Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 329: Sceptre Of Doom

"Stop right there!"

D jumped in between them and extended his hand to the Draconic Wyverns. The gesture and the action surprised the beasts and Zena and Fero unconsciously bore fangs at D.

"If that is the way to revive the Sceptre, if we have a chance of reviving the Sceptre, then this subspace won't withstand the pressure. We will all be thrown into the abyss of the darkness."

D continuously gestured at the trio to move backwards until the headpiece was devoid of any humming. It became a normal metal piece with a greyish-silver texture.

"Do you have a plan? Every attempt of mine to open a portal to the main dimension had failed consistently."

D turned to look at Hudson's face over his shoulder and spoke like a badass villain-

"You are not me."

The words had a tonne of arrogance in it, though Hudson understood that it was just for mocking him. With a tinge of disappointment, Hudson crossed his arms in front of him while keenly observing the Dimension Sovereign.

D walked a little away from them and halted his steps. Turning his head to peek at those behind him through the corner of his eyes, he said-

"This is the power os a Dimension Sovereign!"

His words were thunderous and were followed by a snap of his finger. At the very moment, an enormous pitch-black portal appeared in front of him and sucked him like a V8 vacuum cleaner!

All these happened within a second and the entire party was stunned. When Zena pounced to pull D back into the subspace, she could only hear his cry fading out into the portal.

A state of emergency was declared by the Draconic Wyverns as they cautiously rounded the portal. Though they did not see anyone or anything originating from the portal, they were abnormally cautious.


"I'm okay. It's just that the sudden opening created a vacuum that pulled me ferociously."

D's head and arms came protruding through the portal and the tension in the subspace subsided. But they became concerned by the peculiar worried countenance D had.

"You all should come and see this for yourselves."

Saying this, D disappeared and Ruella knit her brows unconsciously. She quickly walked to the portal and exited. following her came Zena, Fero, the trio and Hudson's soul.


"What in the world happened here?!"

Hudson had an urge to curse out loud but restrained his instinct. Instead, he hushedly exclaimed, audible to them alone.

His words were not hollow. People wouldn't wonder what had happened here if they decided to ignore the changes that had come over the landscape which turned it into a barren battlefield.

Yes, barren! The entire southern part of the island is now barren and desolate. The places were trees and plants once lushly grew had been reduced to a wasteland with brown soil under the feet.

Ruella was struggling to comprehend what kind of calamity had taken place here. She tried her best to keep her mind sane, but the after-effects of vicious one-sided torture were haunting her.

"Lee...was here."

Supporting her torso over Zena, Ruella walked all over the land in search of something. Her eyes thoroughly scanned the ground below her and she pushed the Draconic Wyverns ferociously to make way.

Then at some point, she stopped. After a moment's pause, she squatted down and her fingers touched the ground.

"This is his blood."

Hudson walked to her with disbelief. He was uncertain of what he had heard, which made him ask-

"Come again?"

She jumped up and stood like a released spring and her eyes were brimming with fear.

"Lee Shen's blood is all over this place. Something had happened to him."


Pyro growled as he stared at them for a second, and then turned his head to point at something on the ground. D ran to the beast and saw a shiny object stuck in a solid mixture of mud and blood.

"This is his spatial ring!"

D tried to pick it up, but the amorphous body failed to interact with a solid object. He was not disheartened and manipulated the sword to pierce and break the solidified ground.

Hudson was the most helpless one. As a wisp of soul and with no tangible object connected, he could only witness the turmoil settling down.

"Then these pieces of flesh and blood are his."

Though devoid of any interactions, Hudson's analytical capabilities surpassed Ruella and Lee. He was the main advisor of our protagonist in numerous situations.

Ruella then caught the sight of the web-like cracking running through the ground. She did not take more than a second to scientifically prove that the solidified puddle of blood through the centre of the cracks belonged to Lee Shen.

"But he is alive, I can tell."

Despite the presence of blood and shattered flesh, Zena and Fero confirmed that Lee is well alive. Even though the shreds of evidence around them narrate about a lopsided battle, D could feel his breath in his heart.


It was Aero who sensed something and produced a fearsome noise. Attracted by the sound, all heads turned to look at Aero who was staring in the southern direction with a reservoir of anger.

"Obviously, the Tubian took him."

Ruella walked to Aero with her eyes planted on the horizon.

Unfortunately, every one of them forgot about the most dangerous probability here!


As soon as Ruella came near the Draconic Wyvern, the headpiece in her hand began to hum like an angry bee. Within seconds, the headpiece began to move towards the beasts, neglecting the resistance provided by the True Druid.

"D, help!"

Zena and Fero were taking steps backwards upon sensing an indescribable sensation of danger. This caught in D's sight and he pounced to pull her away from the beasts.

Ruella was not the only victim. The Draconic Wyverns realised that the piece between their jaws had been stuck there, with a pale countenance. With panic and unrest, the beasts tried to distant themselves but failed.

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