Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 327: The Weapon Of Ultimate Destruction

Showing her fangs and claws, Zena attained a predator stance that could threaten animals at a glance.

The development caught Ruella by surprise and she stood there stunned. Neither she nor Hudson could interpret the intentions behind this aggression.

Then D chuckled and said-

"Okay. If that is how you all want, then who am I to disagree?"

Ruella's brows knitted with puzzlement and she was clueless. Hudson sighed after he took a glance at her face and saw that she was as stunned as he was.

Turning around, D sounded extremely courageous when he said-

"They have decided.

We are going to attempt a rescue mission."


Aero conveyed his discontent with D's words and D was forced to rearrange his words.

"We all are going to rescue Lee Shen!"

The idea was purely based on gut instincts, Ruella could tell.

The beasts had their pride as individual beings and their conscience did not let Lee perish without hope. Thus, their subconscious mind took control of their actions.

"Are you sure that is what they are saying?"

Hudson was not believing D's words. Not that he did not want to, but the declaration was a prelude to suicide!

D nodded in return and spoke-

"We almost decided to let Lee rot in the hands of the Tubians. We, for a second, thought of our safety alone while confirming whether he is okay of not.

But the fact that the system is embedded into Lee Shen's soul and all this, the System Space, our lives and all that we enjoy now, are the fruits of his efforts, is a reason enough to save him even if he was imprisoned in hell."

Hudson and Ruella had their lives flashing in front of their eyes. For a second they froze like stone immersing themselves in the memories.

Using this moment, D walked to an open area in the System Space. Near to that spot was Fero sleeping like a humongous lion.

When he heard the rustling of grass, he saw the amorphous being walking near him.

"Hey Fero, can I have this spot? Its an emergency."

Without saying a word, Fero stood up and shook his entire body and ran towards Zena to play. Upon seeing this, Ruella walked to D but she was stopped by him.

"Stay away. I am going to take out something that would help us to rescue him. I cannot guarantee your safety, so please stand back."

Saying this, D raised both of his hands into the sky. A second later, a pitch-black portal appeared in front of him.

"Why are you opening EsGen?"

Hudson raised the question after seeing the familiar portal.

There was no reply as D inserted his hands into it. With some effort, he pulled out something large.

"What is he doing?"

Hudson nudged Ruella whose eyes were fixated on the coffin that D just pulled out. She shrugged and her eyes were filled with puzzlement.

The coffin was intact as it came out of the portal and the pitch-black circle disappeared. The moment it touched the ground, a vibration travelled through Ruella's body.

"This was a secret I wanted to disclose once we reach my personal subspace in Intellus. But fate thought otherwise."

As Ruella and Hudson witnessed, D pushed open the lid of the coffin and the wooden cover fell on the ground with a firm thud.

The next second, a blinding light occupied the entire subspace!!

"What the-"

Ruella could not complete her words as the light was too bright to defend. It simultaneously gave off a scorching and freezing sensation on her body.

The blinding illumination stayed the same for more than ten minutes. Hudson and D fell on the ground upside down and buried their eyes to protect themselves from this overwhelming presence.

Unbeknownst to Ruella, these wisps of souls were going through a cycle of pain and bliss indefinitely!

The Draconic Wyverns' thunderous roar and growls of agony were filling the air with disturbance as they moved around in the System Space to evade the blinding light that irritated them to their core.

Soon the light subsided.

When Ruella deactivated her energy shield, the entire System Space had become a wasteland!

No greenery was left on the ground and the cafeteria and the cabin had disappeared. When she realised that the blinding light was capable of doing this much destruction, a shiver went up to her spine upon imagining what could possibly be inside the coffin.

The beasts were okay but extremely annoyed. Their anger was brimming in their hearts as they had an urge to pounce on the coffin to shred it to pieces.

D struggled to stand up as he grabbed the sides of the coffin to stand up. His amorphous body was showing signs of instability and he was dissolving. A steady stream of steam rose from his body but was too thin to even notice.

"Inside...this coffin...lies...the...Sceptre of...Doom."

The pain and struggle were evident in his words as D completed his words while biting down the pain. As a spiritual being, the pain was many times powerful and harsh.

Hudson gasped as he stumbled forward. He fell on his knees but stood up quickly.


It was real. The Sceptre of Doom was real!

As Ruella's eyes fell on four pieces of a sceptre dismantled and kept away from each other, her mind was flooded by questions.

"You knew all along?"

D nodded as he squatted on the ground with rough breathing.

"Ever since we took the casket, I continuously tried to unravel the mystery behind the coffin. It took me some time, but I finally was disclosed to the secret in it."

The atmosphere became clouded with the pressure emitting from the coffin and the beasts cautiously neared it. Upon taking a glance at the four pieces of the entire weapon, the Draconic Wyverns stepped back in fear.

After a pause to catch his breath, he added-

"This was the weapon used by the Great Devil to inflict damage on the Forgotten Trinity."

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