Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 8: Right at the beginning, I was targeted by the final villain.

The next day Dudley was awakened by the quarrel between Harry and Petunia.

"You have been hiding this from me! You have known for a long time that my parents are wizards, but you have always lied to me that they died in a car accident..."

"Of course I already knew, she is a freak, a monster..."

"How could a car accident hurt Lily and James Potter? This is slander, this is slander..."

It sounded as if the conversation that was supposed to happen last night had been postponed to this morning. Dudley closed his eyes and pretended not to get up yet, not wanting to get involved in their quarrel and also wanting to sort out the current situation so far.

Last night, Albus Dumbledore left quickly after delivering the letter. According to him, he made a temporary stop while flying over the sea rocks on his way to the International Confederation of Wizards, in order not to delay the meeting too much. So I can't stay here for a long time.

Of course, Dudley was skeptical of this statement. It was hard to imagine that a great magician like Dumbledore used ordinary flying when traveling instead of using Apparition, a more convenient mode of transportation.

In any case, Dudley's goal of sneaking into Hogwarts was achieved. What Dudley needed to worry about now were other issues.

The first is the ability of Dragon Roar. Previously, Dudley relied on his endless strength to conquer the world with one move.But it is obvious that in the battle with Hagrid last night, the problem of the cooldown time and insufficient power of Unbreakable Force was exposed.

Dudley thought of the "Dragon Roar Textbook that Muggles who have just time-traveled can easily learn" that he stuffed into his suitcase and brought out. Although there were a bunch of dragon roar spells in it, it seemed that to learn the dragon roar, you still need to inject the dragon soul. as a condition.

In The Elder Scrolls games, the main source of dragon souls is to kill dragons and swallow dragon souls.In the world of Harry Potter, although there are creatures like dragons, not to mention whether you can obtain the dragon soul like in the game, how to defeat a giant dragon is also a huge problem.

"...Nonsense! How can my sweet baby Dudley go learn some weird witchcraft with you!"

Hearing that he was mentioned in the conversation, Dudley felt that it was no longer time to pretend to be asleep, so he pretended to have just woken up and said, "Good morning, mom and dad, cousin Harry, and Mr. Hagrid."

Petunia's eyes were full of tears and she was shaking Vernon beside her: "My dear, please say a few words. You don't agree with Dudley going to some ghost school, right?"

But Vernon was as listless as a beaten eggplant at this moment. After seeing Dudley, he seemed to want to say something, but he stopped.

"Forget it, Petunia, stop talking." Vernon hugged his wife who was losing her temper and said feebly, "I'll leave her explanation to me. Yesterday, the man named Dumbledore said that you have other things to do today. Just do it.”

Harry's eyes widened behind his thick glasses in surprise. He had never seen Vernon talk so easily.

Hagrid stood up and stretched: "Since the lazy little guy got up too, we'd better leave early. There are still a lot of things to do today, especially since there is one more little guy to take care of than planned."

Dudley said goodbye to Petunia who was still crying and Vernon who was listless, and left the hut with Harry and Hagrid.

"Hagrid, where are we going?" Harry's eyes sparkled with curiosity. Harry seemed very excited about leaving the Dursleys for the first time, although technically Dudley was also a Dursley.

"When I go to London, I have to go shopping with you, um, for school, and also go to Gringotts to do some business for Hogwarts." At this point, Hagrid showed a proud expression. "Dumbledore always trusts me so much. He wouldn't trust me to leave this kind of thing to others."

In fact, although I am somewhat responsible, you almost messed up the first thing last night, Dudley complained silently in his mind.

Along the way, Harry curiously asked Hagrid some common sense about the wizarding world. Dudley was already familiar with this information and did not participate in their conversation.

After a while, Dudley and the other two arrived at the Leaky Cauldron pub located on Charing Cross Street, which is the entrance to Diagon Alley.

As Hagrid revealed Harry's name intentionally or unintentionally, the dark and shabby Leaky Cauldron immediately started to boil. Led by the bar owner Tom, all kinds of wizards took turns coming to greet Harry.

"Cousin, why do I feel like they all know me?" Harry was a little flattered and squeezed in next to Dudley. "They all rushed to shake my hand. I think I have met the man named Di Ge before. He was in a store. Bow to me."

Dudley received a completely different cold reception from Harry. No one noticed the fat little man next to Harry Potter, and Dudley was happy to be at ease.

"I have already told you that you are very famous, Harry." Hagrid grinned at Harry, "By the way, I would like to introduce to you, this is Professor Quirrell, who will also be the teacher who will teach you at Hogwarts in the future. .”

A pale young man stood in front of Harry and Dudley, with a strange purple turban on his head and a very nervous expression.Almost immediately, Dudley lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with Quirrell.

Although Dudley said nothing, his heart was beating rapidly, unable to calm down like a turbulent lake.

In the eyes of Harry and Hagrid, the Quirrell in front of them was just a nervous, cowardly, stammering young man.But Dudley knew that all this was just a disguise for Quirrell to hide his ambitions, and what was even more frightening was the half-dead creature hidden under his turban—Voldemort.

Voldemort is the ultimate villain throughout the Harry Potter series, and is also synonymous with terror, evil, and killing.Although Voldemort has not yet been fully resurrected and is in a state of survival, he is not an enemy that Dudley can face rashly.

While Dudley lowered his head to think, Quirrell seemed to have stuttered through his introduction.Due to the delay of too much time, the person waiting to greet Harry became a little impatient and pushed him aside. Then Quirrell turned his attention to Dudley next to Harry.

"Hello, hello," Quirrell greeted awkwardly, rubbing his hands together nervously, "please, please, are you a friend of Mr. Potter's?"

"You brat, Professor Quirrell is greeting you. Didn't the Dursleys teach you manners?" Hagrid patted Dudley on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Professor Quirrell, he is Harry's cousin." , I used to live in a Muggle family, so I might be a little shy."

Dudley still lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with Quirrell, worried that Quirrell or Voldemort would notice his unusual mood, so he just extended his hand: "My name is Dudley Dursley, nice to meet you, Professor Quirrell."

"Nice to meet you." Quirrell naturally stretched out his hand to shake Dudley's hand.

The moment their hands came into contact, Dudley suddenly felt a roar in his brain, and he seemed to hear the roar of a dragon in his ears, which was exactly the same as the first time he used the dragon soul to activate the Unbreakable Power.

But the difference is that this time, in addition to feeling the roar of the dragon soul in his body, he also felt through the hands he held that there was something similar to the dragon soul in Qiluo's body. will devour the other.

Quirrell quickly withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted. If Dudley looked up at him now, he would find that Quirrell's face was serious now, and his originally cowardly and nervous eyes were now cold and deep.

"I'm sorry, I need to buy a new vampire book, so I'll take my leave now." Neither Hagrid nor Harry noticed that Quirrell's words suddenly became smoother, and he looked meaningfully at Dudley, who still lowered his head. After one glance, Quirrell quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"It's over now." Dudley murmured to himself in a volume that neither Harry nor Hagrid could hear. "How can we still play when we are targeted by the final boss right after the game starts?"

(To be continued)

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