Easy Tycoon

Chapter 347 Shocked Yang Jing!

Chapter 347 Shocked Yang Jing!

"Boss, I won't say much about the blue-chip stocks in the New York stock market. Whether it's **, American Express, or General Electric, IBM, it's boring for me to introduce them to you. I think you must know these stocks very well." ?” David Anderson asked.

Yang Jing waved his hand and said, "You don't need to talk about these stocks. I should know as much about these stocks as you do. I just want to hear what plans you have after you come to KY Fund."

"Of course we have a plan!" David Anderson put his hands together on the table. "Actually, before coming to KY, I have been thinking about these things at home. Now I am very interested in the two companies that have just been listed."

"Let's listen to it." Yang Jing encouraged.

"Okay! The first one is Microsoft, which was listed on NASDAQ in March last year!" To Yang Jing's surprise, the first company name that David Anderson uttered turned out to be the well-known Microsoft in later generations.

Of course Yang Jing knows the name of Microsoft, and he is also very clear that the 31-year-old William Henry Gates III, because of Microsoft he founded, eventually became a world-renowned rich man, the richest man in the world He has been elected for thirteen times in a row, and he has been on the throne of the richest man in the United States for [-] consecutive times!
With Microsoft, Bill Gates has become a big figure in the world, and with Bill Gates, Microsoft has become a giant who dominates the global operating software industry.

However, Microsoft, which went public just last year, is still very immature, and the "Windows" system that will sweep the world in later generations has not yet been seen.

"The reason why I choose Microsoft is that the stock of this company performed very well in the second half of last year. The most important point is that I think Microsoft will have great development in the next few years."


"Boss, I think you should have paid attention to this company. You should know that behind the rapid development of Microsoft, there is an existence that no one can ignore, and that is the blue giant IBM. The personal PC launched by IBM is now popular All over the United States, and sweeping towards the world, this new type of personal computer has broken the tradition and is highly sought after by users, so IBM's performance has grown rapidly in the past two years. As Microsoft, which provides operating systems for IBM's personal PCs, is backed by With the towering tree of IBM, how can it not grow? Back then, Wang An had become the fifth richest man in the United States with Wang An's computer, and I personally think that IBM's personal PC, no matter from which aspect Speaking of it, its vitality far exceeds that of Wang An Computer, so if I had to choose, I would choose IBM."

"Of course, this is just my choice, but I believe that the vast majority of people will choose the same as me. And Microsoft is backed by the big tree of IBM, and its rise is inevitable. It's just that I still can't see Microsoft clearly. How far can it grow, but I can be sure that Microsoft is definitely not easy."

"This can be seen from the trading volume of Microsoft in the ten months since it went public. From March 3 last year, when Microsoft went public, until today, January 13, 1987, for a full ten months, Microsoft The turnover rate is frighteningly low, and the daily turnover is also very low. What does this mean? This shows that people who hold Microsoft stocks are very optimistic about Microsoft's prospects, and they are unwilling to sell their Microsoft stocks. This also just proves that Microsoft is an emerging company with great growth potential."

Hearing these words, Yang Jing nodded slightly, giving David Anderson a compliment in his heart.

Yang Jing is sure that David Anderson is not a time traveler, so David Anderson will never know how powerful Microsoft will be in the future.But he can now judge Microsoft's future by virtue of Microsoft's performance, even if it is only a few years away, which is already quite remarkable.

This also fully proves that this David Anderson is indeed extremely talented in investment.

"The second company is a company called Oracle. This Oracle company is also a software company. It is worth mentioning that this company accepted Sequoia Capital's angel round in 1984. It can be seen by Sequoia Capital It is enough to show the potential of this company. And after going public last year, the company's performance has grown very fast, and Cisco's performance in the stock market is similar to that of Microsoft, so I am also very optimistic about this company."

Yang Jing couldn't help being dumbfounded by these words. This David Anderson is really not simple.Before anything happened, two of the Big Three in the American 90s computer and the Internet era were thrown out!The third giant is Cisco, but at this time Cisco has not yet been listed. It will not be listed until 1990, three years later.

"Boss, these are the two companies that I feel the best in this period of time. If I want to invest, these two companies are my first choice. Apart from these two companies, I am more optimistic about another company. This company is a semiconductor chip manufacturer, and you must know the name of this company, and the name of this company is Intel."

