Dxd: Ink and Summoning

86 – The Rise, and Fall

"How come you're doing absolutely nothing about it?"

The angry yell of the sky God was followed by another piece of furniture being broken.

A young man with black hair stood in front of him, watching this all unfold.

"Why hasn't Hecate arrived yet?" It's not the first time he's asked for the Goddess known for her mastery of Magic or the others who dwell in medicine, but their response is always the same... Zeus is perfectly fine, and everything and everyone says so.

Except for... Zeus himself, and he aggravates his situation by his increasing distrust of everyone else that doesn't say what he wants to hear

It got to the point where even Apollon couldn't help but raise his own guard against him, fearful that he might do something extreme at any moment

Not that he hadn't already done so against the... weaker serving members of the personnel who were tasked with attending to him.

Apollon couldn't help but feel a strange mix of happiness and... guilt as a result of that same feeling.

He didn't know the solution to his problem, but he knew who the culprit was, and asking him might solve it... but... there's a reason why no one is even trying to lend a helping hand and gain the favor of the Greek God-King.

They had already tried, and each failure resulted in a death sentence from Zeus for 'lying' and 'plotting' against him.

But, thankfully, that person predicted exactly this, which is why he asked Apollon to try to defuse the situation, to which Apollon agreed because he gets to save people who have been wrongly judged and to improve his reputation for the future.

When he sees his despised father in this state, it simply lifts his spirits; the once-respected Zeus has devolved into this in less than a month, specifically in terms of his appearance.

His eyes were bloody red, as if he hadn't slept in a long time, and his appearance despite his Divinity felt so unkempt and messy that one could only imagine how bad he would look without it.

The most noticeable thing is his ragged side of his stomach where Apollon saw Dusk stab Zeus with his bare hands coated that strange feeling of energy.

One would think that a beast clawed and tore apart the fabric of his clothes, but this was done by Zeus himself, as he still scratches that part from time to time, even though everyone is certain that nothing should be there.

Hecate is unsure about his condition despite numerous check-ups using every available means, with the only conclusion that his body and soul are both healthy but something is leading him to believe that there is a wound in the part he kept scratch.

Zeus simply continues to yell like a crazed person that he is wounded, and his unnerve and anxiety turned into rage, and finally into accusations against everyone for not treating him and going against him, throwing tantrums left and right losing almost every bit of trust he had beforehand.

Apollon is simply glad that his well known childish personality has finally come biting him back… 

"I will… call for her… " Apollon knows why she isn't here, but he needs to act quickly before he starts threatening him and his sister Artemis, as he has been doing since all of this began.

If Apollon had any doubts about this whole situation with him, in a way, plotting the fall of his father… they were banished the moment Zeus said... unsavory things against his mother and sister revealing his true nature once again.

No, he simply reminded Apollon of his true nature. It's exhausting to be on guard all the time, Apollon thought to himself as he tried to calm down.

When he got outside Poseidon, who was waiting for him, asked about his brother's condition.

"How is he? "

Poseidon would go check on him, but... His brother acted like a wounded beast, baring his fang at anything he saw as a threat, and... given their fights in the past...

Their last meeting was less than ideal, a feeling that every Greek shares right now.

But Apollon knew that Poseidon asked out of courtesy, it wasn't difficult to hear what happened on the inside from here.

And, as Poseidon expected, Apollon shook his head and asked about something else to change the subject, not wanting to have this conversation once again. "Any movements from the factions? "  

"Not for now, we are trying to delay it as much as we can but we may soon need to do something about it. " Poseidon has been caught up with the situation, trying to keep lips sealed as best he could, but with so many ways to obtain such information, it wasn't nearly enough.

Apollon nodded and commented about Artemis "Sister began to move around the edges of her territory to keep things calm," It was a little dangerous, but on the bright side, it had been a long time since she could freely use her skills, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Mortal or Divine there is only one end for those who try to cross the territory she decided to protect, after all traps and tracking are but basics for an experienced hunter like her.

Maybe he should do the same thing and make an appearance?

Poseidon appears to have beaten him to it: "Perhaps I should do the same, it's been a while since this old man had some good exercise."

Apollon returned the smile. "It appears that we are thinking the same thing."

"You can leave the coast to me, young man. If you hear about any movements in the sea, know that it was me." Poseidon commented after deciding to take matters at hand. 

