Easy Tycoon

Chapter 196 Private Museum

Chapter 196 Private Museum

"What? You said you collected these things at a price of three yuan a catty? Are you kidding me?" Mr. Guo was stunned by Yang Jing's answer because he didn't know where to go. He thought of countless answers, but the only thing he didn't This is the answer that comes to mind.

Yang Jing shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's right, it was collected for three yuan a catty. Well, I sent my girlfriend to the airport the day before yesterday. I was going to visit my second aunt's house after I got out of the airport. , I drove down the road, and when I passed by a village, I happened to catch up with the market in that village. I wanted to buy some fresh fruits and meat at the market and take them to my second aunt’s house, but I didn’t expect I saw a seller of used books and newspapers in the market. Then I found these treasures at the guy’s stall, but the guy obviously didn’t know how precious these things are. According to himself, these things are The ones picked up from the old house were rotten and broken and took up space, so he took advantage of the market day to dispose of all these things."

".Then, these things were cheaper for me. I bought them all for three yuan a catty. The total of these things was almost [-] catties, and I spent two thousand and four."

After saying this, Mr. Guo was speechless, while Mr. Liu and Cai Yi looked like they had seen a ghost. As for Mr. Guo's four students, like their teacher, they opened their mouths and didn't know what to say.

There are so many precious manuscripts and documents, and they only spent two thousand and four to buy them. Is there any reason for this?

You must know that just for the six manuscripts of master Lu Xun, if Yang Jing is willing, the auction can definitely fetch an astronomical figure.

But they only spent two thousand and four!
400 yuan
In fact, most of the manuscripts collected by Yang Jing are quite well preserved. After all, these things were previously stored in archives and libraries, so naturally there will be no damage.The more severely damaged ones were probably caused by the waste collection station. Fortunately, most of the more seriously damaged ones were printed documents. Those precious manuscripts, hand-painted maps, oil paintings, etc., are not a big problem. ,

But even so, the research value of these damaged documents is very high.

Mr. Guo's four disciples quickly picked out the documents that needed maintenance and protection, and prepared to take them back to the courtyard for maintenance.Although Yang Jing's here is also good, but the guy doesn't get things done, it's better to bring him back to the museum to do these jobs.

According to the rules in the industry, Mr. Guo and Yang Jing signed a "Entrusted Maintenance Contract", and then Yang Jing hurriedly went out for lunch.

Yang Jing must invite this meal.He came all the way here, and after working for more than two hours, it is definitely not an exaggeration to have a meal at noon.

Mr. Guo is not a moji person either. He has experienced many such things, and coupled with the relationship between Yang Jing and Mr. Yang, he agreed without hesitation.

At noon, Yang Jing invited a seafood feast.Although this season is not a good time to eat seafood, this meal still cost Yang Jing more than 1 yuan.

For Yang Jing, spending money on meals is nothing to Yang Jing now.You can get to know a master like Mr. Guo after a meal, and the money spent is definitely worth it.

Not to mention that Mr. Liu helped him maintain the Dongbi Sword and the 36 treasures of Guquan. Taking advantage of this opportunity to invite Mr. Liu together, it would be a happy thing for everyone.

"Xiao Yang, what are you going to do with so many manuscripts and documents?" At the banquet, the blushing old Guo asked Yang Jing.

Guo Lao is 65 years old, but he still has a pretty good capacity for alcohol. He has drunk three or two drinks, but his face is only slightly red.

Yang Jing put down his chopsticks and said, "I have a lot of things to do recently, so I plan to organize these manuscripts temporarily, and then deposit them in the bank's safe, and then carefully review them after I have been busy for a while. Organize. After everything is sorted out, make plans."

Mr. Liu said with a smile, "Little Yangzi, I think the manuscripts you collected this time, if all sorted out, are enough to open a small museum."

Cai Yi said from the side: "Old Liu, your proposal is really good. Yang Zi, how about it, you can consider this proposal of Lao Liu."

Not to mention, Mr. Liu's proposal really moved Yang Jing a little.

