Dungeon Champions

Chapter 24: Quest Giver

Breakfast was fantastic. I couldn’t remember ever eating such a great meal. The pancakes—which Zuri called flat cakes—were moist on the inside but crispy on the outside. There was no leavening agent so they were dense and slightly chewy, but that wasn’t a bad thing. The flatcakes had soaked up the honey she’d added, and the addition of the dried berries pulled the whole thing together.

Everyone seemed to be happily eating, aside from Britney who was hiding behind her hair. It looked like she’d just freshly showered, and she hid her gaze from me as if she felt guilty.

I couldn’t fathom why, but I decided to not ask. There were some answers I wouldn’t want to hear, and so the questions just weren’t worth asking.

When we finished, Zuri cleared the plates despite everyone protesting and fetched us all cups of coffee. “I thought this was crisp at first, then I realized this place wouldn’t supply us with drugs. Plus, there were instructions on how to prepare it. It’s amazing. You should all try it”

“It’s coffee,” I said. “From my home world.” I took a few seconds explaining the beverage, realizing that the magical place must have tailored itself to my preferences. When I finished, I asked, “What’s crisp?”

“A nasty drug for degenerates,” Britney said, lip curling.

Ignoring the celestial, Zuri explained, “It’s a fae drug, and illegal in most places. To most people, it inspires lowered inhibitions, wakes them up, and increases arousal significantly. The main reason people like crisp is because it doesn’t impair the intellect.”

“Sounds like super Viagra,” I muttered, then waved away any questions about what that was.

Even with assurances that the beverage was safe, Britney and Nym both declined, opting for juice instead. Merielle joined Zuri and I in the dark beverage. It was thick and black, without a hint of cream or sugar, but the roast was pleasant and it was perfectly prepared.

For some reason, my instinct was to flinch like I expected to be met with the bitterness of burnt beans. I tried to comb through my borrowed memories to find the source, but this one seemed to be from Earth.

I wondered exactly how bad coffee back there had to be to cause such a visceral reaction.

Merielle took a long, experimental sip and sighed in pleasure. “This is amazing!”

Both Britney and Nym scooted away, as if they expected the elf to go into some sort of sexual frenzy. When she didn’t, they asked for cups as well and had similar, pleasant reactions.

As warmth filled me, I considered the effects of this local version of the black gold. There was no associated buff or notification on my Tablet, but I felt stronger. More clear headed. “I’m going to need more of this. Maybe we can find fairies or whatever who have access to more beans? What do you think, Zuri? Would you be able to make a cup like this without access to this kitchen? Or would you need additional supplies besides the beans?”

“Of course,” she said, almost instantly. “But the supplies you purchased me yesterday are more than enough. As for fairies to collect the berries, there are those who travel across the Veil to Earth, and who trade in their goods. I’m sure we can find some together.”

Britney silently mouthed the words back in mockery, her head wobbling back and forth. Zuri shot her a glare—which seemed to do nothing—but when Britney realized I was looking at her as well, she lowered her head to focus completely on her glass of juice.


“Are we good?” I asked, keeping my voice neutral as I lifted the mug to my lips for another drink.

“Perfect,” Zuri said, shooting me a comforting smile.

“Of course,” Britney added, although she rolled her eyes, thinking I couldn’t see her beneath that curtain of hair.

Nym and Merielle both looked at the half-gorgon and the celestial, confusion etched on their faces. At least I wasn’t the only one confused.

“Is there anything we need to discuss?”

Both Zuri and Britney shook their heads, but the quick, exaggerated motion made me worry.

“All right,” I said, obviously not believing them. They were adults and would figure things out on their own, or I’d intervene when it became necessary. My focus, instead, turned to our immediate needs.

Instead of fretting, I went to fetch Skullie. My familiar still didn’t have a body, and while he wasn’t concerned with things like breakfast, he would likely have an opinion over how we approached questing.

Nym, of course, grabbed Sadie. The cat seemed incredibly put out to be brought out of the warm nest I’d seen her curled up in on the bed, but she didn’t yowl in complaint at all.

When everyone was assembled, I summoned my Tablet into existence and pulled up the list of quests we’d received from Massie’s. As one of my core abilities was to generate quests for my team, I went ahead and tried adding ones that we knew we’d be working on.

To my delight, the Tablet accepted most of what I suggested.

“We have a few options for what to do next. I’d like for each of you to review the quests I picked up from Basbro, as well as the quests we’ve collected through our various discussions and discoveries. I’m going to exclude the Demon Core quest I’ve been given from this list; that’s too big for us to tackle, and so I think we should focus on leveling up first.”

I sent the list to my party, and then reviewed them myself. Mostly so I could familiarize myself with the options, but also because I figured Skullie would want to see, too.


Quest: Explore 4 islands in the Concord Island Cluster.

