Dragon Gods Reign


[World of Vunreon]

Far in one of the forbidden zones of Vunreon, deep within a cave system that even Gods rarely dare to walk, was a group of three men. Their attitude was relaxed as if they currently weren't walking through on of the most dangerous places in all of the planes. While all three of them look vaguely human, each one of them has different non-human features.

“She has to be somewhere deeper in the caves”, one of them spoke. He had deep blue hair and a paler blue skin, with moving wave like patterns, that looked like the sea. His fin like protrusions, gills and webbed hands and feet clearly indicate an Aquatic lifestyle.

“Maybe she went to where 'his' remains are, she was always the most foolish among us. One of us should block the entrance to that place, while the other two search the rest. If we don't find her in the rest of the cave, we meet again at the entrance and go in there to capture her.” The one who answered was a rather short man with stone like skin and a metallic shine, where humans could feel their bones.

The other two frown at the mention of 'him'. The last one, the tallest of the three, who closest resembled a normal human, if one discounted his eagle like wings and the unnatural bright green hair, that regularly flashed with short bursts of lightning between the strands asked, “Are we really going to follow her? If the disturbances that his remains create hit us, even we will take quite long to heal from the wounds. If she is this keen on ending her life let her be and wait at the entrance for her to return after no longer having the will to endure the constant wounds.”

“Even thought it is dangerous we have to go in there if she has done so, as we don't know what kind of artifacts remain there. If she finds a weapon of similar power to the sword we used against 'him' we would be in great danger. You two can search the caves the fastest, so I will wait her fore your return.”, the Blue Haired one replied.

While the other two frowned at those words all three once again increased their speed and soon afterwards they split up. The blue haired man soon stood on a protrusion from the wall of a canyon, with neither its deepest point, nor its highest point visible.


While the three men had their discussion, a woman reached the deepest part of the canyon. She looked flawless, even in her current battered state, with her white and golden robes having dozens of cuts and golden blood visible on many parts of the robe. Even with these wounds, her face didn't show a hint of pain and remained indifferent. Her white, angel like wings with some golden feathers mixed in among the white ones, were folded behind her and above her head floated a golden angelic halo, in the form of a crown.

Currently she stood in front of a castle door many times her own size and wight, even if she were to unfurl her wings to the fullest. On the doors surface were dozens of images visible, protruding as if their surroundign material was carved away. They portray a multitude of people, among them a figure resembling the Woman currently standing before the door. At the doors center was a dragon, larger than all of the other people and with scales that were as dark as a Black Hole. The scales edges were at some parts a dark glowing emerald green and glowing silver at others, with a smooth flowing transition between them. Even though it was only a carving the dragon looked so lifelike and imposing, that most would run at the doors mere sight.

After what felt for an eternity to her, during which the woman looked at the carving of the dragon with longing, she walked towards the door. After a few steps the door started opening, revealing a grand hall. At the other side of the hall was a cavern, which she reached with one beat of her wings, crossing the hall that was the source of many of her happy memories as fast as she could.

After a while she set foot in a large cave that was filled with a large number of bones, most of them larger than her. These bones formed the skeletal remains of the First Dragon, once the most powerful of all beings, now resting at the bottom of his once Grand Hall. At the center of its skull was the only damage visible on any of the bones, the cause of which was a sword that managed to pierce his scales and bones and pierce into the dragons skull.

Now the woman stood in front of the skull, emotions visible on her face for the first time in more than one millennia. Her grief and regret visible on her face she reached out and placed her hand on the skull, with her palm covering not even an entire tooth. The moment her hand touched the skulls surface, one of the bracelets she wore on her wrist started to glow and she vanished.


At the same time in the depths of the Dark Dimension, or more commonly called Hell, Purgatory or Devil Plane by mortals, a woman looked on her wrist to finding her bracelet missing. Her face went through many emotions in a short time, mainly confusion and rage and closely followed by hope.


[Planet Earth]

Viktor was currently on the way to his sisters apartment. As his only known relative he had to tell her about his condition and how he planed to proceed. It all started when he was 6 Years old, back then it were only infrequent dreams. He would dream from the perspective of another person about a part of their life. Sometimes it was only a handful hours, other times the dreams spanned even years. At first it didn't bother him, on the contrary, he quickly surpassed his peers in mental age and he woke up, freshly rested, no matter how long the dream was.