Now in the circle of collectors in China, it has become a development trend to hide and show.From the earliest days when Mr. Ma opened a private museum in Ma Weidu, to now all the rich and powerful have opened museums or art galleries one after another.

I won't mention Mr. Ma's Guanfu Museum. This museum is very famous now, but the private museums or art galleries established by some other wealthy people in China are also springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

For example, Mr. Zhou Hetong, a British Chinese, established the largest private museum in Jinling—Zhou Garden; like Liu Yiqian, who is known as the "King of Legal Person Shares", the Long Art Museum founded by the couple is currently in Pudong and Xuzhou. .The Riverside has two large-scale venues at the same time—the Pudong Pavilion and the West Bund Pavilion, which constitute a unique "one city, two museums" art ecology. It is also the largest private art museum with the largest collection capacity in mainland China so far.

In addition, there are the Red Sandalwood Museum established by Ms. Chen Lihua, the Jianchuan Museum established by Mr. Fan Jianchuan, which focuses on red collections, the Peking Opera Costume Art Museum established by Mr. Bao Wanrong, and the Universal Teapot Museum established by Mr. Xu Sihai.
Even the former richest man, Mr. Wang Jianlin, the real estate tycoon of Huaxia, is preparing to build his own private museum.

To put it bluntly, these days, you can only be called a "local tyrant" if you are rich, and you can only be called a "tall tyrant" if you are rich and educated.

Yes, those seniors can build their own private museums one by one, so why can't I also build a private museum that is completely my own?

Maybe I started much later than those predecessors, but I still have a miraculous holy ring in my hand!This is incomparable to those predecessors.

The most important thing is that the holy ring can travel through time and space with its own host. As long as the plan is well planned, it is really not difficult to collect some precious cultural relics from the previous time and space.Among other things, the things brought back by this time travel alone are enough to support a small museum.

And if there are more collections, then it seems that it is not difficult to support a large private museum
Mr. Liu's casual words during lunch took a deep root in Yang Jing's heart.

But Yang Jing is very clear that if he wants to achieve this goal, he still has a long way to go.

Opening a private museum is not only about having collections, but also funding, venues, security, interpersonal relationships, etc., are all very important.Therefore, if you want to open a private museum, you can’t open it with a pat on the head.
After sending Mr. Liu and the others back to the museum, Yang Jing called Wang Jiazan and asked him to come to Dahezhuang Garden at night.

After Wang Jiazan came in the evening, Yang Jing led Wang Jiazan to register with the security guard in the community, and gave Wang Jiazan a pass, and then led Wang Jiazan to the newly rented house.

"I rely on third brother, why are you renting such a big house? Could it be that you plan to live with Princess?" Wang Jiazan teased Yang Jing.

"Tch, brother, if I lived with Ge Ge, I wouldn't use this kind of house. At least I should buy a villa in Xishan, right? This house is not worthy of Ge Ge."

Wang Jiazan gestured a thumbs up at Yang Jing speechlessly, indicating that this gesture can give nine points.
But when he saw the manuscripts and documents that Yang Jing put in the second bedroom, he immediately realized that buying a villa in Xishan, as the third brother said, is not a difficult task.

Among other things, the six manuscripts of Master Lu Xun alone, if you just take out one of them, is enough to change a top-level villa in Yanjing, or even a large courtyard next to the Forbidden City.
"Damn, third brother, did you rob the Capital Library or the Capital Museum? How come you have so many precious manuscripts here?" Although Wang Jiazan is not very proficient in antiques, He is an out-and-out doctoral student, so he certainly knows the value of these manuscripts and documents.

Yang Jing smiled and fooled around with the rhetoric about finding treasures in the market. Not to mention, Wang Jiazan was just like Mr. Guo and Mr. Liu.

"Brother, I called you here today because I plan to go home tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I have stayed in Yanjing for almost 20 days, and my mother is in a hurry with me. If I don't go back, I am afraid that my mother will let me go home." My dad drove over and took me back."

Wang Jiazan rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, you called me over because you wanted me to watch your house."

