Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 83: restless atmosphere

  Chapter 83 The atmosphere is restless

   "How come there is a Rotten Plum Award suddenly, today's headlines are probably going to be robbed again!"

   "I don't know who is so unlucky to pick up this hot potato."

   "I really want to see who wins the award. There are always some positive awards in the circle, and I'm tired of watching them. A little blow can also wake up the younger generation!"

   "But no one will pick it up. If anyone picks it up, they will never be able to get up in the show business circle in this life. That would be a great shame."

   "Yes, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, it is impossible to receive this award in front of so many people..."

  【Holy shit, shit, is it so exciting? The legendary Rotten Plum Award is back! 】

  【Xiangfei video is really daring! Is it because the change of the owner has become so confident that they dare to present the Rotten Plum Award, not afraid of being beaten by sending it to the traffic head again? 】

  【No wonder yesterday the voting channel suddenly added a column, but the name is not called Rotten Plum Award, it is called the artist you least want to see of the year, it is a fill-in-the-blank question, not a multiple-choice question】

  【I also saw the one upstairs, but I was too lazy to fill it in! 】

  【I thought I was going to close the live broadcast when it was over, I was instantly excited, so let’s announce it! 】

In the auditorium and on the bullet screen, a group of people were whispering and discussing. Jiang Wanze, who was left on the stage, looked at the award organizing committee strangely, not knowing what they were doing, while Cheng Jingshu lowered her head and stroked the trophy in her arms. The bright nails scratched harshly on the silver trophy, and the long hair hanging on both sides perfectly covered the smug smile at the corner of her mouth.

  The show is about to begin...

  When Cary heard about the Rotten Plum Award, she didn't even bother to complain about Shang Ling's face. She patted Ye Xian and Lin Yan with great interest, "Hey, who do you think will be the winner?"

  Lin Yan, "The awards are all announced in advance. The winner of this kind of award should not be present."

   "Huh? I'm still going to see the winner's wonderful face, so it's gone?"

"Not necessarily~" A third-tier floret next to Cary took the opportunity to answer FOR's words, "Since the night of screaming dared to award, the winner must have been invited to the scene, just like five years ago, without prior knowledge There will be winners."

  Cary became interested again when he heard it, "It makes sense to say that, if he had notified him before, he would definitely not come, so it would be meaningless for him to issue the award."

  Lin Yan: "Just listen quietly."

   "Waiting for the show~"

  Cary shook her legs excitedly, while Ye Xian took out her mobile phone and Baidu checked the so-called 'rotten sour plum award'

   "Everyone must be very curious about who the winner is. Next, our gods and goddesses of this screaming night will jointly reveal the answer for us!"

  The host handed over the Taiwan cards to Jiang Wanze and Cheng Jingshu.

  Cheng Jingshu nodded humbly to Jiang Wanze, "Wanze, come here."

  Jiang Wanze opened the card, and when he saw the two prominent characters inside, his expression changed suddenly.

  Everyone on and off the stage, online and offline, watched him attentively, waiting with their ears open for him to announce the winner of the Rotten Plum.

   But he only saw him staring straight at Taika, frowning slightly, as if he didn't mean to read the name.

   "When was this added?"

  The man with long legs crossed in the center seat in the first row of the VIP asked in a deep voice.

  Pang Kai quickly turned on his iPad to check tonight's awards process, "This item is not on the award list, maybe it was added temporarily by the director to increase the gimmick."

   After he finished speaking, he saw that the president had no expression on his face, so he closed the iPad with confidence

   "Why haven't you announced yet?"

  (end of this chapter)

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