Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 69: Dudley’s peaceful home life

After telling Dumbledore everything he knew, Dudley felt extremely relaxed.To be honest, everyone will always have the desire to spoil something to some extent, and what could be better than spoiling important characters in the original work.

But after talking with Dumbledore, Dudley finally decided to follow Dumbledore's suggestion and keep the original information between the two of them for the time being and not tell anyone else.

On the one hand, this is because some plots involve the privacy of Harry and others, and on the other hand, since the plot has been significantly changed, many things in the original work will no longer happen. Telling these to others will only increase their distress.

As the hooded woman said, now that Voldemort has been sealed, Dudley can temporarily relax and enjoy a peaceful Hogwarts life before the Three Prophets and Witches take the next step - the only problem is , he has a cursed constitution that cannot touch the sun.

Due to the curse of the unicorn's blood, not only could Dudley not be exposed to the sun, but he also had no body temperature and had to take potions prepared by Snape regularly every day.

"I will discuss with Nicolas Flamel how to use the Philosopher's Stone to lift the curse on you." Dumbledore was very optimistic about Dudley's treatment. "Since Voldemort can do it, we should also be able to find a way. But Your body is special, as you are a rare dragonborn, and you have also absorbed part of Voldemort's soul, so it may take a while."

Obviously, under these circumstances, Dudley couldn't attend regular classes with the other students.And because Dudley in this state was too similar to a product of dark magic called the Inferi, in order not to cause panic among other students, Dudley had to move out of the Slytherin dormitory.

Dumbledore suggested several temporary shelters for Dudley, such as creating a basement in Hagrid's hut, or living in the Shrieking Shack that led to under the Whomping Willow.But after considering many other factors, Dudley chose a place he was very familiar with - the underground chamber where the Philosopher's Stone had been placed.

"But in this case, Dudley, wouldn't it be the same as before when you were imprisoned?" Hermione seemed a little angry, dissatisfied that the person who was the greatest hero in defeating Voldemort was treated like this.

After class, Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to Dudley's "new dormitory" to visit Dudley.Most of the magic tests set by teachers have been lifted, but the corridor on the fourth floor is still set as a restricted area, mainly to prevent other students from entering here by mistake.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it except that it's a little too quiet." Dudley was a homebody in his previous life, so he didn't think it mattered. "And as long as I don't leave the trap door, there's actually quite a lot of room for activities down there. Occasionally, You can also play chess on the magic chessboard.”

"I also think it's really cool to live here!" When the wizard chess was mentioned, Ron seemed particularly excited. It seemed that he had forgotten the tragic situation when he was knocked unconscious when passing the magic chess board, "And the most important thing is You don’t have to go to class! If George and Fred knew about it, they might fight to move in.”

"It's not funny, Ron. Dudley was forced to move here because he was cursed. This is very dangerous!" Hermione raised her eyebrows and accused Ron seriously, "Besides, not being able to go to class is simply a joke. A nightmare, just thinking about this feeling makes me tremble with fear.”

Hearing this Hermione-style speech, Dudley and Ron couldn't help but laugh softly.

Harry did not participate in their conversation. He just sat cross-legged in front of the Mirror of Erised, his eyes filled with happiness.Seeing Hermione's worried look, Dudley sighed and went over to sit next to Harry.

"Dudley, can I come here often to look at this mirror in the future?" Harry was obviously fascinated by the Mirror of Erised. Even if Harry didn't tell Dudley, he knew what he saw in his eyes - that was what Harry saw in his eyes. A vision of a happy, complete family surrounded by his parents.

"I don't care, Harry. The problem is that you should know that this mirror can only reflect your inner desires, and you will not make progress by being obsessed with the illusory past. And even if you don't rely on the magic mirror, you are not alone now. "

Harry woke up as if from a dream, looked back at Hermione and Ron, who had worried faces, and nodded.

"Of course, it doesn't hurt to come over and take a look once in a while. Sometimes, even the illusory past can give you motivation to move forward." Dudley patted Harry on the shoulder and stood up with him.He glanced at the magic mirror. The tall and thin figure inside was holding a Harry Potter novel and looking at him with a smile.

"So has anything important happened at school recently?" Dudley and Harry sat down around a small round table. Dumbledore brought a lot of furniture to Dudley, such as a bed, a sofa, a table, Bookshelves and more.

"The most sensational thing in the school is naturally the rumor about you, Dudley." Harry said with a smile, "Although Dumbledore did not explain what happened in detail, he just said that because we solved the crisis in the school, we You and Pansy each added 100 points to the college, and you received an additional special contribution award to the school."

"But because of your disappearance, the whole thing seems more complicated and confusing. And for some reason, the rumor that Voldemort was resurrected and defeated by you still spread unknowingly. Dumbledore clearly ordered us not to publicize it." Here, Hermione glared at Ron, who looked away guiltily.

Dudley understood that Dumbledore hid the fact that he defeated Voldemort to protect him from the revenge of some loyal Death Eaters.But he also knew that the resurfaced Dark Mark was the best proof of Voldemort's resurrection, and this matter could not be hidden for long.

"And because the fact that you prevented Voldemort from being resurrected has been spread, Snape is now in a very difficult position with public opinion." When it came to Snape, Harry's expression was a little subtle, although he knew that Snape had been secretly Protect yourself, but the resentment you have always felt is not so easy to eliminate.

"It's no secret that you were forcibly imprisoned by Snape before. After your innocence was proven by Dumbledore, many people believed that Snape was secretly working for Voldemort..."

"I seem to have heard someone mention my name. Can I also listen to what you are talking about, Potter." A soft and gloomy voice sounded, and Harry immediately covered his mouth in panic. There was silence for a moment.

Only then did Dudley remember that he had forgotten that today was the private teaching time for Potions class, and the Potions teacher, Severus Snape, was standing in front of him wearing his iconic black robes with an indifferent expression. door.

(To be continued)

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