Easy Tycoon

Chapter 217 Getting the Green Card

Chapter 217 Getting the Green Card
After signing the share gift agreement with Zhao Meng, Yang Jing became a major shareholder of Rongbao Mining San Francisco Branch, second only to Guo Dabao, the big boss.

And because the signing of this agreement is equivalent to Yang Jing investing in the United States, and the investment amount is not low. After all, the registered capital of Rongbao Mining San Francisco Branch is as high as 1.5 million U.S. dollars, and Yang Jing occupies Rongbao Mining San Francisco Branch. After 20% of the shares in the branch, it is equivalent to investing 3000 million US dollars in this company.

There are several forms for foreigners to apply for a green card in the United States, one of which is called "investment immigrant application", also known as the EB-5 application.

In order to attract foreign investment, create job opportunities, and stimulate the growth of the U.S. economy, the U.S. government created the fifth priority of employment-based immigration in the "U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act" in 1990, also known as EB-5 investment immigration, to encourage foreign investors to invest in Obtain permanent residency in the United States.

Investor immigration has universal advantages for foreign citizens who have sufficient assets and intend to immigrate to the United States.Investment immigration does not require the applicant to have any academic qualifications or other resumes and qualifications. No matter what nationality the applicant is, whether he has investment experience, whether he has business management skills, or even whether he can speak English, he can apply.

Generally speaking, USCIS requires an investment of no less than US$100 million.However, there are exceptions. In some areas, the investment limit can be lowered to no less than US$50.In addition to investment funds, another core requirement is to create jobs.The law generally stipulates that within two years after the approval of Form I-526, for investors who establish a new business, the new business invested must directly employ more than ten full-time U.S. employees.

Although it is already difficult to pass the immigration application with only an investment of 50 US dollars or 100 million US dollars, Yang Jing "invested" 3000 million US dollars at once, which is still enough to make the officials of the USCIS Welcome Yang Jing immigrant with both hands.Although Yang Jing has no idea of ​​immigrating to the United States, with this "investment", as long as Yang Jing wants to apply, he will soon be able to obtain a green card (a permanent resident card obtained by a foreigner in the United States is not a change of nationality to become a U.S. citizen. citizen), many of the restrictions on him in the United States due to visa reasons will be canceled immediately.

Although there is no actual money transaction in this kind of investment, there are no loopholes in the company's books.In San Francisco, there are accountants who can easily do this.

It is precisely for this reason that Yang Jing's 1.98 million in China can be converted into US dollars and transferred directly to Yang Jing's own account in the United States.

Although the money still needs to be reviewed, Guo Dabao's assistants in China are quite familiar with handling such things. In a few days, the money that Yang Jing thought would not be needed can be used again.

Although this old oil well can bring Yang Jing a steady stream of funds, but this kind of funds is a steady stream of income. The thirteen famous paintings obtained through the warehouse auction can't be sold now, and Yang Jing is also reluctant to sell them. Therefore, if Yang Jing wanted to obtain a huge sum of money in a short period of time, he had to continue to engage in warehouse auction activities, or he had to find another way.

Although the warehouse auction was good, the money for that job was still too slow, and now that the fund of more than 3000 million US dollars can be used, Yang Jing decided to start the next step.

While waiting for the domestic funds to come in, Yang Jing took out the thirteen famous paintings and asked Zhao Meng and Lin Dan to cooperate to determine the ownership of the three famous paintings.

This kind of thing is not difficult at all for Zhao Meng, an old Jianghu. In San Francisco, he knows several barristers who are well-known in the United States. The ownership of famous paintings is settled.

But this takes time.

Although the judicial system in the United States is very sound, it is quite a fucking thing to go to court in the United States.It is not uncommon for a lawsuit to last for several months or even years. Some ordinary civil or legal cases are slightly better, such as some patent application cases. It is common for a lawsuit to last for two or three years. Do not care.

The longest patent application case in the United States has been fought for 28 years!
This is the American judicial system.

