Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 108: Kastag and the cutie in the teapot

"Varok! Wasn't this Castag summoned by Nagini?" Dudley asked in a deep voice to Varok, who was watching the show quietly, "Nagini has lost consciousness, Castag When will Tagg disappear?"

"The Snake Girl only provided sacrifices and made demands. She was not the summoner of Karstag." Varok's tone remained calm.

"He is an afterimage formed by the resentment and fighting spirit of his life. He will frantically look for enemies to satisfy his desire to fight. Let's see... when he is defeated or cannot find an opponent at all, Maybe it will calm down.”

Dudley had never imagined that he could defeat Karstagg on his own. This kind of invincible enemy was a boss-level character even in the world of Segowu and Gomo.

In this case, the only option is to think of the next method, so that Karstag can't find his opponent and rest in peace.

Dudley began to recall the way he entered the ruins, and began to calculate how far he had to escape to recall Norbert.

"If you want to escape, I suggest you not to waste your efforts." Varok seemed to see through Dudley's thoughts and said slowly, "Karstag's induction range is not limited by physical obstacles, no matter whether it is a sacrifice Neither the temple nor the mountain can prevent him from sensing the enemy."

"As far as I know, there is a group of ghouls at the exit of the Sacrifice Hall... They happen to be the guides who led Karstag to the exit of the Sacrifice Hall."

Hearing Varok's words, Dudley felt a chill in his heart. Even if he escaped, Karstag would be attracted by the corpse and arrive at the exit of the ruins, and then he would sense that he was not far from the exit of the ruins. Village at the foot of the mountain.

For Karstag, who doesn't need to rest or eat, he will efficiently expand the scope of destruction until someone stops him - in this way, there is no telling how serious the damage will be.

Wait, not physically hindered?That is to say...

Thinking of this, Dudley immediately had an immature plan in his mind. Although he didn't know whether it would succeed, the current situation could only allow him to take a gamble.

Dudley looked around and immediately found the key item he needed: Newt Scamander's magical suitcase, which was quietly placed not far from the exit of the hall. Fortunately, although it was covered with Full of frost, but didn't appear to have received any substantial damage.

"Aww!" Norberta let out a painful roar. It was stabbed by an ice edge again. Its wings were already covered with a layer of frost, and every flutter seemed very laborious.

Dudley knew that Norberta could not hold on much longer, so he immediately raised his wand and rushed towards Karstag, but he did not attack Karstag directly, but aimed at the two frost ghosts.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!" Dudley waved his wand, and one of the frost ghosts was cut in half and turned into white powder. It seemed that the defense of this magical creature was extremely low.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Dudley immediately pursued the victory. He waved his wand and used the Shadowless Curse again to knock out the other Frost Ghost, and then shouted loudly: "It's done, Norberta, you did a good job - —Leave it to me next time!”

Hearing Dudley's words, Norberta happily let out a loud roar and then glided towards Dudley's direction.


Dudley used a powerful force to blast towards Karstag. As expected, the powerful force had almost no effect on Karstag, and could not even make him move.

But Dudley's attack still succeeded in attracting Karstag's attention, and the object of his hatred shifted from Norberta to Dudley.

Seeing Castag holding his club high and rushing towards him with rumbling footsteps, Dudley immediately turned around and ran, and the direction he ran towards was the magic handbag placed on the ground.

With a clicking sound, Dudley quickly opened the bag, then jumped into the bag space. As soon as his feet landed, he ran towards the deepest part of the bag space.


Hearing this voice, Dudley knew that it was Castag chasing him into the bag space without looking back.At the same time, Karstag released the frost cloak surrounding himself, and a blizzard quickly raged throughout the entire leather space.

The end of the leather bag space was in front of him. Dudley stopped and turned around, while Castague waved his club and charged towards him menacingly.

Okay, now comes the most exciting step in the plan.

Dudley took a deep breath, and then began to sprint with all his strength towards Karstag, who was running towards him!

Even though his senses were somewhat dulled by the unicorn's curse, Dudley still felt the bone-chilling chill brought by the ice storm surrounding Castag. Dudley gritted his teeth and continued to run against the fear in his heart.

Seeing that Dudley did not escape but rushed towards him, Castag roared and waved the mallet in his hand, and the furniture in the leather bag space was easily destroyed by this sweep.Dudley's bed, Fleur's bed, small table, and cupboard were all shattered into sawdust, and the bottles of unicorn potions in the cupboard also fell out.

I hope Mr. Scamander won't be angry with me for destroying the magic bag.

Dudley thought this in his mind, and when he was about to enter Karstagg's attack range, he yelled with all his strength:

"TiidKloUl!" (Time delay)

During the delay, Dudley lowered his body and made a standard sliding shovel on the frost-covered and smooth ground.At the critical moment, Dudley narrowly avoided Karstagg's attack, and then passed between the feet of the giant snow monster ghost, passing by Karstagg.

The time delay effect ends!

After passing through Castag's crotch, Dudley quickly adjusted his posture and ran towards the exit of the bag.Karstag paused in confusion for a moment, then quickly turned around and let out an angry roar.

The exit of the bag was right over Dudley's head, but Castag had already turned around and chased after him. Dudley knew that even if he left the bag, Castag would immediately follow him out and would not cover him. Leather bag opportunity.

Unless there's something holding Karstag back.

Looking at Castag running towards him, Dudley was unhurried. He didn't know when he took out a small and exquisite teapot - it was taken out from the cabinet that was destroyed just now.

Dudley opened the lid of the teapot, and a long creature as thick as a thumb flew out.

This is a creature with a body similar to that of a snake, but it has a head and wings like a bird, and its body is a beautiful blue-green color.

After leaving the teapot, it first turned its head in confusion, then after hearing the thunderous footsteps, its perspective turned to Karstag, feeling the surging fighting spirit and murderous aura in Karstag. The little guy was as small as a bean. Eyes widened in fear.

"Now, little cutie, use your power and fill the whole room with your size!"

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