After a while, during History class in school, he fond similarities between these historical events and some of the dreams he had, with even the names matching. That was the first time he thought of how strange these dreams were, but it didn't alarm him at first. Over time, these dreams became more frequent with them now being every night, sometimes even multiple after another. And recently it started that he would wake up and for a few short minutes act like the person from his last dream was about. That was when his started being concerned. Now it is so bad, that he would sometimes black out and assume the personality of one of the people he had a dream about.

Now he wanted nothing more to explain it to his sister and ask her to bring him to a psychiatric in case he doesn't snap out of it one day. With that thought in mind he rings and after the door is opened he enters. While climbing the stairs to his sisters apartment, he once again thinks, how he should break the news to her. He is awoken from his thoughts as, just as he steps on the last stairway, his vision fades to black.

'Why now, why must I black out now while I haven't explained myself yet.' These were his thoughts as his Mind slipped.

The next thing he knows, he is falling, together with his sister and hundreds of other people. The only thing he sees, is a large crater, hundreds of meters deep, and houses at its edge. That is all he manages to spot, before he once again blacks out.


Later that day, a news broadcast.

“After an unknown source left a spherical hole in the capital, there is still no explanation for the incident and scientist worldwide have found no information on the phenomens source. Many say that with our knowledge it is impossible to explain how and why a large part of the city simply vanished, leaving the people in the area. Currently the rescue operation focuses on the fringes of the hole, in the hopes that the lesser fall lead to more initial survivors.

Additionally there have been multiple reports of people going missing mysteriously around the time of the catastrophe all around the globe, some of which vanishing into thin air. It is still unclear if and how these events are related. By now there are a multitude of conspiracy's about these two events.”


[unknown place]

When Viktor regained consciousness he found himself in what seemed to be a complete void. Unexpectedly he had stable ground below his feet, even though it didn't look like there was a ground.

“Where am I? Is this the afterlife or something similar?” he asked himself out loud in the hopes someone would answer his question, which, expectantly, nobody did.

Having no better idea, he started wandering around in the hopes of finding anything that could give him answers to his current situation. After a while he found a strange ball of light, some parts dark emerald green and others bright silver, both colors constantly flowing around. After the initial shock of the unknown sight subsided, he realized that there are dozens of these balls and he was sure that there was initially only the one in front of him. After a few seconds of observation, he realized that there are constantly new of them appearing from seemingly nowhere.

“Darganth?” asked someone behind him. Half shocked and half delighted that there may be someone to explain him his situation, he turned around, just to find a Female Angel standing there looking at him as if they knew each other.

“No you are not him. While your presence feels similiar, it is too incomplete.” As she spoke these words her mood visibly sank

“Who are you and do you know anything about this place?” Victor quickly asked, the fear of her leaving and not answering his questions, after realizing she had mistaken him for someone else, being the only thing stopping him from simply marveling at her beauty.

“Oh, yes. I didn't mean to ignore you, or react as if you weren't here. I am Visuria, Primordial Goddess of Light. And just like you I have little knowledge where we are, but it I suspect that this place has some connection to Darganth, as this entire place is filled with his presence.” Visuria replied.

“Oh” At these news Viktor slumped down in disappointment.

“Maybe you can ask this Darganth if he can help us?” Viktor followed up in a hopeful tone.

“I wish that were possible, but he is long dead.” Visuria replied dejected at being reminded once more of his death.

“I'm sorry for your loss, I didn't mean to remind you of painful memories.” Viktor quickly replied, afraid to have alienated the only other person in this space.

“It is alright, you didn't know. The mentioning of his death just reminds me of the mistakes I've made, that-” Visuria stops in the middle of the sentence when she sees the strange balls of light converging on their position.

She quickly adopts a fighting stance and waits for the first of these orbs to reach her. She has already realized that neither magic nor any of herpowers as a god work in this realm.

As the orbs close in they slowly start morphing into different shapes, with most of them being humanoid, but not all. Among them are all kinds of beings, from dragons to wolves and even aquatic beings are present. Slowly Viktor starts seeing more beings he know, after all he once had dreams about parts of their life.

