DxD: Matsuda!

Wheres Irina Shidou!

Sorry fans of Irina, but in the Light Novel, she was not there at the Leaders Summit...It was a random ass angel!


     Half way into the night Asia and Xenovia came to me and Koneko. Despite all of my planning and training, I and the girls are super nervous. Sleep barely came to us all, and we were all quiet. We just held each other and took solace in one another......Around four in the morning my Rias and Akeno arrived....and like us they too were in a state of unease......No sexual escapades took place that night, just calm before the storm.

     Last night I paid for a weekend stay at a fine hotel in Kuoh for Kyouko. I told her to stay in and not to come out till I gave her a heads up...I told her that the whole Kuoh school division was going to be a supernatural battlefield and I did not want those Khaos Magicians to find her. She of course was worried for me. She is a kind woman, and actually listened to me without too much fuss. I like smart people in times of crisis....I even gave my top clients a heads up to stay indoors for Saturday...like Mil-tan and some others. I did not send my parents away...It was too soon after Cock-and-Balls did his bullshit. So what I told them was that they both need to be home because Karen was going to be arriving in Kuoh and they need to be here if she shows up.

     The girls and I all made breakfast as a group and my mother just pampered Koneko and signed all the paperwork, So breakfast ended up being a welcome to the family party for my new little sister. Using my human thinking, this is super indecent to have an affair with my sibling....Koneko is over the moon. On paper she is now Koneko Tanaka. Actually the little trouble maker is now rubbing it in the other girl's face that she legally has my last name.....girls are funny creatures, but she is happy so what do I care!

     We have left and are now resting in the ORC club house....We cleaned up the place and hid all important paperwork because we knew this building was near ground zero. Gasper was set up in a large room where we could move easily, and Rias hid her Rook piece well. Grayfia has already finished the calculations for the two man teleport circle we need and Rias learned it. All we need is for Sirzechs to power it later.

     Grayfia managed to give me about a half hour to hold her in one of the side rooms. She does not seem nervous at all...Well she has been through a lot in her longer life,  she was laughing at me for fussing over her pregnancy...She told me that supernatural pregnancies were much harder to influence than a human pregnancy....She would need a hole blown through her to be any threat.....And she firmly reminded me that she was NOT the Ultimate Queen for nothing. She did however make me promise to not activate the Throne of God under any circumstance...When she heard from Kala, the details of what I did, and what I can do with it, she was terrified.....Not used properly it can even end my life.......I have not told anyone that I can freely use it during my ten seconds of second stage....but even that should not be used if it can be helped.

     I told Rias that when the battle goes outside I will help with the barrier magic, before in my visions she was the only one in the group that could do it....but I won't let us be stopped like in the anime and Akeno and Sona plus her girls will be moving this go around. My gear is now ranked Zero even higher the dragons and the shitty spear....Fuck just thinking of Cao Cao, just makes me want to punch walls......I hate everything about him! He gives humans a bad name.....

      I felt Rias hug my neck from behind and ask,"Why are you radiating that killing intent again.....I want to help you if I can?"

     I stand up and hold her and say in her ear,"I was thinking of that ass Cao Cao, and what he stands for and what atrocity's he will commit in the name of humanity....and my peace loving side can't handle the pain of guys like him...and I don't know how I will deal with Diodora's ugly face when we go to the youth meeting! Please try and keep me from doing anything dumb.....I am sorry those guys all cross my bottom line!" I pull her in my lap and face dive into her pillows for emotional comfort!

     She just rubs my head and giggles,"I bet just like Asia, you get mad at those guys for a woman right?" my head jerks up to look into her deep blue eyes as her words remind me of something. She smiles and says,"So you forgot the girl you wanted to save from Cao Cao, and you just now remembered right?" She wipes the tears that unknowingly fell from my open eyes. Damn she nailed it and I did forget!.......So many years have passed and the fourth season did not get watched by but one time...most of its contents are forgotten, but one thing stood out.........

     "Y-Yasaka......." The nine-tailed fox and in my dream, I saw her holding her young daughter.........Then I healed a giant Fox, could that have been her.....

     Rias was surprised,"Princess Yasaka?! Do you know her?! Why does she make you cry?" Even Rias has not met her although she knows of her.

     I know why I hate him so much now...it was not the spear or him being an ass, it was the way he used her....I hate anyone that would sacrifice innocent kind people...just like with Asia......But I can't stop it right? I can't even remember all the details...I can't do anything till the school trip.....I have messed up the timeline...Fuck I am stupid......A warm kiss breaks me from my spiral of depression!

     I stop the kiss and say,"Sorry the things I know depress me a lot.....I can't stop so many horrible things....And worse my visions end shortly after that event....Once we fight Sairaorg, most of my future knowledge will end and I will be blind...and that scares me more than knowing." She rubs my face and smiles.

     "Well lucky for you, you have so many strong women to help you in your blind path going forward.....You know that the rest of us mortals have to face the unknown everyday right?!" She just gives me the smug, you're an idiot look.

     "Fuck you are so right!....Why am I having a pity-party when I am literally holding one of the hottest girls in the Underworld in my lap! And I will make you my wife soon enough! Just thinking of you having my kid is pretty good too...Damn I am starting to envy myself now!" She is giving me a goofy smile at my antics.

