Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Hero and The World Gate.

He’s the hero?

I can tell from just hearing those words that he could be a scumbag. And looking at this attempt to kill me out of nowhere, just because I am a Magic Race? The corruption of discrimination not only runs in the Brinis citizens but also in this twisted hero.

“Tell me something. Do you hate Magic Races?” o say.

The Hero snaps out of the thoughts he was in. He looks at me with a crazy-eyed expression,

“Of course I do! They are not human after all! They are f***ing Animals! Ha-ha-ha” he laughs in a somewhat manic manner.

I see… so It won’t mean anything even if I try to inquire about him. If he continues to bug me while I try to resolve the matters regarding the demons, I would have to give him an adequate beating.

“Now that I have gotten my answer, Get out of the way,” I say.

His sword is still on my shoulder and he’s looking at me in a disgusting and twisted manner.

“Hwy miss, How are you so strong and beautiful? I would love to break apart your stoic spirit.” He says.

Is this guy… that far? He’s twisted that far?

I thought the requirements for summoning a hero could be his hero-like virtues. Then what is up with him?

The two girls behind him are still in a stance to attack us at any moment. I told FElia and Carmine to stand down but they are on their toes too. If these two attack, they won’t let the enemy get to me. That I know.

“Why do you ask? Are you somehow interested in me?” I say.

“Yeaah!. I would love to tie you up and do some exciting things with you!” he says.

Thought so. He’s a scumbag. His statement is now proof.

“Hey girls, was he like that when he arrived here?” I say to the girls behind him.

“Him? We were all like this when we came here!” Says the mage.

‘We’? Does that mean that the whole Hero’s Party is Far-Gone Scum?

“As I said before, Let me pass through without a fuss,” I say.


The Hero jumps backward toward his comrades. He gets in another attacking stance.

“Like hell. You ain’t passing through. Tell me what this barrier is. The Demon Army was supposed to be marching through today.” He says.

He knows that far? He even knows that the army was going to advance through the forest. How?

“That barrier? I put that up. You got a problem?” I say.

“Yeah, it’s a problem, Bitch! I was supposed to massacre a bunch of demons today! Maybe take a female one to my personal collection of slaves!” he says.

I really wanna kill him. But doing that would stir up a fuss. If they find out that I’m in Diacis, they could declare war over it. And all the believers of the Brinis religion would get fired up.

“How’d you know that the Army was advancing from here?” I say.

“That’s none of your business, Sl*t. Instead, would you mind telling me how you knew about the attack? Then perhaps I could let you go. Not that I want to. I want to see your blushing face!” he says.

I wanna kill him.

“I don’t have the obligation to tell you that. you are an unbearable scum after all.” I say.

“What did you just call me bitch?”

[Bzzt. Master. He’s trying to appraise you.]

What? He can’t, right?

[Yup! I’m blocking it right now!]


“Hngh… Why can’t I appraise you?” he asks.

“Probably because you’re dumb? Or could it be that you are weaker than me?” I say.

Oooh! Looks like that hit a nerve!


The Hero jumps in the air and lunges towards me.

“Velkra!” Felia and Carmine both exclaim in concern.

“Don’t worry, You know who I am,” I say.



I dash toward him and leave a shockwave behind that cracks up the ground. I travel at such high speed that the mage and the hunter back there didn’t even react less the hero.

Carmine and Felia can see me. But my powers are limited for now. But following me with eyes is pretty amazing in itself. That’s my girls for you!

“[Punch]! [Boom]!”
I get close and land a Gut-whirling punch to his stomach.

The punch makes a loud explosion, of force, not fire. The force cracks the platinum arm, or that he was wearing.


My punch goes through his armor and lands on his bare stomach, Closer to his right ribs.

“GUH!” he lets out a pained sound.

Hmm… just like with the demon, I felt some ribs cracking. Is it really like this for the people that are maniacs for fighting? I’m not one but it sure is satisfying when you feel your enemy breaking bones. Especially when you hate them so much. Is that bad? Am I gonna become a serial killer? Probably not.

“[Thump]! [Thump]! [Thump]!”

He is sent flying backward and lands on the ground and bounces off like a ping-pong several times.

“Kuro!” Shouts the hunter.

Kuro? Really? It literally means black. I guess it’s not just his personality that’s dark.

The hunter and the mage both run toward the Hero and check if he is okay.

“Is he knocked out Felia?” I say.

“It appears so, Velkra.” She says.

“I never thought that the hero would be that weak. Even we alone could beat the crap out of him.” Says Carmine.

“Me neither. I thought he would somewhat put up a fight with my power’s limited but I guess I was wrong?” I say.

“You’re limiting your powers?” asks Carmine.

