Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 169: Rumors of Slytherin’s heir

When Dudley returned to the Slytherin common room, a small figure immediately ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"I heard from Potter that you were attacked by an Acromantula?" Pansy raised her head with tears in her eyes, "It's too dangerous. You obviously promised me not to touch these dangerous things."

Dudley comforted Pansy and found that the common room was very lively now. Almost all Slytherin students were here, and in the center of the crowd, Draco Malfoy seemed to be talking excitedly on the sofa.

"This means that the heir of Slytherin has opened the Chamber of Secrets again and released the monsters inside!" Draco Malfoy's face turned red with excitement. "According to legend, after the Chamber of Secrets is opened, the monsters inside will come out to clean up the school. The filth - refers to the Mudbloods who are not qualified to be in school!"

"Mudblood? But I heard that it was the administrator Filch who was sent to the school hospital..." asked a senior Slytherin student.

"Well, although my father asked me not to spread it out, I will tell you a secret." Malfoy said with a sinister smile: "You all know that my father is a member of the school board. He has found out a long time ago. That Filch is actually a squib!"

"Squib? What does this mean?" a first-year Slytherin student asked curiously.

"It refers to people who are wizards but have no magical talents."

"No wonder I've never seen him do magic."

"This explains why he likes to embarrass us students so much!"

"He is jealous of us and our ability to use magic!"

"Why did Dumbledore recruit a squib to be the administrator of the magic school?"


Listening to the whispers of the students around him, Malfoy seemed to like the feeling of being surrounded by everyone.

"Does Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets really exist?" A Slytherin girl who looked frightened by Malfoy's words asked in a low voice: "Is it just a mythical legend?"

Malfoy shook his finger proudly and said slowly: "Although this matter is confidential, I can still reveal some information to you - in fact, the Chamber of Secrets was opened once 50 years ago."

After hearing Malfoy's words, everyone onlookers let out slight exclamations.

"My dad doesn't know the specific situation very well. After all, he wasn't even born yet at that time - but one thing is for sure." Malfoy showed an expectant smile: "The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, at least he died. I killed a Mudblood, and this time will probably be no exception!"

Seeing the frightened looks in the eyes of the surrounding students, Malfoy said triumphantly: "But don't worry, the monsters in the secret room will only attack mudbloods. We purebloods are definitely safe, but mudbloods may have to be careful. ."

Then Malfoy looked at Dudley pointedly and smiled sarcastically.

Pansy's eyebrows were raised, and she almost walked up to argue with Malfoy, but Dudley pulled her behind him first.

"Malfoy, if I were you, I wouldn't be so talkative, especially when your father has been under investigation by the Ministry of Magic." Dudley said slowly, "Besides, I believe the news has also spread. Filch’s is the Acromantula.”

"If you are so convinced that Acromantulas only attack Muggle-borns, you can go to the Forbidden Forest to chat with them." Dudley looked at Malfoy jokingly, "I believe that Master Malfoy's noble pure blood will definitely They really enjoyed it, especially as dinner.”

The Slytherin students who were watching also laughed slightly, and then they all dispersed. Malfoy clicked his tongue and sat back on the sofa depressedly.

Dudley looked around Malfoy carefully and found that Goyle and Crabbe were not around. He frowned and looked at Malfoy: "Where are your two followers? Where are Goyle and Crabbe?"

"Who knows, not long after the banquet started, they said they were upset and ran away." Malfoy said with a gloomy look, "Besides, they are not my followers... not anymore."

"What does this have to do with you? Just be careful, Dursley." Malfoy looked at Dudley fiercely: "I don't want to find out that there is one less person in the team when I play for the first time."

"Malfoy, what you said is too much-" Pansy couldn't help but glare at Malfoy angrily.

"Forget it, Pansy." Dudley stopped Pansy and Malfoy from arguing, shrugged and said, "Anyway, he was right. Everyone may have to pay attention to safety during this period."

The next day, news of Filch's attack spread like wildfire in the school, along with rumors about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

At the Gryffindor table, both Harry and Hermione asked Dudley curiously about the details of what happened last night, but Ron was the only one who looked listless and crying.

"Can you please stop carrying those leggy things during breakfast?" Ron looked a little sleep-deprived. "I can't sleep when I think that there might still be these things hidden in the castle."

Ginny next to her giggled, as if she thought of something funny, and then whispered something to Luna next to her.

Luna widened her eyes curiously and looked at Ron: "The doll bear turns into a spider, and it can also crawl? This spell sounds very interesting. I want to learn it. I have always wanted to turn one of my hats into a spider." Ravenclaw's Eagle..."

"Ginny! Didn't we agree not to mention that matter again?" Ron helplessly buried his face in his arms.

But Harry ignored Ron, who looked depressed, and said with a worried look on his face: "Is Hagrid going to be okay? He seems to have given a name to the Acromantula? He really likes to raise such dangerous things. animals."

"I think Hagrid should learn a lesson from this incident." Hermione said matter-of-factly, "It would have been too dangerous to keep such a dangerous animal in the school. It's lucky that something happened after so long." .”

At the end of breakfast time, Dumbledore appeared in the dining room and announced several things to all the students.

The first is to announce that Filch will take a temporary break due to a sudden serious illness, and during this period other staff will take turns patrolling the school.

The second thing is to reiterate that students are prohibited from approaching the forbidden forest, including nearby areas, and they may be severely punished if discovered.

The third thing was to make a certain section of the corridor on the sixth floor a restricted area. Dudley noticed that this corridor was where Filch was attacked - and it was also where the entrance to the Room of Requirement was located.

It seems that Filch was attacked while patrolling around the Room of Requirement.

Dudley couldn't help but look in the direction of the Slytherin table. Goyle and Crabbe were sitting next to Malfoy as usual, but their faces looked gloomy and their expressions were dull. They didn't pay attention to the boastful Malfoy next to them. .

Things gradually became more complicated.

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