Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 302: The Danger Cloud


[I sense danger ahead.]

Even after flying round in circles a dozen times, Lee Shen could not identify the reason behind the triplets' aberrant behaviour.

Also, his questions were unanswered by the wyverns.

Neither D nor Hudson had any idea what was going on. Ruella observed them as she meditated in silence.

The dense dark cloud was unmoving from its position. The thunderstorms rampaging inside made the party hesitant to enter.

[The wyvern's senses are acute and abnormal. It was able to detect this presence from afar.]

Hudson sounded his surprise as D paused. Soon they began to whisper between themselves about their conclusions.

{There is a threat inside. There are people too.}

Pyro conveyed his message and Lee Shen did not get a moment to be surprised. Because the triplets have already dove into the formation.

Zena, relaxing over Pyro, was awakened by the turbulence. Her eyes sparkled after seeing such beautiful strikes of lightning flashing in the sky.

This made her take off with all her spirit and chase after the lightning-like a glutton.

As Lee Shen bare witness, she was engulfed in lightning. But not a tinge of concern was on his face.

"This can't hurt her."

With an innate affinity to Lightning, he was convinced that these lightning strikes could not hurt her unless the threat that the wyvern spoke about intervened.

Zena disappeared and appeared from the clouds while chasing the raging energy. Her entire focus was on devouring the lightning.

It was then the wyverns dived down. Though Lee was surprised, he did not let go of his grip on the beast.

The water inside the dark and dense cloud formation were unlike the serene surface outside. It rose and caused gigantic waves to occur. Lee saw this difference up close and scanned around while the wyverns' agility and insight helped them avoid the incoming strikes.

Then from nowhere, a dense purple ball of energy came at Lee and hit his back. Fortunately, the Mana shield was activated and he escaped from the grasp of death.

What made him surprised was that the Mana shield was slowly corroding away!

[Death energy.]

Hudson recognised this energy strike and it's peculiar colour and shouted out. Lee Shen quickly transmitted this information to the Wyverns and they became extra-cautious.

It took them three a few minutes to accurately pinpoint the origin of the attack. Without wasting a moment, the Draconic Wyverns lowered their altitude and flew towards the vessel.

Through the fog, the outline of four ships could be discerned. Three of them were intact and the fourth one was sinking into the ocean. Upon closer inspection, Lee Shen saw the final flames of dying fire on that ship.

One of the three ships that remained floating had a rather aggressive outline. It looked chaotic and a pitch-black piece of fabric fluttered on its mast.


The wyverns slowed down further and kept a distance from the ships while circling them. The purple energy balls did not chase them again.

Foresight was a system feature which was damaged mildly. After the incident, Foresight lost it's zooming function and the display of Mana and Qi count. But the interface was intact with Essence stock.

[Looks like the Chief Raider is a mage.]

Lee saw the lonely figure standing on the upper deck of the raider ship. The figure flailed his hands and waves formed as his hand moved.

At once, the person raised his eyes and stared at the circling convoy. A sense of threat tingled down Lee's spine and he commanded to attack.

The Draconic Wyvern closed in on the raider ship and spat out fire and ice. Aero's wings broke the ship's mast and it fell over a raider.

Enraged, the Chief Raider chanted and his hands formed several ice needles in the air. They shot towards Pyro who sublime these needles with his overwhelming infernal fire!

When a veil of fire was cast over the water, the passengers on the other two ships saw a breathtaking view.

Well...they would not have been surprised to the core if they had seen an abnormally grown Draconic Wyvern before.

By the effect of illumination, the three ships witnessed the oncoming disasters in the shape of Draconic Wyverns.

Raiders who were busy slaughtering and occupying the other ships froze in their tracks. As they froze, the fear of death overshadowed them.

Many screamed and made a pointless counterattack. This did not infuriate the winged beasts but amused them. They circled a dozen more times by the command of Lee Shen to acquire a holistic view.

While the wyverns threatened the raiders from the sky, there were a few people on board who were dressed as warriors and they witnessed this sight too.

At first, they were shaking like a helpless kitten. But upon seeing that the beasts are helping them, their strength came back and they fought hard. The raiders saw this development and assumed that these beasts are their summoned support.

{Enough with the child's play.}

Cryo's voice resonated in Lee's ears and he expectantly waited for its display of power. The beast took a long and wide U-turn and folded towards the raider's ship.


A deafening roar was produced by Cryo and Aero and Pyro quickly moved away from the vicinity of the raider ship. Confused with this scene, the raiders could not conclude what was happening until a blanket of coldness enveloped them.


Cryo's breath was like nothing Lee Shen ever felt. It had an awful lot of hostility in it that made him cringe at the first sensation. Though Lee was sitting on the wyvern's back, he could feel the pressure of the coldness.

A perfect strike-through!

Cryo flew over the vessel diagonally and his breath drew a line over the ship. Unfortunately, that line of ice-cold breath had covered the entire ship!

When Lee Shen poked his head to see what had happened, what he saw made his heart elated and he let out a muffled sigh in awe.

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