Easy Tycoon

Chapter 205 $3

Chapter 205 $3000

Jiang Bin's studio can be said to be the most secure place in his house.

Although this room is a bungalow, thick anti-theft windows are installed on the north and south windows, and the ceiling has also been made of cement. Needless to say, the door is a heavy anti-theft door.And in the house, Yang Jing also saw an intelligent security system similar to his rental house.

No wonder, as a well-known jade carving master, most of the things Jiang Bin handles are of high value. If the most important workshop is not made safer, the jade wares he handles would have been stolen long ago. time.

As soon as Yang Jing followed Jiang Bin into the workshop, his eyes were immediately attracted by the white jade carving placed on the side of the desk.

Yang Jing hurriedly walked a few steps, came to the jade carving, and looked at it carefully.

As Jiang Bin said just now, this piece of Hetian white jade carving has only a prototype, but even such a prototype is enough to take people's minds away.

Such a large piece of collection-grade Hetian white jade is an extremely rare treasure, not to mention that the shape of this piece of Hetian jade is extremely rare and close to the shape of a standard cuboid, which is very suitable for making a big seal .

Now the overall shape of the Feitian seal has come out, especially on the four sides of the big seal, the shadowy flying fairy has already taken a rough shape, and the flying fairy on one side has already begun to be carved, and a part has been hollowed out
"Tsk tsk, good stuff, good stuff! Uncle Jiang, your craftsmanship is really incredible. Although it's just a prototype, I can feel the amazing charm from it! It's unimaginable. What a shock it will be when it's finished!"

Jiang Bin smiled and said nothing, enjoying Yang Jing's compliment very much.

A jade carving work, especially a great jade carving work, cannot be carved casually, which requires the jade carver to expend a lot of energy to conceive the structure, shape and carving techniques of the whole work, After confirming these things, the jade carver will start to move the knife.

But even with a knife, carving such a large-scale jade carving cannot be completed in a few days.A piece of jade carving with complex craftsmanship can take as short as a few weeks, or as long as several months or even years to complete.

A piece of jade carving is definitely a jade carving master's great painstaking efforts. Even after completing a fine jade carving handed down from generation to generation, some jade carving masters will be seriously injured and need to rest for a long time to recover.

Jiang Bin obviously also attaches great importance to this Feitian seal. It has been half a month since this piece of jade was delivered, and he has only completed a prototype, which is enough to prove that Jiang Bin attaches great importance to this Feitian seal.

After reading this Fang Feitian seal, although I miss Gege even more in my heart, Yang Jing's mood is still much better.

In the outside room, Yang Jing drank the tea made by Jiang Bin himself. While admiring the deliciousness of the tea, he opened the combination box he was carrying with him, and six ice jadeites of different colors and shapes were immediately revealed. come out.

"Hey!" Jiang Bin's big teeth almost fell out, "Xiao Jing, where did you get these emeralds?"

"Uncle Jiang, let's see if there are any you like, stay here and make some big ornaments!" Yang Jing said with a smile.

"Are all these jadeites yours?" Jiang Bin asked in surprise, and then chuckled twice, "Aren't I talking nonsense, you kid even got such a big collector's grade Hetian Baiyu, and then you get it These pieces of ice-type emeralds don’t seem to be too difficult.”

Jiang Bin happily picked up the largest piece of jadeite.This piece of jadeite was unwrapped by Yang Jing's old uncle from the piece of wool weighing 104kg. Among the five pieces of wool, the jadeite was the best in color and size.

"Tsk tsk, what a good thing! Although it's only a high ice species, such a big one is rare now!" Jiang Bin praised this crystal clear high ice jadeite with joy on his face.

After Jiang Bin played with all the six pieces of jade, he said seriously: "Xiao Jing, I can just keep one piece here, and I don't have the energy to do it all. Just keep one piece. Leaving one piece of jade, I can use all my energy to concentrate on dealing with this piece of jade."

Yang Jing smiled and said, "Uncle Jiang, I brought these six pieces of jadeite for you to choose. If you keep all of them, I don't mind. You only keep one piece, and I won't say anything else."

