DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 18 – Romance in the Park

I didn't think of myself as brave. In fact, during my time at the Academy, I was far from it. But being an explorer forced me to be brave.

Even though all this relationship stuff was new to me, I wouldn't be afraid to act if I saw the opportunity.

My heart pounded as my hand touched Asia's. Her skin was smooth, warm, and soft. Her skin was smooth, warm, and comfortable.

She opened her eyes and slowly turned her head towards me. Her green eyes met my dark ones.

The light breeze swayed her blonde hair, creating a perfect frame for that angelic face.

"Leo..." she murmured, almost in a whisper, and I saw a slight blush color her cheeks.

Asia looked away for a moment, obviously embarrassed, but didn't take her hand away. Her shy gesture only added to the sweetness I had always perceived in her.

"Asia, I..." I started to say, but the words seemed to escape me.

She looked at me again. "What is it, Leo?"

I took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say... that it's nice having you around. You make me want to be a better person."

Asia smiled shyly, a smile that made my heart race. "You inspire me too, Leo. Since we met, I feel like I'm getting stronger, not only physically, but... here." She touched the left side of her chest. "Since that day we met in the park, I feel like I don't have to be afraid of anything anymore."

"I'm grateful you feel that way."

We sat in silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other. The park was quiet that Sunday. Few people were around.

Asia, still shy, squeezed my hand lightly, then I said, "Asia, there's something I've always wanted to ask you."

She tilted her head slightly, curious. "And what is that?"

"I've been noticing the way you take care of everyone around you. How do you do that?"

"I don't know if I do anything... I just... try my best. I think that's what God teaches in the Bible, and I follow the word of the Lord."

I nodded.

'God...? I wonder how she would react if I told her that God is dead. But, well, I don't think it's my place to tell her that right now. The right time will come.'

We sat there on the floor, holding hands, resting. After a while, I stood up and held out my hand to help Asia to her feet.

"Come on, Asia. We have to start cleaning up your room, remember?"

She took my hand, and then we walked into our apartment. It's kind of weird to say something like that. It sounds like we're husband and wife.


[Asia's point of view].

I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks when Leo placed his hand on mine. My heart was racing like never before. He wasn't usually so direct, and his closeness still made me a little nervous, but also strangely comfortable.

Ever since Leo had come into my life, I felt that something had changed in me.

If someone asked me, I wouldn't be able to explain what that change was.

Something about Leo, his appearance, his personality, his manner, made me feel safe. He was only a few years older than me. He was in his third year, while I was in my second, but his eyes seemed too experienced, maybe even more so than Rias Gremory's.

"Leo..." I murmured, trying to hide my shyness, but not moving my hand away.

His hand was unbelievably soft and warm. Shouldn't devils be cold? Was I cold?

For a moment, I wished this moment could last forever. It was the first time a boy had ever taken my hand, because at church I wasn't even allowed to touch people. I wasn't trying to heal.

When Leo began to speak, I was confused.

What was he going to ask me? What was going through his mind?

When he finally spoke, my heart warmed even more.

Leo was sincere and complimentary. The older nuns told me that most men were dangerous for girls like me; what would they say about Leo if they knew him as I knew him?

With Leo, even the moments of silence, when we just enjoyed each other's presence, were delicious.

Somehow, I knew that no matter what happened, we would always have each other to lean on.

After a while, he stood up and helped me to my feet.

"Come on, Leo. We need to start cleaning up your room, remember?"

How could I forget? I'd been sleeping in Leo's bed the last few days to help him heal, so I hadn't even remembered that I had a room in the apartment.

Leo is nice to me, and I think I'm starting to feel... something special for him.

When he's with the other girls, my heart squeezes, and when his dark eyes look at me, my stomach turns.

I sense that Leo feels the same way about me, from the way he looks at me and the sweet way he treats me. Should I act or wait for him to act?




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Chapter 24 - Sona Sitri, The President of the Student Council
Chapter 23 - Koneko and The Art of Intimidation
Chapter 22.5 - Akeno Himejima's POV (R-18)
Chapter 22 - Choice Point 1 (R-18)

Chapter 21 - Women's Bathroom Cabin (R-18)
Chapter 20 - Women's Bathroom
Chapter 19 - Sona Sitri Finally Shows Up

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