"In fact, starting from Wang An Computer, IBM has been heavily involved in personal PCs, Intel has continuously developed chips suitable for personal PCs, and then to the birth of software companies such as Microsoft and Oracle, and the emergence of emerging computer companies such as Dell , This is enough to prove one thing, that is, the advent of a new information age. So boss, I think we should give more consideration to this aspect in our future investment direction.”

What he said really shocked Yang Jing, and he couldn't help but give David Anderson a thumbs up.

He has made a very accurate judgment just relying on these new industries that suddenly popped up collectively in the market, which is enough to show his acumen and long-term investment.

Yang Jing, who comes from the future, knows very well that from the 90s, the information industry will become such a huge industry, and this industry will become the fourth industry after agriculture, industry, and service industry!
In the future, this is a huge industry with a unit of trillions of dollars, and countless millionaires with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars have been born in it.

But now, this industry is only Xiaohe's first appearance, but David Anderson has grasped it keenly.

In fact, Yang Jing asked David Anderson today, not because he wanted to assess him, but because he wanted to take this opportunity to tell his investment goals. As a result, Yang Jing didn't say anything himself, and David Anderson directly said what Yang Jing wanted. The goal is stated.

That's right, in January 1987, Yang Jing had already targeted companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel.Although the angel round can't catch up, even if he can occupy 1% of the shares in these companies, Yang Jing can still have fun secretly!

Now that the semi-established loophole has been proven to exist, and Yang Jing has also consulted the holy ring, now that he travels as a Cypriot to invest in companies in developed countries in Europe, America, and even China decades ago, will it cause a time-space paradox? The Holy Ring gave a very positive answer, which is no problem, but one thing must be noted, that is, the amount of investment cannot exceed 30% of these companies, otherwise quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, which will also lead to time and space paradox of.

It was with this affirmative answer that Yang Jing decided to let the seven offshore companies controlled by the Dragon Fund come to the fore.After all, to invest in these companies, you must have a suitable investment fund.

It is precisely for this reason that Yang Jing hired CEO, CIO, and CFO with great fanfare.

As a result, the newly hired CIO, David Anderson, was indeed capable. A short conversation proved his keen vision and long-term foresight.

This made Yang Jing very gratified and fortunate. With such a CIO in charge of KY Fund, at least in terms of traditional investment, there is absolutely no problem.Among other things, as long as David Anderson can absorb more stocks from the stock market of Microsoft, Oracle, and Intel in the past two years, then KY funds can sit back and count their money in the future.

However, in terms of the funds currently owned by KY funds, it is not enough to just acquire the stocks of these three companies.Even Microsoft now has a market capitalization of just over US$6 million, and both Bill Gates and Paul Allen cherish their stocks very much. The two of them are not from the 90s, especially Gates. He began to reduce his Microsoft shares every year after entering the 90s.

The current students Gates and Allen both cherish the stocks in their hands, and it is not easy to buy stocks from them.

But this is not necessarily impossible, the big deal is to buy at a premium.As long as it is guaranteed not to touch the core position of Gates' classmates, no one should refuse this kind of premium acquisition.

For a while, Yang Jing thought about a lot of things in his mind, and after pondering for a long time, Yang Jing said: "David, your plan is very good, I agree very much, you should invest according to your plan during the recent period! I only have one request here, that before October this year, we must hold close to 5% of the stocks of the three companies you mentioned! I don’t care what method you use, we must accomplish this goal.”

After a pause, Yang Jing continued: "In addition to the three companies you mentioned, I also need you to pay attention to a company called Qualcomm in San Diego, California. This company was only established in July of the previous year. I don’t know very well about receiving the angel round. I need you to control at least 20% of the company’s shares, and the maximum should not exceed 30%. There is also a new company named Cisco in San Francisco, California, which is also just established. I need you to invest in this company. The shareholding ratio is the same as that of Qualcomm, no more than 30%! In addition, you should also pay attention to Wal-Mart owned by the Walton family. If you have the opportunity, you can buy Wal-Mart in the market In addition, pay more attention to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, find a way to buy Berkshire Hathaway’s stock, and collect as much as you can!”

"Berkshire Hathaway? Boss, that company's stock has risen to nearly three thousand dollars a share. Are you sure we want to buy this company's stock at such a high price?"

"Yes! I'm sure!" Yang Jing said firmly.

PS: Bow down and thank "Kunpeng 3357", "Controlling the Wind and Shadow", "A Little Monkey" for the reward of 200, "Iced Octave", "Lonely Heart", "The Taste of That Summer", "wl41982 "100 rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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