DxD: Matsuda!

The King of Kuoh Academy!

      Before my cursed alarm could wake up Me and the Devil King, my door was kicked open and a flying redhead leaped upon me from my slumber. I would receive a kiss, then a question in that order before I could answer anything! *mwa* "Were you able to sleep without me?" *mwa* "My brother did not hurt you did he?" *mwa* "Do you still love me?" *mwa*

     I just look over for some help from my boob prison, but I just see Sirzechs filming this moment on his camera......Damn I look like a date-rape victim! I just hug her tight and say,"With this amazing wake up, maybe I should sleep alone every night!"

     Rias sat up with horror in her face then she declared,"As your king, I refuse to let you sleep alone ever again!!!" I just see Rias's brother laughing and remembering my rant last night about sleeping alone, but like any other man he gives no sympathy for my plight!

     After Rias calmed down, we had an easy breakfast and both groups were split up into two groups...The tourist group and my group, the school group. Rias is going with her brother and Grayfia...not happily though ha-ha. And Asia and Xenovia each take one of my sides like loving girlfriends.

     Aika and Motohama both joined us and my buddy looks soulless......Oh fuck that's right drunk me totally told everyone he and Issei traded boys love books! Aika says,"He is sad because I found that box of books in his storage closet!" Damn she has the rotten girl look! And Motohama, why the hell did you not burn that shit!!!!!

     We made it to the front gates and I saw Sona smiling at me in greeting and a Tsubaki standing next to her with hungry eyes....Damn girl you are a screaming sex addict! I give both girls a quick kiss in-front of everyone. And yes everyone in her peerage knows about us, thanks to Saji's broken form with dry tears. Yup fuck you captain dodge-ball! Issei is standing with his three girls around him and I nod at him but I see soulless eyes there too, oh I got it! Yura must have asked about his boy's love books too...Damn sorry bro!

     As I get greetings from the surrounding students, one girl comes from the crowd and takes my left arm with a big happy smile on her face, yup it's Murayama. She then shyly gives me a kiss on my face and says,"Good morning Matsuda, Asia, and Xenovia!" Many students are gossiping about Murayama thinking she is a new student, because of my makeover I gave her. She is now up there in the top twenty most popular girl list with her looks. The other girls greet her like this is normal. I hear a few remarks from some students calling me the 'King of Kuoh' damn that sounds cool as fuck, but why do I think that is slang for the harem king?

     There was another commotion from most of the girls around, and some crying? I look outside the gates and see Kiba with his arm around Katase Sakura, and she looks loves-truck....HOLY FUCK, she has the walk of shame going to, my gear captured this fast. Crap I was going to call him and tell him I was drunk and joking, but the rice has been cooked....damn sorry Kiba....who knows maybe Freeza will come now?! Hell, even Motohama and Issei came out of their coma for this news!

     My girls see the expression on my face and ask what's wrong...I just say,"That is definitely my fault....damn." I was ignored after that because half the school population of girls wept, some of them consoled themselves by saying,"Maybe Kiba will be like the King and give some of us a chance!" Damn my name does mean Harem King...fuck!

     The four of us make it to class and gather around my table and we see Kiba walk Kat to the class. Damn she looks super dopey.....Now I feel bad for Kiba, having to sleep with her...oh well even she needs her itch scratched right? Surprisingly Kat walked in front of me and did a small bow. She then looked at me with a smile and said,"Matsuda thank you very much! I was wrong about you and Murayama was right all along. You really are a kind man. Thank you for convincing Kiba to ask me out, this is the happiest time of my life!"

     I was not expecting this,"Well last year you did say you wanted to fall in love with Kiba sitting behind you right, I remember everyone's greeting in class that day. So don't thank me...Kiba is my friend and your Murayama's friend....this is what I should do right?!" While Kat had some happy tears, Murayama just sat in my lap and gave me a happy kiss for helping her friend. I won't mention I don't like Kat though. After that Aika, Asia, and the rest showed us the cosplay pictures and Murayama gave me all of hers...damn I won't lie, some of these pics just gave me a chubby...and Murayama now knows which ones are my favorite ones by my reactions!

