Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 32: The Wrong Prince Saves the Wrong Princess

The girl first saw this fairy tale book among her father's "trophies".

The father didn't understand why the girl was so fascinated by Muggle books, and thought that pictures that couldn't move were not interesting.

However, as a member of an ancient pure-blood family, the girl's allowed social range is very narrow, and her father will not allow her to make friends with Muggle-born or mixed-blood girls.

And the secretly hidden immovable Muggle fairy tale book is one of the rare forms of entertainment for girls.

But in fact, the girl put herself into the role of Snow White. Every girl once dreamed of being a princess, and one day she would meet her prince. It was an innocent, immature, ethereal and fragile dream.

It is common for all of us to have those childish and ridiculous childhood dreams shattered at some point.

But the girl's dream seemed to be broken a little earlier than other girls. She soon discovered that the Parkinson family she belonged to was an ancient pure-blood wizard family, notorious for its persecution of Muggles and the use of dark magic.

She couldn't become a princess, she was born to be a witch, and she was the most evil and disgusting witch.

The girl who realized this, after crying loudly, broke the jar.

The education she received from her family since childhood was that people should live a lifestyle consistent with their origins. Pure-blood wizards are destined to be superior, while Muggles are destined to be enslaved.

Since I am destined to be an evil witch from birth, I will carry out this lifestyle to the extreme.

The girl began to shape herself according to the image of the villain in the book, vicious, arrogant, and domineering.

Other girls were afraid of becoming the target of her bullying, and some stayed away from her, while a small number chose to join her and become her followers. Soon, the girl had many followers.

Ah, this is too simple. If you become a little bit bad, you will be surrounded by others. It seems that there is nothing wrong with being a villain, the girl thought to herself.

But even though she has torn her dream of becoming a princess to pieces and buried it deep in her heart, the girl has not given up her desire for the prince.

And the day the girl saw Draco Malfoy, she recognized him as her destined prince.

Draco Malfoy, who was the same age as her, had a distinguished family, a handsome face, flowing blond hair, and a confident personality, which satisfied all her fantasies about a prince.

His father also strongly agreed that he was close to Draco Malfoy. As one of the few remaining pure-blood families in the wizarding world, they were afraid that their blood would be contaminated by Muggles and encouraged intermarriage between families.

So almost as soon as she entered school, the girl became one of Malfoy's closest friends. Malfoy led the new boys in Slytherin, while the new girls were taken under the command of Pansy Parkinson. Everything grew up smoothly.

Until he met Dudley Dursley.

He also had blond hair, but to the girl, Dudley Dursley was just a pig wearing a wig.

This Muggle cousin of Harry Potter has been a lingering nightmare for the girl since she entered school. Thanks to him, she has been embarrassed again and again. Malfoy has also lost his trust in her. Her father almost She wrote every week asking her why she was having trouble with the Malfoy master.

What made the girl feel even more painful was that the boy bloodyly uncovered the most vulnerable and deepest scars in his heart, and also used the most unpleasant words to rub salt into her wounds.

The girl collapsed, the dreams she had shattered when she was young, Malfoy's indifference to her, all the bad emotions exploded at this critical point.

She didn't even think about revenge against him, and didn't go to class. She just hid in the toilet and cried alone.

No girl wanted to comfort her, and the girls who had been bullied by her in the past were all avoiding her. All her old friends were gone, and the girl could even foresee them laughing at her behind her back.

And finally, a creature willing to enter the toilet to find her appears - an ugly, smelly troll.

Perhaps, this is also a kind of retribution, retribution for all the bad things I do in my daily life.This thought flashed through the girl's mind as she huddled in the corner of the toilet.

How would they react when they found my mutilated corpse in the toilet?Would Draco Malfoy have any regrets about this?Will Dudley Dursley regret his harsh words?

Even for a bad girl like me, it is not too much to have the unrealistic fantasy of being saved by a prince at this time.

This was the last thought in Pansy Parkinson's mind when she saw the troll holding the club high.

"Pansy Parkinson? Why are you here."

Pansy didn't answer, but Dudley looked at her eyes that were swollen from crying and almost guessed the reason.

Dudley sighed, pulled up Pansy, who was still a little overwhelmed, and walked towards the door of the toilet. Although the troll was unconscious, he might still wake up at any time.

When he got outside, he breathed in the fresh air and didn't have to smell the stench of the giant monster inside. Dudley felt that his brain was much clearer.

What surprised Dudley was that in the original work, after the Harry trio defeated the troll, the teachers rushed to the toilet soon, but now there was still no one outside the corridor. Where had the teachers gone?

And Harry's trio, since they didn't come to the women's room to fight the trolls, where are they now?

Could it be that they were still at Hagrid's hut, but what happened to prevent them from even coming back for the Halloween party?

Dudley had a lot of questions in his mind, but since the troll had been defeated by him, there was nothing to worry about.Dudley looked at Pansy Parkinson next to him. The girl had been silent since she was rescued just now. She just lowered her head and trembled slightly, as if she hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

Dudley still felt a little guilty about Pansy. It was a bit excessive and childish to verbally attack an 11-year-old girl like this.

"Let's go, Parkinson, let's go back to the Slytherin dormitory first." Dudley patted Pansy on the shoulder and signaled to take her back to the dormitory. Pansy nodded and they walked side by side.


Suddenly, Dudley felt his heart beating violently, as if something was calling him.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to him. He felt it when he first opened the dragon language textbook, when he first picked up the elder wand, and when he touched the dragon egg that was about to hatch. arrive.

Dudley stopped and looked out of the corridor window, just enough to see the tallest tower of Hogwarts.

Under the clear moonlight, Dudley could vaguely see something flying around the tallest tower in mid-air, and from time to time he could see a bright fire flashing past.

Dudley felt as if his heartbeat had stopped for half a beat. In an instant, he understood the question he had asked before. Why did it take so long for the troll to run into the castle without a teacher coming to deal with it?Why didn't the Harry trio attend the Halloween party?

The answer is: dragon.An adult dragon broke into Hogwarts, and the teachers naturally had no time to take care of the less threatening giant monster.

And if Dudley guessed correctly, the Harry trio, and possibly Norbert, were on the tower where the dragon was attacking.

(To be continued)

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