When the first figure comes into Visuria's reach, she throws a punch with enough force to kill most humanoids, just for her fist to go right through the figure without harming it. Before she could even think about it, the figure reached Viktor and seemed to be absorbed by him. Just as Visuria wanted to try again to stop them, the first draconc figure reached Victor and fused with him like dozens of others have done in the split second that passed since the first fused with him. Visuria was just about to try and attack the next on when the change in Viktors presence shocked her enough that she stopped moving for a second. In the time it took her to regain her bearing hundreds of these figures fused with him and with each one his presence became closer to that of Darganth.

Not knowing what to do, Visuria stood there and watched as the figures were absorbed by Viktor with increasing speed. It took multiple Minutes for every last figure to fuse with him, during which Viktor received the memories of every last one of them, going through billions of years in just a few short minutes.

After the last of the figures vanished she wanted to run to Viktor and check if he was harmed, just to stop once again when the illusionary form of a dragon manifests above him.

“Darganth?” She asks with tears in her eyes.

The dragon didn't seem intent on answering her question as he slowly started shrinking and taking more and more human features, until he looked like an ethereal version of Viktor. The the figure stepped on the same space where Viktor stood, just to vanish. At the same time Viktors skin was covered in the same glow that the figures once held just for to recede after just a few seconds.

Seeing his presence now matching that of Darganth completely, Visuria became sure of him being her lost lover. When Viktor opened his eyes again, his gaze held the wisdom of someone who lived for millenia as during these few seconds he received the entirety of his memories of his life as Darganth.

They start with his birth, his arrival in this Multiverse, the creation of all that is, his life as the First Dragon and Ruler of Time and Space, to his eventual death, or the closest he can get to that state, by having his soul shattered with a weapon he himself forged, to his decision to incarnate the pieces of his soul as mortals across existence to speed up his recoveries.

As the last pieces of memories sorted themselves, he let out a roar, the same roar that once terrified even the Primordial Gods and transformed himself into his true form once again. When he looked around he found Visuria looking at him with tears of joy, but also a hint of fear of his reaction now that he knows of her mistake.

He wanted to say many things to her, but he knew that now that the bracelet that brought her here will send her back in just a few short seconds. Due to this he decided to tell her the words that he, the core of his soul that resided here in his realm, up until he incarnated himself as Viktor, decided to tell her once they met again.

“Visuria, I don't give you fault for what happened. Wait until I have regained not just my memories but also my power, then I will return to you”

At the end of these words Visuria was nothing more than an inflationary shadow that soon after vanished, leaving Darganth/Viktor alone.


[Darganth's Palace]

After her reunion with Darganth ended, Visuria was transported back to the Cave, that was know completely empty with no Bone of Darganth remaining here. Even though she still had three pursuers Visuria stayed where she returned to, deciding that her best plan of action was to be brought back to her realm and distract those three from his rebirth. With that plan in mind she sat down and stayed still no matter how many of the concentrated Time and Space energies damaged her body, now that the bracelet no longer protected her.

After what felt like Years to her due to time an the area being completely chaotic, her three pursuers arrived, battered to the point that she was confident in winning against one or maybe even two of them in the current state she and they were in. Despite this she decided against it, instead following the her plan of playing the part of someone who has lost all hope.


[Void/ Darganth's Realm]

After Visuria returned, Darganth/Viktor still had some things to do before returning. First he spread his senses to earth in the hopes of saving his sister. Even though he now has his old memories, his sister from his life as Viktor was still precious to him, after all in his past life the only Family he had ever known were his lovers.

But when he arrived, the only thing he found were the fading rests of a dimensional tunnel that seem to have brought his sister and an unknown amount of others with him to Vunreon, scattered across the many Planes and Universes connected to it. These connection are the reason why the Planet was often called the Central Plane, as it connected ot uncountable other worlds and universes. With this discovery he decided to change the plan he had made in the meantime somewhat, it is after all unlikely that no god would try to take advantage of this to obtain Champions or Heroes to help enforce their will. This forces him to descend somewhere far away from the eyes of the gods to ensure he would not be found.


Hi and thanks for reading my first try at writing.

I just wanted to add a few things, mainly my hope for feedback, whether good or bad, and my wish to improve my writing. So if you have any tips or ideas for me I would love to hear them.

As for my release schedule I will write and release at least one chapter per week, with it being more whenever I finish more chapters. But that will only start once I went through the ones I have already written, so expect daily releases for at least 19 days.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.