Yang Jing smiled and nodded, "Anyway, I won't stay at home for long, and I'll be back soon. You can stay here for a few days, and help me take care of these treasures by the way. Wait After I came back, I sorted out these treasures, and I put them all in the bank safe."

"That's no problem. It just so happens that we have nothing to do there these days. It's no problem to live here from you for a few days at night. My fucking sister has never lived in such a spacious house since I was a child. This time I can finally enjoy myself." .”

Yang Jing told Wang Jiazan the password of the intelligent security system in the house, and the two brothers went out on foot to find a restaurant for a meal.

In the evening, Wang Jiazan stayed at Yang Jing's place. Early the next morning, Yang Jing got up early and prepared to go on the road, but when he went out, he found that his sister's fog was falling outside again.
I checked today's traffic information with my mobile phone, and sure enough, the few highways out of Beijing were all closed.

This news made Yang Jing very distressed.When he came to Yanjing, he encountered heavy fog. He didn't expect to encounter such bad weather when he returned.

But fortunately, the heavy fog this time was indeed real fog, not smog, which somewhat reassured Yang Jing.

Yang Jing had a deep understanding of the smog in the capital a few years ago.He came to Yanjing during the winter vacation in his senior year, but he stayed in Yanjing for ten days. He didn't see the sun for ten days, and he looked up wherever he went, and the surroundings were covered with gray smog.Before I went back, I had an upper respiratory tract infection because of the smog, but after returning home, I lost the medicine for half a month.
The heavy fog in the sky prevented Yang Jing from going home.Under such circumstances, it was obviously unnecessary to venture down the road, and according to the weather forecast, the weather would clear up tomorrow with the arrival of a new cold air.

Anyway, this day was not bad, so Yang Jing went back to the house, preparing to sort out those precious manuscripts and documents at home.

Wang Jiazan didn't bother to go to school because of the foggy weather, so he just sorted out these things with Yang Jing.Of course, when sorting out these things, Wang Jiazan's little heart was greatly stimulated again.

Anyone who knows that a piece of information in his hand is worth tens of thousands or even 10,000+, hundreds of thousands, and the most important thing is that this kind of manuscripts and documents worth tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands are not a copy , It's not two copies, but his sister's is based on the unit of "thousand", I'm afraid his heart can't bear it.

Not to mention those more precious manuscripts, which can be worth millions or even tens of millions of manuscripts.

Wang Jiazan's little heart that has been beating wildly and his little head that is turning wildly told him very wisely that these manuscripts and documents piled up to almost a cubic meter, and the most conservative estimate is more than [-] million
Maybe [-] million is nothing in the eyes of those top rich people, but don't forget that these things worth more than [-] million only cost [-]
Is there anything more shocking than this?

In terms of return on investment, is there anything better than this?
Two thousand and four, the white-collar workers in Yanjing only received one week's salary, but the one-week salary of this white-collar worker was exchanged for manuscripts and documents worth more than 20.83 million yuan in one day, and the rate of return was as high as [-] times !
Compared with this, the bank robbery and the money printing machine are all weak!

And beside him, the third brother who lived in the same room with him for four years, has completed the leap from a quasi-millionaire to a billionaire without saying a word.

Wang Jiazan originally thought that his conditions were good, his family conditions were good, and his personal conditions were also good. As a result, the third brother just quietly accomplished things that most people would never be able to accomplish in a lifetime, and quietly accumulated money. A wealth that most people can't accumulate in ten lifetimes!

The gap between people should not be so big, okay?It's too fucking shocking, isn't it?

But what Yang Jing said moved Wang Jiazan very much.

"Old man, when you finish your Ph.D., come and join us as a partner! I know that you are studying law now, and I have a long-term plan here, which may take three or four years to complete. The old man Five, I am going to build a private museum, but it involves many things, and I need someone to help me. If you don’t want to work in those government departments after graduating from your Ph. Days, then come over and let's do it together!"

Yang Jing's words were also deeply imprinted in Wang Jiazan's heart.
(End of this chapter)

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