Easy Tycoon

Chapter 312 That Red Light Soaring into the Sky

Chapter 312 That Red Light Soaring into the Sky

"Great job!" Even Peng Jiasheng couldn't help praising him. Even he felt the thrill of bombing a target with an air-to-surface missile from an armed helicopter for the first time.

It can be said that Peng Jiasheng has experienced a hail of bullets in his life. He has killed people with pistols, old-fashioned bolt-action rifles, hand grenades, landmines, and rocket launchers. The enemy's tanks and gunboats, but they have never felt the taste of bombing with precise air-to-surface missiles from the air.

After being praised by Peng Jiasheng, several ex-Soviet soldiers who went crazy immediately shouted their mother tongue excitedly, and drove the Hind to circle over the Bhamo, and made a dive from time to time. The machine gun fires a series of long bursts, which can always kill many government soldiers.

Although government soldiers also used RPGs to fight the doe that was raging in the air, but in front of these old men who wanted to turn the doe into a MiG-27, these RPGs that could only shoot straight lines obviously took this The doe was helpless.

On the contrary, the attack on the ground also aroused the anger of these old men. As long as a target that can be attacked is found in the air, within ten seconds, an S-24 rocket will definitely hit the target accurately. .Within a few minutes, more than a dozen military vehicles were killed cleanly by this female deer.

The importance of air supremacy was fully demonstrated at this moment. With such a Hind, the government forces were almost powerless to fight back. The role of a Hind was even greater than that of the 2000-strong Kachin Army.

Within ten minutes, the area controlled by the government army was completely in chaos. Countless government soldiers ran around yelling, only hating their parents for giving him two missing legs.

The chaos in the city of Bhamo also allowed the commanders of the Kachin Army to discover an opportunity. Just as the Hind left the battlefield, several Kachin Army troops quickly set off from the Bhamo Airport and walked along the streets of Bhamo. Alley, quickly launched an attack towards the area controlled by the government forces.

How can the government army, who has been tortured by that doe, want to die, still have the heart to resist at this moment?After losing the Bhamo Airport itself, the government troops stationed in Bhamo no longer have the determination to resist. Now even the top military officer has been killed. It will only take a few months for these guys to put down their hoes and put on military uniforms How can the government soldiers resist the Kachin Army, which is like a wolf and a tiger?
The battle was almost one-sided. After fighting for most of the day until night fell, the Kachin Army, which originally only occupied the Bhamo Airport in the northeast of Bhamo City, took down most of Bhamo City in one go. Meaux confronted the remnants of the government army across the Stilwell Highway.

Outside the city, countless government soldiers retreated westward without their helmets or armor.In fact, at this time, it is only a matter of time before Bhamo is taken down.

In the evening, Peng Jiasheng hosted a good banquet for the pilots and weapon system officers of the two Hinds. Although only one Hind was dispatched today, Peng Jiasheng was overjoyed by the power of this Hind.

Compared with the poor Mi-2 helicopters of the Burmese government army, although the Hind is a junior, it is far from being comparable to the old Mi-2 helicopters.

Although the Mi-2 helicopter is also known as an armed helicopter, only unguided rockets are hung on the Mi-2, which is almost a weapon equivalent to an RPG individual rocket launcher.How can this unguided rocket compare with the 9M17-Phalanga air-to-ground missile on the Hind?
It is no exaggeration to say that with the fighting ability shown by the Hind, one Hind can even single out three to four Mi-2s.

With the presence of these two Hinds, the Kachin Army will not have to worry about air supremacy within ten years.

Yang Jing also stared sideways at the fighting power shown by this Hind. Sure enough, this modern armed helicopter is indeed not something that manpower can resist, unless dozens of RPGs are gathered together to focus fire, maybe the Hind can be shot down. Otherwise, with the fighting strength of the government army, it would be really difficult to take down these two Hinds.

Early the next morning, Yang Jing planned to say goodbye to Peng Jiasheng and leave here.There is no point in staying here any longer. Judging from the current battle situation, the Kachin army can completely recover Bhamo in a week at most, and the jadeite rough produced at Wumachangkou will be able to flow continuously Transported to Ruili via the Stilwell Highway.

I have to leave here early, and then take Pete Wu to Ruili to find a place to build a warehouse in Ruili, or simply find a good way of transportation in Ruili, and directly send these rough jadeites to Yanjing.

Although as long as the rough jadeite arrives in Ruili, a heart can be completely put into the stomach, but Ruili needs to make arrangements in advance. From customs to warehouse to transportation, it is a headache.

Ruili in the mid-80s is not like Ruili 30 years later. There are no expressways or railways. Even National Highway 320 is a difficult road to walk.However, Mangshi Airport, the nearest airport to Ruili, will not be open to air navigation until 1990. Now it is very difficult to transport thousands of tons of rough jadeite to Yanjing every year.

Yang Jing stood on the airport, bored watching Peng Jiasheng mobilizing the soldiers who were preparing to attack.Only when Peng Jiasheng finished speaking could he bid farewell to the Kokang King.