“Yup. I don’t want to accidentally kill someone while I fight them. I’ll remove the limits once I want to get really serious.” I say.

“That’s Great Velkra for you.” Says Felia.

But even so… His stats. They are that high and he still can’t cope with me when I am limiting my power?

Twixie. How much power am I using right now?

[About 20% I guess?]

20%? And even that isn’t enough for people to put up a fight with me?

[You are a Divine beast. What else do you think it should be like?]

Tell me something. What would the stats for a normal person look like?

[For a normal person? Hmm…]



[Status Menu]

[Name:------------] [Age:--- --- ---]

[Race]: [Human]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 1,000]

[SP: 1,000]

[MP: 1,000]


I see… and what are his stats?

[His stats… you could say that he could be about… equal to or above an S-ranked Adventurer I guess? Here….]


[Status Menu]

[Name: Sasaki Kuro]

[Race]: Human

[Title]: Hero

[Level: 50]

[HP: 25,000]

[SP: 30,000]

[MP: 35,000]


So that is what the legendary hero Is like… 49 levels above a normal human… And what is my level of 20% of my power?


That’s still too high!

[I know right? Even the most strongest monsters I’ve ever seen are about 90 or 91 levels…]

Am I a monster…?



“Don’t tell me…”

I hear a voice. It’s the hero.

“Oh. You finally woke up from your shameful slumber?” I say.

“Don’t… tell me… Are you the… Demon Lord?” he says.


“What Insolence! Shut your filthy mouth you Fool!” shouts Felia.

“That is the only thing that comes to mind… There is no explanation…” He says while he holds his side where I broke his ribs.

“Ever heard of Dragons Dumbass?” I say.

“Dragons?” Says The mage.

“Yeah. Dragons. And I’m the Elder one.” I say.

I don’t want the whole Kingdom of Brinis to chase me just because the hero thinks that I am the Demon Lord.

“Elder Dragons? They aren’t that strong. We have beaten quite a few of them. They were even captured by Brinis.” She says.

Captured? I don’t think so. They must have caught some greater dragon, With sheer luck and casualties but not an Elder One. And if they did catch an Elder Dragon, Their Kingdom would not be on this world map to this day.

“Hmm? I am an Elder Dragon. There isn’t a way that you bugs could do something to my Older Brothers and Sisters.” I say.

Wait… Older.. Brothers and Sisters? Why did I say that?

“But they said that we were fighting Elder Dragons in that arena!” Shouts the Hunter girl.

What are her stats anyway?

[I’ll appraise both of them and tell you later.]


“They caught the wind of you guys being dumb. There is no way you chumps would face an Elder Dragon and get out of it alive.” I say.

“But I even Appraised them! They were Elder Dragons! Their race was Elder Dragons!” shouts the mage in desperation.

Why are they telling me this? I never asked. But wait… they appraised them? And it said that they were Elder ones? This is weird… something is wrong…

[You cannot modify one’s race. Or status. It could be that they were actual elder dragons, which seems very unlikely, or… it could be that someone has found a way to alter stats.]

Alter Stats? Can you even do that?

[It could be possible if someone tampered with one’s soul but there hasn’t been anyone who could do that…]

But how?

[This is very confusing indeed… There is no way that they fought an Elder Dragon like this…]

“You bitch…” Says The Hero.

“Kuro! You cannot fight anymore! We need to retreat!” says the mage.

“Shut up! I won’t back down until I take her with me! I want to break her!” he says.

“This is not the time for your pleasure rides! We would love it too but we cannot face her! She’s too strong!” says the Mage.

“We have to retreat!” says the Hunter.

“Hnnnghh… Teleport us out of here…” says the Hero after showing some resistance.
At his order, the Mage pulls out a Compass-like thing from her… Spacial Storage? Does she have one?

They hold her hands together.

“I’ll come and get you next time, Bitch. You are mine to destroy. I’ll love it when I do it with you.” Says the Hero.

Those were the words of this World’s ‘Hero’. I wonder what the Demon Lord would be like.

“Scum,” I say.


“[Teleport]” says the Mage Girl.

At that moment their bodies glow and the space inside the Compass distorts pulling them inside like a black hole. They convert into light particles as they were pulled and they disappear.

“What was that?” I say.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen a Magus like that ever before…” says Carmine.

Then it means that they have access to technology that this world does not have normally.

What was that Twixie?

[I did analyze it with my skill [Analyze] but… the technology isn’t Human… or even Magic race… I don’t know who made that. but what I can say is that it was the miniaturized, portable and improved version of the teleportation concept me and Fervie built together…]

A Portable Teleportation Device?

[Something like that.]

I might get pulled into something very dangerous here.

[You can’t help it.]

