Easy Tycoon

Chapter 254

Chapter 254
What Yang Jing said was not nonsense, but this decision was made after a period of careful thinking.

Ever since he discovered the magic of the holy ring, Yang Jing really didn't know what to do for a while, and all the life plans he had made before were disrupted.When making money is no longer a difficulty, and when the things that need to be worked hard before are available at your fingertips, life seems to suddenly become a little boring. This made Yang Jing really confused for a while.

Later, when Yang Jing met Ge Ge the day before the class reunion, and the two got back together, Yang Jing realized that he had a lot of things to do, instead of the previous state of doing nothing.

Later, when Elder Liu inadvertently proposed to open a private museum, Yang Jing found that his life seemed to have another goal.

Whether it is going to the United States later, or traveling to the Cayman Islands in 1979, we are all fighting for this goal.Fortunately, the holy ring is still miraculous, and the funds most needed to open the museum were solved in a short period of time.

Private museums are not opened as soon as they want. Among other things, the problem of venues alone is a big expenditure.

After wandering around the United States for this trip, Yang Jing has already brought enough funds.Not to mention the huge amount of money he earned in the London gold market in 1980, those bitcoins alone are enough to support Yang Jing to complete his private museum plan.

Of course, it is precisely because of so much funds that Yang Jing's original private museum plan has become more detailed.

Everyone has a sense of intimacy from the bottom of their hearts for their hometown, just like their parents.Some young people may not feel this kind of emotion, but some elderly people or those who have been abroad for a long time may have such emotion.

Yang Jing once lived alone in London for two years. He has naturally experienced how terrible the feeling of being unable to leave his hometown is. Of course, he knows better how important his hometown is in his heart.

Tianqu is just a small fourth-tier city. Whether it is GDP or natural resources, it is the kind of unknown in the whole country.What Mr. Yang said that day made Yang Jing think about it for a long time. Yes, since he wants to build a large private museum, why not put the museum in his hometown?

A large museum is very attractive to tourists. Take a look at the Palace Museum, the Nanbo Museum, the History Museum and the Military Museum. How many tourists can it attract every year!
And Yang Jing is very confident, relying on the holy ring, as long as he builds a museum, its collection will definitely not be inferior to those famous large state-owned museums!
This is not a big talk, among other things, just the batch of manuscripts and documents acquired in 1994 is enough to support a small museum. In Yang Jing's plan, these manuscripts acquired last time Documents and the manuscripts and documents that Lao Xue continued to acquire in the 90s, once they are all gathered together, it will definitely be a huge number. By then, the cultural center will be there!

It is not enough to have a cultural center alone, there must be a jade hall, a porcelain hall, a calligraphy and painting hall, a miscellaneous hall, and the overseas hall planned by Yang Jing!
If such a large private museum is really established, it will definitely be very attractive to tourists.Tianqu has a natural transportation advantage, so why not use this museum to attract more tourists to Tianqu?

Therefore, since he decided to build his private museum in Tianqu City, Yang Jing has been considering the exact location of this museum during this period of time.

There are many places in Tianqu City that are suitable for building museums. For example, the development zone and Lingcheng District, which is newly added to the urban area, are also the focus of the city's current development.If Yang Jing wanted to place the museum in that direction, the city would definitely welcome it with raised arms, and even providing Yang Jing with a piece of land for free might not be impossible.

But Yang Jing didn't want to build his museum in the new urban area to the east. Yang Jing wanted to put the museum in Hexi where he grew up.

The most famous scenic spot in Tianqu is the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It is no exaggeration to say that Tianqu can develop into what it is today, and can become 332 prefecture-level administrative divisions in the country. Canals are inseparable.

You know, before the Ming Dynasty, the administrative center of Tianqu was not here, but Jiangling County in the east, but it was because of Zhu Di's "Son of Heaven Guarding the Gate" that he moved the capital to Yanjing, relying on Tianqu of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It became one of the 32 commercial cities in the Ming Dynasty.

You know, before the Ming Dynasty, Tianqu was just a military important place with a population of less than [-]. Even before Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, Tianqu was also an important place to garrison. The famous twelve company battalions of Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty , is in Tianqu.

Later, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was dredged, and Tianqu became an important water transport hub. Tianqu gradually developed and eventually became one of the 32 most important commercial cities in the country.

However, in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, the canal was in disrepair for a long time, and the Yellow River carried a large amount of sediment through the canal and changed its course several times. The Grand Canal became increasingly silted and began to lose its strong transportation capacity. Tianqu also began to flourish and decline.In particular, the promotion of grain transportation by sea has accelerated this process.

