Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 28: The mysterious cloaked man at the door of the corridor on the 4th floor

"Run! Don't look back!"

Without Dudley's reminder, Draco Malfoy had already rushed into the corridor on the third floor, and Dudley followed closely, running as fast as he could.

"This...who is this..." Malfoy asked breathlessly, "Is...is it a teacher? But why is it there? Isn't the corridor on the fourth floor a restricted area? ?”

Dudley was about to reply, but he felt the cold breath following him closely, and at the same time, he also felt the gloomy murderous intention coming towards behind him.

"Get down!" Dudley decided to trust his instincts. He pounced forward and knocked Malfoy to the ground.Almost at the same time, he felt a "whoosh" above his head, and something flew past his scalp.

"Bang!" With a heavy shattering sound, Dudley and Malfoy looked up and saw in horror that an armored statue standing at the end of the corridor was broken into pieces by a spell.

"Help...help!" Malfoy screamed in horror, and the sirens in Dudley's heart blared, and he knew that the enemy's next attack was coming.

Dudley kicked Malfoy away from him and rolled to the wall of the corridor.Then there was a sound of "Bang!", a green light flew past and hit the spot where Dudley had just been lying down, and traces of smoke came out from the floor.

Dudley stood up leaning against the wall. He finally saw the appearance of the enemy who attacked them. He saw that the enemy was completely covered in cloaks and robes, but he couldn't see clearly his face under the hood. He was raising his hand to face Exactly where the magic spell was fired just now.

The cloaked man shook his head from side to side, as if he was choosing between Malfoy and Dudley, then turned around with a mechanical and abrupt movement, and raised his hand to aim at Dudley.

Dudley knew that he couldn't sit still and wait for death. He wouldn't be able to escape for long, so he gritted his teeth, pulled out his wand and pointed it to the opposite side, and took a deep breath.


Just like on the Hogwarts Express, the elder wand in his hand trembled and resonated with Dudley, amplifying his dragon roar.

With a huge roar, the entire corridor shook slightly, and a powerful shock wave directly hit the cloaked man, flying him away like a kite with a broken string.

"Ah!" Dudley felt as if his body had been hollowed out, and his mind was buzzing. It was obvious that the power absorbed when the dragon egg hatched had not yet been recovered. In this state, he forced himself to use all his strength. The strength is too reluctant.

But although the cloaked man was blown away more than ten meters by the force, he did not appear to be injured at all. He turned somersaults in mid-air, and then landed firmly on the ground in a standing position.

"Why are you still standing there, run away!" Dudley knew that he had to take advantage of the distance and run away quickly. His dragon roar had already entered the cooling time.

Forcibly pulling up the stunned Malfoy who was lying on the ground, Dudley and Dudley gritted their teeth and ran with all their strength away from the cloaked man.

"Don't stop, he...he's still behind!" Dudley felt the cold and terrifying murderous intent behind him still approaching them quickly, and it seemed that he could still hear the cloak flying in the air. The whistling of the wind.

"You two! What are you doing here! And what was that noise just now!"

As he ran to the corner of the corridor, a stern and cold voice sounded.Dudley and Malfoy took a closer look and saw a tall, thin man in black robes standing in front of them. His greasy hair looked like it hadn't been washed in decades.

Dudley breathed a sigh of relief. Snape's mean and stern look, which he usually avoided, now looked so reassuring.

"S...Professor Snape, help!" Malfoy hugged Snape's sleeves tightly and looked like he was crying. "Someone wants to kill me, so they are chasing us!"

Snape's face was as gloomy as ink, and he pursed his lips tightly. He threw Malfoy away and pulled out his wand, pointing warily at the corridor behind the two of them.

"Huo." As Snape waved his wand, the oil lamps in the corridor were lit one by one. The entire corridor was brightly lit, but the man in the cloak had disappeared.

"I'm not lying to you, Professor Snape," Malfoy shouted, "The one who was behind me just now chased him from the entrance of the fourth floor corridor to here, wearing a black cloak!"

Hearing these words at the entrance to the corridor on the fourth floor, Snape's sallow face turned even worse. He turned around and said to the two of them in an unquestionable tone: "We'll take care of other things tomorrow. Now you two, immediately , Go back to your dormitory right away, you are not allowed to tell anyone what happened tonight, do you hear me?"

Dudley and Malfoy nodded and trotted back to the Slytherin dormitory as if they had been granted amnesty. Fortunately, they encountered no other accidents along the way.

"What did Dumbledore do? There is such a dangerous person in the school!" Malfoy was frightened, and his already pale face was even more bloodless. "Anyway, it's all Potter's fault for challenging me for a duel and almost killing me." I must tell my father about this..."

Dudley was so tired that he had no energy to refute Malfoy's accusation that Malfoy was the evil one, so he climbed into bed and fell asleep immediately.

The next day, when Dudley came to the restaurant, his tired and sluggish appearance surprised the three Harrys, and they all forgot to ask him why he came to the duel as Malfoy's assistant yesterday.

"Are you really not going to go check on Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione asked worriedly. "I think you look worse than you did yesterday."

Dudley waved his hand. Madam Pomfrey was the school nurse of Hogwarts and had superb medical skills.But he knew that his condition was related to the dragon's roar, and Madam Pomfrey could not help.

"How's the situation over there with Hagrid?" Dudley asked weakly.

"Norberta grew up too fast. In just one day, she almost tripled in size. Hagrid said this was not normal. Generally speaking, other dragons take about a week." Harry said worriedly, " If this continues, even if Pansy Parkinson doesn't tell the truth, Hagrid won't be able to hide Norbert for much longer."

The atmosphere became dull, and Ron seemed to want everyone to change their mood, so he said: "It's not just bad news. I received a reply from Charlie. He said..."

But Dudley couldn't finish what Ron said, because he was grabbed by the collar and lifted roughly up.

"Dudley Dursley, I was still wondering why I couldn't find you at the Slytherin table." Snape's soft but sinister voice sounded, "It's time to talk to me about last night. Something happened."

The three Harrys immediately lowered their heads with guilt. They thought Snape was talking about their private wizard duel, and they didn't dare to speak.

Dudley had to be dragged all the way to his office by Snape, while Malfoy had already been waiting in Snape's office.

"Okay, gentlemen." Snape sat in front of the two of them with a serious face, staring at the two of them with venomous eyes. "Now, I hope you will recount to me exactly what happened last night. Once again, don’t miss any detail!”

(To be continued)

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