DxD: Matsuda!

I am so happy to be a Devil!

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    It seems that Big G has plans within plans! And I am soooooo happy about this new development!!!!!!

     Ever since I sunk my two perverted palms into the Princess of Ruin, my damn curse has been lifted! That is right! I can now make fun of my new fiance to be, all damn day and the only way I get in trouble is by showing my dumb ass grin! So worth it! I thanked Big G all night long by making lewd comments at my blushing and flustered King!

     As predicted the next day, Rias was all over me trying to claim my arm during meals to feed me. This development made the rock, paper, scissors game become even more heated now that only one spot was available to sit next to me...

     So now every meal there were two pouting girls instead of just one! Rias also abused her authority as King to have me feed her. I can accept this as her Pawn. She is cute when I put something spicy in her mouth ha-ha!

     Today I am going to train with Koneko and I will bring up her sister.....

     I kinda don't want to but I should at least touch on the topic? Don't need to have her forgive her all at once, just warm her up a bit. I still can't wrap my head around the new behavior Koneko is showing me, it is too different from the anime!

     The only reason I have more info of the two Nekoshou Sisters was that a friend of mine from Earth zero, said they were his top favorite cat girls of all time and he went on and on about their hidden backstory. I was just so depressed about Koneko's sister and how she was treated. It is a crime to make such a great cat girl cry!

     Right now Koneko and I are trading moves and giving a friendly exchange and pointing out each other's flaws.....

     It has been a while since I really flexed my style and Koneko is interesting to spar with due to her size. I quickly became aware that she may look small, but her body is super durable thanks to her Rook traits. I found I could actually give her solid punches and she would be fine with only a minor bruise at the most.

     The loli fear has gone down a lot, although this is bad for a whole new reason. My brain just went lewd thinking how I could press her down with no harm to her! It was that moment she got a good punch in my gut rocketing me into the forest. Fortunately the big rock was kind enough to stop my flight into the horizon!

     With my legs facing the sky upside down in the rock rubble, a small figure looked down at me and said,"You drop your guard when you get all lightfaced!" I just wave off her taunts and pull myself up and use some healing magic on my broken ribs.

     She then says,"That's handy!" I did not notice the glint in her eyes at my use of healing magic.

     "Yup, I never rely on this for real battle though like Asia does, because it is a bad habit to rely on it in the heat of battle. Plus enemy's start to look for healers first, for me this is a trump card I do not show others easily!"

     I get up and stretch, then say,"This is why I hate trading blows with you, you get me distracted!" I spit out a small pebble.

     "Sorry Big Brother....." Damn sad kitty!

     With a big smile I tell her,"Don't be sorry I love you can distract me, it is good for my training, especially when fighting cat girls! Dont worry Risers cat girls are super ugly compared to my fluffy Koneko! You're so many times more adorable to me!"

     There we go, happy kitty tail is back! So I say,"I made a picnic for us, let's go eat and take a load off!"

     I made a comfy park bench for two out of plants and rocks, like any self respecting elf would want, and we began eating. Well I did make it for two but she is in my lap so yup whatever! Koneko always looks amazed when I do things like this.

     I broach the subject slowly,"Koneko, I told you that I could see certain individuals pasts and futures right, well there is someone connected to you I know about as well.''

     She seems to know what I may speak of and is silent,"What I am going to speak about will be hard for you to hear but I have to tell you! The facts given to you about Kuroka's past are mostly false! She did fight off her capture squad and she did kill her master, this is fully true. But there was a really good reason she was forced to kill her King. Her King was going to experiment on her little sister to turn her into a super devil! This painful experiment would have killed her sister for sure. Her King was an evil vile piece of trash that cared nothing for the cats." I just sigh at this point and pat Koneko's head and her ears are back and down....

     "Your sister never lost control of her powers and never got drunk on them, that was a lie! She only abandoned you so you would not be branded a criminal with her! She did this so you would not be hunted. You may not believe me but your sister loves you very much and is alone out there working with bad guys to survive in this fucked up situation. I don't want you to forgive and forget everything, but at least know two things. First your power is a gift and not a curse. Second, I love both of you from my visions of you and hope you may reconcile like in my dreams. If you don't trust my words just let me know and I will prove it!"

     I just keep hugging and giving this sad kitty as much love as she can handle, I do really love holding her in my arms. It calms me, after a while.....

     Koneko turns her position in my lap to face me, she looks like she has cried just a little, but she then hugs me tight and says,"Never let me go! You said it! I heard you say you love us, love me! So never let me go, promise!" Good it looks like she is able to not get mad at my tale! As for the promise, in for a pinch in for a pound!

     "How can I ever abandon my number one cutest, and prettiest, and loyal, Nekoshou, my favorite super white kitty! I will never abandon you and if you try to run, I will just put out some candy and catch your heart all over again! Plus you are the only girl that could open my soul gear! I think that makes you my soulmate right?!" I just close my eyes, lean back and give her my best smile I can muster, this bench is comfy!

     I open my eyes and see two catlike golden eyes looking back into my soul and she says,"I will love you forever Big Brother!"

     She then swooped in to give me a passionate kiss. Half of me is saying no no no! And the other half is saying go get her tiger! Fuck it I am a devil not a human it is time for lemon-aid!

     She then pulls back for a moment and gives me a smile and asks,"Big Brother, how old were you when you got married?" What a random question.......

     I think back on the Kala incident,"Um, I was 16 last year......"

     She then gets a big smile and leans in and says,"I may look young but, I am also 16! So stop holding back!" Shiver.


     Koneko begins her passionate make out session in the middle of the forest. No final boundaries were crossed that day, but the inner Lolicon of Matsuda Tanaka was tamed by the fierce Koneko, -nya!

