Easy Tycoon

Chapter 200 Who is afraid of WHO!

Chapter 200 Who is afraid of WHO!

Mr. Yang's suggestion made Yang Jing leave with a heavy heart.

Ever since he got the Holy Ring, to be honest, Yang Jing didn't think carefully about his future development plan.It may be that the holy ring is so magical that he has been obsessed with Taobao for more than two months, but forgot to make a good plan for his future life.Even opening a private museum is just an idea that popped up by chance.

As a result, when old man Yang said this today, Yang Jing realized that he hadn't even made the most basic life plan.

If there was no Holy Ring, Yang Jing's life plan would have been almost done. It is nothing more than finding a good unit to work after returning to China, and then if there is a chance, he will study for a doctorate and strive for a higher level.Then find a wife, get married and have children, and live a simple but peaceful life day after day, just like my father and mother who have walked step by step over the years
In fact, this is the path most young people in China who have just stepped into society have to take, and most of them will finish their lives like this.

Originally, Yang Jing also thought that this was how he would spend the rest of his life, but in the end, a chance of six pounds gave him a magical holy ring.

This is a subversive ring, which not only subverts Yang Jing's understanding of the antique industry, but also subverts Yang Jing's entire life!
If it wasn't for this ring, I wouldn't be able to drive this Wrangler now; if it wasn't for this ring, I wouldn't be living so chicly now; more importantly, if it wasn't for this ring, I would definitely not be able to muster up the courage to drive again. Pursue Grid!
It can be said that this miraculous holy ring really changed Yang Jing's life drastically.

And with Yang Jing's IQ as high as 142, he can easily judge that as long as his future plans and actions revolve around this holy ring, it doesn't seem so difficult to reach the pinnacle of life.

But it was also the magic displayed by this magical holy ring that made Yang Jing lose himself during this period of time.

If it weren't for the old man's suggestion and reminder, Yang Jing's life, which is extremely stimulating on the surface but actually a muddle-headed life, does not know when it will end.

Now, the old man's words, like a blow to the head, immediately woke Yang Jing up.

But at the same time, Yang Jing, who realized that although he had the Holy Ring, still had a long way to go, his heart was naturally heavy.

It is said that a person must first set a highest goal for himself in his life. This is the goal that a person needs to strive for for a lifetime, and then under this goal, set several goals at different stages. Through this step-by-step effort, Ultimately to accomplish that ultimate goal.

The highest goal Yang Jing set for himself before is no different from the goals set by most young people. It is nothing more than to find a job according to one rule, to find a good job——work hard to get higher pay and higher status— —Buy a big enough house and a good enough car—Find a wife to marry and have children—Work hard to earn money to support the family—Worry about children’s schooling, worry about their children’s marriage, and take care of aging parents—— Wait for the child to get married and have children, and then continue to take care of the third generation - in the end, this life will come like this
This is a very simple but it takes a lifetime to complete the goal, and it is also a path that most people need to take.The small goals at each stage will take five or six years or even longer to achieve.

But now that there are holy precepts, this path of life can be shortened or even reduced by many steps.For example, now that I have the holy ring, I have completed the first few steps of my previous life plan in more than two months, and I have directly reached the step of "finding a wife, getting married and having children". The stages of accumulation have been completed unconsciously.

Yang Jing is very clear, as far as the things in his collection are concerned, if he is willing to sell them now, at least he can get back several hundred million in cash. Marrying Ge Ge under such conditions, Ge Ge's family will definitely not have any opinions of.Then for the next few decades of my life, I can just eat and wait to die
But is it really interesting to do so?

This is obviously not the life I want.

However, since he had this holy ring, why didn't he even set up the nearest goal?Could it be that he was really blinded?

Seeing her boyfriend sitting in the car with his head bowed in thought, and thinking about it for more than 20 minutes without moving, Ge Ge, who was sitting next to him, was terrified.

He touched Yang Jing lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Yang Jing, are you okay?"

She didn't dare to speak loudly at all, for fear of scaring her boyfriend into something wrong.

