Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Fervina’s Journey: The Decision for a Successor and the seal.

The day I found Twixie, I was struck emotionally to a certain extent. The strain that the grueling memories had put on my mind did not dissipate until a month later. Every time I would see the broken Twixie whenever I looked at the Twixie in front of me. And the Twixie from another world wasn’t just broken emotionally and mentally, her body was broken as much as her mind was.

I spent most of my time going on journeys with Twixie. After I met with the one from the alternate Future, I resolved to heed her warnings. And abiding by those, I’m currently in the process of culminating all of my magical knowledge in one place.

The place that I noted from her memories, The Elder Tree. I also went on a journey to find it. I didn’t take Twixie with me. What I found there was astonishing. How can someone get this close to solving the connection between multiple timelines? Maybe Namil from the alternate timeline had found it after I died. He must have known that Twixie might be able to solve the case and use it for good.

But the more grueling thing that I found out when I went through her memories was that… Twixie got to this Elder Tree on foot. It took her a month and a half to do it. Can you imagine her small feet dragging on the black soil? And they kept walking after taking small breaks when she couldn’t breathe with ease anymore.

Watching her go through hardships, just to reach a place that I would have easily taken her to with my magic. I can't shake off the regret and grief that I’m not meant to feel. But realizing that it was me in another timeline that died and couldn’t support her in her hard time makes my heart sink.

My tendency of keeping her away from any potential danger might make it difficult to let her meet with Gelda. The meeting with Gelda is what I should be preparing for too. I went through her memory and found out about the day and place they met in the alternate world. But that doesn’t mean that everything will go the same way as it did there. There is a huge difference in events if compared.

I’ll just have to hope I meet her soon.

“What are you thinking?”

I hear. I look to my right and it was Twixie who had popped out of my hair and was now sitting on my shoulder. I don’t know if it’s even comfortable in my hair but she says it’s silky and smooth now that I’ve started taking care of them even more.

“Is it really that comfy in my hair? Do you fit easily in there?” I ask.

“You were thinking about that? Hmm… I can say that it’s pretty relaxing.” She says taking a strand of my black hair in her hand.

Every time I look at her, I just wish she stays happy like this.

“Say Twixie. You know that we are collecting Magic from all over the world. Should we store it somewhere? You know, for preservation?” I ask her.

I can’t say it directly. She doesn’t know about my intention to pass on the knowledge to Gelda’s Daughter.

Twixie looks at me with a puzzled expression and says,

“Do we really need to?”

Perhaps she doesn’t understand my vague intentions.

“You know that I won’t stay alive forever,” I say.

My lifespan does not compare to hers. She immediately shoots a worried gaze at me.

“What’s wrong, Fervie…? Why are you saying that…?” she asks.

Ah. That must have been a shocking realization.

“It’s the truth, isn’t it? You will stay alive even after me. So I should leave my memories and work behind.” I say.

“Don’t talk like that!” she says.

“Okay. Anyway, should we do it? I mean preserve the knowledge?” I ask,

“Is it something you want…?” she asks.

“Yes. I even want a successor.” I say.

“Successor…?” she asks.

“You know? Someone who can carry my knowledge and you can be their guide?” I say.

“That sounds… cool.” She says.

“Then should we do it?” I ask.

“Okay… But how…?” she asks.

“Have any idea?” I say.

“If it’s magic then… A library…?” she says.

“A Library? Then the magic would be stored in books?” I ask.

A library can mean that I could store different tiered magic spells in different books. They will work on the basis of a Magus.

“Yeah! And do something mystic! Like…” she stops.

“Like deeming one worthy to carry my knowledge?” I say.

That's handy too...

“What would that do?” she says.

“We can make a Magus that can transfer the magic to someone who’s worthy of it,” I say.

That way I can add a mechanism for the library to accept Gelda’s Daughter. But I’ll also add the worthiness of virtue. That would be unfair if I just gave it to her. She should somewhat be capable enough to use it for good. It can also prevent the Knowledge from being transferred to a tyrant that would destroy your world.

“Do you really mean that… you would die…?” she asks.

She brings up the topic of my death again.

She’s gotten attached to me since the day we met. I know that my death would be a big wound in her heart but at least she’ll have someone that she would be able to depend on in the future. The way I see it, Gelda’s Daughter was corrupted by their world. But she will be completely new and pure once she comes here.

She can lead people to a brighter future. That is what The Alternate Twixie had seen in her jump between that particular timeline.

“Death comes for everyone right? At least for humans, that is. They die quickly. But the life we live is also fulfilling enough that it doesn’t make many regret their death. Who knows what happens after you die? Maybe we move on to a greater plane? The thing is, I’ll never leave you alone, Even if I die. That much is my promise. And that successor can be your new friend, right?” I say.

“All this talk about your death… It makes my heart sink… Can I ask for one thing…?” she says.

Hmm…? Does she want something?

“What is it, Twixie?” I say, stroking her small head.

“Can you make a spell that would seal me away in that library once you die? I can’t live alone and wait for your successor to come after you die… It’ll be too lonely and… Painful without you…” she says.

Really…? I think that… would be too cruel…To lock her away…

“Can you do that?” she says.

“Do you actually want to be sealed away...?” I ask, looking worried.

“It’s better than living without you…” she says.

I see. So that is how much she loves me. I wonder how she’ll handle herself when she wakes up…

“Okay. I’ll do it. But promise me one thing. Promise me that you won't fall into despair. After I die, you won't give up.” I say.

“Fervie… Okay…” she says as she looks up at my teary eyes.

I wonder why I started crying when I said that. Ah. It brings back the images. The scene where Twixie walks off in the distance, a ring on her neck. Dragging her small feet on the sand that’s gone black, having all mana sucked out from it.

“Thank you, Twixie,” I say.

"Shall we sleep now?" I say.

We were sitting on the bed, getting ready to sleep. I bought a temporary house here in Diacis so we could live in peace. it's a comfy little place for us.

I think I should make the library underground. A place where no one can get to. Where the egg can be nurtured in peace. I will use the Elder Tree as the entrance using teleportation.

We wake up the next day and fresh ourselves for breakfast. I'm going to cook some Shredded Blicken meat fry. it's a delicious everyday breakfast meal.

“Hey, Twixie. How do you think we should build the library underground?” I ask while cooking Breakfast.

"*Sizzle*" The meat looks so good.

“You’re gonna build it underground? Hmm… you said the [Manickett] on your staff could store spells. If you could get another one of those, we can program it to execute an Earth Elemental spell that builds the library over the programmed architecture.” She says.

Whoa. Even I couldn’t think of that.

“You’re a freakin’ Genius Twixie,” I say.

“Really…?” she asks.


After talking, the breakfast was completed and we ate it with some eggs and bread and some Herbal tea. It was damn delicious I should say. even I surprised myself when I ate it.

Luckily, I have made acquaintances that can help me in getting one of those [Manicketts]. One of the prominent ones is, Namil. The current King Namil. Although his name is Youstas, I like to call him Namil. He’s a cheerful guy when he isn’t in his court. I’ll ask for his help.

Several weeks went by in the arrangement of the [Manickett].

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