     Crazy Xenovia almost succeeded in her Plan B assault on me but I stopped her! I told her that I want her first time to be at home where we can enjoy each-others company. She reluctantly accepted, but not without emptying my baby-batter with mouth to mouth life saving measures.....Well Plan B was still partially successful right?

      While I was walking in the halls a teacher stopped me, it was Mr Mai and he said,"Hey there Mr Tanaka....I just wanted to say thank you for making Murayama happy. I was afraid with your status you might not notice my little girl. So please take good care of her and don't make her sad. Also stop by anytime and have a meal with us, I won't take up anymore time...Goodbye!" Without letting me say anything, he just gave me his dad's speech with a happy smile and left.....Maybe he is just a nice guy...Back then he did really surprise me.....And what status, what are you telling people Akeno?

     I think the most noticeable thing of the day would be that Sona is on my right while Rias is on my left. This makes sense, due to both girls being High-class lady's. Sona was not affectionate to me but I could tell she was holding back for some reason........Does Sona actually have feelings for me? No that does not seem right....She is not that kind of girl to just swim with her heart, she is about taking measured and intellectual decisions. Then...........................

     "Matsuda, say ahhh!" Sona uses her chopsticks to feed me a piece of her lunch. The crowd, and I were dumbstruck, but her eyes told me I BETTER eat it! My gear informed me that she was not kidding too!

     "Yes dear, Ahh!" I complied fast, then she just smiled and had a look of winning at a chess game then she said,"Father and mother will be here tonight and want you to come for a meal with the family.....I want you there, understood my love?!" She was blushing hard at the end there but I just said,"Yes mam, should I bring a gift?" she shook her head to tell me not to.

     Rias of course got her tail stepped on and said,"Well if I do not have Matsuda at my side tonight, I might call a certain magical girl and tell them about tomorrow's parents day!" As she hugged me she made her threat. You go Rias, play dirty...but sadly she will come anyway...poor Sona...But I am going to have fun taunting my fiance!

     Sona lost the light in her face....She can't, not bring me, but if her sister comes..........

     later after lunch it was Me, Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki, and Sona talking outside in a secluded spot.....

     "That is right, the Vanishing Dragon approached Issei this morning at the school gates." Sona told us.

      Rias of course was upset that he was prowling around the territory but with the leaders meeting coming soon she could do little about him.

     "Sona and Rias just ignore him for now. I will deal with him after the meeting......" All four girls saw a dark look on my face and they were worried, Rias seeing my face just held it in her hands. She saw my look when I talked about killing the rapist noble.

     Rias said,"Talk to me Matsuda, I know that look in your eyes....What can I do for you?" Rias and the other girls look worried now.

     So I try hard to smile and say,"Thanks girls but I am alright......you are all my reverse scale and I will kill to protect you...but don't worry! My father made me the perfect assassin of the White One if he gets out of hand." She then pulls me in for a comforting hug and I just accept it like a man...who am I kidding I will never tire of these girls love!

     After going home for the day, I am getting ready for the Sitri family meeting. I am sporting a business casual suit for the dinner so as not to shame Sona. She gave me a heads up about her parents and what to expect. Her father is a strict man who has been the Lord for a long while now and is very firm and straightforward in business and friendship, her mother on the other hand is a very soft and elegant woman with a warm personality...She is also good friends with Venelana Gremory. She told me that she has given all my information and fight clips to them to facilitate their marriage.

     Sona told me not to bring gifts to meet them, but my Japanese upbringing wont allow me to not bring a greeting gift, so I just Made a Bonsai tree in the shape of the Sitri house symbol for her father, and I made an assortment of exotic roses in a beautiful arrangement for her mother....Using my plant control comes in handy!

     After calming my jealous girls I arrived at Sona's home bearing my gifts. Tsubaki greets me at the door and has me follow her in....We won't mention why her hair is slightly messed up and it took two more minutes to come to the living room, Nope!

