, and she is absolutely indistinguishable from inside to outside. She is a capable woman."

Wu Zepeng nodded and said: "Director Yang, I understand what you mean. The person you mentioned can come. As for whether she can gain a foothold in the company, it depends on her own ability. Of course, the deputy general manager of the branch Position is also very important, I need Mr. Guo’s approval.”

"It's simple, I'll make this call." Yang Jing simply took out his phone and called Guo Dabao in one call.

After the connection, Yang Jing turned on the hands-free and briefly explained the situation. Guo Dabao over there said very straightforwardly: "Xiao Jing, you can handle this matter as you see it. Tell Xiao Wu and let you The aunt will go to report tomorrow. As for the annual salary, you can do as much as you want, and Rongbao Mining is not short of this money."

Wu Zepeng could only listen to what Guo Dabao said, and at the same time, he became more respectful to Yang Jing, the major shareholder.

Guo Dabao couldn't wish for Yang Jing's request.Now he wished he could confess Yang Jing like a grandfather, not to mention the deputy general manager of a branch company, even if he wanted the position of deputy general manager of Rongbao Mining, Guo Dabao would agree without hesitation.

Isn't it an annual salary of one million after tax? Such a person is considered an idler and does nothing. As long as Yang Jing needs it, Guo Dabao wishes to raise more.

Now that Guo Dabao has made a decision, the matter is settled like this.

After Yang Jing and Wu Zepeng talked about how they quietly recruited Zheng Yating into the company, and specifically explained some things that Wu Zepeng needed to pay attention to, the matter of Jiang Bin's ex-wife was settled in this way.

It's just that Zheng Yating is still out of town, and everything can be done after she comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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