Chapter 151

◈ Chapter 151:

Opal and Lyra watched with absolute perfect concentration as the teapot packed full of tea leaves slowly poured into the teacup until there was nothing left.


Steam wafted off the surface as the waterline reached the rim and opal eased the teapot back onto the pile of embers, all that remained of the damaged books they were using as fuel to heat the water.


"Are you sure this will work?"


"One hundred percent."


Lyra gave the goblin girl a sceptical look.


"Why do I feel like this is just going to make me incredibly aroused and still unable to fit Rain? I barely managed him last time, but now he's so much bigger… There's no way…"


"It's the truth, I swear on it." Opal reached out a hand and patted the box of dried tea leaves marked with the word 'Aphrodisiac' "When we did it in the Ranker's mansion I took him just fine and I'm smol. It's why I'm not worried about him getting too big down there anymore, because you levelers already have stuff to ease that problem."


Lyra paused as she thought about that. It did make a certain amount of sense, it wasn't like Rain and herself were the only ones in the world to have issues with size difference, there were tons of large species who reproduced with small species. Now that she was thinking about it the mechanics of that probably required a lot of outside help, the tea being just one example.


Still… Rain was… quite large, and she was… quite small.


"I don't know Opal…"


"The ranker, ya know, huge human, had a halfling in his harem." Opal lifted the box and shook it as though to demonstrate. "Which is literally why he had this, also why I stole it."


Lyra gazed down at the tea, it looked very strong, it was practically black. Opal had been generous with the amount of leaves used.


She sipped it. Unsurprisingly it tasted like tea, quite nice tea honestly. She waited for something to happen, a sudden desperate thirst for lots of cock, her loins surging with need, anything.


Nothing happened, or if it was happening it was taking its time.


Opal looked her up and down excitedly as though expecting her to instantly become more heated than a fox fucked five times in a forest fire. She was visibly disappointed when Lyra remained calm and normal.


"Maybe it will take time cause you're bigger than me," she muttered.


"Opal, here, you haven't finished," came a low grumble from behind.


"Yeah yeah, I've got the writing shit down, just let me tell the awesome story of my heroics as I like."


Rain held up a book that was filled with crudely black inked writing. There were corrections in red ink made over the black, underlining spelling mistakes and with notes in the margin. The red ink was somehow even more clumsily applied than the black ink with gigantic  splotches of the stuff scattered across the paper.


"Hey what the hell did you doooo!"


"Corrections." growled Rain, a red dipped quill held awkwardly in his other paw.


Lyra watched the heavily pregnant goblin girl charge over to Rain and leap at him, wrestling to get the book away. Not very successfully.


She turned back to more important things, specifically the clothing that had been chosen and carefully laid out on the table. Surprisingly it had been Vash who had supplied it, the library was so large that many of its librarians had their own apartments in it, apartments easily accessible for his rats.


Lyra lifted the blouse up and looked it over. It was a crisp thing, a clean sharp professional white. She glanced over the skirt, a black pencil skirt. Then she tried on the librarian glasses. the glasses didn't actually have any glass in them of course, they were just empty frames. She still perched them on her nose and adjusted them in a way a haughty librarian looking over her desk might. 


Next came the clothing. She glanced over her shoulder at the others. 


Rain was still trying to get Opal to learn, but the goblin seemed more interested in doing her own thing. Vash was somewhere in the library looking up facts about the dragon capital and Red was sounding out words from a children's book. Rain had commanded him to learn numbers and words because that was something a treasurer should probably know. He hadn't been happy about it at first, but the books with pictures seemed to cheer him up.


None of them were looking in her direction at all so she quickly slipped off her jacket, then blouse, tossing them aside as she cupped her bra clad breasts under arm and grabbed for the new blouse. She quickly slipped her arms into it and pulled it tight. Glancing over her shoulder every few seconds to see if Rain was watching. 


Annoyingly he wasn't, still focused on Opal who was scribbling busily in his lap with her tongue sticking from the corner of her mouth.