     "Lets go Rias......Let's make peace, and let's punch through all my obstacles! I have one more Foxy Heroin, I need to save and I have to be stronger!.....Your cousin is a nasty wall to break through!" Rias just drags me along to gather everyone so we can go to the meeting room. She has this look on her face like she is dragging a small child that is lost in a hero dream.

     A while later we stand in front of the meeting room doors and Rias knocks......We are told to enter and the only one not with us is Gasper, unlike the anime we are all here. We step in and move to a set of chairs to the right of the door, against the wall.

     In five of the chairs there is Sona, Tsubaki, Yura, Momo, and Issei. Rias makes me sit between her and Sona to show our relationship for both girls to me.

     For the Devil side I see my lovely wife Grayfia by a tea and snack cart, awaiting the delegation, then there is Sirzechs and Serafall!

     For the Angel side there is my other lovely wife Kalawarna, and then there is Michael,and another angel I can't identify.....Huh?!?!?! There is no Irina....Oh no, was she only in the anime?! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! This is not an anime!!! I am hyperventilating slightly....Rias and Sona both gave my hands a tight squeeze. It seems my reactions have alerted the sensitive strong agents in the room to my unstable reactions....But thanks to the girls I calm down....I can't change what I can't change!

     On the fallen angel side there are three people? Azazel, Vali and an unknown woman....I don't know her either??? She is tall with long purple hair and firm eyes that have seen the world...she is holding her arms under her breast to keep her massive hills from tipping herself over....Yup she is Yasaka's rival. I think I was looking for too long because Azazel chuckles and says to me..."Seems you do not know everyone kid, this is our Chief Secretary, Benemue" The woman was caught off guard as well as everyone else at his casual talk with me even Vali was taken off balance.....Sirzechs and Michael are not as shocked knowing some of my knowledge.

     I am not supposed to talk without permission but I shrug and say to him,"it seems I have interfered too much.....One is missing and two have taken her place......Time is out of control now!" Azazel just smiles and Benemue looks at her boss trying to figure out why her being here is such a big deal...She only came because he made her...and she is trying to figure out why her boss is talking equally to a devil brat.....

     I just awkwardly smile at everyone....but I do not look at Vali. My wives are looking at Benemue and wondering why Matsuda was taken aback....It was not because of her looks that's for sure...he already has resistance to it!.....Boy are they wrong!

     Michael nods his head to me and I just wave to him with a friendly smile, this too gets attention......Why does everyone seem to know this reincarnated devil?

     Michal begins with a statement to all about the death of God and the four Satans.....He of course looks at me and I give him a playful smile but do not correct him. After a few exchanges Michael calls for me..."Matsuda Tanaka, would you please give your thoughts on this matter?" Now jaws drop from everyone especially, Vali and Benemue.

     I stand and say,"God of THIS world is indeed dead.....As he wants it to be! This world is to be without his direct hand.......But if you think God does not exist, then you're an idiot! Well he does not care what we think of his plans." I shrug and sit down. Now the faces everyone is making is fucking priceless...Azazel is smiling like a winner...he has already done his soul searching and understands it.

     Benemue and the angel I don't know, both say similar things like,"That is impossible!" Even Sirzechs and Serafall are looking at me in disbelief...for I have not told them my background...those at my side are not surprised and believe my words so they are not taken aback.

     Michael seems to be happy with my words and says,"Thank you for that news Matsuda!" Rias just blushes when her brother looks at her with questioning eyes.

     Vali cant-stand this confusion and said,"How do you know what God is doing if he is dead!?" He thought he was the smartest dude here just now and now he is realizing he may not be in the know after all.

     "Duh, I clearly said only his avatar of THIS world is dead...Can't you follow a simple conversation Lucifer?" Now the whole room looks at Vali and Vali is wondering how his pants fell down exposing his secrets...He glares at Azazel! Azazel just says to him..."He knew EVERYTHING about you before even meeting me so don't look at me!"

     "If you don't believe me Vali, I can tell everyone everything if you like?.......Or you can listen and learn stuff." I smile because he is freaking out inside...I bet he is thinking of his books he wrote all his thoughts in.....He shut up fast so he is not to dumb.

     I just sit back and relax and drink the tea Grayfia gave me....damn she just pinched my hand! Rias saw that and relaxed.

     "I know we are here for peace talks but can we get some more clarification on what is going on here with everyone seeming to know Matsuda?" Sirzechs does not like unknown variables.....So I stand up and make it brief and concise,"I have no memories of back then but I have lived many lives since roughly 2000 years ago, and my father told be to live freely in this life, when he reincarnated me again..........." I let my words sink in then go on,"My Sacred Gear is known as The Eyes of Creation! Ranked 0, above that shitty spear.......And for those a bit slow on the know.....My life back then was known as Jesus Christ!"......"Michael can confirm my words for those of you about to yell...Oh that's impossible...and, Oh why would you become a devil?" Yup I look at Vali.

     "Any questions before I drink my wife's tea?" The room is dumbfounded.

     Azazel to the rescue...."OK then Kid, what recommendations do you have before we hammer out details here?"

     "Smart people are the best! I will start off by saying every single person in this room but one, wants to make peace, so doing a silly dance just wastes your time..."

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