     I see a tall man with a strong build with shoulder length black hair and violet eyes with a clean shave unlike Rias's dad. Next to him is a super hot housewife with shoulder-length black hair...she reminds me of a mix between Sona and her sister combined but she is taller than both daughters. She radiates calm and warmth. If I was Issei I would be planning on how to add her to my harem....But I am not..I have standards that I won't bend for....Unless I am in drunk mode, then It's like Issei using a game controller on me...hell I kissed a dog by accident and it was cool! Sona was there in a short one piece pink dress and a matching blush.

     After Tsubaki brought me she gave a small bow and left the four of us in the room. Sona cutely came to my side and wrapped her arm around my left and led me over, I placed the large bag next to me and did the appropriate devil greetings to the Lord and Lady. I could tell her father like the formality I gave and the fact I brought something...Her mother on the other hand charged over to me and pulled me into a close hug and said,"Oh honey do not be so stiff with us, just call us mom and dad, you are joining the family after all....You're as adorable as Sona said!" I see where Serafall gets her personality from! This lady is clingy.....Good thing I am not Issei or she would be in my harem for sure...Thoughts be gone!

     "Well then I won't be shy, also just call me Mat, here I have brought you two a small token of our first meeting....." I hand them both their arrangements and they seem to like the novelty of a thoughtful gift.....Well I am not wealthy yet.

     After some small talk Sona guided us to the table full of nice dishes. Naturally Sona sat to my left while her parents sat across.

     Lord Sitri began the serious talk,"Mat I am sure you think this is sudden and how can we accept your marriage so readily right?...Well it is simple." He drinks some wine and continues,"Your contribution alone to my daughters peerage is Underworld shattering...The Red Dragon Emperor alone has given our family great prestige, and you did this with no request....We won't even mention the rest of her impressive line up. Next your fight with Riser was explosive...The strength and potential you possess is even greater than our daughter's new Pawn. Third, you have blown away the expectations of surpassing my brilliant daughter in her strong field in academics."

     Um he is unaware this is all my gold-finger and I will blush soon oh he is not done talking.........

     "Naturally if we do not fulfill our daughter's challenge requirement, our reputation would be looked upon poorly on....especially after Riser's defeat. Normally the great houses put bloodline over talent, but my daughter does not care about your reincarnated status one bit...She believes it is better to be strong and talented regardless of background. Also it is rare for a devil to marry two noble women of different houses, but it has happened many times in the past. We have a good relationship with the Gremory so this should only be a good thing for the Sitri clan as well." he stopped for another sip of his drink but he was cut off by his wife who seemed clearly done with his long winded speech....

     "Mat dear what my husband really means is, Sona is madly in love with you and begged him to marry you! Also it was super exciting to save your lovers while acting as Satan Gold! All the housewives are really excited about your acting!" and she elegantly covers her mouth with a giggle, and wait.....SONA BEGGED TO MARRY ME! And did I hear her say she is madly in love with me!!!!!! I just look at Sona and she is fiery red! Oh shit I never knew! She hid it well. I guess I can't break this off after all...So she really believed that letter...drunk me you won her heart!.........Damn I guess I need to try harder to fall for her! I really did try to avoid her, but after meeting her mom I want to be a part of this family.

     I take Sona's hand and say to her mom,"Mother, I will always swoop in and save my love.....She really is a good woman, and I will be honored to be a part of this family....I know good people when I see them. Thank you and please take care of me." Yup there is steam coming out of Sona's head. Her mother is absolutely happy to find me and her father seems to find me passable. All in all this was a great meeting, I hope they all go well......

     As Sona walks me to the door out front I take her hand and say,"I want to tell you I am ashamed of holding back all this time...I have tried to put distance between us in the past.....But as of today....I will do my best to love you with all my heart!" I pull the stunned Sona into my arms and passionately kiss her, she literally melted in my arms not knowing how to respond. I just made sure she could feel my heart through my actions. Then I finished off with."I can't wait for the day I can wake up and see your happy face.....Sona I will do my best to love you forever!" I left to the sight of Sona with a dreamy look on her face like she just drank a bottle of whisky.

     Down the street I said,"You can come out my dear, I am fine, let's go sit at the park!" A sneaky Koneko comes out from behind a tree and takes my hand as we walk off into the night....Yup that is a very happy tail swishing in excitement!

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