"Hmpph." She left a few more buttons than she otherwise would have undone over her bra, so much soft cleavage spilling free that the black edge of her bra was visible peeking out from either side of the deep v and her indecently large breasts muffin topping against its rim.


Then she turned to the next step. She hooked her thumbs over her beige short shorts, and began wiggling her hips, shifting them down over thighs than by her fluff. She was left wearing a pair of slim white panties adorned with blue ribbons that matched those in her hair.


Still no attention from Rain.


Practically fuming now she grabbed hold of the panties and hauled them down over her legs, bending down far enough to peer between her knees at him, presenting her naked rear and her inflamed pussy which was glossy wet with need. 


A single bead of her arousal cruised down over her perfect soft thigh leaving a wet line behind before it darkened the white of her wool part way up her thigh.


Okay, maybe the tea was starting to have a small effect.


But, unbelievably, Rain still hadn't noticed! This was complete bullshit!


She kicked at the floorboards and swayed her hips in a figure eight, hoping he would notice the sound and motion.


At last, Rain started to turn, yes! he would catch her like this, in this incredibly embarrassing and compromised position and then-


"Fitz the monster! Fitz, I know you are here!!" bellowed a voice from somewhere nearby.


Lyra let out an inelegant squawk and tried to straighten up at the same moment she stepped from her panties. She tripped over the fabric and immediately face planted, slamming to the floorboards, her legs up in the air, her glasses clattering across the floor as they fell from her face.


She let out a groan.


"What was that?" said Opal. 


"Not someone I want to see." growled Rain.


There was a pause from outside the room as Rain's deep voice passed through the walls.


Then the sound of quick slithering as someone approached and burst through the door.




Lyra's view from the ground was interrupted by a wall of pink scales and she looked up to see a Lamia girl who nearly rode over top of her before she stopped.


Rose stared down at her and blinked.


"What are you doing?"


Lyra quickly scrambled to her feet, grabbing for her glasses and perching them back on her face. She then glanced down and realised she was half naked. In a panic she lunged for the black professional looking panties on the table and leapt into them, hiking them up over her hips as she scowled at the tall teenager.


"None of your business," she snapped, "and why the hell are you here?!"


"Aw, were you about to have sex with the monster?" cooed the teenager.


Lyra's cheeks bloomed crimson.


She heard steps behind her and turned to find the masculine wall that was Rain looming over her.


She grabbed up the black pencil skirt and hurriedly slipped it on while trying her best not to let him see her blush.


"How did you find me Rose…" graveled Rain.


"I just went to every library in the city with a drake on the front desk then began shouting your name as I went around all day. The goblin said library, and you mentioned a drake, wasn't hard to figure out, it just took, ughh, freaking forever! And this library the most, I've been slithering for freaking hours! It's way too large."


"Finding me was the biggest mistake you have ever made. I did warn you Rose." A paw moved toward the suddenly pale looking teenager.


Lyra found herself nodding, that is until the paw wrapped around Rose's neck and began to squeeze. The teenager scratched at his arm, unable to breath, her face turning red.


"W-wait hold on! You can't just kill her!"


Lyra's moral framework was slowly collapsing as of late but she wasn't about to watch this probably innocent teenager be killed and eaten, plus she had heard what she'd done for them, she couldn't be all bad right?


The paw eased a little and Rose drew in a desperate partial breath.


"...Why?" snarled Rain.


"Because she hasn't done anything!"


"She betrayed my trust. Now she betrayed it again. She sought me out when I said not to, she put you and Opal at risk of being killed, she could have been followed, she could be leading others to us."


"That's not a good enough reason to kill her! I- I get how you feel, but you're being way too protective! Look, if she was really a threat to us she could have told others about how to find us, she could have told a gang, or her family, or the city guard, but she didn't, I think."


Rain scowled but after a moment let the teenager drop. She fell to the floor in a heap of coiled tail. Rose drew in great gasps of air where she sat curled on the ground, one hand massaging her throat.


