Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 304: Miasma Of Death

Then, a faint breeze swept past the raider ship and the Chief flinched in fear.

For that fraction of a second, the miasma's grasp of Lee Shen's feet was loosened and he quickly jumped upward with the boost from Mana.

The tentacles of the pitch-black cloud failed to capture him as Pyro flew low and grabbed Lee's shoulder and went away at the nick of the time.


Lee Shouted as he looked over his shoulder. Then he saw a winged figure flying towards the ship.

When Lee Shen was rescued from the grasp of the deadly miasma, his connection with the residents of the System Space was re-established.

At the very moment, he recollected the memory of the time when the Fallen Tubian's portion was consumed by Perrafin.

Stitching together the facts, Lee Shen concluded that the most effective weapon against Death energy would be the Perrafin's lightning affinity.

Zena was unaware of the developments till a few seconds ago. She was busy biting and chewing down the energy and it gave her a new vigour.

When Cryo breathed the ship to an icicle, the lightning mysteriously vanished. This made her scout around a for a few more minutes and then her focus was on finding the party.

Since she separated from them in pursuit of lightning, she had a tough time spotting the wyverns and the ship through the vision-obscuring fog.

When she wandered inside the formation with no idea of the directions, the Chief Raider activated the pendant and the ship resonated with it. This created a beacon-like sensation to the Perrafin.

She was quickly alerted about the existence of Death energy in the vicinity. Zena's instincts fired up and she charged towards the location.

Unknown to her, she was helping Lee Shen to escape from the grasp of death. When she flew past the ship's location, her lightning affinity threatened the Chief Raider which made his control to weaken.

When Zena saw Lee Shen in the vicinity, her eyes displayed confusion. When she saw that he was being rescued by Pyro, she deduced the situation.

Her analysis was not as fast as Lee, but when his voice was heard, she did not think further.

The Perrafin executed a perfect Split-S and her eyes squinted. Disclosing her sharp array of the tooth, she materialised lightning between her jaws.

The Chief Raider was laughing like a maniac as the miasma crept over his being. The vicious laughter could be heard echoing inside the formation and this created a creepy vibe.

Maybe it was because of the laughter or the change in atmosphere, the Perrafin was suddenly enraged beyond control. Her body began to crackle with lightning which left a trail as she flew past the ship.

Like an aggressive A-10 Thunderbird II, she wreaked havoc over the ship. Every bolt of lightning she spat was deadly to the miasma and it surprisingly corroded the ship's wood.

Unlike Lee Shen's expectations, the Chief Raider had gone completely cuckoo and was laughing without reason. He continued laughing wildly and even when the ship was skewered by the Perrafin's lightning bolt.

[Something is not right.]

D was abnormally restless and he sounded truly annoyed. With the perception ability of the Dimension Sovereign, he probed into the ship and found that a tremendous amount of Death energy is accumulating inside the hull of the ship.

This news was quickly conveyed to Lee Shen who also noticed an uneasiness brushing against his face.

He also observed that the Perrafin was somehow enraged beyond reason and it took him some effort to calm her drumming spirit.

When he established a connection with Zena, she returned to his side and conveyed that rage somehow took control of her body.

"That did not sound good."

Asking D to probe, Lee Shen asked Aero to guide the two ships away from the raider ship. Since the raiders disabled the ships by breaking their propulsion mechanism, they were sitting ducks in the vicinity.

Aero promptly flew toward one of the ships and grabbed its bow with his hind limbs. The passengers were surprised and felt endangered at first, but they realised that this behemoth had no intention of hurting them.

Slowly, though not very slow, Aero pulled the vessel out of the formation and into the open sea. When the sailors and passengers exclaimed after seeing daylight again, their eyes saw the beast flying into the dark cloud looming just over the ocean.

Almost half a minute later, Aero came out of the turbulent zone with the second ship in tow. Those on the second ship waved and exclaimed to those in the first ship, displaying their river of hope restored.

The ships were not small and were almost 20 metres wide and 55 metres long and 9 metres tall. The special wood from which the ship was fashioned made its sturdiness unbelievably high.

The abnormal sturdiness was associated with a weight of over 78 tons.

Yet, when Aero clutched onto its bow, he accidentally broke the first ship's bow. The sailors were thus afraid of seeing the beast crumbling the ship's bow with a simple grasp.

Learning from the mistake, Aero did not break the second ship's now. Instead, he simply used his talons to pinch the extension of the bow which gave enough grip to pull it away.

As the sailors and passengers shouted with bliss, Aero disappeared into the disturbing formation. This made some of the sailors to worry while others celebrated.

Inside the formation.

Perrafin, after regaining conscience, maintained a distance from the ship while raining lightning bolts of the ship. Pyro and Cryo tried their affinities but found ineffective of the accumulating Death energy.

The condensing miasma began to solidify around the ship and its form began to change. Thin and long tentacles began to take shape around the vessel and the Chief was slowly losing his mind.

The maniacal laughter had not died down and it only attributed craziness to the overflowing miasma.

Soon, Zena displayed tiredness and sluggish landed on Cryo's back.

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