Easy Tycoon

Chapter 270 The Evil Old Xiao

Chapter 270 The Evil Old Xiao

After twelve o'clock, it will be a new year, and Yang Jing will inevitably have a video chat with Ge Ge when he returns home.

The three members of the old uncle's family have already gone back, and the eldest aunt and the second uncle have gone to live with the eldest aunt. There are only three members of Yang Jing's family, Yang Jing's grandparents, and Yang Jing's grandma.

The house is open enough to live in. It will be even more spacious when the old uncle drives over to pick up the grandpa and grandma tomorrow morning.

Yang Jing was sleeping on the sofa in the living room. He and Gege video chatted for over an hour, and the battery of his mobile phone was cut off, and the two hung up the phone reluctantly.Of course, the two met on the Lantern Festival.

Yang Jing went to Jinling for the Lantern Festival, and went to see the Lantern Festival at the Confucius Temple by the Qinhuai River.

If Yang Jing studied in Jinling for four years, he never saw the Qinhuai Lantern Festival. This time, he made an appointment with Gege to see this comprehensive lantern festival known as "the best lantern festival in the world". dream.

Chinese New Year is all about New Year greetings, drinking, and playing.

It is worth mentioning that Cai Yi, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Guo met Mr. Yang together in Tianqu a few years ago. As a result, Mr. Liu and Mr. Guo both got a flu a few years ago. It was not until the fifth day of the lunar new year that they took the high-speed train to Tianqu together.

Yang Jing drove to the high-speed rail station with his bodyguards to pick them up, and Cai Yi and the others also came with an expert that Yang Jing didn't know. According to Cai Yi, this expert was Professor Xiao who specialized in calligraphy and painting. He was taken care of by Mr. Yang for a long time.This time, he also came to visit Mr. Yang with him.

"Is Mr. Yang okay?" Professor Xiao asked Yang Jing in the car, "Well, it's been more than 30 years now. When Mr. Yang retired and went home to take care of himself, we were still young."

"Old Xiao, Grandpa Yang is in good health and full of energy. When I paid New Year's greetings to him on the first day of the new year, this old man was dressed in a bright red Tang suit, which is very trendy." Yang Jing laughed while driving. Said.

"Hey, this old man is still so energetic now! The last time I visited the old man was three years ago. In the past two years, the youngest son has a grandson. He only takes care of the grandson at home, and he doesn't take time to visit the old man."

Although Mr. Xiao is 69 years old this year, he is more than 20 years younger than Mr. Yang, a generation gap.

"Old Xiao, according to my opinion, with Grandpa Yang's body and spirit, it will not be a problem to live to a hundred years old. The old man is now energetic, and he can wander around the garden in their community for half an hour every day. .”

"Hehe, that's good, that's good! Elder Yang is in good health. This is our blessing. After the death of Master Qi, there are fewer and fewer members of the older generation. Every one of them He is the pillar of the sky in the circle!"

Although people could sit in the back of Yang Jing's car, generally no one would sit in the back seat. Mr. Xiao sat in the co-pilot seat, chatting along the way, and soon arrived at Mr. Yang's house.

Mr. Yang also knew that Cai Yi and the others had come to visit him today, and they had been waiting at home early. The one who waited at home with the old man was also the youngest son of the old man, Yang Zhengyu, who was a senior official in Quancheng District. After the Chinese New Year, he will be transferred to Tianqu to take up the post of mayor, which is considered to have completed the crucial leap from the deputy hall to the main hall.This is what Mr. Yang said, so it should be very accurate.

The arrival of Cai Yi and the others made the originally deserted family lively.Although Cai Yi and the others are well-recognized in the circle now, compared to the old man Yang in front of him, they are juniors.

Moreover, the four who came here today were not less taken care of by Mr. Yang before, especially Cai Yi, who was trained by Mr. Yang as a disciple. It's no different.

The other three experts also have a very close relationship with Mr. Yang, otherwise the four of them would not have formed a group to visit Mr. Yang.

Lunch at noon was eaten at home, and Yang Zhengyu and Yang Jingjing accompanied the last seat. The old man was also in a good mood seeing so many juniors visiting him, so he made an exception and drank two more glasses of wine.

The wine was brought by Yang Jing. After Guo Dabao picked him up at the airport last time, he gave Yang Jing two bottles of 1977 Moutai before leaving. These two bottles of Moutai came in handy today, blending the new Drink the Feitian Maotai together.

This 40-year-old wine does not taste as good as it is said in the legend. The old wine of this year usually has a stale taste, so the old wine can be blended with new wine to bring out the charm of the old wine full of time. Come.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Cai Yi put down his chopsticks and said seriously, "Uncle Yang, I have something here and I want to ask your opinion."

Everyone else called Mr. Yang "Old Yang", but Cai Yi called him "Uncle Yang", which is enough to prove that the relationship between the two is closer.

"Well, tell me, as long as I know, I will tell you." The old man nodded and said.

