Easy Tycoon

Chapter 223 I want to be long

Chapter 223 I want to be long

Yang Jing's words made Cesar Cook's team members tremble in their hearts.

They have operated funds of hundreds of millions of dollars, and funds of tens of millions of dollars are commonplace for them.But the $700 million is all in cash, which is a big deal.

In western developed countries, cash is rarely used for serious business.But once cash is used, especially tens of millions of cash, there are often many unknown things behind it.Not to mention that this Mr. Smith is so sure that he will go long directly, which explains something even more.

Cesar Cook looked at Mike Aller and clearly saw Mike Aller nodding unabashedly.Obviously, this senior accountant, who had been kind to him, trusted the somewhat mysterious Mr. Smith in front of him.

After thinking for a while, Cesar Cook said: "Mr. Smith, I understand what you mean. We can operate in full accordance with your instructions. In this regard, we, as a professional team, It can still be done, so you don’t have to worry that we will disobey your orders during the trading process. However, for the sake of your investment, I still think it seems a bit inappropriate for you to go long this time.”

Hearing what Cesar said, Yang Jing showed a satisfied look on his face.This time Yang Jing put in so much effort to create the current mess, he didn't want to abort his plan because the trader he hired was disobedient.If they still insist on operating by themselves, Yang Jing would rather not have them hire another group of people to operate.

European traders cannot be hired due to time constraints, but there are still local traders in Georgetown.

As for exposing your identity, just kidding, unless there is really a God in this world, as long as you want to leave, no one in this world can find yourself.

I just lost an opportunity to make a lot of money, but there is absolutely no problem with personal safety.

But now it seems that this small team is quite professional, which makes Yang Jing feel relieved a lot.However, now Mr. Cook obviously doesn't agree with his idea of ​​being long London Gold. If he wants the team to really obey his command, he must first convince the boss of the team.

Touching his chin with a wry smile, Yang Jing asked, "Then what does Mr. Cook think about the market after the market opens tomorrow?"

"Mr. Smith, maybe you don't know, my team and I made a profit of 1979% in the London gold market in the last year, that is, in the whole year of 280, so I think we have a good understanding of the London gold market. With a deep understanding, the international gold price has risen from 79 US dollars per ounce at the beginning of 250 to 512 US dollars per ounce at the close of the day before yesterday. It took only one year to roll over a somersault! This is a very abnormal behavior, so my team members and I believe that during this period of time this year, it is best to stay put and observe the market conditions before deciding to go long or short. This is a safer way practice."

Yang Jing nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked: "Mr. Cook, I want to ask you a question. What do you think is related to the fluctuation of international gold prices?"

Regarding Yang Jing's question, Cesar Cook is a calm person, so he couldn't help laughing happily. As a successful trader, he naturally knows the main reason that affects the international gold price. So he shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "The trend of the US dollar, the interest rate changes of major global currencies, the gold selling activities of central banks, financial crises, political turmoil and wars, sudden terrorist attacks, hedging increases and decreases of producers, International oil prices and basic supply and demand, these reasons can affect the fluctuation of international gold prices."

After a pause, Cesar Cook continued: "Last year, the price of gold and international oil prices, which had been silent for more than ten years, suddenly fluctuated violently. This is undoubtedly related to the Iranian revolution at the beginning of last year. Direct relationship. That is a very violent and sensitive political turmoil! You should know that Iran and its surrounding areas contain more than 70% of the world's proven oil geological resources. Therefore, changes in Iran's political situation and the Unstable geopolitical expectations in the Middle East will definitely cause the world to worry about the stability of oil supply, and worry that the resulting surge in oil prices will aggravate inflation, which will endanger the stability and development of the world economy and finance. Affected by this, the price of gold last year had such a sharp drop It’s no surprise that the increase is there.”

Yang Jing also smiled and said, "That's right, Mr. Cook, what you said is quite correct, but have you forgotten the hostage crisis that happened on November 11 last year?"

Cook said: "No, sir, I have not forgotten. Two major incidents occurred in Iran last year. If the revolutionary movement at the beginning of the year was only an internal affairs issue in Iran, but the hostage crisis on November 11th would directly put the United States at risk. In contrast, the severity of this hostage crisis is far greater than the revolutionary movement at the beginning of the year. However, before the hostage crisis, it took ten months for the international gold price to rise from $4 per ounce to 250 US dollars per ounce, but after the hostage crisis, the international gold price broke through 420 US dollars per ounce in less than two months. When the London gold market closed the day before yesterday, it even stood at 500 US dollars per ounce. What does this mean? This shows that the market has fully released the sense of panic caused by the hostage crisis. Then after a four-day market break, I think the sense of panic in the market is no longer that serious, and it is impossible for the international gold price to It has maintained such a high price. The most important thing is that the firmness of the international gold price and the surge in oil have triggered a series of chain reactions. The central banks of various countries should take corresponding measures to suppress the international gold price after the market opens tomorrow. Since then, the price of oil has risen too fast. Therefore, Mr. Smith, I suggest that you should observe it for a few days before making a decision after the market opens tomorrow."

I have to say that the analysis of Cesar Cook's remarks is very reasonable.If Yang Jing hadn't specifically studied the gold market during this period of time, he might have been persuaded by Cook's analysis.

It's a pity that Mr. Cook is not a traveler, so he naturally doesn't know what will happen to the London gold market and the international gold price around the world starting tomorrow.

But before Yang Jing traveled to this era, for this plan to make a lot of money, he temporarily studied a lot of the magnificent gold market in this era, so he knew very well that from tomorrow onwards, the international gold price around the world will rise. Facing an unbelievable market situation.