But Yang Jing still looked like that, which made Princess even more anxious. Could it be that Yang Jing is hysterical?
Ge Ge was born with a golden key in his mouth. He has never suffered any hardships since he was a child, and he can get what he wants. The first half of his life can be said to be smooth and smooth, but he just met Yang Jing, the devil of fate.

If you want to ask Ge Ge why she likes Yang Jing, a boy who is not very good in all aspects, Ge Ge herself can't tell.It is really difficult to describe things like feelings in words, but Ge Ge fell in love with Yang Jing so hopelessly.

And this love lasted for several years, even if Yang Jing deliberately alienated her, and even went to the UK to study abroad, and did not meet Gege for two years, Gege was still in love with her heart, and she was still waiting for Yang Jing's love without complaint or regret. Change your mind.

This kind of love, this kind of waiting, this kind of persistence finally blossomed and bore fruit.

Yang Jing's confession that day made Gege almost fly into the sky happily.All these years of waiting and persistence finally paid off!

But who would have thought that it's only been a few days, isn't it just passing through a door?Why is this hysterical?

Gege wanted to cry anxiously, where did she experience such a thing?
The sudden ringing of the phone made Princess heave a sigh of relief. She also came up with such a method out of desperation, and it turned out that this method really worked.As soon as she dialed Yang Jing's phone number, her boyfriend's eyeballs moved immediately.

"Why are you calling me?" Yang Jing looked at the number displayed on the phone and asked his girlfriend beside him suspiciously.

"I, you. You scared me to death just now, like hysteria. I greeted you and you didn't respond. I can only try this method." Gege couldn't help hugging Yang Jing, and said in a crying voice.

Yang Jing immediately realized his gaffe.

He gently kissed Ge Ge's hair, and said in a low voice: "Honey, I'm really sorry, I was lost in thought just now, did I scare you?"

"Well, it really freaked me out just now."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Daughter-in-law, what the old man said to me at Grandpa Yang's house just now touched me a lot, so I need to think about some things carefully. Well, I finally figured it out. Now I feel Much easier."

Gege raised his face and looked at his beloved boyfriend and said: "Just figure it out, and work hard if you figure it out. I will always be by your side and accompany you!"

Yang Jing kissed Gege lightly, and said with a smile: "Then, do you want to accompany Wei to the United States?"

"America? Just leave, the WHO is afraid of the WHO."

Yang Jing's trip to the United States was not a whim.

Combining what Mr. Yang said today, plus the "Restricted Level Time Travel" operation two days ago that was successful but had many loopholes, Yang Jing already had a general idea in his mind. plan.

Going around the United States is a very important part of this plan.

"Yang Jing, why do you want to go to the United States? Do you want to go to Hawaii for vacation? Well, it's not bad to go to Hawaii at this time. The temperature is not too high or low. Although the water is a bit cold, you can make it at the beginning of noon. .Hey, Yang Jing, why don’t we go next month? Going to Hawaii from January to April is a good time to watch whales. Then we can go to Maui, which is the best place to watch whales. The year before last, you Going to London, during the Chinese New Year, my dad went to condolences, and my mom went to Japan to attend an investment conference, so I had to go to Hawaii for vacation by myself, so boring, it would be great if you were by my side at that time!"

Yang Jing touched Gege's hand apologetically, and skillfully drove the car past a slow-moving Elantra, and then said: "Gege, let's not mention what happened at that time, it's full of tears Do you feel good when I am alone in London? During that period of time, except for my family members, the rest of my dreams were all about you. Well, let’s not talk about that time, okay?”

Gege grabbed Yang Jing's hand with his backhand, and nodded with a smile.

Yang Jing continued: "I'm going to the United States this time. I want to do something in the past. By the way, if time permits, I can find some treasures from the United States. To open a private museum, not only a large collection is required, but the money It’s a lot of pressure.”

"How about I sponsor you? Or should we just start a joint venture together? I save my New Year's money every year, and I don't like spending money very much, so if you need 800 million yuan, I can still take it out. "

"Partnership? Open a husband-and-wife shop?" Yang Jing teased.