I know…

“Should we go in there?” I say.

“Yeah, we should. They have been staring at us since the beginning.” Says Carmine.

Now that I pay attention… The Demons are here. They are looking at us from behind the barrier since they can’t cross it.

“Twixie. Can I make multiple barriers within a barrier?” I say.

[Yup. You can do it. I’ll assist in the processing of the info.]


“Velkra…is Twixie in there?” says Felia.

[Oi! I never told her to call me without honorifics!]

“Yup. She’s helping me in there.” I say.

You are the one who plays with her often. Don’t make her sad.


Shut it.


Put up the barrier.


“Felia, Carmine. Come close. I’ll put up a barrier and go inside with it.” I say.

“I barrier inside a barrier?! And also done by a single person?! Is that even possible?!” She exclaims.

“Nothing is impossible for me,” I say in a dashing manner.


I hear something steaming. Oh, It’s coming from Felia’s head. It’s steaming.

They get closer to me and stand in place.

“Put up the barrier, Twixie,” I say.

[ “Dome of Falling Stars” ]

As she says, a dome, with falling stars on its walls appears around us.

“Let’s go,” I say.

We walk towards the barrier. Seeing this, a tremor goes through the demon’s army that was taking cover in the dense forest.

The Soldiers squirm and get into positions.

They have two horns sticking out on the top sides of their heads. And they have teeth as a vampire would have. But they are not that long to stick out. They are pretty much humanoid, having features and build the same as that of humans. What makes them different from magic races anyway?

[They are magic races.]

What’s with that fed-up tone? Huh?

[Focus on your entry. They are going to attack.]

We pass through that barrier and it makes a sound as we go through.


Just as we pass through, many Demons attack us with their unique swords.

Twixie. Appraise them will you?

[Gladly. There you go.]


[Status Menu]

[Name: Malis] [Age: 80 years]

[Race]: [Demon]

[Level:  30]

[HP: 15,000]

[SP: !5,000]

[MP: 10,000]


So they’re weaker than the hero. The hero must’ve been training to catch up since he was here.

[They are strong about a B-Ranked Adventurer. Well, let me develop a system to gauge their strength. It’ll take some time though…]

That doesn’t matter. Take your time. It’ll be useful.


We keep walking without stopping a single bit. After a while, the demons notice that we are heading to the place where I sensed the huge surge of mana, they say this.

“Retreat! They are heading to the World Gate! Retreat and close it!”

So there was a gate here. The Army couldn’t get mobilized because I put up a barrier. How would they do that in the forest?

They all head towards the gate.

Twixie. Isn’t there a way to stop them? Like, freeze them in place? Not ice because I don’t wanna kill them yet.

[You could use this Magic spell… [Gravity Push]]

What does that do?

[Just like it says. It puts a gravity push over people.]

I see… then can I apply this magic to the barrier?

[Are you insane?! The whole forest could get flattened!]

Not that strong. Do it just to slow them down till we get to the gate.

[That… could be possible…]

Then do it.

[ “Gravity Push” Applying attribute to the Barrier. Applied.]

Just as she applies the attribute to the barrier, the whole forest makes a sound.



I can hear the branches cracking. We better pick up our pace. I don’t want this forest to be flat.

“What the hell… is… this…?” I can hear the soldiers grunting to lift their steps but they can’t.

“What did you do Velkra?” asks Felia.

“I just put a gravity push over them,” I say.

“’ Just’? don’t say that as if everybody could do that.” Says Carmine.

“You can’t do that?’ I ask.

“Not on a scale this big. You’re doing this to everything inside the barrier.” She says.

I guess I’m just an anomaly then.

We walk quite a bit but arrive. I’ll explain the forest’s scenery later because… there is a huge gate in front of us.

“This is the World Gate?” says Carmine.

“Probably so.” Says Felia.

“Let’s go through then. You guys nervous?” I ask.

“A little.” Says Felia.

“Not that much.” Says Carmine.

The gate in front of us is huge. About five stories high and about 24 feet wide.

The gate has nothing behind it. You can’t see anything through it. Just a crimson-red color is swirling in it. Much like portals in Blockcraft. It was a game I played when I was in that world.

“We are going through,” I say.

“Three, Two, one. Here we go!” I count down as all three of us hold hands and jump in all at once.

“[Whoom]!” it makes a sound as we go through.

The world distorts and swirls and in the next blink, we are there.

A shudder runs down my spine. Not because of fear… but seeing the state of this world. This destruction is not natural…

The landscape we see in front of us isn’t ground… but pure red and orange lava. Black soil and red skies.

“What is this….?” Says Carmine.

“This is very terrifying Velkra…” says Felia.

“I know…..”

Too much mana…


{Settlement arc: END }



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