Assigned to: [none].

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Unknown.

Potential Rewards: Financial reward (depending on findings), plus 15-20 experience points per party member.

Details: The Concord Island Cluster is rumored to have a natural gateway to another realm. It’s also possible that the magical signature indicates some sort of extra-planar entity has appeared on the islands. Explore the four main islands and look for odd magic. This quest includes a magical detection component to help you locate these emanations. Activate your Tablet as you explore the islands to help find the spot.


Quest: Visit the town of Boulibar Bay.

Assigned to: [none].

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Unknown.

Potential Rewards: 5 experience points per party member plus access to potential follow-up quests.

Details: Boulibar Bay is the closest town to the dungeon. It is a port town with access to good transportation options, making it an ideal place to use as a base of operations for questing in the region. You may be able to find additional quests there as well.


Quest: Locate the Silver Mine - Concord Island Cluster.

Assigned to: [none].

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Unknown.

Potential Rewards: Financial reward (depending on findings), plus 15-20 experience points per party member.

Details: There are rumors of an ancient, abandoned silver mine in the Concord Island Cluster. If you find it, you can claim it or sell the claim to a mining corporation. You can receive a small portion of the income from the mine as a monthly stipend, depending on the quality.


Quest: Defeat the Rival Goblin Core

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown (Maximum duration 3 years).

Estimated Risk: High-to-Ultra-High.

Potential Rewards: Legendary, plus 150-500 experience points per team member.

Details: Unknown at this time.


Quest: Learn about the Sisterhood (Core Conspiracy Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Variable.

Potential Experience Rewards: 10-50 experience points per team member.

Details: The Sisterhood is an organization with many moving parts. Learn its organizational structure and key players. Identity who is, or is not, part of the Core Conspiracy.


Quest: Remove Corrupt Sisterhood Leadership (Core Conspiracy Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: High-to-Ultra-High.

Potential Experience Rewards: 10-50 experience points per team member per member of leadership defeated.


Quest: Identify Queen Leah’s Ties to the Core Conspiracy (Core Conspiracy Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Unknown.

Potential Experience Rewards: 10-50 experience points per team member.

Details: Queen Leah is apparently part of the Core Conspiracy. Find out why, and who else may be connected to it.


Quest: Deal with Queen Leah (Core Conspiracy Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Ultra-High to Legendary

Potential Experience Rewards: 150-500 experience points per team member.

Details: Remove Queen Leah’s connections to the Core Conspiracy. Whatever it takes.


Quest: Explore the Celestial Dungeon (Companion Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Unknown.

Estimated Risk: Legendary

Potential Experience Rewards: 300-2000 experience points per team member.

Details: The Celestial King is hiding a dungeon, although no other details are known at this time.


Quest: Help Zuri Make New Recipes (Companion Questline)

Assigned to: Society of the Defiant.

Estimated Time to Completion: Ongoing.

Estimated Risk: Variable.

Potential Experience Rewards: 1-50 experience gained for the team.

Details: Helping Zuri create new recipes will benefit the entire party and is worth rewarding.


Everyone looked up at me at different times. Merielle and Zuri were the first to finish, although that didn’t surprise me. Nym was talking in whispers to Sadie for a moment before realizing I was looking their way. She flashed me a weak smile and returned to her tablet. Skullie waggled his jaw at me, obviously wanting to ask some questions, but I silenced him with a glare.

I wanted everyone to be on the same page, and that meant waiting for Britney.

The celestial was taking her time, either on purpose or not. She silently mouthed the words as she read them, pausing as if she had to work through how to pronounce certain things.

But suddenly she stopped, and slammed her hands down on the table. “What is going on here? Why are we ‘dealing’ with my stepmother?”

I frowned. Part of me had thought to not send that one; I knew she wasn’t ready for it. But it was better for us to have this talk now, in the quiet comfort and security of the Fae Lodgings, rather than somewhere more public.

“Our interaction with Jasmine is what led me to consider this a quest. When I tried adding it to my Tablet, it accepted it. I don’t know who, or what, governs these quests. But that it allowed me to generate this quest at all says something.”

I steepled my fingers in front of my face, leaning forward to give her an even look. “It’s unclear to me what we’re going to be dealing with when it comes to your family. I’m trying to keep an open mind, but the fact that we have the quest at all means we should probably discuss it.”

She practically wailed. “We’re going to discuss murdering her? Are you serious?”

How do I remind her that her fucked up step-mother sent her to die, and the bitch probably deserves it? I considered looking to Zuri and the others, who were more familiar with Britney, for support. Then I thought better of it.

I’m the captain of this team. It’s my job to lead.

Clearing my throat, I kept my tone firm. “Maybe so. Perhaps it’ll be self defense. But what if she did send you off knowing you’d be sacrificed to make the dungeon stronger? What if she’s done something malign to your father? Is either of those something you’re willing to forgive and forget?”

