Easy Tycoon

Chapter 349 Risk Sharing

Chapter 349 Risk Sharing
The reason why Yang Jing dared to play this move was because he knew the specific situation when the stock market crash broke out.

Starting to buy the stocks of those companies from now on, it is true that you can make a lot of profits in the first ten months, but on the day when the stock market crash breaks out, all the previous profits will disappear, and you may even lose a little bit, but Yang Jing doesn't care.

For example, the current purchase price of General Electric’s stock is 3.6 US dollars per share, but on the day of the stock market crash, General Electric’s stock price will fall to 3.2 US dollars per share. The same goes for other stocks.

How much money can be reversed?5% of cost price?Or 10%?Even if it reaches 10%, Yang Jing doesn't care, it's just a loss of [-] million US dollars, he can afford it.

But in the same way, losing [-] million US dollars, they can get more tradable shares in the stock market. If these companies agree to Yang Jing's repurchase of stocks, then Yang Jing can control more stocks.

For example, Microsoft, the highest share price of Microsoft this year is 48 US dollars per share. At this price, Gates’s net worth is only a little over [-] million US dollars. How much money can I use?

In the case of the stock market crash, as Yang Jing, who controls 5% of Microsoft's shares, as long as he proposes to use a large amount of cash to repurchase stocks, Microsoft has almost no possibility of refusing.In this way, Yang Jing has a great possibility to repurchase more than 5% or even 10% of the tradable shares in the market, making Yang Jing suddenly become the No. The three major shareholders, as long as Yang Jing does not reduce his shareholding in Microsoft in the future, he can even surpass Paul Allen to become the second largest shareholder of Microsoft.

The most important thing is that Yang Jing became the third largest shareholder of Microsoft and did not spend a lot of money, 1.5 million US dollars is enough!It doesn't even work!

This is true for Microsoft, and the same is true for other companies.

In other words, Yang Jing can spend ten months plus a loss of [-] million US dollars, and finally get a large number of stocks in companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Intel, Wal-Mart, General Electric, and General Dynamics!

And did Yang Jing really lose money?Obviously not, in the US stock market, there is another operation method called "hedging".

That's right, I lost money on stocks, but I will make a lot of money on stock index futures!

Don't forget, Yang Jing only authorized David Anderson 50 billion US dollars to buy stocks of major companies, and there is still a full 70 billion US dollars in the KY fund's account!

What is the money for?Very simple, it was specially used to short the stock index on the "Black Monday" on October 1987, 10!
70 billion US dollars is also the maximum investment amount given by the holy ring, and the holy ring also clearly told Yang Jing that the profit of this investment cannot exceed 700%!

Compared with last year's hype on the US dollar and Japanese yen, the Holy Ring only gave a 300% profit limit, and the current 700% is already generous enough.

With an investment of US$70 billion, a profit of 700% can be obtained, that is, US$490 billion can be obtained.Compared with this kind of profit, the little money lost in stocks is a drop in the bucket!
The most important thing is that if you want to short US stocks, it is not so easy to make a fortune by taking advantage of the stock market crash.

The U.S. securities market has developed for nearly 200 years, and already has an extremely complete system, especially the monitoring system, which is quite strict. If it is found out, that is the end of the prison, and there is absolutely no other way to go.You are the richest man in the United States!
Americans are absolutely merciless in such matters.If you take advantage of the stock market disaster to make a fortune, it is equivalent to cutting the flesh of the stockholders in the United States, and you will be blamed if they can forgive you!
In fact, during the stock market crash in 87, there were many people who took advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune in the country. As a result, all of these people were arrested without exception. Only the well-known billionaires in the United States and billionaires were arrested. Up to six!
Those guys are also stupid, if you short the U.S. stocks, go short, at least you can cover it up, do you really think that the SEC guys are just for nothing?If you short US stocks so aboveboard, it would be strange if the world didn’t settle accounts with you afterwards!
However, it was the lessons learned from these arrested rich men that made Yang Jing vigilant.

It is actually not difficult to take advantage of the stock market crash to distribute the national disaster wealth of the Americans. The difficulty is to find a fair reason to distribute this national disaster wealth.

People like Yang Jing have already sat down and made sufficient preparations.For example, start buying a certain percentage of the stocks of major companies now, and then use your status as a major shareholder to repurchase stocks when the stock market crash comes. No one can tell.

Similarly, the stock market crash in the United States did not come suddenly. As early as a week before the stock market crash, the market had already shown its performance. Therefore, when Yang Jing shorted US stocks on the day of the stock market crash, he could use hedging methods to explain his shorting US stocks.

Right, I am a major shareholder of so many companies. I did not sell the stocks in my hands when the stock market crash came, and I also vigorously repurchased the stocks. This has already proved my determination to maintain the US stock market.I am shorting US stocks, this is just a normal hedging method!Besides, I am not shorting U.S. stocks to make a fortune, it is just a means of preserving value. Although I am shorting U.S. stocks, all the profits I earn from shorting are used to repurchase stocks. Not only am I not guilty, but I should also have made merit!

