DxD: Transfer Student!

Chapter 94: Mirror, Mirror, Who’s the Mai Sakurajima Now?

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The black sedan cruised along the road, its occupants bearing expressions of undeniable exhaustion.

"Ugh... another tiring day..."

The girl in the passenger seat slumped bonelessly, looking utterly drained.

"Uzuki, sit properly."

The elegant middle-aged woman driving gently reminded her, "Didn't I tell you? If you don't sit correctly, someone might see up your skirt. You need to be more careful."

"Eh... there's no one else here anyway..." Uzuki Hirokawa pouted, waving her hand dismissively. She turned to look at the blonde girl in the backseat.

It was Nodoka Toyohama, the younger sister of Mai Sakurajima.

And Uzuki Hirokawa was one of her fellow members in the idol group [Sweet Bullet].

They had landed a major performance opportunity, so they had been practicing their dance routine until the wee hours of the morning. Now, Uzuki's mother was driving them home one by one.

"Nodoka, how much longer will these rehearsals go on?"

"Even if we've mastered the routine, we still have to keep practicing until the day of the performance."

Despite her own fatigue, Nodoka Toyohama spoke with unwavering determination.

"Waaah... I feel like I'm going to die... My legs are so sore, both my thighs and calves, waaah..."

Uzuki Hirokawa whined pitifully.

"Hehe, there, there. It'll be over once the performance is done~"

Nodoka smiled gently, reaching out to ruffle Uzuki's hair. The latter nuzzled into her hand with a contented sigh. Finding it amusing, Nodoka playfully messed up the girl's hair even more.

Uzuki Hirokawa looked like a ruffled kitten, her cuteness amplified.

"Honestly, Y... Look at Nodoka, look at the others. None of them are complaining about being tired like you."

The elegant woman driving was Uzuki Hirokawa's mother and the group's manager. She chuckled at her daughter's behavior.

"Hehe, I know, I know. You're picking on your own daughter again. As expected, other people's daughters are always better, right?"

"Indeed, I wish Nodoka was my daughter," her mother replied without hesitation.

Nodoka Toyohama maintained a smile in the backseat, though a hint of strain was barely perceptible on her face.

...Actually, I'm a bit envious of Uzuki, having such a wonderful mother.

The car arrived at its destination. Nodoka Toyohama got out, waving goodbye to Uzuki and her mother.

"I'm home."

She opened the door and stepped into the entryway, speaking softly, but there was no response.

She knew it was late, and her sister must have already gone to bed.

Exhausted, she didn't notice the extra pair of men's shoes on the shoe rack. She tossed her bag onto the sofa and grabbed her clothes, heading towards the bathroom.

Only after sinking into the bathtub did Nodoka Toyohama finally relax.

It's so hard...

It's really so hard...

But I have to persevere, no matter how difficult it gets.

Nodoka Toyohama's mood was somewhat somber.

Uzuki Hirokawa could act spoiled with her mother, and the other members had their families' support. But her own mother never seemed to understand her.

She always compared her to that person's daughter...

That person's daughter, Mai Sakurajima.

In the eyes of others, Nodoka Toyohama was a well-behaved and sensible child. Uzuki's mother often compared her to Uzuki, urging her to learn from Nodoka.

But who knew that at home, Nodoka's mother constantly compared her to Mai Sakurajima?

Wasn't Nodoka Toyohama also trying to emulate Mai Sakurajima?

Her decision to join the idol group was inextricably linked to Mai Sakurajima. It was her mother who had insisted she join.

Since that person's daughter could become a nationally renowned star, her own daughter should be able to as well. That was Nodoka Toyohama's mother's logic.

Sitting in the bathtub with her arms wrapped around her legs, Nodoka Toyohama felt a pang of despair.

Fortunately, thanks to her sister's influence, she genuinely enjoyed being an idol. That was a small blessing.


Her sister was Mai Sakurajima...

How could she possibly compare to Mai Sakurajima?

No matter how hard she tried, she could never catch up to her sister.

It's so hard...

It's truly so hard...

Mother wouldn't understand. How could she possibly become as outstanding as her sister?

Nodoka Toyohama returned to her bedroom and collapsed onto the bed, burying her face in her pillow. The overwhelming feeling of injustice brought tears to her eyes. She curled up into a tight ball, clutching the pillow.

If only... if only she could be like her sister...


Golden sunlight streamed through the gap in the curtains, painting a straight line across the bed.

Badr's fingers twitched as he woke up.

Ouch... my arms and legs are numb... like I've been electrocuted...