Cai Yi looked at Mr. Liu and Mr. Guo, and then said: "After Xiaojing came back from the United States a few years ago, he went to the courtyard and said that he wanted to be my doctoral student. I, Mr. Liu and Mr. Guo All in all, I felt that Xiaojing would be a little too talented if he only studied for a Ph. , No, this matter is up to you. You and Xiaojing’s grandfather are old friends for more than 30 years, and you looked down on Xiaojing from childhood. You know Xiaojing best, so you think Who should Xiao Jing follow?"

When Mr. Yang heard this, he was also taken aback for a moment. He glanced at the three juniors in front of him, smiled and was about to speak when he suddenly saw that Professor Xiao next to him seemed to have something to say, so he paused and said to Professor Xiao : "Zhen Guo, we are not outsiders, do you have anything to say?"

Professor Xiao's face turned red rarely, and then he smiled to ease his embarrassment, and said, "Master, I've heard about Xiao Jing a long time ago. I want to compete with the three of them. Anyone who sees such a good child likes him, and I am no exception. I also want to take in a good disciple to inherit my mantle."

Everyone here was taken aback by what he said, Cai Yi, Liu Lao and Guo Lao immediately stepped on Xiao Lao with dissatisfied expressions on their faces, obviously hating this guy who was messing around very much.

Yang Jing didn't know what to say. The three of them were already enough headaches, but one was added today.

Only Mr. Yang and his youngest son looked at the five people in front of them with vague smiles on their faces.

For a while, the scene was a little weird.

In the end, it was Guo Lao who was anxious and Guo Lao broke this weirdness.

"I'm talking about Lao Xiao, the three of us elder brothers kindly brought you to visit the old man, but you are lucky, you will put eye drops on the three of us when you come here, won't you?"

Mr. Liu pouted and nodded, obviously agreeing with Mr. Guo's words.

Old Xiao smiled and said: "Old Guo, Lao Liu, and Lao Cai, let's stop talking about these useless things. Talking about these things is nothing more than laughing at fifty steps. Good disciples and The old things with the wide open door are different. We can see the old things with the wide open door every day, but it’s not so easy to find the good disciples we like. The four of us are old guys buried up to our necks. But which of the four of us has a good disciple who can inherit our mantle? No! Anyway, I, Lao Xiao, have been looking for more than 20 years, but I haven't found a disciple of He Yi."

After a pause, Old Xiao said solemnly: "As the saying goes, if you don't take what God gives, you will be blamed! Now, a good disciple has appeared in front of me like this. If I, Old Xiao, don't fight, I'm afraid I will swallow it in the future." Damn, I can't even close my eyes!"

Lao Cai coughed, "Old Xiao, what you said is a bit too much."

Mr. Xiao shook his head and said: "But, but! You all know my old Xiao's temper. My old Xiao has always been straightforward. Besides, the four of us old brothers are not far from the old man. The three of you can compete. This disciple, why can't I, Lao Xiao, not fight? Although I haven't contacted Xiao Jing before, but today Xiao Jing went to the station to pick us up, and I came here in his car. I chatted with Xiao Jing on the way , I am quite satisfied with this young man. So, I, Xiao Zhenguo, have to fight for this good disciple today!"

Xiao Lao looked at the three of them, smiled slightly and said, "Lao Cai, I know you have a son, Lao Liu and Lao Guo, you both have sons. But what about me, Xiao Zhenguo? There are only two daughters next. So , if Xiao Jing can become my disciple, the money and real estate I have accumulated in my whole life will be left to my two daughters after I celebrate the New Year, but all the treasures I have saved in this life are all Xiao Jing's! Hey, how about it, can the three of you do it?"

Damn, these words are too evil!All three of them have sons, so in the future, the family's property should be divided among the sons in a hurry.This old Xiao actually used this to talk about it, isn't this giving Cai Yi and the three of them eye drops!
Mr. Guo was in a hurry and was about to speak as soon as he stared. Mr. Yang waved his hands and said, "Don't talk, four of you, first listen to what Xiao Jing means. It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry. You didn’t say anything, but the four of you started to fight among yourself! You said that the four of you together are almost [-] years old, and you are still arguing like children, isn’t this a joke for Xiao Jing?”

Yang Jing quickly waved his hands and said: "Grandpa Yang, you old men, let's talk about it first, I didn't read the joke! I'm just a little flattered by the care of the four old men. You four are real masters in the circle , Whoever teaches me, it is all the blessings I cultivated in my previous life, boy, I can only be grateful, boy, how can I have other thoughts. "

Mr. Yang nodded and said, "Did you hear that? Xiaojing can express his opinion here, anyone can be his master!"

After a pause, Mr. Yang sighed and said: "My old man is too old, and his energy is not good. Otherwise, how can you four have a share?"

Cai Yi and the others said "dare not".

Mr. Yang said with a smile: "Since the four of you want to hear my opinion, then my old man really has an idea here, you four listen to it and see how it goes."

(End of this chapter)

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