Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 232: Death Eater Military Police Captain Bellatrix

"Don't rush this, Bella, the days are still long, and there is always a chance for revenge."

Dudley said gently.

"But now, as compensation for your loss of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, I have decided to reward you with 20 Galleons, the same as Lucius."

Delphine waved her wand again, and the gold coins jumped onto the table in front of Bellatrix.

At this time, the other Death Eaters began to commotion, and it was obvious that this time Bella was more shocked by the reward given to them than Lucius had been just now.

After all, everyone has witnessed Lucius Malfoy's previous efforts to resurrect Voldemort, and he even almost kicked Dumbledore out of school. With this achievement

"Don't rush this, Bella, the days are still long, and there is always a chance for revenge."

Dudley said gently.

"But now, as compensation for your loss of the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, I have decided to reward you with 20 Galleons, the same as Lucius."

Delphine waved her wand again, and the gold coins jumped onto the table in front of Bellatrix.

At this time, the other Death Eaters began to commotion, and it was obvious that this time Bella was more shocked by the reward given to them than Lucius had been just now.

After all, everyone has seen Lucius Malfoy's efforts in resurrecting Voldemort, and he even almost drove Dumbledore out of school. With this achievement, it is understandable that he will be rewarded by the Dark Lord.

But Bellatrix is ​​different. Everyone knows that she has just escaped from prison and has not made much contribution. Under such circumstances, receiving such a generous reward makes others more or less dissatisfied. .

"Lord Dark Lord, I really cannot bear such a generous reward."

Bellatrix looked at Dudley with blurred eyes, as if something was burning in her eyes.

"Besides, I lost the treasure you entrusted to me. If possible, I would like another treasure of yours...for example, your——"

Dudley shook his head slightly, interrupting Bellatrix.

"Bella, my 20 Galleons are not only a reward for your loyalty, they also include funds for your next mission."

"Funds? Mission?"

Bellatrix Lestrange asked, looking at Dudley curiously.

"Yes, I plan to give you a new task, which is to serve as my representative to monitor whether there are any troublesome elements among the Death Eaters who violate my regulations - for example, attacking Muggles without my order, or Doing something dangerous that might attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic."

"I know this is not an easy job, but I believe in your strength and your loyalty, so I allow you to use these 20 Galleons to form an inspection team to help me supervise and correct all the Death Eaters. Irregularities."

"Figuratively speaking, it is my military police corps, a disciplinary force."

Dudley had already had this idea. Since he couldn't manage the Death Eaters at all times, he would assign this job to him.

Originally, he planned to let Delphine, who was more trustworthy, take on this job. However, on the one hand, Delphine also had the task of assuming Voldemort's identity when he was away. Moreover, Delphine was an outsider among the Death Eaters and was likely to Cause dissatisfaction and resistance among other Death Eaters.

But Bellatrix was different. She was originally the biggest source of instability among the Death Eaters. She was bloodthirsty and cruel and committed all kinds of evil. She was one of the people most likely to violate the rules she had set.

However, if she was placed as the head of the disciplined forces, she would have to become the most disciplined person. After all, with her loyalty to Voldemort, Bellatrix would never allow herself to live up to Voldemort's expectations.

Moreover, as one of the earliest Death Eaters, Bellatrix's loyalty to Voldemort was obvious to everyone. She also had many connections among the Death Eaters, which would make her work less hindered.

The deeper point is that Dudley also hides the idea of ​​​​making the Death Eater forces fight against themselves and weaken them through internal struggles.

But Death Eaters are not all fools. When they heard the term military police, the Death Eaters all started talking nervously.Unease and tension quickly spread among the Death Eaters.

"With all due respect, Lord Dark Lord."

A man with a fleshy face and a beard stood up.He has a twisted and pale face, short black hair, and a tall build.

"Shut up, Dolohov! Do you have any room to interfere in the Dark Lord's decision?!"

Bellatrix, whose face was filled with excitement just now and her cheeks were flushed, immediately raised her eyebrows and scolded him loudly after hearing this man speak.

Dudley immediately knew who he was, one of the most dangerous and possibly most powerful Death Eaters, Antonin Dolohov.

Even among the Death Eaters, Antonin Dolokhov was known as a martial artist with a cruel nature.

During the First Wizarding War, he had lost a life, so he was imprisoned in Azkaban.It is said that he personally killed Ron's two uncles, Molly's two brothers, and tortured countless wizards and Muggles.

In the original work, Dolohov was also an extremely terrifying villain.He was the last murderer of Remus Lupine in the original work, and he was skilled in magical dueling abilities - in the end, the only person who could defeat him was the headmaster of Ravenclaw, Filius Flitwick.

If Dudley had to choose one person he least wanted to take away during the Azkaban prison break, Dolohov was undoubtedly one of them.

But Dudley also knew that although Dolohov was a dangerous time bomb, if used well, he might also be a very useful tool.

After all, his loyalty to Voldemort was real, no less loyal than Bellatrix Lestrange's.

"It doesn't matter, Bella, let him speak. In addition to Antonin, there should be many people and other friends who have the same idea. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. I won't blame you."

"Thank you, Lord Dark Lord, your wisdom and kindness are so great."

Dolokhov said in a deep voice, while bowing deeply.

"What I want to say is, first of all, we are all here to follow you, the greatest Dark Lord - we don't want to be the subordinates of others, nor do we want to be controlled by others, such as those who are not spiritual. A stable woman questions her fidelity to you.”

At this point, Dolohov gave Bellatrix a cold look.

"You mad dog! How dare you say that to me in front of the Dark Lord!"

Bellatrix gritted her silver teeth, as if she was going to duel with Dolohov on the spot.

Dudley looked at this scene with cold eyes. If his expression were not hidden by Varok's mask and Delphine's hood, the Death Eaters would have seen him smiling gloatingly.

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