He grimaced, feeling the lingering numbness from being pinned under Mai Sakurajima all night. It was a painful yet pleasurable sensation.

Badr had spent the entire previous day with Mai Sakurajima. After their passionate moments, they had cooked together and enjoyed a rare day of uninterrupted alone time.

During that time, they couldn't help themselves. Badr and Mai Sakurajima had made love several more times. Finally, when Mai was utterly exhausted and pleaded for mercy, they embraced and drifted off to sleep.

Last night, Badr had skipped his usual practice. After the intense battle, he had decided to relax for a day or two. He knew that constantly pushing himself too hard would only lead to burnout.

Spending time with his girlfriend was the perfect way to unwind.

He held Mai Sakurajima's soft and fragrant body close. Mai stirred in her sleep, instinctively wrapping her arms around Badr's head.

Inhaling her intoxicating scent, Badr couldn't help but sigh. The land of tender affection was truly a captivating place...

Lost in thought, he playfully planted another strawberry mark on Mai's skin.

Her body was now adorned with numerous trophies of their passionate night...

After all, their teamwork had become increasingly skillful throughout the evening. Mai had been a willing participant, and Badr had guided her with expertise, their intimacy reaching new heights.

Badr felt Mai's grip tighten around his arm. His actions had evidently woken her up.

"Stop it, that tickles."

A sweet voice murmured. Mai Sakurajima whispered, her fingers interlaced with his hair, gently stroking them with affection.

Badr blinked, a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Hmm... the left side of her chest didn't look like this last night, did it?

Where was that small mole?

Feeling a strange sense of unease, he gently disentangled himself from Mai's embrace and pulled back the covers, revealing their bodies.

In the next instant, his pupils constricted...

The woman in bed was...


Mai Sakurajima slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was Badr, sitting up in bed. His bare upper body showcased well-defined muscles and flawless skin that would make any girl envious. His slightly messy black hair added a touch of languid charm.

Remembering the pleasure Badr had brought her last night, Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but blush.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

She spoke softly. Even though they had already shared intimate moments, being gazed at so intently by her lover still made her feel a little flustered.

Observing her expression, Badr tilted his head slightly, murmuring to himself, "...That expression... and these marks I left on your body... It's definitely my Mai, but why..."

"What? What strange things are you saying?"

Mai Sakurajima sat up as well, suddenly realizing she was completely naked. Her cheeks flushed as she quickly pulled the covers back up to hide her body.

Badr pursed his lips, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern. He said softly, "...You'd better take a look in the mirror."

Mai was puzzled. Her gaze fell upon a few strands of golden hair cascading over her shoulder, and her eyes widened in surprise.

She got up as instructed and walked over to the mirror on the wardrobe.

The next moment, her expression turned to shock.

The person reflected in the mirror was... Nodoka Toyohama!?

Her younger sister, Nodoka Toyohama!?

But... I'm Mai Sakurajima!

Mai Sakurajima thought in disbelief, finally understanding why Badr's expression had been so strange.

She looked at the girl's body in the mirror. There were still faint purplish-blue marks lingering on her skin, remnants of her passionate night with Badr...

But her appearance was undoubtedly that of Nodoka...

H-how could this be...?

This incomprehensible event threw Mai into turmoil, but she quickly regained her composure. She snatched some clothes from the wardrobe to cover herself and snapped at Badr, "Don't look!"

Badr: "..."

He shrugged and turned his head obediently, thinking to himself that it was probably a bit too late for that.

He had already seen and touched everything there was to see and touch...

What was going on?

Badr was just as clueless as Mai, utterly baffled by the situation.

The rustling of clothes filled the air as Mai Sakurajima quickly got dressed.

Perhaps due to her experiences with disappearing from people's perception and having a devil boyfriend like Badr, Mai had weathered her fair share of storms. She had quickly regained her composure.

However, the fact that she had inadvertently appeared naked before Badr in her sister's form still flustered her. Only after getting dressed did she manage to calm down somewhat.

What a mess...

She couldn't help but feel troubled.

Badr quickly got dressed as well. Compared to Mai, he had recovered from his initial shock much faster and was now back to his usual self.

"It seems only your outward appearance has changed. Everything else seems to be the same Mai"

His analysis, however, caused her expression to shift. She couldn't help but recall the marks Badr had left on her body.

She wouldn't have minded them on herself, but now that she had inexplicably transformed into her sister's form, it filled her with immense unease. She felt incredibly guilty towards her sister...

"Don't say another word!" she hissed softly, her displeasure evident.


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