"Thank you!" Jiang Bin said very sincerely.For a jade carving master like him who is in urgent need of a breakthrough, a piece of good material is more valuable than anything else.Yang Jing first gave him a collection of Hetian white jade, and now he brought six pieces of ice jadeite for him to choose. For Jiang Bin, this is a good thing that has never happened before.

"Uncle Jiang, it's too polite of you to say that! These materials must be carved by a jade carving master like you to highlight the value of these jade materials, and only a master like you can make these jade materials The value of the jade has skyrocketed. I brought these jade materials here, and I want to let the value of these jade materials increase greatly through your hands. What are you thanking me for?"

"Haha, you kid has such a mouth. Well, I can't say no to you."

After a pause, Jiang Bin seemed to have a feeling and said: "The world divides jadeite collections into five grades. The first is the ring face, the second is the bracelet, and those pendants are all in front of the ornaments. , the big ornaments that need carving skills the most are only at the end. Hey, this is really pretending to understand!"

Yang Jing also nodded thoughtfully. Under the current situation, jadeite is ranked according to this collection level.

"Actually, under the premise of using the same grade of jade, the most valuable is the ornament! But now these people are all comparing the ring surface of the ice type or even the glass type with the emerald ornaments of the waxy type or even the horse tooth type. How can it be comparable? A ring surface of glass species is worth several times or even dozens of times that of a waxy species ornament that is hundreds of times its volume. Let’s compare the noodles with a large ornament that is also of the same high ice variety! Leaving aside the texture of the jade material, this carving skill alone is enough to beat the eight blocks of carving skills used by a ring noodle!”

After a pause, Jiang Bin said with some indignation: "Not to mention, the jade cabbage collected by the Taibei Palace Museum is also a decoration, why no one compares the glass ring or bracelet with that cabbage? ? Ornaments have the lowest collection value, which is pure nonsense! A top-quality ring or bracelet is at most a family heirloom, but an ornament carved out of top-quality jade can become a family heirloom!"

I ate lunch at Jiang Bin's house. What Yang Jing didn't expect was that his Uncle Jiang not only had unparalleled skills in jade carving, but his genius in cooking seemed to be no worse than his skill in jade carving.

"Hehe, I used to like to eat, but after I got married and had children, I have been cooking at home. After a long time, this skill will naturally come out. Come on, let's have a drink!"

Jiang Bin also likes to drink Erguotou, and it is the 56-degree red Erguotou that is common in street shops in Yanjing. In this regard, the taste is similar to Yang Jing's.

After returning to China these days, the money in the wallet is increasing, and the level of drinking is also getting higher and higher. During the days after returning to China, every drink except Wuliangye is Feitian Moutai, which really makes Yang Jing greedy.

Today, I drank Erguotou with Jiang Bin, and the four dishes made by Jiang Bin tasted very authentic. Unknowingly, the two drank two bottles of Red Erguotou into their stomachs.

Yang Jing came by car, so naturally he couldn't move the car under such circumstances.Fortunately, Jiang Bin's house is spacious and there are plenty of houses, allowing Yang Jing to sleep until after five o'clock in the afternoon.

When he got up, the smell of alcohol had almost dissipated. After washing his face, Yang Jing found Jiang Bin in the workshop, who was looking down at the emerald of high-ice boxwood and full of green. Under his hand, there are several sketches, obviously he is designing this piece of jade.

Of the six jadeites brought by Yang Jing, Jiang Bin finally kept the largest piece of high-ice jadeite.Although this piece of material is not of glass type, it is also old pit high ice type, and it is so big, it is still full of green, and its value is even more valuable than ordinary glass type with less good color.

Since he wanted to leave a treasure handed down from generation to generation, Jiang Bin naturally wanted to leave the largest piece of jadeite.As for the remaining five pieces of jadeite, Jiang Bin said that he had a way to sell them, and he promised to sell them at a price that satisfied Yang Jing.

These five pieces of ice jadeite are all old pit jadeites, regardless of their water color or size, they are hard to find now, and those new pit jadeites cannot compare with this kind of old pit jadeite. As long as the wind is released, there are definitely jewels The company came to snap up.