In fact, Yang Jing really didn't want to make much money in the U.S. stock market crash. Although the U.S. stock market was the hardest hit in that stock market crash, Yang Jing didn't want to make much money from it either.

150 billion US dollars, this is Yang Jing's bottom line.

With the total capital of KY Fund, in such a serious stock market crash, as long as you dare to short with large hands, you can definitely make a profit of more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars within a day by using a high percentage of margin leverage.But Yang Jing didn't want to die so quickly. He knew very well that if he dared to do this, the American authorities would not be able to catch him afterwards, but the Dragon Fund would definitely be completely finished.

So Yang Jing set a bottom line of 150 billion US dollars for himself.

Moreover, Yang Jing will not keep the 150 billion US dollars earned by taking advantage of the stock market crash, but will use all of it to buy back stocks.

Like Citibank at this time, before the stock market crash, Citibank’s market value was as high as 1200 billion US dollars, but after the stock market crash, Citibank’s market value plummeted to only 700 billion US dollars. Yang Jing can use 70 billion US dollars to acquire one percent of its shares. stock, thus becoming the largest individual shareholder of Citibank in one fell swoop.

Owning 1% of Citibank's shares is quite a big deal, even on the board of directors of Citibank Group.

The most important thing is that becoming a major shareholder of Citibank will greatly promote the future development of KY Fund.

KY Fund is positioned as an investment fund, with a behemoth like Citibank poking behind it, and everyone deserves three points of respect when they say it. This is the importance of being a shareholder of a large banking group.

And General Dynamics, too.Although General Dynamics is not a banking consortium, it is the top two arms contractors in the United States and has a pivotal position in the United States.

Before the stock market crash, the stock price of General Dynamics was only 1.26 US dollars per share, but after the stock market crash, it plummeted to less than 0.6 US dollars per share. If you take this opportunity to spend 30 billion US dollars to acquire 1% of its shares, that would be quite a big deal.After all, around 2000, the stock price of General Dynamics could soar to 75 US dollars per share, and the stock price soared 13 times in 125 years, becoming a behemoth with a market value of 3000 billion US dollars, and one percent of it is also worth 300 billion US dollars!
As for Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle, these companies are still "little gadgets". After the stock market crash, even Microsoft, which has the most potential, has a market value of more than one billion dollars, and Yang Jing doesn't even have a billion dollars. If you don’t need it, you can own more than 15% of the shares of these three companies!
And as long as Yang Jing uses all the funds he earned from the stock market crash by using "hedging methods" to buy back stocks in the stock market, even the SEC will not say anything else, but will be grateful to KY Fund.

In this way, Yang Jing can not only obtain a large number of blue-chip stocks at a very small price, but also obtain a large number of equity in companies such as Microsoft and Oracle, and can even get the attention of the US Securities Regulatory Commission.It can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Of course, Yang Jing will not only earn such a small amount of money.After all, like the stock market crash in 1987, it was rare in 30 years. If he didn't make good use of this stock market crash to earn a lot of profits, Yang Jing would feel sorry for himself.

In addition to the KY investment fund, there are six other offshore companies under the name of the Dragon Fund, and Yang Jing can use these six offshore companies to make a fortune in the US stock market.Even if each company only makes a billion dollars in net profit, that's a whopping $60 billion in net profit.

In addition to the U.S. stock market, the stock markets of other countries in the world were also severely hit by the stock market crash.

On the day when the "Black Monday" stock market crash broke out, the Nikkei 225 Index fell 620 points, or 14.9%; The FTSE 421 index in Argentina fell 11.3 points, or 169%, and the FTSE 12.4 index in the United Kingdom fell 30 points to 183.7 points, with investors losing £10.1 billion.In addition, the stock markets of Paris, Frankfurt, Stockholm, Milan, and Amsterdam all fell by 100% to 249.6% to varying degrees.

This is the main battlefield where Yang Jing swept huge profits!
With 70 billion US dollars, the amount of funds used in the US stock market is at most 30 billion US dollars, and the remaining 40 billion US dollars, Yang Jing intends to invest all in the stock markets of major developed countries in the world.

Not much to say, stock markets like Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong Island, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Milan, and Buenos Aires only need to earn a few billion dollars in each stock market, plus the US stock market The profit earned, reaching a profit of 490 billion US dollars is very easy.

It is still safe to do so, and it is difficult for the securities regulators in those countries to catch their own little tails!
Shorting the U.S. stock futures index can maximize profits, but it is also extremely risky.As for the major stock markets that disperse funds around the world, although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than safety.Being able to spread huge risks and turn them into less risky investments is the quality that an excellent investor should have!

PS: Bow down and thank you "Ziyan Tianjiao" for the 500 tipping, "Kunpeng 3357" for the 200 tipping, "Frozen Octave", "Legendary Soldier King", "Dasheng Madman", and "No Wind and Heavy Rain" for the 100 tipping .

(End of this chapter)

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