Easy Tycoon

Chapter 303 Almost a Pot!

Chapter 303 Almost a pot!

The first thing to fire was the squad machine gun on the turret in the southwest corner. There were searchlights on the turret. Together with the burning fire pit on the 50-meter cordon, it was enough to make people who entered the cordon invisible. .

It should be said that the bosses of the emerald mining area tried every means to protect the warehouse.The cheapest and most effective way is the fire pit that surrounds the entire warehouse area.

At a place about 50 meters away from the warehouse wall, the security guards dug hundreds of pits, every five meters or so, with dry firewood piled in the pits.Usually at night, one is lit every three to five times, relying on the light generated by the burning of dry wood in the fire pit as a warning.

It often rains here in Myanmar. In order to make the firewood burn in the rain, once it catches up with the rain, the security guards will pour diesel oil on the dry firewood, so that unless there is a heavy rain, the cordon will always be able to function. alert.

In an emergency like this evening, all the fire pits would be ignited, and such a circle of fire pits would burn at the same time, at least within two or three hours to keep the cordon under light.

And because of the existence of this bright warning line, it is difficult for the enemy to see the situation in the warehouse area clearly. After all, except for the searchlights on the four turrets in the warehouse area, the lights in other places are temporarily turned off, and almost the entire warehouse area is dark. Hiding in the dark.

On the four turrets of the warehouse, there is a Kalanishkov light machine gun that is protected by steel plates on the outside and fires 7.62mm machine gun bullets, which is the famous RPK machine gun.

When this machine gun is fired, it has a particularly crisp sound. Just like the AK47 rifle, you can hear the identity of this machine gun.The RPK equipped with a drum drum with 75 bullets can empty a drum drum in more than ten seconds if rapid shooting is used.

However, the machine gunner on the turret is obviously very experienced. After several consecutive bursts of shots, there were a few screams in the distance. Of course, the bullets fired from the darkness also jingled the turret. A bullet even directly shattered the searchlight.

However, the shattered searchlight did not affect the machine gunner's shooting.On the contrary, because the searchlight was shattered, the entire turret was plunged into darkness, which made it more difficult for the enemy to grasp the situation on the turret, which was more conducive to the defense of the turret.And 50 meters ahead, there is a bright warning line. As long as the enemy dares to approach the warning line, the squad machine gun will immediately let them taste the power of Lao Maozi's weapon!

As the turret in the southwest corner opened fire first, the other turrets also began to receive fire from the enemy, and because the searchlight of the southwest turret was broken, the other turrets also learned to be smart and directly turned off all the searchlights. Closed, the entire warehouse area was completely plunged into darkness.

In the warehouse, under the stunned gaze of several mine owners, Yang Jing directly changed into a full protective body armor, put on a bulletproof helmet, turned into a huge bear, and wobbled away from the warehouse door go out.

To be honest, when the gunshots rang out, Yang Jing was indeed a little scared and panicked, but after the initial panic, all that remained was courage.

Although the battlefield is the cruelest place, it can also inspire the bloodiness deep in a man's bones.And Yang Jing knew very well that on a low-intensity battlefield like northern Myanmar, as long as he was well protected, the possibility of encountering danger was not very high.

In particular, the full-protection bulletproof vest with ceramic composite panels worn by Yang Jing has reached the highest protection level of bulletproof vests, Level IV. The thickness of the ceramic composite panels alone is 21 mm.Under this level of protection, even the M865 Garand rifle with a bullet velocity of 1 m/s cannot penetrate this body armor when using armor-piercing bullets.

In this era, in places like northern Myanmar, even government forces use AK47 rifles at best. The initial velocity of the bullet of AK47 is only 710 m/s, so it is impossible to penetrate this kind of body armor at all.As long as he was not attacked by an RPG unfortunately, Yang Jing could hardly be afraid of any attack.

Not to mention that this guy took out a wheeled heavy shield from the big box after he went out. He hid himself behind the shield and held an infrared telescope in his hand to observe the outside world.
The gunfire became more and more intense. Obviously, the warehouse area was a huge magnet, firmly attracting the sneak attacking government troops.Bullets were flying everywhere, and Yang Jing could even clearly see the sparks from the enemy's bullets hitting the steel shield of the turret's machine gun.

Occasionally, one or two bullets would hit the heavy shield in front of Yang Jing, but they were easily blocked by the shield.

The excellent bulletproof ability of the heavy shield made Yang Jing feel at ease. Obviously, the bullets that hit the shield were all stray bullets, and the enemy hadn't discovered the situation on the side of the warehouse gate hidden in the dark.

The infrared telescope in Yang Jing's hands is much more powerful than the low-light scopes in the hands of those security guards. The infrared telescope in his hand was also bought from an arms dealer in Pakistan. Infrared telescopes used by troops.Without any external light source, this infrared telescope can easily distinguish people from 350 meters away.

In the black and red images displayed in the telescope, Yang Jing saw a group of about thirty or forty people gathering together, as if they were discussing something.

Yang Jing jumped down the pit, asked the machine gunner to move away, then looked at the positions of the group of people with the binoculars in his hand, and then began to turn the muzzle of the gun slightly. When the muzzle was almost adjusted, Yang Jing Handed the binoculars to the machine gunner, grabbed the handle of the machine gun with both hands, and pulled the trigger. With the low sound of "dong dong dong dong", a flame more than one meter long shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and The dust on the ground near the muzzle was also blown into the sky by the powerful airflow ejected from the muffler.

There has been no rain in northern Myanmar for the past two days, so there is a thick layer of yellow floating soil on the ground. Now this layer of floating soil has been blown up, and the entire warehouse gate is covered in flying dust.

