Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 334: Final Words Of Dimension Sovereign

The words faded into eternity as the True Druid's body lost its lustre. Slowly, it became colourless and began to wither. A wind coincidentally passed by to disperse the ashes into the world.


The acknowledgement of what just happened was difficult for Lee. Like a baby elephant weighing on him, Lee felt his innards pressurised and oppressed by an unknown force. The silence was so powerful that he could not produce tears.


Something sparked in Lee's mind which caused his inner wail to subside. His eyes squinted and brows knit when he revised Ruella's words.

'We might have failed. But we were not defeated.'

It took him a moment to wrap around the words she said before her being disintegrated. Lying face down, he raised his head and took a glance at the broken half of the sword.

It was then his eyes caught something!

'The sword is not broken. D detached it intentionally.'

When he could not find any marks of abrasion and scrape over the lower half of the sword, it felt like he still had a chance to fight the Tubians.

'D, if you can hear me, I am alive.'

Staring at the sword with determination, Lee sensed the ground trembling slightly. Turning his head around, he concluded that the source was not inside the room.

It was a momentary distraction but Lee twirled his head around in a way that he could use the force to move his body. His action bore fruit as he rolled to the sword and finally rested next to Black.

Including Mighty Yava, every Tubian was distracted by the disturbance. By the time the orc Tubian saw that Lee had utilised this window, Lee had neared the sword's hilt!


When a mighty and deafening boom went off, the sight that unveiled in front of Lee was nostalgic. A faint smile appeared on his lips as he saw the black and white complexion snatching away the colours and movements off of the Tubians.

[This would only last a few seconds because the Tubian of Time is rushing here. She is surprisingly immune to Time-Break.

Lee, I foresaw a beautiful future for you. It was glorious and free. Then we came across An Fenfang. It was serendipitous to meet her as she was to become the source of your happiness. I saw that both of you could ascend the stairs of power together. She had the potential to become your most powerful ally in the future.

That is why I asked you to propose to her. That is why I asked you to bring her along your journey.

But I never expected to face the result of my karma in this way.

When I changed your fate by bringing An together, the new fate that you both produced were powerful enough to alter the course of the future. But the unwritten intangible law of the dimension decided to put us back in our places.

All that happened since then, was my mistake. I tried to hide it and forget it, but the guilt is weighing on me. Since then, I have been clouded from the future that I always could foresee.

Now it all comes to an end.

Because of my stupidity, you and she have become the sacrifices. My reckless actions have made the bill due.

Thus fate brought us to powerful opponents - Tubians. To stop our advancement, serendipity utilised the existence of these unnatural people.

The final fruit of my actions will be the complete deterioration of our souls. An Fenfang, Mia, Tera, Gauthama, Hudson, Ruella, I and you will have to die. Everyone related to our lives would forget our existences. We would be removed from the memories of many.

That is fine with me. But this would let Tubians fulfil their promise to Amortals.

I cannot allow it. If Tubians become successful in their mission, then Utopia would plunge into dystopia. Serenity would be replaced by chaos.

So you must live!

I have been chanting the 'Punarjiva' spell this whole time. It takes both time and power but I can make your soul reincarnate.

I tried but I have found that the spell could only make one person reborn. Or I should say, I only have the power left in me to make one person reborn.

You might be born a year later, or maybe after a million years. But I assure you, you will live again.

Our journey parts ways here. So live your next life the way you like. Never take commands from others. Follow your gut. Follow your grandfather's words.

I have on final request, please protect my home planet from destruction. I rest my people in your hands, because->


A powerful kick shattered Lee Shen's skull into smithereens. Followed by it, the frail figure swung her hand and shredded Lee's remaining living body.

The temporal obstruction that robbed the entire planet off of its motion was released and the reality was back to normal. Mighty Yava sat on his throne with a pondering expression emitting from his being.

"A Time-Stop ability?"

His voice rose as the entire court witnessed the sudden appearance of the feminine figure out of the blue. Unbeknownst to them, she was rushing to Lee when the temporal disturbance was active.

When she killed Lee Shen, D's final resort was torn apart. This disabled the effect and all saw the bloody mess lying at the centre of the court.

"I rushed here as quickly as I could when I sensed someone invoking a Time affinity spell. Since there is no other Tubian with Time affinity, I sensed danger. But to rush here, I had to break the barrier forcefully.

And this man used that window to activate the chant."

A second of pondering and the truth was revealed. The Tubians seated on the chairs could not help but gasp at the revelation.

"But why am I not sensing the presence of the soul?"

The voice befitting an athletic, work-out obsessed woman rose from the metal golem standing next to one of the chairs. He added that she is not sensing the presence of the prisoner's soul in the vicinity and this triggered a wide-range inspection.

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