"I'm not-" she wheezed, "-going to tell anyone,- I said- I wouldn't,- and I won't! I want you for myself…" she glared at Lyra, "As much for myself as I can get anyway, I don't want it like the monster stables where every half hot monster gets ridden like the town's rent-a-pony."


Lyra scoffed, what a ridiculous suggestion. Sharing her Rain with this brat? No chance.


"Why aren't you imprisoned? They saw you with me, they must have thought you had everything to do with Wranvyre's death."


Rose shrugged. "I'm not learning to be an actor for nothing. It wasn't hard to do a little fake crying and weave a little story of a monster breaking out from the monster stables and taking me hostage."


"They believed that?"


"They didn't need to believe it, none of the guys knew the secret monster stables existed so I just showed them, showed them all the stables, and then told them how often they were used, and who by. Oh boy, they completely lost their freaking minds and forgot all about me. When I left they were still arguing and screaming. Turns out the guys weren't particularly happy to find out what their significant others had been casually enjoying. Super duper scandalous you know?"


She flicked a hand past her face and when it passed there were tears in the corners of her eyes. "It- It all went wrong a-and I was r-raped by this horrific monster, it h-hurt, I can't- I'm s-sorry- the others said it would be f-fine! Th-that they d-did it all the time! but it took me h-hostage and-" her chin shook violently, fat tears rolling down her cheeks.


Then with a flick of her wrist she was as she was, cheeks dry.


Lyra stared at the Lamia, a cold still feeling in her gut. What had she just witnessed? It was like Wranvyre had been there with her for just a moment, that exact same insanely well controlled acting technique. That was… unsettling… Maybe Rain was right about her…


"What about the bounty, the one on Lyra's head?"


"For mother? I don't know, it's kind of been forgotten in all the drama. All my siblings are in a ranking that Wranvyre controlled. Number one in that ranking should theoretically take over the estate, but Wranvyre's firstborn clutch aren't having it and say they should inherit everything. When I left they were on their thirty-sixth duel of the day. That, uh, and the screaming and shouting about the monster stables I showed everyone, it was so chaotic, like a civil war or whatever. But now-"


Rose suddenly lunged forward, hugging at Rain's waist and rubbing her cheek in his fur.

"-But now I'm here with you Fitz and we can be together forever and ever and ever! Hhhnnff!"


She slid down as she curled her tail around his legs and began kissing at his sheath, snuggling her face against it.


Lyra stared at the teenager, a deep fury rising up in her chest. The teenager couldn't be all bad? No. This teenager was evil incarnate, purest evil! How dare she take what was hers now of all times! Today was supposed to be her day! A deep heat in her loins rose to match the one in her chest as she watched the teenager practically snog his sheath.


A paw came down and palmed Rose's head before she could go any further however and the lamia found herself being peeled away from Rain's body. She was left dangling from his grip.


"You're not staying."


"But I can be of use to you with- actually what is it that you are doing?" 


Her eyes moved over to Red and blinked as she watched the Kobold sound out words.


"C. A. T. Sat. D. O. G. Dorg."


"uhhh, teaching… monsters to read?"


Rain shook her. "If you don't leave I am going to kill you."


"I can help teach reading!"


"No!" snarled Rain pushing his face close to hers, huge teeth just by her wide open eyes. "I don't want you here. I don't trust you. What I am doing has nothing to do with you, you aren't involved and you never will be!"


Rose's face dropped. 


"So you just hate me? Is that how it is? After all we went through together?"


"I literally barely know you."


Rose gasped like she'd been slapped and she struggled free from his grip, dropping down to the floor.


"It's true we were only an hour or so together, but I told you things, things that really mattered to me! And you saved me and- you avenged- and- and you did- I- we f-fit so well, when you were inside me, it was p-perfect! Like we were made for each other! Did it mean nothing at all!!"


Lyra watched as the Lamia burst into tears and rushed away.


As much as she was feeling incredibly horny and possessive of Rain it didn't seem right to let the infatuated to the point of idiocy teenager just leave, for one the teenager seemed genuinely upset enough to do something rash and dumb like call the city down on them. She should at least be calmed before being cut loose.


