Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 12: A Replica of the Legendary Elder Wand

"Holly wood, phoenix feather, eleven inches long." It seemed that Harry had chosen his wand. Mr. Ollivander couldn't help but exclaimed, "It is indeed this one. It's amazing, it's amazing... ..."

Then Mr. Ollivander explained to Harry the wonderful twin relationship between his wand and Voldemort's yew wand. Harry looked at the brother who held the wand that killed his parents with a very complicated expression.

"Well, next is this gentleman." Mr. Ollivander turned to Dudley, "Don't worry, sir, it's not common for Harry to be picky about wands like Harry, and even so, there are always You can find the perfect one that suits you best.”

But Dudley's attention was always attracted by the wand on the ground, and he said to Ollivander like a ghost: "I want to try that wand, can I?"

"Oh?" Dudley took the initiative to choose the wand, which surprised Ollivander. "Although we generally think that the wand chooses the wizard on its own...it is indeed rare for guests to specifically specify a certain wand."

But when Mr. Ollivander looked in the direction Dudley pointed, Mr. Ollivander's silver eyes quickly showed a look of surprise and confusion.

I saw Mr. Ollivander carefully raising the wand with both hands, muttering something to himself, and showing complicated emotions on his old face.

Although he slowly walked up to Dudley, Ollivander seemed to be lost in thought. He kept staring at the wand in his hand and did not immediately hand it to Dudley.

"Mr. Ollivander? Mr. Ollivander!" Dudley waited for a long time, and saw that Ollivander was still holding the wand in his hand tightly without saying a word, so he had to remind him, "Mr. Ollivander, Is there something wrong with this wand?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, kid." Ollivander was awakened from his reverie by Dudley and said apologetically, "This wand... to be precise, it is not my work alone, but It was a trial product that I collaborated with when I was young and my friends...people I know in the industry.”

Ollivander rubbed the wand gently with his wrinkled hands, and told Dudley and Harry the origin of the wand in an emotional tone.

"Since I inherited this wand shop with a history of more than 300 years from my father, the wands I make generally use unicorn tail hair, fire dragon heart nerves and phoenix feathers as cores, because I think these wands The core material is more stable and better able to bring out the wand owner’s talents.”

"But this wand was special... I was still very young at the time, and I was still passionate about wandology. At that time, I and my colleague, Gregovich, were working on a certain wand. Research on special wands and attempts to copy their special properties... Although most attempts fail, there are also special products that are produced by chance. This elder wand with thestral tail hair is one of them. one."

Elderberry Wand!Hearing this name, Dudley couldn't hide the shock on his face. In the original work, there was only one wand with this name, and it was also the most special wand in the book.

"Mr. Dursley, have you ever heard of this name?" Ollivander expressed surprise at Dudley's reaction, "Excuse me for being rude... I thought Mr. Dursley was not born into a wizarding family, no. Learn about the fairy tales and legends of this wizarding world."

Seeing the curious look on Harry's face next to him, Dudley had no choice but to briefly tell the story about "The Legend of the Three Brothers", and made nonsense of the story he saw while waiting for them at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

Mr. Ollivander waited for Dudley to finish telling the story, then nodded, with a nostalgic look on his wrinkled face: "This is a well-known fairy tale in the wizarding world... Although for many For wizards, they think it is just an educational story to teach children morals, but for us as wandology researchers, this story has special meaning."

Although Dudley also knew that he had actually seen the original one, and that the real elder wand was in Dumbledore's hands, Dudley was still very interested in this replica of the Deathly Hallows, especially since he had a vague feeling that this wand was similar to He has some kind of telepathic connection.

"So Mr. Ollivander, can I try this wand?" Dudley was eager to try.

"Well, let me think about it." Ollivander pondered for a moment, then handed the wand to Dudley as if he had made up his mind. "Then try it first, be careful and just wave it gently."

Dudley took the wand, and the moment he got it, he felt as if there was something inexplicable in the wand that was interacting with him.

"Phew!" Dudley took a deep breath, raised his wand and waved it gently.

"Boom!" The moment he waved the wand, Dudley felt that what he was holding was not a wand, but a red-hot iron rod. A powerful and scorching energy burst out from the wand in his hand. The severe pain made Dudley paralyzed. Don't let go.

The elder wand drew an arc in mid-air and fell to the ground. Dudley looked at his right palm, which was already torn apart due to burning, exuding charred smoke.

"Healed as before!" Ollivander reacted quickly and immediately pulled out his wand and cast a healing spell on Dudley's right hand.Dudley felt that his palms were burning at first, and then became cold for a while, and then he realized that the burnt wounds had almost healed.

Ollivander bent down and carefully picked up the elder wand, and shook his head regretfully: "As expected, I had already guessed that this might be the case."

Ollivander sighed and said to Dudley and Harry: "As I said just now, this wand is made in imitation of a special wand, copying the material and core of that wand. "

"But the material of elder is inherently troublesome, and being too powerful can easily bring misfortune to its owner; and the thestral tail hair is also one of the most unstable wand cores. The combination of the two makes this wand difficult to use at all. Far inferior to the prototype wand."

Dudley looked at his healed palm, which had only a faint red mark on it: "So if someone tries to use this wand, will this kind of accident happen?"

"No, there are other reasons." Ollivander shook his head and sighed, "If it had been in this state from the beginning, we would have destroyed it as a defective product long ago. Even if it was only experimental, we A wandmaker would never make a wand with a serious safety defect."

"In fact, although the power of this wand is unstable, it also has basic wand functions at the beginning. Although it does not reach the level that Gregorovich and I expected, since it is a qualified wand, we It’s your responsibility to pick a suitable owner.”

"The first owner of this elder wand was an adventurous wizard who explored dangerous magical creatures in the wild. During an adventure, the adventurer broke his original wand and became desperate. Then he bought the wand from us."

"In the beginning, the wand performed its normal function, fulfilling its owner's adventurous life. Although I have reminded this guest that the elder tree has the property of bringing misfortune to its owner, as an adventurer, he seems to be interested in This argument fell on deaf ears.”

"Finally, in an unfortunate adventure, this wand and its owner entered the belly of a Chinese fireball dragon."

Hearing Ollivander mention the name "dragon", Dudley's eyes narrowed, and he had a vague guess about what he sensed from the elder wand.

(To be continued)

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