As for the ownership lawsuit of these thirteen famous paintings, even if a barrister comes forward, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reach a final decision within a few months or even a year or two.

But Yang Jing is not in a hurry, anyway, these thirteen famous paintings can't be lost, and the lawsuit can be settled slowly.

In fact, the lawsuit in the United States is all about money. Now that there is this old oil well as support, Yang Jing is not afraid of spending money.

At worst, go to a few more places to find a few old oil wells.
After waiting for two or three days, the oil output of this old oil well stopped steadily at about [-] tons a day. This oil output is incomparable with the daily output of [-] tons of crude oil during the self-spraying period.

Four hundred tons is almost three thousand barrels. This amount is obviously a little less for Rongbao Mining, so Guo Dabao decided to drill a few wells to increase production.Anyway, the 1.6 square kilometers of land around here belong to Rongbao Mining, so no matter how hard it is.

In the end, Guo Dabao decided to drill five more wells to increase the daily output of this small oil field to 3.7 tons or about [-] barrels per day. In this way, this small oil field can be continuously exploited for almost four and a half years.

Of course, if you want to re-drill the well for oil production, you need the consent of the US mining department and you have to pay related fees.

These things are naturally done by the professionals of Rongbao Mining, and there is no need for Yang Jing, the major shareholder, to worry about them.

The small oil field in Beaumont is now being managed by professionals, so Zhao Meng and Guo Dabao have nothing to do, so they and Yang Jing returned to San Francisco together.

Back in San Francisco, let alone Yang Jing, even Guo Dabao felt cordial.

Although the number of Chinese in San Francisco is not as large as that in New York, when it comes to grouping together, the Chinese in San Francisco are the most grouped.More than 20 Chinese live here, and they have organized various associations to support and help each other.According to statistics, there are more than 700 Chinese associations in San Francisco. This is only an approximate number. If you add many newly established and almost nominal ones, the number will actually exceed this number.

Why do Chinese organize so many associations?It's not just for keeping warm.

The humiliation and enslavement suffered by the Chinese ancestors after they traveled across the ocean and came to the United States was unimaginable to younger generations.Originally, the grandparents who came to the United States wanted to work hard to leave a piece of the world to their children and grandchildren, but they were treated extremely unfairly in this country that clamored for "fairness and human rights" all day long.

In order to survive, those grandparents had to huddle together to keep warm and formed association-like organizations. For example, the Chinese General Association, which has survived until now and has always been the leader of overseas Chinese, was established more than 150 years ago.

The headquarters of the Chinese Federation is in San Francisco!
As for Zhao Meng, on the surface he is a well-known mining manager, but his actual identity has another aspect, that is, he is one of the senior staff of the Chinese General Association.

Therefore, in San Francisco, there is almost nothing that Zhao Meng cannot do.

When he and Guo Dabao signed the agreement, Zhao Meng had already instructed the accountant at home to make the accounts by phone. After he and Guo Dabao returned to San Francisco and signed, someone immediately went to report the 3000 million yuan related to Yang Jing. The dollar "investment" was sent to the San Francisco office of CFIUS for review.

This "investment" is as high as 3000 million US dollars, which has already touched the minimum standard for review by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. Although this is not a merger and acquisition case, the investment amount is not small, so it needs to be reviewed by this very powerful committee.

When Guo Dabao established the San Francisco branch of Rongbao Mining in San Francisco, the investment of 1.5 million US dollars he brought was also subject to review by this committee.

Americans are such a contradiction.

You said that other countries are looking forward to foreign investment, and the same is true in the United States, but Americans welcome small investments. Once the investment is too large, these Yankees will be suspicious and afraid of your investment. Some of their ulterior secrets will be touched.

That's why the Americans set up such a wonderful organization called the "Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States".

Established in 1988, the original intention of this organization was to safeguard national security, and it was supported by a specially established foreign investment approval system.From an operational point of view, the U.S. government generally considers whether to review or not based on three factors: whether it involves U.S. defense production capabilities, whether it involves the sale and resale of military technology to specific countries, and whether it affects the U.S.’s technological leadership in the field of national security. through the investment program.