She sighed and then jogged after her, darting into the narrow book lined hallway outside the larger room. 


To her surprise she found the Lamia was already disappearing around the corner, her tail was a lot faster than it looked, although it didn't help that Lyra's legs were constrained by the tight pencil skirt making her stride small.


A few corridors later and she lost sight of Rose in the dark and gloom. The lighting was neglected in this part of the library, the enchanted lights overhead dead or dimmed.


She was left alone, panting, in the darkness.


"Goddammit. Did you have to be so hard on her Rain," she muttered.


She turned in time to see Opal catching up.


"Hey, you could have caught her with your teleporting magic thing, so why didn't you?"


"You think I want her around? Naw. Rain's right, she's a liability, he should have eaten her."


"I don't want her either, but keeping her near would be better. Keep your enemies near, or close, or something?"


"Close so they are more convenient to eat, yeah, I agree."


"Not, quite like that…"


An incredibly deep and low rumbling growl came from the shadows.


Lyra blinked, trying to see into the dark. She had decent-ish night vision as a half elf, but the library just seemed to collect pools of impenetrable gloom.


"R-Rain? Is that you?"


The growling seemed to move, shifting around her. It sounded… threatening.


She suddenly felt unsettled and she swallowed, her throat dry. Her fingers clutched at the hem of her skirt with a nervousness that she hadn't felt in some time.


"Rain this isn't funny!"


"You should probably run sheepy. He's coming for you."


"Wh-what?! B-but I'm not prey to be hunted!"


Opal rolled her eyes in an exaggerated way. 


"You did specifically ask for this, repeatedly, in way way too much detail, when we asked what would make you feel better about nearly dying. You're pretty kinky, you know that right?"


"Yes but, now?! Right now?! I could still maybe catch Rose if I went to the library's entrance!"


Opal grinned. "Yeah, that's probably why he's doing it now, to stop you doing that. Kills two rats with one stone."


A snarl came from the dark and Lyra flinched, the sound of something massive and heavy and dangerous moving out of sight. 


"Hey sheepy," said Opal.


Lyra's wide eyed and panicked gaze darted to the goblin girl.




A blood chilling roar came from the shadows and Lyra screamed, fleeing down the corridor, her hooves tap-tapping madly against the flagstone, legs moving as fast as she could in her tight skirt.


The sound of heavy feet followed behind and she shrieked and ducked as something huge whistled by her head, a claw filled paw a second of a way from mauling her, it obliterated a bookcase as it missed, shredding books and wood alike and sending a cloud of torn paper into the air.


Lyra darted into a minor side door, the sudden change of direction giving her time to get away and flee into the large hall beyond.


She glanced over her shoulder as she ran and saw something massive forcing its way through the small entrance, the frame coming apart as the beast broke it with a snarl, wood and stone crumbling apart and washing across the floor as what seemed like half the wall disintegrated.




Legs shaking wildly she darted into the standing shelves, a maze of book shelves that filled the hall.


She found herself deep inside, curled up small, wrapping her arms around her legs, back against a shelf. She held her breath trying to be as quiet as possible.


Her breath caught as she heard the first footstep, a heavy footstep, one that could only belong to a massive monster. Did it know she was here? Could it smell her? She shivered uncontrollably, her whole body trembling, each successive footstep making her flinch, little whimpers of innocent fright escaping from her clamped together lips.


The footsteps stopped at the distant end of the book cases and Lyra's head turned jerkily to see-- to see the large thing standing in the barest pool of light in the pitch black dark. It was massive hulking… and many limbed? Lyra froze stiff as she saw the centipedal tentacles and the house cat head. That wasn't Rain.


A warm breath brushed against the back of her neck, ruffling her hair. 


Heart thundering a million miles a minute she managed to turn her head little by little, the whites of her eyes showing as she turned to see luminous yellow eyes.


"You can't hide from me."


Lyra screamed.


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