Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 141: Encountering Fleur in Diagon Alley

"This is really expensive, Mr. Lockhart, how about we give you back the original price." Arthur said to Lockhart with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You are too foreign, Mr. Weasley." Lockhart looked at the Weasley twins who were cheering and holding a book. His eyes were straight, and he didn't know what he was thinking. "I don't know what to say. Since you have made a promise to the person you are meeting with, you can’t take it back.”

"Okay, okay, although it has been delayed for so long, the autograph session is about to start again. Everyone should maintain order and line up." Then Lockhart bowed to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, "You should also If you have something else to buy, as you can see, there are still many fans waiting for me here, so please forgive me for not sending it far away."

The Weasleys and Lockhart thanked them again and left with the other children.Just as Dudley was about to follow them, a hand pressed hard on his shoulder to hold him back.

"You brat, you're deliberately setting a trap for me, right?" Lockhart whispered viciously into Dudley's ear, but the smile on his face remained unchanged. "And you made me offend the Malfoy master - he But he is a great nobleman, what if he takes revenge on me later?"

"The Malfoys are pure-bloods. You, a half-blood wizard, can't possibly be with them." Dudley responded in a low voice, "And don't let your reputation as a noble frighten you. They are just resting on their laurels." , maybe your property is not much worse than theirs."

"And let me tell you, building a good relationship with the Weasley family is definitely not a loss-making business." Dudley continued, "Their children are also relatively influential among the students at Hogwarts, and they have a good impression of you. If so, it will be beneficial to your work throughout the next year.”

Dudley seemed to have succeeded in convincing Lockhart, at least his expression seemed to lighten a lot.

"To be honest, the students at Hogwarts today seem to be in much more trouble than they were in my time." Before the order in the bookstore was sorted out, Lockhart took the time to ask in Dudley's ear, "I'll be honest with you. Tell me, I don’t have much teaching experience, so you guys have to help me when the time comes.”

"Don't worry, Professor Lockhart." Dudley smiled softly, "Your predecessor, last year's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, just kept reading the textbook."

"Oh, that's good -" Lockhart breathed a sigh of relief and said briskly: "So how is he now? Maybe I can learn from him."

"If you want to find him, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult." Dudley's tone was teasing, "As for whether he is well now... I can only say that he was not very peaceful when he died. "

Leaving behind a pale Gilderoy Lockhart, Dudley left Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and caught up with the Weasley family, the Grangers and Harry.

"Dudley, how did you meet Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart?" Hermione's big eyes seemed to be sparkling just like Mrs. Weasley just now. "He is so elegant, and you see, he is So upright and kind!”

Seeing Hermione's girl-obsessed look, Harry shook his head dejectedly, and then whispered to Ron: "What's wrong with Hermione? I've never seen her look like this, just like Lockhart gave him It’s like being drunk on ecstasy.”

"Half an hour ago, I also thought Mr. Lockhart might have filled his fans with ecstasy." Ron looked at the free textbook in his hand and smiled from ear to ear. "But I agree with Hermione now, and I even want to hang Mr. Lockhart's poster on the wall of my room."

"Look at the good leadership you gave the children... fighting in public... luckily Gilderoy Lockhart came to the rescue." Mrs. Weasley scolded Arthur in a low voice, although it seemed She was very angry, but saving a large sum of money for teaching materials made her expression much relieved.

"By the way, now that you have saved money on books, you can buy more things for Ginny to use for school." Mrs. Weasley clasped her fingers, considered for a moment, and then looked at Ginny kindly: " After all, Ginny is a girl, and it would be inappropriate to keep wearing her brother's old robes."

Hearing her mother's words, Ginny opened her mouth in surprise, and her freckled face turned red with joy.

"Okay, kids, you haven't bought all the things you need for school." Mrs. Weasley said gently to the underage wizards, "Let's spread out and gather at the Leaky Cauldron later. "

"Fred, George, you must not go to Knockturn Alley!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at the twin brothers' backs.

Hermione also looked at her parents pleadingly. The Grangers said to Hermione dotingly: "Okay, go play with your friends. We will wait for you at the bar where you came in."

Dudley, Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking around Diagon Alley, each with a strawberry and peanut butter ice cream. Dudley felt that his child's body was quite useful at some point, at least if he was almost 30 years old in his previous life. People can't go shopping arrogantly licking ice cream.

They saw Percy in a junk shop full of miscellaneous items, who was reading a book "How Prefects Gain Power" attentively; then they also spent a long time in a Quidditch boutique, Dudley originally wanted to I bought a Nimbus 2000, the same model as Harry's, but considering that he actually relied on forced will to roar to heaven, and the more advanced the broom was, the easier it would be to fail, I had to give up this idea.

After seeing a witch selling dragon heart, dragon liver and other materials at the door of the store, Dudley remembered that he needed to buy some alchemy materials to make a potion to extend his life.It happened that Harry and Ron planned to go to the Jumping Magic Joke Shop, and Hermione planned to buy ink and parchment, so Dudley suggested that they go separately for the time being.

When Dudley selected the ingredients for the recipe taught to him by Nicolas Flamel, he was thankful that he had stolen a large sum of money from Lockhart. The prices of these ingredients were more expensive than he had imagined.Considering that he might need to buy these materials for the rest of his life, Dudley needed to research if there were any other ways to make money.

Legend has it that the magic stone can turn stones into gold, allowing people to gain unlimited wealth, but unexpectedly, in Dudley's hands, it turned into a money-burning tool.

Dudley also asked Nicolémeil whether it was true that he could use the Philosopher's Stone to produce gold in large quantities, but according to Nicolémeil, Dudley would have to wait until Dudley's alchemy level was so high that he could use the Philosopher's Stone to make gold that looked real. By that time, he was almost no longer short of money.

Just as Dudley was thinking, suddenly, a warm and soft hand placed on Dudley's shoulder.Dudley turned around and saw a woman who looked like she was wearing Middle Eastern religious attire. Her whole body was covered tightly by a robe and a hood.

"It's me, Dudley, haven't you recognized it yet?" She gently pulled back her hood, revealing her delicate fair face, and then immediately covered it back, leaving only a pair of big blue eyes with a smile. Looked at Dudley.

"Fleur? Have you come to England?" Dudley said in surprise, "I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence."

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