Yang Jing said: "Mr. Cook, your analysis is very good, but I think some of your ideas still have wrong judgments. Yes, before the Iran hostage crisis, the price of gold only rose to 420 US dollars per ounce. As a result, the hostages As soon as the crisis broke out, the price of gold directly broke through $500 per ounce in just over a month. Although it seems that enough panic has been released in the market, don't forget that this hostage crisis directly shows that The relationship between Iran and the United States under the new regime has begun to enter a period of deterioration, and this is not an increase of $[-] per ounce that can completely release the sense of panic."

"Also, why did the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan? Mr. Cook, have you considered this? If it was a pure Iranian hostage crisis, it would be fine to talk about it, but the Soviets suddenly invaded Afghanistan at this time, which immediately made the already very nervous The geopolitical issues in Central Asia will undoubtedly add fuel to the flames, which will definitely exacerbate international geopolitical instability expectations! Mr. Cook, not only did the rise in gold prices go crazy last year, but oil prices also rose from $15/barrel at the beginning of the year. It has risen to the current US$29/barrel, and it is about to break through the psychological barrier of US$30/barrel! Therefore, after the series of geopolitical crises and the sharp rise in oil prices triggered by the Islamic Revolution in Iran Gold prices are sure to rise again this year, fueled by hyperinflation!"

Yang Jing looked at the thoughtful Mr. Cook and his team members, and continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Mr. Cook, as a financial person, do you know what is the most feared thing in the financial and investment markets? "

Cook raised his head and said without any hesitation: "It's panic! The panic of investors and the public!"

"That's right, it's panic! Then, Mr. Cook, think about it, have the three major events that broke out near the Middle East this year caused panic among investors and even ordinary people? Why is the price of gold rising so crazy? Why is the price of oil so high? Will it rise so crazily? Isn’t it because those investors and even ordinary people are worried about international political, economic and financial crises, so they rush to buy gold! The soaring international gold price just proves that people are now The widespread panic! In my opinion, this panic is far from being completely released. On the contrary, this panic has become more and more serious because of the Soviet military invasion of Afghanistan on December 12. Therefore, I think that after the London gold market opens tomorrow, the international gold price will continue to rise!"

After a pause, Yang Jing continued: "Some time ago, the central banks of some major countries, including the United States, sold their gold reserves in order to curb the price of gold. But what happened? Anyway, I didn't see the impact of these sales on the price of gold. What is the inhibitory effect on the rise. And I judge that the central banks of major countries will continue to sell gold reserves to suppress gold prices this year, but I don’t think this kind of action will have any effect at all, because people’s panic psychology has already formed And once this kind of panic is formed, it is difficult to eliminate this kind of panic just by relying on the behavior of the central bank to sell gold reserves, unless..."

Cook said thoughtfully: "Unless a certain big man publicly stands up and announces the use of strong measures to suppress the price of gold, it will be possible to dispel people's panic!"

"Bingo!" Yang Jing snapped his fingers, "This panic will not be dispelled until some important person comes forward to make a strong statement. And you think those international hot money and hot money will let go so A good chance? Like me."

Seeing the vague smile on Mr. Smith's face, Mr. Cook and his friends couldn't help but shudder.

Several people looked at each other, and they all understood the meaning in each other's eyes - come on, he is the rich man, and he is one of the handful of powerful people who are qualified to guide and control that huge market .We are just part-time workers, let's work honestly, the world of that kind of people is not something we can try to get our hands on.
Maybe, this mere fund of less than 3000 million US dollars is just a bait on the surface.
Or honestly listen to other people's instructions to operate it.This kind of thing is not something that us little shrimps can mix in. If it gets mixed in deeply, if someone investigates your head, you can't explain it clearly, can you?It's better to just follow the instructions, even if you find yourself, it has nothing to do with you.

Mr. Cook, who had figured out these things almost instantly, swallowed with some difficulty and said: "Mr. Smith, we will fully follow your instructions. But can you disclose some information? According to your analysis , How long will this wave of market last? Where is the apex?"

Yang Jing looked at these elites playfully, thought for a while and said: "If I am not wrong in my judgment, I think this wave of rising prices should last for about 20 days! As for the peak, I judge that it should exceed $800 /oz, and even very likely to reach a price of $850/oz!”

As soon as these words came out, even Mike Aller was a little surprised. They really didn't expect that this wave of market prices would be so violent.

Yang Jing said: "I hope this information is limited to the seven of us who are in this room today. If anyone accidentally leaks it in their sleep, hehe."

Shrugging his shoulders, Yang Jing looked around the six people, "Of course, in return, the five of you can get 1% of the profit from this investment operation as your commission. Don't underestimate this 1% commission, I Guaranteed that this amount of money is definitely more than all the money you have earned before. This will be a number that will allow you to live carefree for the rest of your life."

"Mr. Smith, don't worry, from now on, the five of us will not leave this room, and we will take the initiative to cut off any contact with the outside world. On this point, you can completely , Cut off all calls."

Yang Jing smiled and waved his hands and said: "There is no need to be so desperate. I believe in your professional ethics, and I also believe in the energy of the forces behind me. Of course, in addition to your commission, I allow you to take out your Participate in this investment operation with your own savings, as for how much you can earn, it depends on your own ideas."

Yang Jing's words made the six people, including Mike Aller, secretly heave a sigh of relief.

They are very clear that this mysterious Mr. Smith is definitely not something they can afford to offend, especially now that they are already on board, the only way to be safe is to follow his orders honestly.

As for getting off the boat, even if Yang Jing drove them away, they dare not leave!

(End of this chapter)

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