But in fact, even if many foreign investments do not involve the above three aspects, they will be reviewed by this committee.

The main reason is that the composition of this organization is too complicated.A mere committee to monitor foreign investment actually involves eight departments of the US government, in addition to seven White House agencies.

It is precisely because the members of this committee represent different industry interests, so there are differences in foreign mergers and acquisitions and investment.Typically, the Commission has 30 days to initiate an investigation after receiving notification of a merger.If the members agree that there is no security threat, the review ends here and the agreement continues to be implemented.But even if even one member objects, the committee would have to launch a 45-day formal investigation and then make a recommendation on whether to block the takeover to the president, who would then have 15 days to make a decision.

However, an "investment" like Yang Jing's will definitely not affect the President of the United States. The committee's office in San Francisco can completely review whether this "investment" is acceptable.

As long as this "investment" passes the review, the company's business license can be changed, Yang Jing will become a major shareholder of Rongbao Mining San Francisco Branch, and then Yang Jing can directly apply for a green card.

Of course, these things are handled by professionals, but because Yang Jing did have an "investment" project, the domestic money was quickly transferred, and after a few days in the company's account, it was Using various methods to transfer to Yang Jing's private bank card.

As for the "investment" reviewed by the Foreign Investment Committee, firstly, the amount of investment is not very large, and secondly, this matter was pushed forward by Zhao Meng, so this review only took three days to pass. .

On the second day after the approval, Yang Jing's green card application form was also sent to the San Francisco Immigration Bureau.With such a large amount of investment, Yang Jing's green card application was approved very quickly. Yang Jing just spent a week in San Francisco before he got his green card.

Now Yang Jing has a green card, and there are more than 200 million US dollars in deposits in his Citibank bank card, so he decided to go abroad.

Originally, Yang Jing had three things to do when he came to America this time. The first thing was to accompany Gege well, but before leaving, he happened to meet Gege’s little uncle, and Gege was taken home directly, unable to come with Yang Jing A wonderful world tour for two in the United States.

As for the second thing, that is to look for old oil wells, and then replenish the holy ring with natural treasure gas.Yang Jing has already completed this matter, and in the process of doing this, he accidentally obtained 27 world-famous paintings lost 6000 years ago, and even turned an old oil well that was sentenced to death into an old oil well. It has become a small oil field with a recoverable volume of [-] million barrels.

This incident not only caused a qualitative change in the natural treasure gas gathering pool in the holy ring, which became a liquid state, but also brought Yang Jing an additional income of more than one billion US dollars.

Although these incomes cannot be entered into Yang Jing's name for the time being, this extra joy still makes Yang Jing very satisfied.

The most important thing is that through this "old oil well" incident, Yang Jing also found a good way to replenish natural treasures for the holy ring at any time. Natural treasure gas and worry.

Now that the first two things have been done, Yang Jing is ready to handle the third thing.

It's not so much one thing as it is a massive plan.

Because the holy ring has the "restricted space-time shuttle" skill, which allows Yang Jing to travel back and forth in fixed time-space nodes.This is an absolutely amazing skill, but again, if you want this skill to bring you greater benefits, you must establish a very complete plan.

Yang Jing has been thinking about this plan for a long time. After returning from the last shuttle to 1994, Yang Jing began to think about this plan.

It's just that he doesn't know whether this plan can be implemented. After all, this plan involves two different time and space. Yang Jing is worried that his plan will cause a time-space paradox.

Therefore, this time Yang Jing arranged the implementation of this plan to the last stop of this trip to the United States.Regardless of whether this plan can be implemented, Yang Jing needs to test it himself.It is best if it succeeds, and there will be a reasonable explanation for the things brought back from the past time and space to the present time and space in the future.

If it doesn't work out, that's okay!Everything is on this trip abroad
(End of this chapter)

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