Easy Tycoon

Chapter 277 300% Investment Return Rate

Chapter 277 300% ROI
As a concealed investment, or simply financial speculation, after the profit-making funds escape smoothly, you must re-transfer it, so as not to be caught by your tail by those financial predators.

Yang Jing is very clear that his speculative actions are the final prey of those financial predators. If he doesn't pay attention, he may be caught by the tail of those financial predators. At that time, he must have nothing to do, but Cesa Will, Mike and the others will definitely face a catastrophe.

This kind of person who dares to take food from a tiger's mouth has never had a good end. The violent fluctuation of the international gold price in 1980 created a group of billionaires, but likewise, many people disappeared afterwards.

In the "Black Monday" of the US stock market in 1987, several well-known financial predators were arrested by the US authorities afterwards.

As long as financial speculation seizes the opportunity, it is inevitable to make a fortune. This is beyond doubt, especially for a guy like Yang Jing with golden fingers, financial speculation is equivalent to his money printing machine.

But again, if you don't wipe your ass clean after shitting, the consequences are absolutely disastrous.The transfer of profit-making funds is the most critical part of the process of wiping the ass.

Yang Jing has the skills of "Disguise" and "Restricted Level Time Travel". He can even do nothing without wiping his butt. Once someone really grabs his little tail, Yang Jing can pat his butt and leave. Anyone can catch him. Can't stand him.

Even Cesar and the others don't know Yang Jing's true identity, coupled with the space-time travel skills, I am afraid that no one in this world can catch it, so Yang Jing is not afraid at all.

But these people who have been cooperating with him in investing are not good enough. Yang Jing doesn't want these right-hand men to be completely ruined, so he will still hire Brad Jones with a huge commission to let him launder money. The master laundered all his profitable funds
"Cesar, we used a leverage ratio of 1:10 to speculate on the Japanese yen and the U.S. dollar this time, because it is a long-term foreign exchange futures transaction, so this time we cannot operate on a full position like the last time we speculated on London gold. A certain amount of funds must be left in case the exchange rate fluctuates, and we have funds to cover positions in due course.”

"Okay, BOSS, how much money should we keep? How much money should we use?" Cesar asked.

Yang Jinglue pondered for a moment and said, "Retain 15 billion and use 20 billion! The 20 billion will be used to operate this investment."

The investment action to hype the US dollar and Japanese yen is a long-term operation process.Although the yen has been in a state of appreciation in less than four months from September to December 1985, it has only increased by about 9%. Yang Jing doesn't want to be busy for a while. point of harvest.

Even if the leverage ratio of 1:10 is used to operate, the final return is only 200%.

So Yang Jing planned that this operation would last at least one year.

Because Yang Jing knows very well that the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar against the yen was as low as 1985:8 in August 1, and then it would rise to about 248:1986 in August 8. The appreciation was as high as 1%.This is also the craziest year for the appreciation of the yen.

Even if the yen will eventually rise to a maximum of 1:94, it will take too long. To reach this ratio, it will take until 1995.

Yang Jing doesn't want to spend ten years on this investment operation, he just needs to seize the craziest first year of the yen's rise, and that's enough.


As long as the profit can reach 48%, then Yang Jing's final profit will be close to 100 billion US dollars.There are enough profits without causing a space-time paradox.

Hearing Yang Jing's words, Cesar gave Yang Jing a thumbs up sign, obviously very satisfied with Yang Jing's arrangement.

Like the last time he invested in London gold, Cesar's little heart was almost scared out of his mind.That investment was all-in, and there was no way out. As long as the market fluctuates, those funds will immediately become flowers in the water and Jing Zhongyue, and this mysterious boss will also be burdened with debts enough to make him jump off the building. .

Although that investment was miraculously won in the end, from the heart, Cesar did not approve of this crazy gambling operation.

How good this time is, leaving enough funds to cover positions, and using a relatively low leverage ratio, this is the safest way to invest.

In fact, what Cesar didn't know at all was that if it wasn't for the damned space-time paradox hanging over Yang Jing's head like a sword of Damocles, he wouldn't bother to use such a conservative operation method to deal with it. Do this operation.

It is Yang Jing's favorite way to operate like the London gold investment last time!
We are men with golden fingers, only the extreme operation method is the means that men like us should have!

Yang Jing carried out this investment very carefully, and made preparations a month in advance, in order to avoid being caught by the small tail due to excessive concentration of funds.

