DxD: Forsaken Regalia (Gacha fic)

Chapter 8: Second gacha and Happy Holidays.

Author notes 1:

Hi guys, Merry Christmas, this chapter his my small gift to you, enjoy the gacha chap.

Down in the other author notes i will talk a bit about the story and another thingie.


Samuel POV

Lets see what i get...

1- Terraprisma (Terraria)

Nice...this is sooo good.

Basically, I can summon a bunch of swords that attack enemies automatically.

It's a very hard-to-get drop from the Empress of Light. Does this mean the swords have light-based attacks too?

Let's try it.

I put the colorful sword in my hand and start summoning the other swords...one, two, three...

Ten swords are at my back—five on each side—like some colorful cape of swords. Cool as heck.

And people say Terraria is the 2D Minecraft. Bro, look at this cool weapon! Keep enjoying the cooldown on your iron sword, lmao.

Jokes aside, Terraria has a better cave system, better exploration, better NPCs, better combat, WAY better bosses, better progression, and better updates...

I won't even talk about Calamity. Let Minecraft take a break, haha.

Minecraft is the 3D Terraria. Change my mind.

Well, enough trashing Minecraft.

2- Garou (One Punch Man)


Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist...what a superior martial art. Insanely good pull.

I wonder if I can use the other one from Bomb...Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist, if I remember right.

And Garou is a genius martial artist. Maybe I can get Retsu and his 4,000 years of pure love for Chinese martial arts? Pfff, haha.

It's been a long while since I thought about One Punch Man. A pity what happened to the manga...

If you know, you know.

3- Doom Slayer (Doom)

Now the only thing they fear is me.

Devils keep getting cooked...if the Rod was overkill, then this one...

Well, I'm pitying Rizevim a bit. And whatever devil decides to fight me, really. If Vali try to stop me from killing Kokabiel...

Vali was half devil, I remember. But I don't want to fight the guy. Most of the time, he's okay, but sometimes he loses it...threatening to kill Issei's parents and doing other stupid teenager things.

I get it...a teen with a considerable amount of power. Sigh.

If I can, I'll talk to the guy a bit.

Nice roll, by the way. I'll do a lot of glory kills in Doom Guy's honor.

4- Notch Apple (Minecraft)

Maybe I was a little too hard on you, Minecraft...

Thanks for this high-tier recovery potion, hehe.

I don't know if I can regrow limbs with this, but meh. Maybe at some point, I'll be able to buy Phoenix Tears. Some villains always carry one with them...

Well, I'll just take it from them, I guess.

5- Reinhard van Astrea (Re: Zero)

This guy...I hit the jackpot.

Many divine protections, an expert sword saint, can absorb mana...

At this point, who's my match right now? Ultimate-class people? Only gods, right?

But I won't get cocky. After all, gods are crazy strong and have millennia of experience.

6- Package: Julian Alfred Pankratz/Dandelion (The Witcher 3)

Okay...musical talent and a silver tongue, especially for the ladies.

I got his bard clothes and lute, huh.

It'll be a good hobby, I guess.

7- Momo Yaoyorozu (Boku No Hero Academia)

YES! This solves my limited money "problem."

I craft some gold, and that's it—I achieve self-sustainability.

Of course, I'll craft other things that can help me.

The first woman I get from the gacha, huh? Lucky me, she has a useful quirk.

8- Emperor's Sword (Warhammer 40k)


Man, this is such a high-level, cool sword. Let's pull it out right away!

Careful, I don't wanna burn the whole house down...

Ah, what a majestic sword. More like a greatsword—ultra greatsword in Souls terms, after all, the Emperor is fucking tall.

Insane fire damage, and it can cut pretty much everything.

I now have a cool spear and a cool sword...both from two golden dudes.

Weird coincidence. But not that weird. After all, the animal that represents the Emperor in his armor is the Aquila—a two-headed eagle, more specifically, if I remember right.

9- Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator/Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2)

Heh~~ cool weapon.

Lord Gaben, please... I want Half-Life 3 before I die.

10- Escanor (Nanatsu no Taizai)


An incredible last roll. With this, I'll be insanely powerful during the day. I remember Escanor can use "The One" and become invincible for a minute.

His power disappears at night, but that doesn't matter to me. I have other options.

An immense boost during the day...and he's a golden lion too...

Haha, with this, I have tw—

Then I feel it...a powerful, warm sensation...

I don't know why, but the image of the Sun comes to my mind...

Does this have to do with Escanor? But I didn't assimilate him yet...The sensation feels a bit similar to when I first got the gacha system.

Just for a second, I felt it that time, and now this new one too...what the heck.

I sit in a meditation posture, activating my senses and even my magic.

Nothing. I'm getting nothing. Nothing unusual is happening right now...



"Haaah," I sigh. That killed my mood a bit.

I'll deal with this later, I guess. I hope it's nothing bad...