In fact, grain shipping began in the Yuan Dynasty, and stagnated because of the implementation of the sea ban policy in the Ming and Qing dynasties.It was not until the sixth year of Daoguang that the Qing government tried shipping for the first time.Especially in the fifth year of Xianfeng (1855), the Yellow River broke through Tongwaxiang and diverted to flow northward, the canal was interrupted, and sea transportation became more frequent.This was a painful period, and Tianqu fell into the sad situation of "the opening of the commercial port and the change of the Beijing road, the stop of the water transport and the inability to come to the south, and the great reduction of water and land commerce".

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the development and prosperity of Tianqu's economy mainly relied on canal transportation. Although the growth of local businesses played a role in fueling the flames, there was no substantial breakthrough in the level of productivity development.In the 28th year of Guangxu (1902), the water transportation stopped across the board, and Tianqu's former style was no longer there.

Tianqu, which was prosperous for hundreds of years because of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, eventually declined because of the suspension of water transportation along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal.

For Tianqu people, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is not only a kind of pride, but also a kind of pain?
Especially since the 90s of the last century, with the rapid development of industry, the originally clear Grand Canal eventually turned into a stinky ditch. In the worst case, because the paper mills in the upper reaches rushed into the Grand Canal The discharge of sewage has caused the Grand Canal to emit a pungent smell all year round. Not to mention fish, even flies, mosquitoes and mice are reluctant to approach the Grand Canal.The Grand Canal has become a complete dead river!

When Yang Jing was young, both his mother and uncle told him stories about the Grand Canal more than once.Among them, Yang Jing likes to listen to the stories told by the old uncle the most, and remembers them most clearly.

According to the old uncle, when the old uncle was a child, the water in the Grand Canal was very clear, and the water in it could be drunk directly, and the first waterworks in Tianqu was built next to the Grand Canal.

At that time, the Grand Canal was a natural playground for children in summer. During the summer vacation, a group of half-sized children from the National Cotton Factory would soak in the river all day long, swimming, catching fish, digging mussels, and netting the river. Shrimp, you can play all day once you play.

Of course, if a parent scratches his arm with a fingernail after returning home, as long as there is a white mark, then come on, it will definitely be a stinky beating.But even if the buttocks are swollen from being beaten the first day, these bald boys will continue to gather on the river embankment the next day, either going down the river or fighting dirt.
When the old uncle was young, he was often beaten by his grandparents. When he was the worst, he was even hung up and beaten. But even so, the Grand Canal is still a childhood memory that the old uncle will never forget.

When Yang Jing was young, he often played beside the Grand Canal, but at that time, the Grand Canal had become a stinky ditch, and the scene of fishing boats criss-crossing and ospreys diving into the waves that the old uncle said would never be seen again. arrive.

Ten years after the new century, the Tianqu Municipal Government began to realize the protection of the Grand Canal. It not only dredged this section of the canal in the urban area, but also spent money to build roads along the canal on the embankment of the canal. It was in the place where the old uncles and the others played and played in those days that an ancient building was built - the Grand Canal Ancient Street.

Although it is not a real ancient street, it is enough to prove the city government's concern for the Grand Canal.

However, these attentions and concerns seem far from enough in Yang Jing's eyes, but the development direction of the municipal government is after all to the east, not Hexi, where industries are concentrated, so the so-called "Grand Canal Development" project has been half-dead. hanging.

In the past, even if Yang Jing wanted to change the environment of the Grand Canal, which was only 400 meters away from the National Cotton Factory, he was powerless.But now that he already has that capital, he already has the most basic financial conditions to transform the land between the Grand Canal and the National Cotton Mill into a large-scale public welfare place integrating museums, parks and playgrounds .

Yang Jing made 4.5 million U.S. dollars by using Bitcoin. Even with the current appreciation of the national currency, that is nearly 30 billion national currency.If the Tianqu Municipal Government can agree to cooperate, then the 4.5 million US dollars is more than enough.

This piece of land adjacent to the Grand Canal and the embankment of the canal, which is about ten meters high, was Yang Jing's childhood paradise.Although he didn't go down to cross the river, he picked Sophora japonica flowers and elm money here in spring, dug and crawled here in summer (the larvae of cicadas), and set fire to roast the corn he stole from the field with his friends in autumn. An unforgettable memory in Jing's life.

Especially when Yang Jing witnessed the most tragic time of the Grand Canal—that was a stinky ditch, so Yang Jing wanted to turn the Grand Canal into the kind of clear water that the old uncle said.

To be able to swim around the river with his friends naked, touch two fish, and dig a few mussels, this was Yang Jing's biggest wish when he was a child!
Now is the time to make this wish come true!

PS: Bow down and thank you for the 500 tipping of "Moxiang Fengyun" and the 200 tipping of "Frozen Octave".

(End of this chapter)

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