With Cesar's means, within a one-month preparation period, it was enough to do everything seamlessly.After all, this investment operation Yang Jing intends to operate simultaneously on the six most important foreign exchange futures markets in the world, and there are 120 accounts to spread this huge amount of funds.

If he could still be caught by others with such an operation method, then Yang Jing really couldn't complain about anything other than lamenting his bad luck.

In fact, Yang Jing is so careful that in this era when there is no Internet in the world, the possibility of him being caught by the tail is almost zero.

When they are ready, there are still ten days to build a position, which is enough time for Cesar and the others to build a position quietly.


September 1985, 9, was a Sunday.On this day, the U.S. Treasury Secretary and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, as well as the finance ministers and central bank governors of Britain, France, the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan held a meeting at the Plaza Hotel in New York.The key members attending the meeting decided through consultation: to jointly coordinate and intervene in the international financial market, and adjust the dollar that has risen too high.The final agreement reached at the meeting was later known as the "Plaza Hotel Agreement".

Therefore, the time to build a position must be completed before Saturday, September 9th.Yang Jing would lose a lot of money if he built a warehouse according to September 7, the time when the "Plaza Accord" was officially signed.

In fact, before Saturday, September 9, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Japanese yen remained at a high level of 7:1, but by Friday, September 248, the Japanese yen had already traded in just five trading days. rose by 9%.

From September to December, the yen appreciated by 9% in total in these four months, but within these five trading days, the yen appreciated by 12%. If Yang Jing followed the "Plaza Agreement", it would be the day when To build a warehouse, he only had a 20% profit range in 10, which Yang Jing could not accept.

However, Yang Jing could not start holding a large amount of West Deutsche Mark and Japanese Yen as early as mid-August like Soros did. As a result, this premature opening of positions caused Soros to suffer certain losses in the early stage .

Therefore, the time to open a position should not be too early, otherwise it will cause unnecessary losses.Of course, it can't be too late. With the total amount of Yang Jing's investment this time, if the time to build a position is too late, it is easy to be caught by the tail.

Of course, Yang Jing does not intend to learn from Soros.Soros speculated West Deutsche Mark and Japanese Yen together in this investment operation, but in fact this approach is not as profitable as speculating on the Japanese Yen alone.

Although the West Deutsche Mark also appreciated when the U.S. dollar depreciated, the appreciation was not as great as that of the Japanese Yen.Therefore, concentrating all the funds to speculate on the yen is the best way to maximize profits.

Therefore, in this investment operation, Yang Jing completely ignored the West Deutsche Mark, but put all his financial resources and energy on the Japanese yen.

With the same $20 billion in funds, speculating on the West Deutsche Mark may ultimately make a profit of only $50 billion, but speculating on the Japanese Yen can make a profit of $100 billion. Any fool knows how to choose.

Seeing that Cesar and the others had no problems, Yang Jing said to Mike Aller again: "Mike, you can put aside other things about the Dragon Fund for a while, and you should be in charge of the logistics for this investment operation. Hmm , By the way, do you have any plans to invest in this operation? I dare not say too much, but I can guarantee a 300% return on investment."

Mike Aller shook his head with a smile and said: "I'll continue to be in charge of logistics, and I won't participate in investment matters. Cole, you know my character, I'm not interested in this kind of speculative investment, I I just like to earn a steady commission."

Yang Jing looked at Mike Aller, shook his head slightly and said, "Okay, since you don't want to invest, then I won't force you. How about the commission rate still being 1% this time?"

Mike Aller smiled immediately, "Boss, thank you very much for your generosity. I am very, very satisfied with this number. Don't worry, I will do even better in logistics than last time."

Mike Aller is not a fool. Judging from the 300% return on investment that Yang Jing promised him just now, he can easily calculate how much money Yang Jing can make this time.

With an investment of 35 billion U.S. dollars and a 300% rate of return, he can get a profit of at least 100 billion U.S. dollars. Even if he only takes a 1% commission, it is as high as [-] million U.S. dollars!

In this era, commissions of [-] million US dollars are definitely the most in the world.Mike Aller had no reason to refuse such a commission.

Seeing several people getting busy, Yang Jing nodded in satisfaction.

This small team has already taken shape. Although there may not be a few investments, this team is an indispensable and important part of Yang Jing's grand plan.

(End of this chapter)

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