Jiang Bin is a master of jade carving, and all major jewelry companies are begging for this master. If he sells jadeite, the price will not be so low.Yang Jing was also relieved of him, so he entrusted him to sell the remaining five pieces of jadeite.

Sure enough, the next day, the bosses of more than a dozen large jewelry companies gathered in Jiang Bin's courtyard with accountants and secretaries.

Yanjing is the capital of China, it is also one of the most developed cities in China, and it is also one of the cities where the richest people gather in China. Therefore, famous jewelry companies in the world and top domestic jewelry companies have flagship stores in Yanjing Or branch stores, this has also led to fierce competition in the Yanjing jewelry market, which can be called extremely tragic.

Everyone wants to enjoy this huge market, but no one can dominate.

Cruel competition is not only reflected in market share, but also competition in talents, raw materials, sales channels, etc. is extremely cruel, especially jewelry raw materials, which are the lifeblood of jewelry companies, have always been the most popular among the bosses of major jewelry companies. things to focus on.

Now, Master Jiang Bin, the leader of the Beijing School of Jade Carving, has spread the word that there are five pieces of old pit ice jade with a total weight of about [-] kilograms that are ready to be sold. The bosses of these jewelry companies immediately seem to have asked about bloody sharks. , all rushed over.

Now that Laokeng glass species are almost extinct, ice jadeite is the main force of major jewelry companies.Thirty kilograms of old pit ice jadeite is enough to support the sales of high-end jadeite for a jewelry company for more than half a year or even a whole year.

The five pieces of jadeite that Yang Jing took out were not ice-type jadeites in the general sense. These five pieces of jadeite were all Laokeng ice-type jadeites with good water head and good color. Although there was only one piece of ice-type jadeite full of green, it was The remaining four pieces of emerald green also accounted for the majority.

In the current market, a colorless new pit ice bracelet can sell for 10,000+ or ​​even hundreds of thousands, and an old pit ice green bracelet has a starting price of several million.Just like the piece of violet ice jade that his uncle Yang Jing took away, the price of one of the violet ice jade bracelets can exceed eight figures.

If the piece of high-ice boxwood and green jade left by Jiang Bin is used as a bracelet, the minimum starting price for a bracelet is 300 million!

Ice species are different from ice species. Now those new pit ice species, let alone green bracelets, even if they are floating green or floating blue bracelets, they cost millions.

And Yang Jing took out the five old pit ice jadeites, each of which can produce bracelets, and the color and water head are quite good. As long as you buy them back and make them into bracelets and pendants, they are all treasures of the town. .

Who doesn't want such a good material?
Therefore, the competition in this privately organized auction was fierce.

In the end, Yanjing Chow Tai Fook, who was rich and powerful, bought the five emerald materials at a price of 1.98 million.

To be honest, this price is a bit high. After all, these five pieces of jadeite can produce at most twenty bracelets. It is really not cheap to buy these five pieces of jadeite at this price.After all, other jewelry companies can't just buy raw materials, they still have a lot of operating expenses, and making jadeite into jewelry also requires a lot of labor costs.

However, in the current situation where high-grade ice jadeite from old pits is becoming more and more scarce, even if these five pieces of jadeite are bought back and stored for a year, the appreciation in value alone is quite a big gain.

It is said that buying is not as good as selling, but Yang Jing and Jiang Bin are not enough to look at in front of the bosses of these jewelry companies who have really become good.

However, this price was enough to satisfy Yang Jing, so the five pieces of emerald materials finally fell into the hands of Yanjing Chow Tai Fook.

There were nearly [-] million more on the card, which made Yang Jing feel very comfortable.This was so much money all of a sudden, Yang Jing didn't know how to spend it.

Calculated according to the current exchange rate, the 1.98 million national currency is almost equivalent to 3000 million US dollars.

"Why don't we transfer all the money to the United States?" Yang Jing thought to himself.

In addition to making some money this time, there is still a lot of work to do in the United States, but everything needs to cost a lot of money.

"I just don't know if the transfer of the money to the United States will have any bad impact on Xiaoxiang's father's company." After thinking about it, Yang Jing decided to call and ask, after all, a huge amount of 3000 million US dollars was involved. Funds, if something goes wrong, it's really hard to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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