When the 12.7mm heavy machine gun is fired, the recoil force is very large. Even if this heavy machine gun is fixed on the tripod, if the machine gunner does not have enough strength, he cannot control the muzzle.

If it was before, Yang Jing, who had not received any training, would definitely not be able to control this big killer.But now with the ability to feed back, Yang Jing is equivalent to a martial arts master with extreme internal strength, and can easily control this big killer.

If there is a high-speed camera to capture the scene at this time and then play it back in slow motion, then someone will exclaim "This is impossible!"

Because under the control of Yang Jing's powerful hands, the muzzle of this heavy machine gun almost didn't jump when it fired.After the huge recoil was partially absorbed by the tripod, the remaining force was all offset by Yang Jing's powerful force.

The machine gunner with the infrared telescope next to him put down the telescope in his hand in astonishment, looking at Yang Jing as if he was watching a ghost.

In the infrared imaging lens, the machine gunner could clearly see bright ballistic trajectories across the black night sky, and then plunged into the crowd of people. Immediately, countless red liquid objects splashed everywhere, and even more Most of them were broken arms and legs flying all over the sky, and even a few unlucky ones were directly hit in the head by machine gun bullets. The whole head disappeared in such an instant, only the red liquid sprayed from the neck remained.
In front of the 12.7mm bullet, people seem so fragile.

Because Yang Jing didn't see the situation over there, he didn't have any psychological burden.Of course he didn't know that he shot out with this shuttle, and directly killed more than 20 of the group of enemies. On average, two bullets can kill or injure a person.
Changing an ammunition box neatly, Yang Jing shook his head at the machine gunner, then crawled out of the pit, and continued to observe the situation in the distance with the infrared telescope.

Chiron is a soldier from Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar. He has been a soldier for 17 years.At the age of 35, he has already become a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander of the Burmese government army.

Last year, the Kachin Army, which had been dormant for several years, suddenly rose strongly and defeated the government army in Kachin State. Not only the capital of Kachin State, Myitkyina, was lost, but the government army was beaten back again and again by the Kachin Army. Maohan, an important checkpoint town on the central line, has already fallen into the hands of the Kachin Army, and Bhamo, an important town on the eastern line, is about to lose its hold.

Once the Kachin Army captures Bhamo, and Mao Khan responds from the side, it will almost become a dream in the mirror and a moon in the water if the government forces want to retake Kachin State.As the battalion commander of a main battalion of the government troops stationed in the northern military region, Chiron naturally confronted the Kachin army on the center line.But it is a pity that the Kachin army, which had been fighting guerrillas before, turned out to be as if it had been beaten with chicken blood this time, and it was able to defeat the government army head-on.

The main battalion led by Chiron was also severely beaten by the Kachin army.So Chiron wants revenge!

With the center line and the east line at a disadvantage, Chiron decided to send another surprise force to attack from the west line.That is to lead his main battalion to take a transport ship, under the opening of the gunboat, go northward along the Qindun River, the largest tributary of the Irrawaddy River, and after reaching Hongmalin, enter the Wulu River, and then take advantage of the gunboat, all the way along the The Wulu River broke through to the east and finally reached Mogang.

Because the main force of the Kachin Army is concentrated in Bhamo and Maohan at this time, once Chiron's main battalion can take Mogang, then it can point directly to Myitkyina to the east, and the Kachin Army in Maohan can be sent to the south. Blocked in the valley, cooperating with the troops in the south, they can even swallow the Kachin army gathered in Maohan.

The same tactics can also be used on the Eastern Front. As long as Mogang is captured, if Peng Jiasheng does not want to lose Myitkyina, then he will inevitably lead the main force of the Kachin Army back to help Myitkyina, then the government forces can immediately keep Bhamo and follow the trend Attack Myitkyina.

When Chiron proposed this plan to the high-level government army, he immediately got the consent of the high-level government army, so there was this night attack on the Damukan mining area tonight.Because if you want to go eastward along the Wulu River, the three mining areas entrenched on the Wulu River, namely the Damukan Mining Area, the Xiangdong Mining Area and the Old Pagan Mining Area have become obstacles.

In order to successfully complete the strategic intention, Chiron doesn't mind taking care of the security guards in those mining areas.Although Chiron is well aware that those security guards are even more aggressive than the Kachin Army, he has more than a dozen gunboats, each with two 12.7mm heavy machine guns, and the first two gunboats each have a gunboat. It is a 37mm anti-aircraft gun that can be used both high and low.With these two big killers, Chiron is confident that he will break through the three mining areas in a very short time.

In fact, just as Chiron expected, the first battle in the Damukan mining area went very smoothly.The two 37mm anti-aircraft guns on the first two gunboats are indeed powerful. Once fired, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will all be turned into fly ash!
It took less than an hour for Chiron's main battalion to break through the mouth of the Mog Diechang and penetrate deep into the hinterland of the Damukan mining area.

Chiron is very confident that he will break through here in a short time, and take the warehouse area here for himself!
But there is one thing that Chiron didn't think of, that is, the warehouse area at the entrance of the field is not close to the river, but on a small plateau with a relatively higher terrain, so that the gunboats will be useless.

But that's okay, Chiron is confident that he can take down this warehouse area.

As a result, what he didn't expect was that when he led a group of middle and low-level officers to discuss how to deal with the warehouse less than 400 meters away from the warehouse, the heavy machine gun bullets that seemed to fall from the sky almost killed those in his regiment. The main officer took the blame.
PS: Bow and thank you for the 100 tip of "Frozen Octave".

(End of this chapter)

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