Yang Jing, who had nothing to do, looked east and west, and his eyes couldn't help but fell on the lonely mountain on the north bank of the Taiping River.

Bhamo is located on the east bank of the confluence of Mailikai River and Taiping River, and on the south bank of Taiping River.And on the north bank of the Taiping River, there is a lonely mountain. This mountain is not connected with the mountains in the north, but stands alone on the north bank of the river.

The mountain is not too high, only more than 300 meters high, but it is enough for Yang Jing, who is close to ten kilometers away from the mountain, to see clearly.

This mountain is actually very ordinary, but Yang Jing always feels that this mountain appears abruptly in this kind of place.The alluvial plain where Bhamo is located has a large area, and it is basically an alluvial plain within a radius of tens of kilometers. Only in the extreme distance can we see the faint green hills.

But this lonely mountain stands so lonely on the north bank of the intersection of the two rivers, it is really a bit eye-catching.

It's like Quancheng, the capital of Lu Province. Quancheng is on the south bank of the Yellow River and north of the Yellow River.But there is only a "magpie mountain" on the north bank of the Yellow River.This mountain of magpie is not high, only about [-] meters, but standing alone on the bank of the Yellow River, it is extremely eye-catching.

The lonely mountain in front of him is similar to Que Mountain in Quancheng, which makes Yang Jing feel the magic of nature.If it were during the war, on the Bhamo Plain of Yimapingchuan, this lonely mountain would definitely be a strategic location.

Looking at this mountain, Yang Jing unconsciously used the "Sky Eye" skill, but it didn't matter what he looked at, and the situation in front of him almost made him jump up.

Under the observation of the Sky Eye skill, there is a thin layer of light blue mist all around, especially above the Mailikai River, this light blue mist is more dense.This is quite normal, as the place where two rivers meet, Bhamo is rich in alluvial gold.Among other things, the Mailikai River next to Bhamo is a river rich in alluvial gold.

But in this light blue mist, on that lonely mountain about ten kilometers away, a red light rising into the sky is particularly conspicuous.

To be honest, Yang Jing has never seen such a majestic red light since he acquired the "Sky Eye" skill.Even the warehouse I saw when I participated in the warehouse auction in the United States, compared with the red light in front of me, the red light contained in it is like a firefly to Haoyue.

In that warehouse auction, there were thirteen priceless famous paintings hidden in that warehouse. Although they were stolen goods, the humanistic treasure contained in them was also very sufficient.

But the red light in front of him turned out to be so grand, more than a hundred times more than the humanistic aura contained in that warehouse. How big a treasure must this be to contain such a huge amount of humanistic aura?

When Yang Jing settled down and observed carefully, he found strands of bluish blue rays of light in the red light that soared into the sky. Needless to say, this is the color of precious energy that only natural precious energy has.

In other words, there should be a lot of antiques and gems hidden in that lonely mountain!

If it wasn't for Yang Jing's certainty that the eye of the sky would not make mistakes, he really thought he was delusional.

It is true that Bhamo is an important trade town and transportation hub in northern Myanmar, but it is limited to the city of Bhamo. Outside the city of Bhamo, there is a wilderness outside, especially the lonely mountain is nearly [-] miles away from Bhamo. And in the land, who would bury the treasure in what place?

The point is that northern Myanmar itself is terribly poor. Who would bury such a treasure in such a poor place where chickens can't lay eggs and birds can't shit?
When he saw this red light, Yang Jing forgot about going back to change his nationality and transporting the rough jadeite.This is an out-and-out treasure!
Yang Jing couldn't stand anymore, there seemed to be a force in the dark pulling him desperately to the lonely mountain.

Seeing that Peng Jiasheng was still chattering there, Yang Jing couldn't wait any longer, so he waved at Peng Jiasheng's adjutant, and the adjutant ran over.

"In a moment, tell Commander Peng that I will take a stroll around so that he doesn't have to wait for me. If I finish my shopping, I will leave Kachin State on my own. Tell Commander Peng and let him rest assured. I'm absolutely fine here, I've got in touch with my bodyguards and they'll be flying a helicopter to pick me up in no time."

The adjutant froze for a moment, and then said in a very embarrassed way: "Mr. Smith, it seems a bit strange that you just left without saying goodbye."

Yang Jing waved his hand and said, "There is nothing appropriate or inappropriate. Commander Peng and I are in a heart-to-heart relationship, and some messy etiquette can be used between us. You tell Commander Peng, just say that I look forward to him taking down Bhamo as soon as possible." .Okay, without further ado, give me a motorcycle, and I'll set off right away!"

The adjutant nodded helplessly, pointed to the other end of the airport runway and said, "Mr. Smith, if you want a motorcycle, you can go to the logistics officer over there and ask for it. We still have quite a few motorcycles here."

Yang Jing shook his head, and quickly walked towards the other end of the airport runway without looking back. As for what Peng Jiasheng thought, Yang Jing didn't bother to think about it.
(End of this chapter)

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