Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 331: No Time To Lose

Ruella was right. Hudson's every trace of existence had disappeared from the Sceptre.


"It's weird. I sure can't sense him. But I am feeling an awful familiarity from the Sceptre."

Ruella's curiosity probed-


"Like the Sceptre is him but he is not the Sceptre."

D replied after comprehending and analysing the sensation. Then the Sceptre briefly hummed!

The 4-metre long Sceptre of Doom looked like a royal trinket symbolising power. But its peculiar colour made it irrecognisable.

When the atmosphere became silent for a second, D and Ruella heard Hudson's voice in their heads.

{I cannot escape. This Sceptre had taken me as a prisoner. It is slowly consuming my soul to use as a stabilizing agent and keep it together. I can only be freed after this thing breaks.

To break this damn thing, you need to deplete its gigantic energy reserve. Do it as quickly as possible. Find those Tubians and exhaust the weapon's reserve.}

Ruella was wonderstruck when the voice was heard in her head. She peeked at D who was sitting on Pyro devoid of expressions.

"We don't have time!"

The Draconic Wyverns accelerated and their increase in speed was significant. Elemental traits enveloped their body and Zena was left behind.

It caught her confused for a second before she dashed forward with all her strength. She too was spewing lightning as she sliced the air vigorously.

Ruella had a hard time sitting comfortably on Cryo's back due to the speed. Gliding at 250 miles per hour, she struggled to not fall over.

Fero was abnormally cool. He raised his head and saw Ruella resisting the turbulence.

The next second, Cryo used his elemental affinity to create an inclined ice wall in front of Ruella to keep her safe.

Due to Aero's air affinity, he had created an air pocket around him. Fero, inside this pocket, was peaceful and undisturbed.

As D observed, they were travelling at supernatural speed. The kingdoms and cities below on the ground were like fleeting clouds disappearing in a distance without remorse.

Though this was his home continent, his eyes did not turn to them. Though he just flew past his home country, he did not mind its current situation.

Because he had something more important at hand!


About 2 hours later.

The twin stars in the sky were about to begin their descend. Skimming amidst the clouds, the heat rays did not give them fatigue as they could experience on the ground.

D turned his head and scanned the area. Its been over 10 minutes since he saw the last kingdom. It was Erithrium, where the Samaya sect had been initially established.

The dense deluge of greenery on the ground indicated to him that they are flying over some jungle. Constantly scanning the surroundings, D was looking for the peculiar stone structure that pierced the clouds.

Lady luck smiled upon them as D spotted the structure right ahead.

"My intuition was not wrong."

As the Dimension Sovereign, he was the chosen one to decorate the highest position on the planet. This gave him a superior intuition while taking decisions.

"Ruella, you are the only one capable of using a tool. Use both the sword and the Sceptre. All you need to do is to get the sword near Lee.

Unleash hell, in the meanwhile."

Saying this, D went back into the sword and the weapon began to tremble intensely. A powerful wave of energy began to flow out of it and it made the beasts uneasy.

The sword slowly floated up and then moved towards Ruella. She quickly grabbed the sheath and tightly gripped it.

At once, the weapons began to hum in unison.

Nearing the natural formation with every second, Ruella was stunned by the periodic, humming in unison. Every time the weapons vibrated, She could feel some kind of energy invading her body. It was more like becoming one with her.

Ruella could only sense the magnanimous energy overshadowing her as she felt her hands going numb. It took a few seconds before she realised what was happening, and it brought a smirk to her face.

"Yes, unleash hell."

Hushedly, she asked the Draconic Wyverns to climb the structure. Heeding the request, the trio and Zena began to flap their wings and each wingbeat took them higher than previous.

But things were unpredictable!

Pyro's underbelly got rubbed to an invisible wall and he had to bite down the pain. The incident caused sparks to appear in mid-air and this alerted Ruella.

'They have a barrier.'

Intelligently constructing her energy, she found that the sky-kissing natural formation has an energy shield around it. She also concluded that the shield is impenetrable from the outside.

Upon circling the circular mountain range a couple of times, Ruella came to find that the barrier is extending indefinitely and she has no chance of getting in no matter how high she flew or how deep she dug.

Then, the Sceptre hummed as if Hudson could read her mind.

'Ah, yes!'

Ruella scolded herself for forgetting the sky-shattering presence in her hands. A grin crept up her face as she asked the beasts to take a huge U-turn.

The beasts comprehended her idea and acted accordingly. Taking a large curvature arc gliding, Ruella waited for the exact moment and leapt!


Inside the underground prison chamber.

Lee was woken up from his energy-saving mode by tremors and trembling ground. Fortunately, he did not fall over and was somehow kept alive.

The disturbances caused the chains to rattle and many moaned in pain. The feeble cries to save them from this dim-lighted hell signified that many still had hopes of escaping alive.

The entire room whose boundaries are beyond Lee's comprehension began to shake. The silence inside the room was quickly transformed into the undying wailings for survival.

The orc turned its head to stare at the neighbouring chains and his eyes fell on the bound being. His eyes conveyed discontent and his expression was unfitting to the situation.

"Why are you chuckling?"

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