Duel Monsters of Global Cards

Chapter 43: Brother Tiger, stay safe

After the assessment of the first group of students was completed, Wu Jiayuan immediately let the second group of students begin the assessment.

The three students ranked 16-18 in the duel quickly entered the arena, and soon disappeared under the shroud of white light.

In this group, the results were similar to the previous group, and they should all be at the third level.

This is also normal. With the difficulty of the third level, even the current dueling class, I am afraid that only the top seven or even the top five have a chance to pass.

The assessment is still continuing in an orderly manner.

One group after another, the progress has been ups and downs, but there has never been a breakthrough.

Finally, it was the turn of the students who ranked 4th to 6th in the duel, and Hu Yu entered the arena in a very depressed manner.

The "three big monsters" who were called by the dueling class for so long, not only failed to surpass Pei Fei in dueling performance, but also fell out of the team.

Sad, really sad!

Depressed, depressed, Hu Yu still attached great importance to this training.

Before the magic-heavy training, he fell in the third level. No matter what happened this time, he would have to be ashamed.

Passing the third level is the basic thing, and more importantly, you have to have a good encounter with the so-called fourth level.

What if you pass the fourth level yourself?

Although this idea is a bit far-fetched, Wu Jiayuan also said that over the years, only the current three-star master duelist Gu Hui has achieved the achievement of customs clearance.

But if young people don't think boldly, are they still called young people?

Thinking of this, Hu Yu couldn't help but be full of fighting spirit.

This round of assessment has officially started.

It should be said that it is the top six in the dueling class.

This round, compared with the previous rounds, there have been obvious changes.

Ten minutes passed, and no one showed up.

This basically means that the three of them have successfully entered the third level and started a fierce battle.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The first white light flashed two minutes later, and the sixth place in the dueling class appeared.

When he appeared, his forehead was still covered with sweat caused by nervousness.

Another minute passed, and Cao Tianchong, who was fifth, also appeared.

When he appeared, he was still in shock and was panting heavily.

Judging from their appearance, it seems that they all successfully passed the third level, and then quickly fell to the fourth level.

Being able to successfully pass the third pass has fully proved their progress.

Now, only Hu Yu is left.

"Has Hu Yu not come out yet? It's amazing."

Cao Tianchong, who has experienced the fourth level, understands that Hu Yu, who is much stronger than him, should be able to pass the third level much faster than him, so he can get in touch with the fourth level earlier.

But Hu Yu, who entered the fourth level earlier, is still fighting now, which made Cao Tianchong couldn't help but be surprised.

"That guy can really hold on." Deng Yuxin, who was bored for a while, suddenly said.

"It's not bad." Pei Fei nodded in approval.

Those who have experienced the fourth level 'landscape' for a long time, naturally know the meaning very well.


At this moment, the white light shone, and Hu Yu fell from the level.

Failed to break through!

Hu Yu stood up without saying a word, but there was no unwillingness on his face.

This means that, having experienced the fourth level, he doesn't think he has the ability to pass it. It's unpleasant to fail, but this time it's not much regret.

Unrealistic fantasies are meaningless about how big a bowl of soup can be.

"What's going on in the fourth round? Now there's the last round left, Pei Fei, let me reveal it to everyone." Seeing Hu Yu coming out, some people couldn't hold back their curiosity.

"You can ask Hu Yu or Cao Tianchong, I'm here."

Pei Fei chuckled lightly and stepped forward.

Although he still didn't reveal the relevant content, he was able to point out a clear path to the curious student. The student's eyes lit up, and he immediately approached Cao Tianchong with a pleasing smile.

"Brother Cao, tell everyone about the fourth level?"

Hearing this topic, the surrounding students immediately pricked up their ears and leaned over calmly.


Cao Tianming looked embarrassed and glanced at Wu Jiayuan, only to find that he didn't pay any attention to what he meant here.

This is basically equivalent to acquiescing him to satisfy everyone's curiosity.

After confirming this, Cao Tianchong looked at the three of Lin You who participated in this round of assessments, and slowly said:

"Actually, the fourth level is a bit special..."

Cao Tianchong began to talk about the content of the fourth test, and all the students who were overjoyed listened to each other.

Here is still explaining, over there, Lin You has already started to break through.

The first thing that appeared in front of me was the familiar runway.

Seeing this runway, Lin You had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Thinking back to the life-threatening feeling when I first set foot on this track a month ago.

Time flies so fast, is this the so-called generosity and gift of time?

It was only a month later that Lin Youwen sighed for a while as if he was ill, and then he officially set foot on the runway.

The familiar pressure of magic appeared and fell on him, but it was no longer able to hinder him much.

Although the pressure is still there, the pain is not fake, but the distance is too short, only 100 meters, Lin You just feels that it is not "cool" enough.

After crossing the runway, he stood in front of the door leading to the second level.

"I don't know if the Thunder Tiger is still closed behind the door."

Lin You muttered, and the chestnut **** flew out, sensing the situation behind the door.


Chestnut Ball nodded lightly, indicating that it was still the familiar aura.

After confirming this, Lin You didn't write any ink, and the second and third levels didn't change much.

That being the case, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is done with hard power!

The dark blue magic power emerged, the dueling gloves were activated, and at the same time as the soul connection was formed, the figure of the witch of the black forest flashed.

Immediately following the swallowing of the spiral vortex, the special effect of the Silent Magician was activated.

After that, the witch of the Black Forest who was sent to the cemetery also activated the effect immediately, and a low roar came, and the vigorous figure of the King of Phantom Beasts appeared.

【Silent Magician】

Magician family, light attribute.

ATK/1800, DEF/1000

【Illusionary Beast King】

Orcs, land attributes.

ATK/1500, DEF/1200.

After the two monsters appeared, a dark light began to emerge again.

The black necklace appeared on the neck of Silent Magician, and her attack power soared to 2300 points.

After making these preparations, Lin You pushed open the door in front of him and swaggered in.

As soon as he entered, a flash of lightning flashed over.

Brother Hu is still the same Brother Hu, he just does it when he meets him, and he doesn't have any habit of saying hello.

But this time—

The Silent Magician raised his staff, the sapphire at the top of the staff flickered, and a sea-blue magic bullet with a diameter of more than one meter blasted out.

After the attack power increased, the size and power of the magic bullet also expanded.


A painful muffled sound rang out, and the Thunder Tiger, who cut a light yellow electric light, slammed his head into the magic bullet.

The moment the magic bomb exploded, Thunder Tiger hit the wall like a pinball, and was thrown ten meters away on the spot.

"Brother Hu, stay safe."

Lin You took a few steps closer, waved his hand, and greeted with a smile.

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