Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 102: The flapping of wings in the dark and the door to the end

This was the first time Dudley experienced the power of unyielding power from the perspective of a victim.

Only then did Dudley realize that Unrelieved Power was not just a simple shock wave. It would first force you to lose your balance, as if you were drunk for a moment, and then blow you away with a powerful shock wave.

The one who exerted great force on Dudley was a ghoul standing at the other end of the suspension bridge. It was obviously taller and stronger than the others around him, and even had a white beard on its withered face.

Moreover, it is very well-equipped. It wears a mighty horned helmet on its head and holds a dark and sharp giant ax in its hand, which makes it look domineering.

"It's incredible that there are such high-level ghouls, and they don't care about balance." Dudley complained. He can use three levels of unshakable power, which is at least a powerful ghoul at the level of the Ghoul Disaster Monarch.

And now he was hanging under the suspension bridge with one hand, holding tightly to the wooden planks of the suspension bridge.But he felt that the wooden board he was holding was making a dangerous sound and might break into powder at any time.

"Dudley!" Fleur's exclamation sounded from the other side of the suspension bridge, as she was about to come to save Dudley.

"Don't come over here, Fleur, hit the suitcase -" Before Dudley could finish his words, the board in his hand shattered like bagasse, and Dudley could only fall quickly into the bottomless darkness below.

"Woo!" A loud roar came from the head, and then a black figure rushed down and caught Dudley.Fortunately, Fleur finally heard Dudley's words and remembered in time that the location here was empty and she could release Norberta.

"Norberta, burn the suspension bridge!" Under Dudley's command, Norberta sprayed out hot dragon breath, burning the remaining wooden boards on the suspension bridge cleanly, and the metal ropes of the suspension bridge were also burned red.

The group of ghouls and the powerful ghoul on the other side let out a hoarse roar, but it was obvious that they could no longer continue their pursuit after the suspension bridge was destroyed, and Dudley had successfully merged with Fleur, beyond the dragon's roar. attack range.

"You really scared me to death when you fell." Fleur looked a little frightened, "The ghoul just now seems to be able to use strange tricks... and it feels the same as yours -"

"This is called dragon roar, it's the same thing." Dudley said to Fleur as he put Norberta back into the suitcase, "I originally thought this was just my unique ability, but it seems that my idea is a little biased... .I will explain to you slowly later. It is more important to save Gabrielle first."

Fleur nodded and walked slowly forward next to Dudley. Due to the group of corpses just now, Fleur seemed to be more cautious.

Different from the group of corpse tombs just now, the road after crossing the suspension bridge has no traces of artificial construction, and is all dark and damp caves.Although this place was supposed to be inside Mount Lambert, at a higher altitude, the cave seemed very warm, and Dudley could smell a foul smell.

The two held up fluorescent wands and carefully observed the movements around them as they walked.

Suddenly, Fleur grabbed Dudley's arm, came closer and whispered: "Wait, did you hear the fluttering sound... Listen, it feels like insects flying -"

Dudley listened to the sounds around him vigilantly, and as Fleur said, the sound of water droplets falling from the top of the cave was mixed with the sound of flapping wings. In addition, there was a slight rattling sound, which seemed to be getting louder and louder. Close...right above Dudley's head!

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

Following his intuition, Dudley swiped the wand over his head while dodging.With an unpleasant tearing sound, something on the head was cut into two pieces by Dudley and fell off.

"This is... the Charus Hunter!" Dudley looked at the huge insect-like creature on the ground that was cut into two pieces and juice exploded, and he immediately recognized what it was.

"Click click click click click"

There were dense sounds all around that made people feel numb. Just when Fleur almost screamed, Dudley quickly covered her mouth and whispered in her ear: "Don't panic, turn off the fluorescent flashing, and slow down. Just leave.”

Although it is not known whether Charus and Charus Hunters are insects, it is clear that they are also phototactic.Dudley finally understood why Mrs. Delacour said she was attacked by Nagini in the dark - she must have discovered this and turned off the light source on her own initiative.

Fleur clung to Dudley, holding hands as they groped their way cautiously through the darkness.


"What's wrong Fleur, are you hurt?" Dudley became nervous. It was at this time that Mrs. Delacour was bitten by Nagini.Although there were two of them now, it was still very dangerous to be attacked by Nagini in the dark.

"No...these are eggs? No...what the hell is this? It's disgusting!" Although Fleur tried her best to suppress her tone, Dudley still felt like she was about to cry.

Dudley covered it with his hands and used the smallest fluorescent light.It turned out that when Furong was groping with her hands, she accidentally crushed some egg-shaped objects of different sizes, and the sticky and foul-smelling juice flowed everywhere.

"It's the eggs of Charus..." Dudley thought for a moment and picked out a few smaller eggs of Charus that were about the size of pigeon eggs. He picked them off carefully and put them in the pocket of his robe. .

"What do you need these for? This is too disgusting." Fleur looked at the Egg of Charus on the ground with disgust and asked in confusion.

"Just in case...and it can be used as a gift for Mr. Scamander. He might like these very much." Dudley responded casually, then turned off the fluorescent flashing and continued walking in the dark.

After walking for an unknown distance, Dudley felt that the strange crawling sounds of insects nearby were getting smaller and smaller, and then he seemed to see an orange light in front of him.

"Be prepared, Fleur." Dudley said in a deep voice, "We are almost there, I'm afraid Nagini is in front."

The slender hands held by Dudley tightened, and Dudley could feel the tension in Fleur's body. The two slowly walked towards the light, ready to fight at any time.

Finally, Dudley and Fleur saw a metal door that was ajar. They carefully hid by the door and poked their heads to explore the situation inside.

I saw a spacious rotunda inside, with fine murals carved on the surrounding walls. There was a lampstand one meter apart on the wall. I don’t know what kind of fuel was used to burn it. The entire rotunda was brightly lit. .

In the center of the rotunda, stood a graceful woman familiar to Dudley. It was the Nagini that Dudley wanted to find, and Bernard's body was at her feet.And she seemed to be talking to another person. The interlocutor looked tall and thin. Since his back was to Dudley, Dudley couldn't see his face.

"I said, this may be the last chance... If you don't give me that thing, I may not be able to continue to provide you with souls in the future——"

"This has nothing to do with me, stranger. I am only responsible for accepting your sacrifice as a bridge between the two worlds - I have also warned you long ago that the results of the transaction are random, and it is impossible to get exactly what you want. Stuff...wait a minute, we seem to have a new guest.”

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