I shake my head. Let's think positively. First three to assimilate:

Garou, Reinhard, and Escanor, obviously. Second turn: Doom Slayer, Momo, and Dandelion.

Perfect. Let's do it.

--Garou - 2%--

Garou is human, after all, so it's normal.

--Reinhard van Astrea - 1%--

This one will take a while...

--Escanor - 1%--

Escanor even more...

That should do it for now.

I lay down completely in bed. Tomorrow is a school day...

I know, I know—they'll notice my new power-up. More magic, after all—thanks to Reinhard. I'm not sure about the divine protections, though.


Gacha is really going to make me individually the strongest.

I don't know why, but I remember one of my ancestors becoming the King of England a loooong time ago...

It was the Golden Age of the House of Lancaster at that point...

If the gacha makes me the strongest...a king...hehe. But a free king, I mean. No kingdom-building because that's a pain in the ass, and I don't want to deal with it. Too much work.

Maybe that's why I want Annihilation Maker so badly. After all, a king needs his army.

And Annihilation Maker allows you to create a powerful army in skilled hands.

Pulling the gear out of Heaven/God's system...and taking advantage of the most powerful Sacred Gear...

The strongest with the strongest army.

Of course, the gacha can give me something, but I doubt it'll hand me the template of Ashborn, Sung Jin-Woo, or something close to that.

I don't have space for an army. That's why summoning one is better for me.

Well, time to sleep. Tomorrow, I have classes.

With that, I go under the sheets.


The next day, I wake up with a jump. I've been doing this ever since I got the gacha...I'm full of energy, and my sleep is better than ever. I don't really need to sleep much anymore, but I do it anyway.

Let's check the percentages...

--Garou - 95%--

As I said earlier, he's human after all...and my body is crazy strong.

Garou has insane adaptability. He adapts so much that he became a monster naturally. Wait, I remember he ate monster meat too...maybe that accelerated the process? Meh.

--Reinhard van Astrea - 73%--

Human, but more complicated. Understandable.

--Escanor - 54%--

He's human too...right? Escanor is strong—he beat Meliodas, after all.

With Reinhard, I have a divine protection that makes me stronger during the day. Combine that with Escanor's power, and it's an immense boost. I even have a divine protection that makes me stronger at night and another one for rainy days. Reinhard is disgustingly broken, haha.

Well, time to go to school...


Issei just reincarnated as a devil, but I'll check on that.

I have a summarized timeline in my head of the canon events that will happen from now on: Issei fights Raynare, Asia joins the gang, Riser, Kiba gets his character development and awakens his sub-species Balance Breaker bugging the system hehe, Kokabiel shows up... and that's my cue to kill him and make my debut in the supernatural world.

Of course, I know what happens later. Not everything in canon will go as planned—after all, I'll cut off the major villains before shit hit the fan and things go horribly wrong.

For now, let's focus on the events at hand. I'll adapt if things change.

Time to head to school.

Walking without making any noise... Reinhard's divine protections are completely broken. Please, don't nerf.

I pass through the school gates while watching Sona make faces as she looks at me. Funny. Probably i will get another invitation to "talk" will come later.

I'm looking for Issei... and there he is, ranting to his friends about how nobody remembers Yuuma. And yes, he's a devil now.

Canon is progressing as I expected.

Walking to my class, I open the door. Another one looks at me with a surprised face from his seat—Kiba, to be exact.

I'm rooting for him a bit in the upcoming events, not gonna lie. He's one of the two male characters I think deserved to be the protagonist.

Kiba and Sairaorg have better personalities and backstories. No plot armor handed by Ishibumi.

Kiba wants revenge against the Holy Sword Project. I don't know why he hates the holy swords themselves when the real culprit is Valper Galilei, but well, I can understand a little.

Everyone knows Sairaorg and his situation. I'd say he's one of the few genuinely likable male characters.

Wait... Sairaorg.

Lack of demonic power, bullied and mocked for being weak, trained his body to overcome it, and succeeded. A sick mom in a coma...

Bro, Sairaorg is a manhwa protagonist.

And more importantly...he's a golden lion too. He can transform with Regulus Nemea into a Royal Golden Lion. His unique sub-species Balance Breaker.

Maybe I'll meet him in the future and have a friendly spar, hehe. I remember he liked to fight. Two golden lions battling—that would be cool. And me winning, of course.

Funny how I don't care much about Regulus Nemea... maybe because I know it's in good hands. Or maybe because it's a Sacred Gear with a conscience, like the Boosted Gear or Divine Dividing, and I despise that.

I really like Annihilation Maker, huh.

I sit down at my desk. Time for boring classes... the damn teacher isn't even here yet. Sigh.

Hmm? Kiba is walking toward me.


Author notes 2:

Well guys i hope you like the chapter and the gacha.

As you can see i put some "easter eggs" about the future and the fate of the MC.

This fic will be ending around the fourth and fifth gacha.

Is a small fic i remember you all, 50 chapters i can estimate.

Anyway, happy holidays.

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