Gege's face flushed slightly, and then she raised her head proudly and said, "What? You don't want to open a mom-and-pop store? Do you want me to open a store with someone else?"

"Open a shop with someone else? Are you kidding me! If the woman is okay, the man beware that I will touch his house at night and break his third leg!"

"Go, go, go! Why are you just talking nonsense!" Gege pinched the back of Yang Jing's hand tenderly, "I won't go to open a shop with others, even if it's a woman, I will depend on it for the rest of my life You, if you dare to get rid of me, I will cry for you!"

There was a red light ahead, Yang Jing quickly parked the car behind a car, put on the handbrake, saw that the camera at the intersection was still far away, leaned forward immediately, pointed his big mouth at Grid's He kissed her hard on the cheek, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't need to rely on me, I will never let you go in this life. You are my heart, how can I be willing to let you cry?"

Gege grinned and smacked Yang Jing's face, "Hee hee, if you dare to sneak attack, no, I have to return it."

When the green light came on, Yang Jing sat up straight, and while waiting for the car in front of him to move, he said: "Daughter-in-law, your little money is not enough for the two of us, and if you want to open a private museum, 800 million is really not enough. Well, don't worry, your husband and I already have the idea of ​​making money, and this little money can't help me."

Gege thought for a while and said, "How about I tell my mother? You should know that my company has a branch in the United States. Everything will be much more convenient when we get there."

Yang Jing shook his head and said: "Didn't we agree? Before I really make achievements, it's best not to let your mother know about our affairs, otherwise I don't know what your mother will do. To be on the safe side, we Don’t inform your mother when you go to America this time, or don’t mention me at all.”

Ge Ge thought about it, and nodded, but she still asked: "If you don't show up when you go to the United States, it will be very inconvenient."

Yang Jing said: "Don't worry, it's not just your company that has a branch in the United States. My good brother who lived with me when I was studying in London is that fat guy. His father's company also has a branch in the United States. When the time comes, I will look for it." It’s OK if the fat man helps.”

"Well, since you already have a plan, I'll just follow you to play."

The two talked and laughed, and returned home in more than 20 minutes.

Yang Jing's house is a three-bedroom house, more than 130 square meters, and there is a guest room where Ge Ge can live, so Ge ​​Ge has been living in Yang Jing's house these days.This made Yang's mother very happy.

Regarding Ge Ge's life experience, Yang Jing and Ge Ge decided not to tell their mother and father for the time being after discussing it, so as to save them any psychological burden. When the relationship between the two of them really reaches the time to talk about marriage, they will tell Ge Ge's life experience is not too late.

To be honest, although the two have reconciled now, Yang Jing is still under a lot of pressure.The reason why he left Gege cruelly at the beginning was because Yang Jing knew very well that it was wrong to be in the wrong family. Even if two people finally get together, the life after marriage may not be so smooth.

It's easy for two people to fall in love, but if they really want to get married, just having love is not enough.Especially Gege's family conditions are so good, and his own family is just an ordinary family. Once the two really get married, there will be a lot of shit in it.

Moreover, with the conditions of his own family, he really married Gege home, but from another aspect, he actually wronged this elf-like girl.

At the beginning, it was precisely because of many thoughts that Yang Jing left Gege cruelly.

You can say that Yang Jing is inferior, you can say that Yang Jing thinks too much, but when Yang Jing left Gege, his heart was bleeding!He also had to do so.And in the past few years, Yang Jing has never found a girlfriend, because Princess still occupies an unshakable position in his heart.

Although they are reconciled now, Yang Jing knows very well that there is still a long way to go to bridge the gap between the two families, so Yang Jing wants to hurry up and marry this girl who has been waiting for him for four years. , You also need to accumulate wealth quickly.

Although the wealth is not enough to even out the gap between the two families, at least I can hold up my chest and say to Gege's mother: "I have the ability to support Gege now, and I will promise to raise your daughter well. !"

Therefore, Yang Jing is very clear that although he has the holy ring, the most important thing to do now is to accumulate wealth as soon as possible. The mother-in-law shows her abilities!

(End of this chapter)

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