     During the training session, Akeno was no slouch either. Riding her husband under the Rias radar! This only made her more aggressive, Plus she kept her hybrid wings out for 'training' the whole time!

     I made sure to balance my time going on hikes and mini dates with all the girls. I do not know how long my peaceful days will continue so I will just count my blessings!

     The fruits of our training were actually good.....

     Akeno had a good grasp of her Holy Lightning!

     Koneko has accepted fighting in her cat form, greatly increasing her power.

     Asia learned a useful few magics to help in the rating game so she just won't be a mascot waiting to be captured.

     Rias seems to have more determination and a drive to win, probably because of our agreement. She is cute like a girl in first love. Oh wait, it is her first love!

     And Kiba made a couple new swords, the one he is the happiest with is his invisible blade and he will use it with sword birth! I got the idea from the Excalibur sword. I think it could go invisible?

     The only real practice I did was using holy light rings and trying subduing tactics. I also used my gear a lot and got used to the strength it can output. I worked on using The second stage and filling the ten seconds with, absolute destruction, I ended up destroying Mount Issei with a holy lightning storm, just casting six bolts of holy lightning every two seconds for a grand total of 30 giant bolts in a large area! Yup that was dangerous to be near!

     Akeno lost a pair of clean underwear while smiling at the show! I think that strike could be an Ultimate attack maybe, not sure! Might use it on Riser. He should survive that right? Right?

     Anyhow, I drove us all back and we have one day before the big game! I feel good about it, but the unknown is well unknown! Just be careful, future me, and looking in the rear-view mirror, I see all the girls doing their thing....

     I am just now noticing! I have a fucking Harem! In my old life this was impossible but now it has already hit me! I now understand though with every lover I have, I have more responsibility. I guess it is totally worth it! Now I have to beat Riser extra good, for she has put her trust in me. I won't let you down Rias!

     Asia and I finally made it back home and nobody's there, it makes sense because it is a work and school day so it looks like it will be quiet time today! So I just go for a soak in the tub. And of course as anime logic would have it. Asia was washing up before climbing in.....

     Well I already got an upper body wash from her so acting like a virgin and running is just stupid.

     I just say,"Sorry I did not think you were here, I can come later!?" Issei is crying somewhere right now!

     "No Matsuda please stay, it would be lonely by myself. So some company would be very nice!" Yup she is blushing, but she has iron will guts to plow forward.

     "In that case I can wash your back?" She just nods yes and looks excited for attention from me, so damn cute.

     So I did just that and cleaned her up, nothing sexual, just a quiet wash, she then did the same for me, and we both entered the tub. Well it was my thought that we would be side by side or across....

     Nope she just plopped between my legs and leaned back on my chest. So I think fuck it and put my arms around her waist and relaxed.

     After a while she just turned her head upwards to look at me and said,"Thank you for accepting me without freaking out!"

     "Did I do something special? I don't remember if I did?" Don't know where you are going girl.......

      She blushes and says,"I am nervous being with you like this, but you are calm and it helps me be calm. I like this special time only we share, without the other girls. So thank you for spending time with me. I am not bold and am shy, but you're sweet and kind. I love you, Matsuda!" She then gives me a gentle kiss on the lips. Now she is making me feel awkward. Fuck you traitor little brother!

      Asia getting poked by the third party starts to turn super red, and just looks confused for a moment. I just say,"Sorry it has a mind of its own, don't worry I wont take advantage of you, this is just a natural reaction to being next to a girl I like." I scratch my head awkwardly.

     "Matsuda, um so you like me? I know I am not bold like the other girls, and I am not as beautiful as Grayfia, but if you like me, it is fine to take advantage of me, because I want you too! I want to be one of your lovers, girlfriends, or wives. Please just let me be anything you need...."

     Asia is so desperately bold, this silly girl.

     "Asia, I have already considered you to be all of that to me. Father would kick my ass for rejecting you! As far as taking advantage, let's just go with the flow, no rush. I want you to go at your speed. You have already proven your will to me when you chose to be a devil with me. You're so pure and lovely, and I do not want you to change. So I am fine just holding you like this or any other activity you are comfy with. So give yourself any label you want, you're stuck with me and no other man can have you all right!?" Then finish with a soft kiss.

      "Just listen to your husband and you will be fine, Asia." A super hot voice says from the entrance.

      "M-Mrs Grayfia, I-I am just....." Asia sits up freaking out that she did something wrong to betray Grayfia.

      I pat her overheating head and say,"I missed you dear, will you be coming in the bath?" I smile at the devil that entered with a towel.

     "Only if you wash my back!" I immediately got out signaling Asia to stay put. I then helped Grayfia to rinse...

     Shortly all three of us are squeezing in, both girls are sitting on each of my legs and my arm is around both waists,"So wife, is everything ready for tomorrow?"

     "Everything went as you said it would, so I will be secretly cheering for you." Then rewarded with a wonderful Grayfia kiss, now I am super happy.

     Asia, taking mental notes asks,"Mrs Grayfia, should I kiss him like that too?"

     Grayfia smirks at me and says to Asia,"I think that would make him very happy!" Oh boy......

     Then Asia turned and grabbed my face with a sloppy first time french kiss, so adorable! Yup I am happy.

      "Asia dear I will have to leave town back to the Underworld in a few days and my poor husband will be very lonely at night. Would you like to sleep with us and watch how I please him so you can do it in my place when I am gone?" Um, is this my Grayfia? Um, has she been drinking?

      "You are the main wife and I would be happy to learn from you Mrs Grayfia!" She responded all red faced!

     "Just call me Grayfia. We will be sisters from now on. Please take care of me......." So that's how Asia was tricked into becoming wife number four!.....

     Yes, Asia lost her purity that night before the rating game battle. My first threesome I know of! I am so happy to be a devil!


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