Britney seemed to struggle to find an answer. Eventually she sighed and brushed her hair away from her face. “She’s family. Unlike you. I have to trust her.”

To my shock, Nym cut in. Sniffing, as if she were the one holding back tears, she spoke rapidly, forcing the words out. “We’ve found a family. I know we just met Jordan, but he’s already been better to me than damn near anyone in my entire life. I don’t know what crap has you so bent to not realize this, but I’d rather trust a family I choose than one who’d send me to die a virgin with a cult!”

“Meow!” Sadie added.

Everyone looked at the normally quiet catgirl in shock.

Britney’s face crumbled and tears shot from her eyes like they were catapulted. She pushed herself away from the table so suddenly her chair caught and flung itself to the floor. The celestial didn’t notice or care. Instead she stomped past it, flinging her hair indignantly over her shoulder and huffing. She stomped loudly up the stairs, too.

I started to get up to go after her, but Merielle reached out and touched my hand to pause me, as Zuri shook her head.


The entire lodgings seemed to shudder as Britney slammed her door behind her.

We all exchanged looks, settling on Nym.

The catgirl was blushing, her chin tucked but her expression was proud. I got the feeling she’d been waiting a long time to say something like that.

Zuri and Merielle started talking almost simultaneously.

“She’s a handful on a good day,” Merielle said with a chuckle.

“Britnayel can be… difficult to deal with, yes,” Zuri said, pausing and then adding the rest when Merielle finished. “During our time at the Sisterhood, she made it quite clear that she felt she was better than everyone else because of her lineage. It will take her time, both to come to terms with the Sisterhood’s corruption and her mother’s potential involvement, but also that these things will need a response. She has… likely never had to choose between family and friends.”

“I firmly doubt she’s ever had a friend,” Merielle said.

“I can believe that,” Nym added, then softened her tone. “Sadie and I think there’s good inside her. She may just need a little extra shaking before the good rises to the top.”

“Was that a food reference?” Zuri asked with a grin.

Nym made a happy sound. “I did it for you.”

Reaching across the table, Zuri gave the catgirl an affirming squeeze on the hand. “I loved it.”

Interrupting the banter, I waved for their attention. “We don’t really have a lot of time. Should I go talk to her, or let her stew?”

I didn’t even have to physically go to talk to her. By accepting my Tablet, Britney had opened herself up to the party messaging system. And even then, if she ignored that, I could always open up a telepathic conversation with her.

Because that was sure to go over well.

“I’d leave her be,” Zuri said, finally answering. She sighed, running a finger along the lip of her mug. “Britnayel was quite rude to me earlier, and I made her cry with my bluntness. This reaction is likely amplified by that.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Zuri gave me a polite smile. “No, but thank you. Instead, I want us to focus on our plans. If Britnayel doesn’t want to participate in those discussions, she can follow along with whatever we decide.”

Merielle and Nym both agreed, and Sadie gave a mreow of assent.

I looked at Skullie, who just rattled his jaw at me. “All I want is a body. However we go about that, I’ve got no strong feelings.” He waggled his head back and forth, almost as if he was trying to come to a decision. “Although, I would suggest avoiding dungeons for a bit. Your party isn’t used to fighting together, and coordination will be key.”

“A very good point, and one I’d been thinking about as well. Until we get some levels, we’ll take on simpler threats.”

The rest of the party nodded.

“This silver mine sounds nice,” Merielle said. “It would be great for us to have access to a steady supply of finances. And we could likely fulfill the island exploration quest while we’re at it.”

Zuri nodded. “But they would require access to a boat. Either one we own, or one we rent out access to. And neither of those are cheap.”

“A good point.” I stared at the list of quests. “I hate to say it, but I think we’re locked into going to Boulibar Bay.”

Nym perked up. “Hate? Is there something wrong with Boulibar Bay?”

“No, not at all. I just dislike being forced to accept an option because it’s the only one. I’d rather have choices and weigh them against one another.”

“Oh, okay.” Sadie mreowed and Nym scritched her behind the ears. “Yes, I know. Later.”

The feline flattened her ears and hissed, but didn’t leave or swipe at the catgirl’s hands.

I lifted an eyebrow in her direction, but Nym shook her head.

“It’s not important. Yet. We need to get levels and lodging now, and then a boat later. Boulibar Bay looks like it might be a good option for that.”

I made a mental note to follow up on that later… Although if Boulibar Bay was a typical quest hub, it was likely it’d get lost to the adventure until the catgirl brought it up again.

“Okay. So are we all in favor of Boulibar Bay? Get some questing under our belts, some experience and expertise, and then branch out from there?”

The women nodded, and I smiled at them.

“Sounds like a plan. Everyone, be sure to shower and pack; we leave in a few hours.”

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