Easy Tycoon

Chapter 295 The Emerald Warehouse Belonging to Yang Jing

Chapter 295 The Emerald Warehouse Belonging to Yang Jing

"These are our warehouses?" Yang Jing asked, frowning, pointing to the seven or eight ten-meter-square solid warehouses located in a corner of the warehouse area.

"Yes, boss, since we opened up this field in July last year, all the rough jadeite stones we have dug out have been sorted and piled up here. We have no place to transport them now! Mr. Ale originally said that he would come here last year. Yes, in the end, I don’t know what happened to him, and he never came here, so the original agreement that Mr. Ale would open up the transportation route to China naturally fell through.”

Yang Jing nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I know about it. I came this time to help Mr. Ale get through the transportation route."

When Wu Qinmao heard this, he was overjoyed. "Boss, if you don't come again, we don't know where to put the rough stones we dug up. At the gates here, there are usually two to three warehouses at each gate as temporary storage points. Other rough stones They will all be transported away in a short period of time. Our jadeite rough can only be piled up here because there is no way to transport it out. There is not much open space in the Damukan mining area itself, and we have to build four or five more warehouses. It was a lot of money, and it also caused some dissatisfaction among the mine owners at the other entrances."

While the two were talking, a local Burmese man with a gun trotted over, stood at attention and saluted Wu Qinmao, then said something in a jabber, and Wu Qinmao replied in a jabber.

They communicated in the local dialect, which Yang Jing naturally couldn't understand, but obviously, Wu Qinmao introduced Yang Jing's identity to this person, so this guy bowed to Yang Jing very neatly.

Wu Qinmao explained: "Boss, this is Tunqin, the security captain of our warehouse. He is a cousin of my aunt's family. He is absolutely reliable. Now he is leading 120 armed men, divided into four shifts 24 hours a day. Protect our warehouse."

Yang Jing nodded to the security captain very satisfied, which made him a little flattered.

The warehouse area can be said to be the most important area of ​​a yard. In the Damukan mining area, several adjacent yards usually arrange warehouses together, and then several yards jointly dispatch security personnel to guard the warehouse area.

It seems that this warehouse area was built by the mine owners of the five nearby mines. The warehouse area is surrounded by stone walls more than one meter thick and four meters high, and there are tall turrets at the four corners. , Searchlights and squad machine guns using 7.62mm machine gun ammunition are installed on the turret, and at least five security personnel from different entrances are on duty at the same time on each turret.

Inside and outside the walls of the warehouse area, there are also a large number of security guards with guns patrolling non-stop. These large numbers of security guards almost prevent any dead spots in the entire warehouse area. Unknowingly touched into the warehouse area.

The gate of the warehouse area can only be entered by fixed security personnel and the boss or manager at the gate, and no one else can enter at all.It is no exaggeration to say that even if Peng Jiasheng, the king of Kokang, came here, he would not be able to enter the gate of the warehouse.

Although these emerald venues are now under the management of Peng Jiasheng, the bosses of these venues are not afraid of Peng Jiasheng.Everyone who dares to open a mine here has a very deep background, and there are hundreds of security guards at the entrance of these mines, and the equipment is even better than that of Peng Jiasheng's army.

Therefore, even Peng Jiasheng would not be taboo about going to these warehouse areas on his own initiative.

Under Tun Qin's leadership, Yang Jing and Wu Qinmao walked into the warehouse area and followed a fixed route to the area where their warehouse belonged.

The four walls of these warehouses are all built with stones, and the roofs are made of thick logs as ridges at the bottom, covered with thatch and yellow mud.

In this era, cement in northern Myanmar was even rarer than arms, let alone prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs.These warehouses were built entirely from local materials.

The gate of the warehouse is also nailed with logs, iron gate?In this day and age you don't even think about it.In the 80s, no matter which mining area, all warehouse doors were made from local materials and nailed with thick logs.

Tunqin opened the lock, untied the iron chain that was as thick as a child's arm, and called three guards over. The four of them worked hard together, and finally pushed the door open to allow people to walk in. .

This door also has its own anti-theft function.There is no door hinge, so a door that weighs eight or nine hundred catties requires at least three or four people to push it open.One person may be able to sneak into the mining area, but the probability of two or three people sneaking in together is almost impossible.

This is like the "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" used by big families in ancient China to guard against theft. Those big families melted hundreds of catties of silver and cast them into "Ghost Seeing Sorrow". Jin, even if those thieves got in, there was no way to move them away.Ghosts are worried when they see these big silver ingots, let alone those thieves
The warehouse doors of these warehouses are the same as those "ghosts and sorrows".

A warehouse is about 100 square meters, and there is a wooden shelf made of logs every one meter inside. There are five shelves in a warehouse, and each shelf is filled with rough jadeite stones that are not very big. .

