Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 312: School Of Solo Hunters

Turning his head left and right, Lee concluded-

'Is it...northward?'

[If they are moving northward, then this might be the effect of the earthquakes.]

'Can you explain, Hudson?'

[This is just an assumption.

When the notorious continents were split in half, the positions of Intellus and Chaos were changed. They were brought to the equator from the poles and the other 8 continents were arranged to connect them.

If the Forgotten Trinity emerges, then Intellus would be moved back to the pole. The seismic changes might have been felt by the creatures which triggered migration on large scale.

The tectonic plates would be severely rearranged and that would affect the lives of marine animals the most. Thus they are possibly trying to seek shelter in calm waters.]

[Makes sense.]

After understanding the possible explanation behind the phenomenon, the sleep came back to pull Lee Shen back inside the blanket.

When Lee casually swung his eye across Aero's face, he saw the beast looking southward with a visible frown.

'Now what?'

The poker-face of Lee Shen kept staring at Aero who was unaware of the blank glare. The Draconic Wyvern stared in the southern direction and Pyro and Cryo also scanned in the direction, to find nothing on the horizon.

Without wasting a moment, Lee went and cuddled next to Zena who used her tail to pull him nearer to her. Soon the human and his bond were breathing in sync while sinking into slumber.

Lee Shen was unaware of Aero staring at the southern horizon. As a being with Air affinity, he was able to detect even the slightest changes in the air, including changes in magical composition and disturbances or most kind.

After some time, Pyro and Cryo too felt the sensation brushing against their skin from the southern horizon. They stood unmoving like a statue while pondering on this indescribable perception.



4 AM.

5,977,010 Essence harvested.


Zena's purr was the first thing Lee Shen heard while waking up. Her unique noise was simultaneously irritating and refreshing.

A sticky sensation filled his face as he became completely conscious. The colourless thin substance was uncomfortable and Lee knows just who did this.


Lee dodged her tail's whiplash by a hair's thickness and rolled back in momentum. He took a moment to calm his heart and recognise all these as her silly behaviour.

Mana condensed in his palms and a sphere of water was formed. Lee quickly washed his face, mouth and his hands and acquired an energetic countenance.

The twin stars had only peeked from the horizon. They shone their reddish-orange hue on the water and it sparkled with beauty. Through the silent waters, the pair of ships sailed peacefully.

Anyone from a distance would be able to spot the ships because three majestic creatures were on top of the vessels. The Draconic Wyverns had officially revealed their existence through this act.

Aero stood on his hind-limbs and stretched the forelimbs and the supportive wings. The pale yellow complexion of Aero reflected the first light of the day and made him drench in a golden hue.

Pyro and Cryo were already flying in the air. Cryo wanted to take a dip in the ocean but waited for the stars to reach higher. He was wary of any possible threats lurking inside.

About an hour later.

The triplets scurried through the air while the passengers came up to feel the warmth of the morning. The unanticipated sight made many of them awe in amazement.

Zena found that her elder brothers have become the centre of attention. Her pride did not let her stay dormant and she leapt into the air.

With each wingbeat, she climbed vertically. Her relatively smaller figure enabled her to perform rather difficult manoeuvres with ease and she was filled with vigour.

The sunglo-red Pyro, dodger-blue Cryo, picasso-yellow Aero and snow-white Zena conquered the sky and the hearts of the spectators immediately. Many even forgot to brush their teeth and wash their face as they stood on the deck in warmth and bliss.

Among the audience was captain Jonit and the duo of King Aizel and Darwin. Lee did not see Freya with them and assumed that she is resting downstairs.

Lee made up his mind to ask about her injuries the next time he meets her.

Soon, people came back to their senses and withdrew from the deck. They freshened and had a light breakfast.

While gulping down the soup, Jonit came to the dining room and announced that they will reach the islands near the continent of Intellus within a few hours.

A few people who wore outfits like merchants hurriedly finished their bowl of soup and went to pack their belongings. Upon inquiry, Lee came to know that these people are merchants who travel between the two continents for trading.

The northern continent had a rich cold region flora and fauna. The fur of the animals and the region-exclusive plants were in demand on the other continents.

Simultaneously, the merchants would bring back various trinkets and objects imbued with either Mana or Qi and trade them in the northern continent. This gave birth to a beautiful economy and interdependence of people of different classes.

Now that the time is nearing 6 in the morning, the passengers could feel the warmth of the twin stars much better. The Draconic Wyverns have landed back on the ships and Cryo supplied his brothers with adequate marine animals.

It was noteworthy that Cryo accidentally bit a Feathered Lionfish which made his lips to puff up!

This coincidentally sparked a tide of laughter and Lee Shen felt Pyro's mood brightening up. Aero tried to imitate the laughter of the passengers but ended up roaring ceaselessly.

D told that the Feathered Lionfish is a fish that most beasts avoid. He continues to speak about the animal's uncommon poison attacks and concluded that the Draconic Wyverns should have poison immunity to an extent.

Unbeknownst to those on the ship, the soldiers guarding the ports of the island saw the majestic beasts sitting on the ships!

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