Normally, Gods would send their chosen Heroes in their place for such tasks; though they resemble trained soldiers more than the Heroes of legend from the past, their strength hasn't been lost, and even if they can't do anything against such as the Satans, anything below can be brought down by them, especially since they usually work together as a unit.

After that, both Gods left after only small talk, and when no one was around, Apollon asked no one in particular.

"Is this… alright? " 

Or so it seemed, as a voice answered the young God "It's not as if you are lying to them, right?"

Even if he could see him, Apollon knew who he was, an unexpected acquittance that they fought not long ago "You are right Dusk, but something makes me feel… uncomfortable with all this"

During the fight, the White-haired girl approached him on Dusk's behalf about becoming the faction's next leader of the Greek Pantheon, and he accepted simply because it didn't involve anything wrong, just... proving himself as a capable leader, which has been working so far as he has taken care of most of the faction's affairs in his father's absence.

During that time, he and Dusk had collaborated and had developed a semblance of... friendship?

The fact that they resemble each other, as well as the fact that he is assisting his sister by sending the 'Minotaur' that she fought to aid her during her hunts, could have something to do with it. 

Apollon wasn't naive to not realize what his true purpose was, and he wasn't hiding it either, but all he wants is to avoid making an enemy of their entire Pantheon by assisting their future ruler, which Apollon appreciates regardless since there were many other options to solve this problems, many which implies a bad end for their Pantheon.

His soul appears to be on the bright side, albeit a little gray.

Dusk encouraged the God "Greek people will need a new leader soon, you are the strongest and the most qualified for it"

"My uncle is still stronger than me… " Apollon wasn't buying it, he believed that Poseidon was stronger

"You think that old man can sit all day long doing paperwork and that stuff? " Dusk retorted with simple logic.

As Apollon imagined his uncle performing all of the duties of a leader... "No... impossible" Poseidon may have fought for the seat of the Strongest God and to become the ruler of Olympus in the past, but time has changed everything and he is now much more laid-back and mature, so it isn't strange to now find him watching over his few children, the few ones who… survived the great war.

What was the name of that one with the hellhound again? 

He remembers the particular dog since Poseidon mentioned his son chooses a very peculiar name for it, starting with Mrs. or something…

But a new voice cut his thoughts, it seems like he walked around for quite a while  

"Apollon. " 

He was greeted by a girl with black hair and eyes. "Is everything fine with your check-ups, Nyx?" When one of them has been kept for a while, a standard procedure is to look for something hidden in them, and Hecate is usually in charge of that among the Gods who lean towards medicine and knowledge.

And it was something welcome because all Gods related to medicine, knowledge, and magic were required to check on Zeus, putting them under a lot of stress; they truly appreciate the opportunity to be somewhere other than with Zeus for obvious reasons... 

Anyone who does not accept his words is considered a traitor, while those who do accept them are tasked with healing him, which has proven to be impossible thus far.

Zeus is losing people's trust by the day, just as he had planned.

Nyx appeared lost and colder than usual, but she responded nonetheless; it wasn't difficult to realize that Apollon had been filling the void left by Zeus' absence and what that meant, and when you combine that with his strength, which is known to be at of the best of the Greek Pantheon, and his popularity...

"Hm. I told you they did nothing to me. It was a waste of time but Hecate will probably take her time in making the report " She answered with a snort and then walked away without even waiting for an answer leaving Apollon wondering if something happened to her for such a change so he tried asking the main culprit 

"Dusk… you did something to her? " 

It didn't took long for Dusk to answer "No… but maybe her ego took a hit" 

"How so? I don't think that losing against thay woman with the holy sword can do this to her. " Apollon reasoned, knowing her personality.

"That too. but since her visit was… unexpected… The only thing we had that could hold a God was a cage for beasts. We also gave her a plate for pets with her name… " Dusk sounded quite awkward remembering it. 

Apollon didn't know how to answer "I see… " 

Dusk justified himself "Common, we were quite mad at her, you know the mess she could have made for us? Even captured she was a pain to deal with " and Apollon couldn't fault him, she did invade their home.

Apollon simply said "Let's hope she can deal with it. I will visit her later, just in case. "

After walking away, Nyx started to mutter angry as she confirmed that no one was near to hear her

"Stupid "

"Idiot "


"How… can he do this to me, a Goddess "

The only thing out of place were her rosy cheeks and the movements of her lips as if trying to remember the taste of something… 

the memories that were implanted in her mind ended in quite a… unexpected way. 

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