Yang Jing looked at these rough jadeites, and couldn't help frowning.The number of these rough emeralds is much less than he imagined.

"Old Wu, how many rough stones can be stored in this warehouse?"

Wu Qinmao immediately took out a black notebook from his pocket, opened it, looked at it and said, "Boss, this warehouse contains the best rough stones carefully selected by us, and there are a total of 4156 rough stones in full bloom." The rough stones, with a total weight of 7.98 tons."

The rough jadeite shells in the Damukan mining area are mostly brown-gray and yellow-red. Generally speaking, the water and bottom are good, but there are many white and yellow fogs. Generally speaking, they are relatively small, generally about one or two kilograms.

These more than 4000 rough stones weigh less than eight tons, which is in line with the characteristics of rough jadeite produced in the Damukan mining area.However, nearly [-] people dug for a year to dig out such a small amount of rough stones, which is really unreasonable.

"After digging for more than a year, you have dug out such a few rough stones?" Yang Jing's tone was a bit bad.

Wu Qinmao shivered, and quickly explained: "Boss, this warehouse is only one of our eight warehouses, and all the rough stones in this warehouse are of the best quality, so the number of rough stones in this warehouse is so small. Others Each of the seven warehouses holds about 150 tons of rough stones. We dug out a total of about 5000 tons of rough stones in one year, which is quite a lot. Hangbachangkou next to us, The area is a bit larger than our field entrance. They have more than 150 miners, and they only dig out 20 tons of rough stones a year. Those small field entrances can dig out [-] tons of rough stones a year. They are burning incense! Among the more than [-] mines in the Damukan mining area, there are only four or five mines that can dig out [-] tons of rough stones a year, and the other mines are only dozens of tons a year. quantity."

When Wu Qinmao said this, Yang Jing remembered that it was only the 80s now, and that the emerald mining areas in Myanmar still use purely manual methods of excavation.Now it is not like 30 years later, when "strange hand" excavating equipment replaced a lot of labor. With the large-scale use of modern equipment, the output of Myanmar's emerald mining area has also greatly increased.

But even with the use of "strange hands" on a large scale, during the two years of 2014 and 2015, when the output was the highest, only [-] tons of rough jadeite was dug out of the Myanmar jade mine in the past year.

At present, the Burmese emerald mining area is not the eight major mining areas of later generations. The only mining areas that have formed now are Laopagan, Xiangdong, Longken, Damukan, Houjiang, and the Huika mining area located in a ravine about 20 kilometers south of Xiangdong Zhaizi.As for Lei Da and Nan Qi, they are just prototypes now.

Among the current six major mining areas, the Damukan mining area is the one with the largest output. It can produce less than [-] tons of rough jadeite a year. The remaining five major mining areas together produce about [-] tons of jadeite a year. of emerald rough.

Of course, this does not mean that the miners here only dug out about [-] tons of rough jadeite a year.In fact, these miners dig stones day and night, and the amount of stones dug out in a year is [-] tons, but most of the stones are not rough emerald stones.

There are many stone selection masters in each field who are specially used to select rough jadeite. These stones have been dug out by these masters several times. Only a very small number of rough jadeite will be picked out by these stone selection masters and stored in the warehouse Most of the remaining stones will be piled up in the ore dump.

Just like the stone mountain that Yang Jing and Wu Qinmao saw on the way to the warehouse just now, it is actually an ore garbage dump, and all the garbage ore left by the stone selection masters are piled up in it.

Of course, there may be some missed emerald ores in these ore dumps, so there are always many women and children in the ore dumps picking up stones, hoping to find unexpected discoveries.However, these dumps are also owned, and everyone who enters the dump must pay a fee.Although the stones you pick up belong to you, you have to pay taxes to take any stones in the dump.

After thinking of these data, Yang Jing was relieved.My own Changkou is the youngest one in the entire Damukan mining area. In one year, one-seventh of the jadeite rough in the entire Damukan mining area has been dug out. This achievement is definitely worthy of praise.

Yang Jing said to Wu Qinmao: "I blamed you. You did a good job last year. This year I will give you a 20% salary increase. Well, the security guards are also not easy. After the new year, everyone will also raise their salary. 20%."

When Wu Qinmao heard this, his face immediately burst into joy, and he folded his hands together and bowed to Yang Jing.

Yang Jing waved his hands and said, "That's it, you two go outside and wait for me first, and you two don't come in without my invitation."

Neither Wu Qinmao nor Tunqin dared to disobey the orders of the big boss, and the two of them walked out immediately. After going out, they kindly closed the heavy door again, leaving Yang Jing alone in the warehouse
PS: Bow down and thank "Ziyan Tianjiao" for the reward of 100.

(End of this chapter)

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